Chapter 17

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Alexa shook as she saw the hook that was pointed at her chest. "Hook, don't slice her." Uma warned. "I would never!" Harry said as he gasped. "Where's your heart?" Harry asked Alexa. "Who are you?" Alexa asked confused. "This is Harry Hook, my first boyfriend. He's Uma's second in command. He's also Jacky's adoptive father." I pointed out. "And you are?" Harry asked back. "Harry this is my former room mate Alexandria, or Alexa for short." I mouthed. "Mel where's your voice?!" Harry cried out. I just pointed to Alexa and then to my necklace. "You broke Mel's voice box! And ripped her necklace off in the process! Why?!" Harry cried as Jay explained it to him. "You burned my sons amazingly beautiful artwork because of a broach! That you gave him! And now you won't apologize to Mel and to Jacky.." Harry said as I grabbed her arm and pulled her up to Bens office. I knocked and entered and pushed her towards Ben. "Mel what's going on?" Ben asked me. "I can't talk!" I I mouthed as nothing came out. "Oh god Mel your voice! What did you do Alexa." Ben asked her. I wrote down what she did and handed the paper to Ben as he gasped. "Destruction of Property, assault, trust passing, and you refuse to apologize to either of them. Mel you want me to remove her from your room and place her elsewhere. That can be arranged. As for you Alexa, I'm very disappointed in all of this." Ben cried out. "Ben what's going on? We heard yelling.. Mel." Mal said as she hugged me as I cried. "Mel has lost her ability to speak because of Alexa, she ripped Mel's necklace off her neck so forcefully that it.. I don't know if it's damaged or broken.. but she can't use her voice box. You and the others are gonna have to help her communicate in class." Ben said as Evie held me close. "You witch! Mel can't talk! She can't sing! She can't laugh! Because of you... Ben decide with Mal the punishment we'll take care of Mel." Evie said as my friends walked with me to class. The teachers noticed I was silent and thought it was odd. When I knew the answers to one of the questions, I couldn't say it. So I got up from my chair and wrote it on the chalkboard as everyone clapped. "Good Job Melody, a gold star for you today!" the teacher said as he stuck it on my quiz. And one on my forehead. "There now you're a star too." He said as he smiled. "Thank you." I mouthed as I smiled and left the room. I did all my class work in silence, still passing all my classes. Fairy god mother came to visit me in my room. "Your teachers are saying you're not communicating in class. They're worried Melody darling. It's unlike you to not speak out. Speak to me." She said as I smiled. "I'd love to but I lost my vocal abilities." I mouthed. "Dear heavens! We must get your voice back! I will notify your teachers at once. You just be good and continue your homework." She said as she smiled and walked out of the room. "Is Mel in there?" Dizzy asked as she stood there in front of fairy god mother as she smiled and giggled a bit. "My dear, Dizzy you're getting taller every time I see you! Yes go right in, Melody is doing her homework." She said as Dizzy knocked on the door. "Jacky ask who is it and then open the door." I mouthed as he went over to the door. "Who is this?" Jacky asked. "It's Dizzy!" Dizzy said as I smiled. Jacky opened the door with his tail as Dizzy ran into the room and hugged me close. "I'm so happy to see you! Look what I got on my homework!" She said as she held it out, and on it was a gold star. I was so excited and picked her up and swung her around in a hug. "I'm very proud of you Dizzy. You should show grandad. Grandad!" I mouthed as I hurried to the water. I dropped a tear into the ocean as my grandad appeared. "Melody! My sweet granddaughter. I'm glad to see you! How's everything at school?" He asked me as I gave him a thumbs up. "Your majesty Melody can't speak.." Dizzy said as my grandads face turned to worry. "I'm sorry grandad, I want to say something but I can't." I mouthed as he gasped. "It's just like her mother! What happened?" He asked Dizzy. "Well you see.. Mel got a new room mate, she isn't very nice to us.. she ripped Melody's gift necklace, you know Jacky's toy off of her neck, and it damaged her throat! Now she can't speak! On the bright side look what I got on my test grandad!" She said happily as she realized what she called him. "I mean your majesty!" She corrected herself. "What do you have to show me, is that homework paper?" He asked Dizzy. "I got a gold star!" She said happily. "That's wonderful little Dizzy! I'm proud of you. Now for Melody, do Ben and Mal know?" My grandad asked. "Everyone does your majesty. The whole school witnessed it. Even Chad. Who was shocked. I was scared for Mel. I'd never seen her not being able to talk before! Well there was that one time where Uma's mom choked Melody. She refused to apologize to both of them." Dizzy said. "There's two people this girl hurt? Who did she hurt besides Melody?" My grandad asked Dizzy. "Jacky.. you see she has this broach and Jacky wanted to touch it but she wouldn't let him.. she ended up giving her broach to Jacky who cutely stuck it to one of his artwork masterpieces. She took it off and burned Jacky's artwork.." Dizzy said as a female gasped behind me. "She did what to my great grand baby Jacky! His poor little heart must be broken! And Melody you can't talk because of this girl!" Grandma Athena cried. "Athena darling calm down, Ben and Mal are taking care of it. Dizzy got a gold star on her homework!" My grandad said as my grandma hugged her. "I'm