Chapter 14

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I was asleep for what felt like days. Chad took it the hardest. Harry and Chad were constantly arguing and Uma had to keep them separated. Harry wanted me back. Chad is in love with me. Uma was ready to throw them in the brig. "Mel doesn't need two guys fighting over her.. it's her choice. It's what she wants. You two can argue and fight until your blue in the face but in the end. It's all Mel's decision." Uma said annoyed. "It's getting me nowhere." Chad said as he sat down. Harry stood up against the wall as a familiar face popped in front of his and smiled. "Jacky boy! How's my little buddy.. I've missed you." Harry said as he took Jack in his arms. "Mama hurt." Jack said as Harry frowned. "Yeah I know buddy. She'll be okay. She just needs rest." Harry explained. "Uma!" Jack said as he jumped over onto her shoulder. "Hey little guy. Have you been behaving yourself? No more flirting with Dizzy." Uma said as harry blushed. "He did what now?" He asked. "He held out a flower and winked at Dizzy. He was flirting with her." Uma said. "Jacky, that's a big no. No flirting with Dizzy. You're a monkey. She's not." Harry said as Jack jumped onto his shoulder. "Chad." Jack said as he hung upside down and smiled. "Jacky." He said as he pointed at himself. "That's right Jacky. That's you." Chad said as Harry smiled at Jack. "Jacky sorry Chad." Jacky said as he looked at Chad. "You don't have to apologize, you were curious!" Chad said as Jacky nodded. "What did you do Jacky?" Harry asked as he crossed his arms. "I caught him wearing my jersey. It was the cutest thing. He just wanted to see what my room looked like. He's harmless. So I let him try it on and I took a picture, I'm gonna print it out for Mel's scrapbook. She's gonna love it! You're just so darn cute!" Chad said as Jack sat on his shoulder. "Jacky look good." He said pointing at the picture. "Yes you do. Very cute. Wait who's in that picture with you? On your desk?" Uma asked curiously. "Oh that! That's me and Mel. We posed for a picture me in my uniform and her in her cheerleading outfit. We were voted cutest couple!" Chad said happily. "That's wonderful news congrats! Does Mel know?" Uma asked with a smile. "I was saving it as a surprise! We are cute together aren't we!" Chad said happily. "Maybe you could do a dinner date with Mel. She likes spaghetti and meatballs and garlic bread." Harry said as he got emotional on the last part and walked off. "Woah. I did not see that coming. Dinner date. Gotcha! I will add it to my reminders." Chad said as he came into my room and sat beside me. He held my hand as I looked into his eyes. "Chad." I said softly. "Hello Mel." Chad said back as he kissed my hand. "I was thinking maybe we could have dinner together once you're all healed up. A date. Unless you don't want it to be a date?" Chad asked the last part as he was not so sure. "I'd love that. It's a date." I said softly as I looked at his jacket. I hadn't really take a proper look at it. I ran my fingers over the buttons and smiled. "Your jacket is nice." I said softly as Chad smiled. "Thanks beautiful. I didn't break up with Sadie when you came along. I was with her for two weeks and then I saw you for the first time. And realized she was too obsessive and crazy. I also realized who my heart truly belonged to. You." Chad said as a female voice sighed. "Cheesy, yet cute." The female said as she walked in and sat down. "What are you doing here?" I asked as I narrowed my eyes. "I came to say I'm sorry." She said as she rolled her eyes. "Apology not accepted. What you did was wrong, you attacked me for no reason at all, I cried for you to get off me but you just kept attacking my face! Look what you did! Everyone saw it. I did nothing to deserve that act of savage violence. I can't accept any of your apologies, you'll just end up hurting me again and again, because you enjoy it. I know you do. You get satisfaction from my suffering. Well guess what, I'm not afraid of you. But I know what you're afraid of. My grandad scares you. I saw your face when you looked directly at him. Seeing you scared was like instant payback. For all the times I felt scared and humiliated by you and those other girls. How the library treating you? Pretty soon you'll know all the books by heart. It was a fair punishment. Oh and your little book, is gone. Poof!" I said as she crossed her arms. "I don't feel sorry for you. You're getting exactly what you deserve. Well actually you should've gotten worse in my opinion but Ben is the king and I can't make the rules or set punishments. Be careful. And have fun!" I said with a positive smile. "I hate you!" Sadie cried. "It was nice talking to you too Sadie have a wonderful day!" I said as she stormed off. "Wow! that was wow." Chad said with a smile. I heard a pair of hands clapping as I jumped a little. "Bravo! I love pirate Mel, don't you?" Uma said as I blushed. "Pirate Mel?" Chad asked confused. "Yeah she's one of the best! She once disguised herself as me and gave two guys haircuts. Ugly haircuts." Uma said as I bit my lip. "Why didn't you tell me?" Chad asked surprised. "I don't like to brag about my pirate side. Yes I'm part pirate. And yes I did steer a ship. I don't want you to get the wrong idea, I don't steal stuff or hurt others physically. Unless it's in self defense." I said as Chad looked at me and took my hand. "Mel. You don't have to hide who you are around me. I won't judge you. You're whoever you wanna be, and I'm gonna be right by your side." Chad said as Uma blinked in disbelief. "Can you say that again, my brain couldn't process how incredible that was." Uma said as she smiled. "Chad, that really means a lot. There's something about you.. you're not like any of the guys I've met before... it's just been hard. I found out the guy I was gonna marry, wanted my money and not me. So I had him sent home. You're a really great guy and I'd like to get the chance for us to be a thing." I said as Evie opened her dorm room. "Say what now?" Evie said in shock. "Yeah I think Chad and I could.. be together." I said as Uma and Evie looked at each other and then at me. "What?" I asked. "You and Chad charming?" Uma asked stunned. "Yes. What's wrong with that! Don't you want me to be happy?" I asked as they nodded. "Chad is a good guy. He's smart, funny, handsome, sympathetic and empathetic. He treats me the way Jay did." I said. "Chad's never actually had a serious love relationship before." Evie said. "Well now he will." I said as I took his hand in mine and walked off. "Chad and Mel? Wow." Uma said. "She's happy." Evie said as she smiled.

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