Chapter 6

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"Can she walk? Mal do the thing with the water, make her legs appear." Harry said. "But because her fins are free and movable her legs may not be the same. Fine I'll do it." Mal said as she grabbed some water and waved it over my legs as they turned normal. "Oh god! Don't look!" Uma cried as I looked down my legs and freaked out. "My legs!" I cried as I passed out. "Oh god that's horrible. How are we gonna fix this!" Harry cried. "Mal." Uma said. "Uh uh no way. I already caused enough damage by changing her back. I'm not doing a single thing more." She said as she backed up. "Fine then I will." Uma said as she put her hands on my legs as she concentrated. Her face began to twitch a little. She began to chant something and everyone looked confused. Suddenly my bones began to reshape the way they were without pain. My legs were back to normal after a couple of minutes. "I did it! It worked!" Uma cried happily as she clapped her hands. "What exactly did you chant?" Mal asked. "It was my mothers broken bone spell, only I changed it around to healing the bones. It's amazing how a few phrases of a different language can change people in a positive way." Uma said as I opened my eyes and looks at Uma. "My legs they're fixed!" I cried happily. "Looks like Hook has an excited fainter." Gil said. "Excited what now?" Uma said. "You know whenever she gets Happy or excited she faints. Either it's a happy excited or a terrified excited. She faints." Gil said as Uma laughed softly. "Good one Gil." Uma said as she looked at me and shook her head. "He has a point Uma." I said as I placed my hand on hers. "I do faint a lot." I agreed as I smiled. I climbed off the bed and stood on my feet. "Be careful Melody. They just healed. You should rest. You've been through a lot today." My dad said as he placed me back in bed. "Just a few more days." He said with a smile. "How long have I been in bed?" I asked him. "Four weeks." He said. "Four weeks?! It feels like four months. My body needs exercise I'm putting on weight as we know it." I said as I frowned. My friends just looked at me. "I have something for each of you a gift." I said as my dad handed out the boxes. All were rather large. "Mel, you didn't have to get us gifts." Mal said as the rest of them sat down and opened them. "I wanted to as a thank you for being such great friends to me." I said as they looked at me. "Wow, new clothes. And a new sword! And it has my name engraved on it. Thanks my princess!" Harry said as he kissed me as I blushed. "We all have swords with our names on it. And I've got a what is this exactly?" Evie asked as she held out a glass object. "It's a wishing orb. Legend says that if you make a wish and believe really hard, if the orb turns purple your wish will be granted by the merfolk." I said as she smiled. "I guess I can get rid of this thing now that I have a new one, thank you Mel." Uma said happily. "Mal those are mermaid spell books. They'll help you learn more spells and magic." I said happily. "Thank you." Mal said with a smile. "Is this what I think it is!" Jay cried happily. "It sure is Jay, I saw how disappointed you were having to cross off football on your list. So I made you a list of my favorite hobbies to try!" I said happily. "And each of you has an invitation to my fathers boat for a special ocean performance, featuring.. me!" I said happily. "But Mel your legs." Harry said. "To quote you my handsome pirate, if you can survive this, you can survive anything." I said with a smile. "Wrong word babe, I said brave. I'm glad you're in the spirit of surviving though. Positive thinking!" He said happily. "I don't think this is a good idea what if those guys show up and ambush us and take you again. It's dangerous." Uma said as she looked at me with concern.

