Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning and got dressed. I headed out for the day, I finished all my homework. I spent time with both Max and Jack. I went to see Uma... but something wasn't right.. "Uma? Uma! It's me Mel!" I called as her business was empty, her ship was quiet. No sign of the crew or Harry either. I went to check with my other friends but they disappeared as well. Except for one person, Audrey. Which I found odd. I thought she'd be missing also. I searched all day in and out of the ocean. Combing the sea. Asking everyone if they'd seen them, they all said no and I got really nervous. "Dad! Something is wrong, my friends have vanished! Harry has vanished! Uma's crew vanished! This isn't good." I said as my dad hugged me. "They'll show up..." he said as I stopped him. "I checked everywhere. Even the ocean. No signs of them, no clues, no signs of a struggle.. it's just not them!" I cried as my grandad came over. "Melody, we will find your friends. We'll do everything we can. Just stay calm and try to think of when you last saw them." My grandad said as I stood there. "Well Harry tucked me into bed last night and I fell asleep. I saw all of them yesterday. Wait Uma's shell phone!" I dialed her number on mine and it rang with the poor unfortunate soul ringtone.  "I found it! What's it doing over here?" I asked I picked it up, suddenly a hand grabbed my leg and I squealed a little. "I know that hand..." I said as I took it and helped the person get on the ship. "Uma! Thank God you're alright." I cried as I hugged her shaking a little. "I escaped but the others, they're being held captive! It's Philippe, he has them! We have to go now!" Uma said as we ran down the boardwalk. "Where are they?" I asked her. "A secret cave in the woods. Right there!" She pointed. "Okay we do this together swords at the ready." I said as we both stood on different side of the opening to the cave. "One. Two. THREE!" I cried as ran in with our swords ready to take down anybody. "Why is everyone in line like soldiers and why do they give me the look like they want me dead? Even Harry.." I said as I walked up to him and placed a hand on his cheek. "Harry? My love? Can you hear me? It's me Melody. Your loving fiancé. Please look at me. say something." I cried as Uma pulled me away. "They're being mind controlled. He could be dangerous!" Uma said with concern. "But he'd never hurt me!" I cried back. "He won't be able to control his actions. He has to follow his orders." Uma said. "Just the way they look at me it breaks my heart. Come out Philippe I know you're behind this... whatever it is.  You've had your fun. You created an army congrats! I'm so proud. Now let my friends go or face the wrath of my fury and the fury of the entire sea. Drop the act... it's pathetic. This I wanna take over the world concept... that's the villain blood inside of you talking." I said as I stepped forward. I didn't know what to do, so I did the one thing I could do, I opened my necklace as the song played. I saw a small change in Harry's demeanor. He was smiling a little! "That's right Harry you know this song! Come back to me." I said as I smiled.

Philippe you're no match for me. Your the new kid on the block, I'm the VIP. You dare raise an army against me, who do you think you are?
It's clear to see you have no motive, your work is kind of sloppy. Let's just say I've taken better tests then you. You think you scare me? Ha please! You do realize I'm royalty, I mean come on you're just bluffjng.. your plan has failed and it is flawed, an army of my friends? Seriously! That's so dumb! I can turn them back with a click of my fingers. I'm so tired of this stuff, now I'm putting my foot down, for enough is enough!