so proud of you little Dizzy!" My grandma said as she smiled. "What are we gonna do darling? She can't speak? Maybe we should go see the doctor." My grandma said. "Yes. That's a good idea fill me in on the results. I love you all. Even you Dizzy. For now I must return to my post." My grandad said as he took off back into the ocean. "Come on sweetheart let's go see the doctor." My grandma said as she brought me to the medical room of the building. The doctor examined my throat. "Her voice box is damaged. But I can fix it. Hold still Melody." The doctor said as he waved his hand as a blue light went down my throat and disappeared. "It needs two weeks to heal, it's put back together. She will get her voice back." The doctor said as my grandma thanked him as she walked me to my room. "Give it here!" Uma cried. "No!" Jacky cried. "Jacky don't argue you with auntie Uma. Just give me back my book!" Uma said. "No! My book!" He cried as Uma chased him. I looked at Jacky and he gave Uma her book back. "Thank you. So how did it go?" Uma asked my grandma. "She's all fixed she needs two weeks to rest her voice. The doctor said she will talk again." My grandma said as Uma jumped around. Jacky jumped up and down too and screeched excitedly. "Okay Jacky, calm down. Inside voices." My grandma said as Jacky climbed onto her and grabbed her crown. "Shiny." He said as he starred it in amazement. "Jacky give that back to grandma Athena." Uma said as he returned it. "Good boy." My grandma said as she patted him on the head and put it back onto her head. "Here's your toy Jacky." Uma said as she handed him my necklace as it opened he starred at it as he fell onto his side. "That thing hypnotizes him. It's quite fascinating.. seeing the effect it has on him. He loves shiny things. Which makes sense. Pirates have tons of shiny things." My grandma said. "The ship that.. was it a pirate ship?" Uma asked her. "I didn't know.. it all happened so fast. I don't think it was." My grandma said. "What do you know about pirates?" Uma asked her. "Only what the stories of our ancestors told us about them. When I met Harry for the first time, I was surprised at how wrong our ancestors were when it came to what they looked like and acted like. Harry was a good pirate. His father not so much." My grandma said as Harry stood In the doorway. "Aye, your majesty is right. If It wasn't for Uma, I would've been appointed second in command. Which that title now belongs to you. I came to check up on you." Harry said as he came to my side. "Thank you." I wrote down. "You're welcome Melody. Anything for a friend." He said as he looked at the figure standing in the doorway. Jay had sunflowers in his hand. "My love! I've been looking for you everywhere. I'm so glad you're here, without her." Jay said as Harry sat in my chair, Jay set the flowers down as he came to my side and held my hand in his. "Will she ever talk again?" Jay asked my grandma. "She will. After two weeks of healing. The doctor says she'll be able to speak once more. How much she can speak and how long depends on her and how her throat heals." My grandma said. "This is wonderful news! I can't wait to hear your voice again my little mermaid! For now, just relax and I'll be right here doing my homework. You have a gold star stuck to your forehead. Here let me." He said as he tried to peel it off as I grabbed his hand and frowned. "Okay you want to keep it on. Who put it on you?" Jay asked. "Her teacher." My grandma said. I nodded with a smile. "Hahahaha. That's cute. How's Jacky holding up about his A. R. T." Jay said as Harry looked at me. "How are you feeling Jacky?" Harry asked him. "Still sad. Jacky worked so hard!" He said as I held him close. "Mama fruit!" Jacky said as I grabbed his fruit bag and gave him a piece as he ate it. I placed my head on my pillow as I closed my eyes. I opened them to find myself in a purple room. My friends as stood in a circle around me. "Guys what's going on?" I asked. "This is all your fault!" They cried as I saw Alexa on my throne with my coral crown. As some guys carried her in and set her down. "That's my throne! That's my coral crown! What gives you the right to.. to steal!" I said as my friends looked away. "Stop!" They all cried. "I'm the new queen and I shall make Atlantica and Jay mine!" She said as she laughed evilly. "What did you do with Jacky!" I cried out as she laughed. "Oh you mean little baby Jacky, yeah I returned him to the jungle where he belongs." She said. "You monster! He won't last a day in the wilderness! He's just a baby!" I cried angrily as my hands rose around me as a red light like fire spread across my body as my eyes glowed red. My whole body had changed. I had a fire red pirate suit on with sparkles. "You will NEVER ever take anything away from me! EVER!" I cried angrily as the ground shook in real time as I tossed and turned, I kept mouthing the words as Uma wrote them down in sentences. "What is she saying?" Harry asked nervously. "She's having some sort of nightmare, where Alexa stole her chair and her crown, she threatened Mel to take Jay and Atlantica away from her, she sent Jacky to the.. jungle! Something odd is happening I can't control the book!" Uma said as fire painted a picture of me in my new suit. "Is she on fire?!" Mal freaked out. "Rage.. mermaid rage." My mom said as she walked into the room. "This isn't a good sign.. she's losing touch with her good side. She takes Alexa as a threat." My mom said. All my friends point their fingers at me. "You're to blame!" They said. "Blame for what?!" I said.

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