"Uma my dad has the ship surrounded by guards. You'll get to meet my aunts!" I said happily. "What are their names? You never told us." Harry said. "Okay their names are, Attina
Alana, Adella, Aquata, Arista, and Andrina." I said as they looked at me. "Wow.. those are some lovely names." Uma said with a smile. "I'll have them wear name tags so you know which aunt is which. Be careful they like to gossip and admire others. They're like me." I said as I giggled. I got out of bed and began to walk. "Your balance is great. You can walk!" Mal said with a smile. "I can walk! And dance and run and jump and fall down the stairs!" I said as everyone laughed at the last one. "What did I say something funny?" I asked them. "People don't get excited about falling down the stairs, yes you can do it. But you did. And it was an accident. So falling down the stairs should be on the list of things to avoid at all costs." Uma said as she wrapped her arm around my shoulders. "There will be fireworks! A dolphin display and my mother's sisters, I and my mother will be singing a song! Yay!" I said as I clapped my hands. "Oh each of you has a specially made suit I designed. In my inspirations from each of your styles and personalities. I hope you like them. I had them imported from my kingdom. I hope they're not too much." I said as I winced a little. "They're very unique, and very us! Thank you Mel." Mal said as she hugged me. "You still smell like the sea, how about you take a nice shower and your outfit will be right here waiting for you. Uma will keep guard at the bathroom door." Harry said as he kissed my forehead. "Sounds like a plan." I said as I walked to the bathroom and took a shower, I came out in a towel and put on my clothes in private, the only person left in the room with me was Uma. "Mel you have to come quick something is wrong with Max. He's injured." Evie said as I rushed with her outside. "MAX!" I cried as I raced to him and fell by his side. "Shh.. shh.. who did this! Who hurt Max!" I cried at the crowd. They all looked saddened and shocked. "Max hold on buddy I'm gonna help you." I said as I placed my hand over his wound and stopped it from bleeding further. I sobbed and held onto him. "Please Max don't leave me!" I cried as my tears landed on his wound and it began to heal. "I love you so much!" I cried as two more tears fell down my cheeks as it reached his wound and it healed more. "Did anybody see what happened! Tell me now please I beg you!" I said as I looked at the crowd. "He was injured by a knife." A male voice said as he stepped forward. "Gil. you saw this. Did you see who hurt Max?" I asked him as he came closer. "They wore a cloak. Their hand was definitely male. I'd say by the knife he used he has Avid knowledge of knives and swords. Maybe a pirate.. whoever he was, he knew what he had done and spoke. He said "I'm sorry Max, please forgive me." He said and then I heard Max Yelp in pain." Gil said. "Do you recognize the voice? Is it someone we know? Can you point them out?" I asked him. "I can and I will." He said as he turned to the crowd. "The culprit is Harry Hook." Gil said as everyone gasped as I collapsed onto the lawn beside Max. "Dear god she fainted again." Uma said. "But I love Max! I would never harm him in any way! Mel knows that! I'd never hurt a living creature or person. Gil is wrong. I had nothing to do with Max's injury. I was with Mel the entire night and morning!" Harry cried. "Gil you're wrong." Uma said. "I am?" Gil asked. "Yes you are. Harry couldn't and wouldn't do this to Max! I've seen him with Max. He has an amazing bond with that dog. But whoever did this, is gonna wish they hadn't hurt Max." Uma said as she dragged Gil by his ear inside as my friends carried me to the couch. "Wake up Mel.. you fainted." Evie said as I sat up. "Max! Is Max okay! Did you find the guy?" I asked them. "Not yet but we will. Max is alive and well. Your tears saved him. Gil accused Harry." Uma said. "Bad Gil! You. Know. Better." I said as I stood up. "Harry was framed. And Gil, mistakenly pointed the finger at the wrong person. I know Harry, he loves Max. Max is his best friend." I said as I sat back down. "I need some water." I said as I sighed and looked down. "I have blood on my hands." I said as I cleaned them off in the sink. "Max is alive. You were upset, you touched his blood, it happens." Mal said. "It does?" I asked her. "Yep it does." She said as she sat down beside me. Max ran into the room and jumped onto the couch and licked my face. "Max! Oh Max I'm so glad you're okay!" I cried as I hugged him. "Good boy." I said as I looked into his eyes as he barked. "I'm sorry I pointed the finger at you Harry. It was wrong of me to think that. And I'm sorry." Gil said as he looked down. "It's okay I forgive you." Harry said with a small smile. "Now we need to put our heads together and really think about who really did this. Who would want to hurt Max? Who had the opportunity and motive. And just why? We know it's a male suspect. And he sounded like Harry, but it wasn't Harry. They wore a