I cried as I slammed my foot on the rock and something happened. Suddenly the sirens showed up. "You called?" The leader asked. "I did what now?" I asked confused. "You stomped your foot down, we felt it. So we came to check on you, oh gosh.. not this tactic again. It's so old! Dude give it a rest!" She cried angrily. "Thank you for coming Bella. I owe you one." I said as I bowed to her. "It's my pleasure your highness. I mean Mel." She said as we both smiled. "Is that the siren from the boat?" Uma asked. "Uh huh." I said. "Hi! It's Uma. We've also met before." Uma said nervously. Bella smiled and nodded. I stepped forward and Harry looked at me. "Only tactic left acting! Get that net over there and throw it over me. I'll use my fin and dramatics and it'll snap everyone out of the trance just watch!" I said as Uma laughed. "I love the way you think. Should I make it better and blind fold you!" She said as she giggled. "No they have to see my emotions. How about these shackles?" She asked. "Yes!" The more in danger I look! This is gonna work! Just keep an eye on Philippe. No doubt he's gonna try to run." I whispered as I made my fins appear. "HELP! I've been taken hostage! Philippe kidnapped me! I'm stuck in this net and I can't get out! He locked my hands up! HELP!" I cried as I flipped my fins around and pretended to struggle. "HELP ME!" I cried out as Uma went up to them, "your friend is in DANGER! She needs you guys!" Uma said as she shook Harry and then slapped him across the face. "Ow! What was that for?!" Harry cried as he looked around. "You were under a spell. Philippe is behind this mess. Don't worry it's all an act, Mel is fine. She's trying to get the others to snap out of it, using her talents." Uma explained as Harry came over to me. "My love at last we are together again." He said as he held my hands through the net. "Guys! Mel is in danger! She's all tangled in this netting and she's without water! She could pass out! You care about Mel!" Harry cried as he shook their shoulders. "Wake up! Mel needs you!" He cried as Mal looked alarmed. "Where am I? Mel! Oh my god! Who did this!" Mal cried as her eyes turned green. "Philippe! He made you his slave! You were all hypnotized. The look on your face was of pure hatred towards me. It wasn't you!" I said as she looked at him. "Help me wake up the others." I said as she started with Evie. "Evie! Wake up! Mel needs us! She's in Danger!" Mal cried as she winked at me. Evie looked at Mal in confusion. "What am I doing here? Mel! Don't worry we'll get you out of there." Evie said as she rushed over. Suddenly I heard a bark. "Max?! What are you doing here?!" I said anxiously. "Oh Melody! What in the world..." my mother said. "Mom I'm fine but my friends aren't! They're hypnotized for war! Against me! We have to snap them out of it!" I cried. "Ummm who's your friend?" My mom asked curiously. "Oh that's Bella she's a Siren." I said as my mom laughed nervously. "Calm down mom." I said softly. "I know just the thing!" My mom said as lifted her hands and waved them forwards and a big splash from the sea covered them and knocked them back. "Cold!" Jay cried. "Jay!" I said happily. "I'm wet.. I smell like the sea!" Carlos complained. "Carlos!" I said happily. Everyone was back to normal I released myself and walked over towards Philippe. "Why?!" I cried as I looked around. "You turned me down!" He wined. "I'm engaged! I'm not gonna leave Harry for you! No offense but my heart belongs to Harry. Pull a stunt like this again and I'll have the ocean send you home." I said as I got close to his face. "Do we have an understanding?" I said nicely. He nodded and apologized all the way back, it got some annoying I had Uma duck tape his mouth shut. "We get it! You're sorry! God you're like a broken record! Stop apologizing. You stop and I'll have Uma take the duct tape off of your mouth okay?" I said as we walked back to the school. Uma took the duct tape off of his mouth. "Ouch." He cried. "Let's get things straight. I'm am no threat to you, so you shouldn't be a threat to me. What you did back there was uncalled for. Completely inappropriate! You should be ashamed of yourself, trying to turn my friends against me for war! I mean that's low. My feelings are hurt, and I'm deeply disappointed. I thought having a new VK join the school would help me make a new friend, but you're just a stranger. I'm sorry but we can't be friends. You've overstepped my boundaries, pushed my buttons and completely made a fool of yourself. Your reputation if you have one is now gone. Stay away from me and my friends." I said as I stormed off and walked into my room, I grunted in anger and closed my fists. "Mel calm down, anger isn't the answer. Violence isn't either. Take some deep breaths." Uma said as I sighed and my fists went back to hands and I took a deep breath. "You're right Uma. I'm sorry I just can't take this anymore! People are either trying to kill me or destroy me and it's not right. I just wish it would end!" I said as I broke down. "I don't understand... why all of these people have hate in their heart towards you. They don't know you. You don't have history with any of them. What if we erased your mind again?" Uma said as she looked at Mal. "Uh uh, I've already done it once we don't know what two times will do, she could lose her entire memory! Like everything. Like us and her family, and herself! It's too risky." Mal said as she looked at us. "I can't lose her not remembering me! It would break my heart. I love her too much to lose her." Harry said. "Hand me my bag please." I instructed nicely. "What are you gonna do Mel?" Uma asked nervously. "There's only one safe way to remove the memories. Sea salt." I said take out a bag full of it. Drop some of this in some warm water and I have to drink it. By tomorrow my memory of what has happened, all the bad things will be erased permanently. I will still remember everything else." I said as my friends looked at me. "Sea salt?" Uma asked confused. "But salt burns you." Uma said. "That's table salt, this is from the sea so it has the seas powers. I ask it to remove my bad memories and it will do just that. It's safe and effective." I said as I fell onto my bed. "How do you know it works?" Mal asked concerned. "Max drank some and I wished for him to stop getting into the garbage and he stopped the next morning, and ever since he hasn't even gone near the trash. That's proof." I said as I looked at Harry. "Should I stay right here in case something happens?" Harry asked. "If that's what you wish my pirate." I said as I smiled. He held my hand in his. "If you trust it then I do." Uma said. Everyone looked at her in surprise. "What it's a natural compound.. I put it on my French fries. It helps with sore throats also." Uma said as they all just looked at her. "Okay fine, we will trust this method. But if something goes wrong, I can't guarantee I can fix it with my powers." Mal said with a frown as she sat on the end of my bed.

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