Chapter 2

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I walked into Uma's part of town and was greeted by an upside down Jay. "Hey there Mel sorry if I frightened you, just doing my morning workout." He said as he smiled. "One that looks really dangerous, and I don't want you to get hurt. Two, I have something important to tell Harry. Three, don't stay like that for too long or all your blood will rush to your head. Have fun with whatever you're doing. Bye Jay." He jumped down and brushed himself off. "Bye Mel." He said back. I went to Uma's place. "Hey it's my best buddy Mel! What brings you to my lovely establishment?" Uma asked as she handed me a glass of water. "I'm trying to find Harry, I can't find him anywhere I checked the beach, the school, the ship, the school again." I said as Uma smiled. "He's probably off practicing his sword moves. Practice makes perfect right guys!" Uma said as they all said yes out loud. "But some things aren't perfect." Gil said as Uma glared at him. "Gil, you make a good point. I could relay a message to him if you'd like." Uma said as I smiled. "Yes! I have to go tell fairy god mother so she can prepare." I said as I drank the water. "My message to Harry is that my parents are coming to a welcome dinner, ummm it was Mal's idea not mine. And I'd like to talk to him before he meets them. Oh and that I love him. Thanks Uma! You're the best!" I said as I stood up and hugged her, I walked out of the bar as a dog ran up to me. "Hiya there little guy." I said as I picked him up. "I have a big dog back home named Max! He's big and fluffy. And super friendly. How would you like to spend the day with me!" I said as I kissed him and put him down gently, as he followed beside me. "Your story sounds great, you must be Mel! Nice to meet you. I'm dude. And I would love to be your pal for the day." He said as he barked. I led him to the gazebo where the water is. "So you're a mermaid? Huh? You look human." He said as he sat down beside me. I just laughed a little. "I'm half human, half mermaid. I can walk on land and swim in the sea. It's wonderful what kind of cool things I find down there in the sea. And on land. I found this today!" I said as I took out a beautiful big glowing red diamond. "It's so shiny and beautiful!" I said as I held it up to the light. "Yeah that's bright kid, can you please put it back down, it's blinding me." Dude said as I took it away from the sun. "I know someone who might be able to identify this. Uma! She knows everything about the sea." He said. "I'm supposed to wait here for.. oh god! I forgot to give Uma directions where I was gonna meet him at! It's okay Melody, he'll find you. Just take a deep breathe." I told myself. "So your parents are coming to meet Harry, how fun!" Dude said as I gasped a little.

"I heard you and Uma talking about it. I was right near the door." He said. "Do you think Harry will show up?" I asked Dude. "I'm not sure Mel.." He said as Harry learned up against the pillars of the gazebo. I sighed and looked into the water.

Can you imagine, the surprise on my parents face when they first see Harry. I mean I hope my mother doesn't faint. And I hope there's color left in my dads face... he dresses fashionably. Mom and Dad are coming tonight to meet him. What if they take one look at him and turn him away. My grandad likes him, so shouldn't my parents? He's sweet, caring, and adventurous. I can see it now him and I together exploring the island! Looking for new things! But what if my parents panic.. Melody! Stop saying what if! You're jinxing yourself. Everything will be fine. I'll finally find my once upon a time. I'll learn new things everyday, as long as he's beside me, there's no place I wouldn't go.

"Mel, don't focus on what could go wrong, think of what could go right!" Dude said as I scooped him up in my arms and spun him around.

You're right! I have nothing to worry about. And it's all because of you! Thank you for your kind words! Little animal, you made my nightmare into a beautiful dream! Thank you Dude. I know you're just a dog but I love you as much as a person could love any creature. You've given me confidence! You've given me hope! All I have to hold my head up high and I'll find my second star to the left.. or was it right? I don't know! I hold this stone close to my heart and I wish and I wish and I wish on it, to make my dreams come true! If that's what it can do...

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