cloak. Odd... but is understandable. They wanted to hide their identity. I just can't imagine anybody doing this." I said as I got up and walked to my room. "It's someone Max knows personally or else he would've acted in self defense. Knowing he didn't is a key point to this mystery. But who? And why? That's what we really want to know. I want you to question everyone who was out and about at that time. Leave no stone unturned. I want this person found. I want them to see my pain and anger. I want them to know they can't do this to any animal. I want him found. As soon as possible." I said as I held Max close. "As you wish my queen of the sea." Harry said he bowed. "Wow that was your best bow yet! Have you been practicing?" I asked him with a smile. "Yes both day and night. I don't want to mess up when meeting your aunts." Harry said as he smiled. "Harry just be yourself my aunts are gonna love you! Watch out they're huggers. Plus they smell like the sea. This is their first time on land. They're so excited they keep sending shell mail after shell mail.. in an endless continuation. They ask about you. They're happy for us. They'll need someone to show them around. I need to find someone who can keep them in conversation during the tour." I said as I looked at Harry, suddenly Jay popped his head into the room. "Did I hear you need a tour guide to escort your mermaid aunts around. I volunteer." Jay said with a smile. "Escort is such a weird word.. how about guiding! That sounds better, don't you think Harry? Harry? Harry! Are you rummaging through my snack bag? Jokes on you that's my shell bag. I knew someone was stealing my snacks. Caught him red handed." I said as I crossed my arms. "Anyway, Jay you're perfect! You're charming and kind, that's what my aunt's enjoy. They only associate with charming and kind people. Jack is gonna be on his best behavior isn't that right Jack?" I asked him as he jumped up and down. "That's my good boy." I said as I handed him a piece of fruit. "Are you sure you're ready for this? You just got out of a frozen tail. We need to be alert for anyone suspicious. Keep your eyes out, if somebody is being weird it's probably because they're up to no good. And we can't have another thing happen to Mel. Me and my crew will keep watch, Harry you'll stay by her side. Don't let her wander off. Mel, don't leave Harry's side." Uma said as she held my hands in hers. "What about my big performance?" I asked them with a look of sadness. "Mel, do you really wanna go out into the water after almost being killed by spending 24 hours underwater?" Uma asked me. "You don't have to remind me!" I cried as I got upset. "This musical number means everything to my grandad. He's really looking forward to me being center stage, I mean clam. Center clam. Since I'm gonna be the princess one day. It would be an opportunity to show everyone what mermaids can do!" I said as I crossed my arms. "There's no way we're talking you out of this?" Mal said. "Nope." I said. "Ugh, okay fine. You can do your performance but after and before that you stay next to Harry on the boat." Uma said as I hugged her. "Aye Aye, Captain!" I said as I bowed. "Stop doing that! I'm Uma your friend, you don't have to keep calling me Captain... just be careful." Uma said as she laughed. "I can't wait for you to see it! It's gonna be spectacular!" I said happily. "We can't wait, remember what we've told you. We want you to have fun and be safe. We care about you a lot." Mal said as she hugged me. "Let's hope I don't embarrass myself in my performance... check the food also. I have an allergy to cinnamon. I swell up." I said as they nodded. "Okay go get ready, tonight we party!" I said excitedly as my friends cheered and left my room. Harry kissed my hand and left also. I was stuck with Max and Jack. "I'm so nervous!  calm down Melody, you know what to do. Just as you rehearsed. Nothing new. Now I've got to put on a show. Don't forget to breathe. Breathing is important. Do you think I'll do good?" I asked them as they both tilted their heads at me. "That's my boys. Love you both. Be good. No shenanigans." I looked at them and smiled. "Melody Child! You're gonna do great." A male voice said. "Sebastian! You're a crab again. I'm so happy to see you." I said as he climbed onto my hand. I placed him on my table and he looked at me. "I heard everything. Child you are completely safe. Your friends have really out done themselves with the security stuff. I'm quite impressed. I heard da news you and Harry are engaged. Wow. And your grandad is making you ruler of da sea one day! Child, look in da mirror, what do you see?" Sebastian asked me as I looked into the mirror. "My reflection?" I said confused. "I see a beautiful princess, who has da confidence to do anything she wants. Da sky's da limit Melody." He said as he looked at me. I fell asleep, and woke up, I got showered and well dressed into one of my dresses, I tied my hair back and waited for Harry. "Where is he? I hope he didn't forget." I said nervously.

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