Hope- Both

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(Abigail's POV:)
"My name is Abigail! Abigail Crystopher! I'm here to show you around the afterlife!" I put a warm smile fills my face, as I greeted the new people.

I looked amongst the three,

One of them had fare skin, dressed in all black, and had brown and blue hair. They also had a small scar over their eye, which was slightly covered up by her hair. They seemed to be a little bit young, maybe around my death age, which was a little saddening.

The next one had darker skin and wore a gray shirt, black pants with gray cloth wrapped around their ankles. They also wore a brown leather jacket, with a thick mask covering his face. They also had dark brown hair and brown eyes.

And finally the third one, I recognize. Dad told me about her a couple times. It was a bit surprising seeing her... here! Wasn't she immortal or something?

I think I started to stare at her a little, because she started to look around and behind her,

"Um, is something wrong?" She asked me. I look away from her, and shake my head.

"Nothing! Sorry miss. M-May I see everyone's scrolls for their names, ages, and pronouns?" I ask politely.

Everyone handed over their scroll, and I read over their respected names, pronouns, species, and ages. I try not to read how they died, since it really isn't my business anyway.

Okay, Daryll, he/him, human, 34. Dexter, she/her/they/them, human, 23. And finally, Ceris, she/her, end-human, 24.

Oh! I almost forgot. Considering everyone here was different species, the council decided to translate the ages of other species that live longer/shorter, and who were immortal. They also start giving them the brain/thought process of one too.

Anyway, I was trying my hardest not to look at how they died, to try and be respectful. However, I accidentally caught a glance at how Ceris had passed.

She was executed? By-... Naeus.

I shook my head trying to forget all about it, and smiled at them.

"Now, if you will follow me, I will show you your way around the afterlives you were suggested." I say.

"Hey... Abby?" Mrs. AlexBrine said.

"Yes ma'am?"

She walks up to me and whispers in my ear, "I'm technically not supposed to tell you, but I'll bend the rules for a friend."

My eyes widen, "Is it about my dad?" I ask.

She nodded and smiled brightly, "He should be out in a few months. He sends you his love and that he can't wait to see you again." She stated.

I smile, "Well, I best be off! This is my last shift for the day, so I'll should be seeing you both tomorrow!" I say, "Bye!"

(Ceris's POV:)

The young woman Abigail was showing us all around. I feel really bad about it, but I just couldn't pay attention. I was up here, in the afterlife, while my friends and people are down there suffering! I feel guilty. I feel like I shouldn't be up here being happy and enjoying death while they are down there loosing everything they have left!

On the other hand, everyone else seemed interested in this newer world and I couldn't blame them. It was so futuristic and beautiful, I couldn't imagine how Azura would react to all of this new technology. There were these very tall buildings that almost touched the sky, almost like the obsidian pillars we have at home. Oh! There were also these things that were almost like carriages but on tracks, and move so much faster than a horse-drawn-carriage!

But for some reason, I hardly cared about any of this... I just wanted to go home. I left the overworld a mess, and it should be me to clean it up.

"Hey... are you okay?" I hear a sweet voice ask me.

I look up to meet the eyes of Abigail, the former princess of the Nether. She looked concerned, her brown eyes soft, and a nice smile on her face. I was so lost in thought to realize the whole tour was over, as I saw Daryll and Dexter walking away.

"I'm fine..." I say. However, with those two simple words, she already knew.

"... Hey, from one ruler to another, they're going to pull through." She said, being optimistic, "That girl, what's her name... Ella? Or something? The heir of the End-"

"Stella." I say.

She snapped her fingers, "That's her name! She will do an amazing job leading them! I just know it!"

I sighed, looking to the floor as guilt filled me, "I shouldn't have left... not in the state my kingdom was in. I left them leaderless, stuck in a dungeon, Notch knows what could be happening to them right now!" I say, trying to hold back my sobs.

Abigail looks at me sympathetically, "You didn't leave them with nothing. In your last minutes of life, you gave them hope! Hope for the future. And besides, it wasn't like you could have stopped it from happening."

"Hope can't rebuild an entire civilization. If I had just surrendered. If I had just listened to Vordus, most of that wouldn't happen! It IS my fault!" I cried.

She walked over to me, and gave me a big hug, "Ceris... it is not your fault. They would have executed you three regardless if you fought back or not. You wanted to insure the safety and hope of your people, and for humankind. And, who knows... maybe all they needed was a bit of hope." She said. "It helps more than you know."

I look up at her. Her warm smile, and positive attitude tore down some of my guilt. I look at the ground and smile a little. She giggled. That's when I remembered I no longer wore my dark mask. Embarrassed, I pull my hoodie up, covering my face.

"You have a lovely smile." She said, taking my hands, making me drop the hoodie. "Please don't hide it."

I blush slightly, smiling a bit brighter at her. She let go of one of my hands, and started taking me somewhere.

"Where are we going?" I ask confused.

She stopped, "I know of a restaurant that will take your mind off things!" She said, practically dragging me down the street.

"Uh, a restaurant? We need to eat here as well?" I ask.

"No, not really. But, cooking brings some people joy! And eating brings people some joy as well! So, yes we can eat, but there is no major reproductions if we don't." She answered, as we approached a large building.

We walked inside, and there I saw three familiar faces,

"Vordus! Zeganirn!... and is that...


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