Chapter 3

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I got up the next morning, as Max jumped up and down. I put on the clothes Evie had designed for me and slipped my sword in my pants loop. People noticed it as it made a dragging sound on the pavement. I just smiled and waved, I didn't know you weren't supposed to carry a sword like that. Harry laughed, and ran over to me. "Mel! That's not how you carry the sword, you're gonna dull the blade." Harry said as I pulled it out gently and held it in my hands. "That's better.. um we need to get you a sword holder." Harry said as Uma came up to me. "Sorry I was laughing, I've just never seen someone drag around a sword before like that. Sparks were flying." She said as she hugged me. "I'm ready to take this guy down. To the ground." I said as Harry took my hand in his. "That's my girl." He said as he kissed my head. I walked to the boat as Jacob stood there and looked at me. "Everyone listen closely. Okay, here's the deal. One match, whoever knocks the sword out of their exponents hand, wins. No fists, or feet, or tails! Mel I'm talking to you." Gil said. "I'm on land you big goof!" I said to Gil. Everyone laughed. "Get him girl you've got this." Mal said as my friends smiled. "Scared?" Jacob asked me. "The only thing I'm scared of is your hair. That's dangerous. You could knock someone unconscious with that hair! Am I right!" I laughed as Jacob came closer. "Listen here little mermaid... you will lose. You're forgetting who my father is.." Jacob said as I laughed.

Oh you mean the guy who's A heavy drinker, who ended up in jail. Who's also taken too many slaps to the face by women! Yeah your dad is a legend all right, a legend at running like a girl! Your dad doesn't run he prances. No let's get to the matter at hand. Bring it on!

"I can't watch Eric!" My mother said as she hid her face into my fathers chest. I held out my sword and took my stance we went round for round and I dodged his every move. "Ummm.. oops." I said as his pants fell down. "Didn't mean for that to happen.." I said as everyone laughed. "Let's go Mel!" My friends cheered. "No big deal... I've been through worse, I dodged his sword as it came towards me as it got stuck in one of the sail poles. "I did it again!" I laughed. "Stupid pole! Aye! I've got it back!" He said as I lifted my sword again and our swords met. "Give up?" Jacob said. "Not a chance!" I said as we went around with our swords as I matched his every move. I know your weakness! Ha! Take this! and that! And I'm sorry for this!" I said as his sword hit mine and went flying through the air as it lodged itself into the pole above my head. Everyone erupted in cheers. "Ariel! She did it! Our little princess did it!" My father cried happily and my mom looked and I gave her two thumbs up. "You did it!" Harry said as he spun me around happily. "Yes I did. And I owe it all to you and Uma. If you hadn't taught me to fight, I would've lost this battle." I said with a smile. "You did a good job, it was a tough fight.. congrats." Jacob said as he shook my hand. "Thanks you were great too.. sorry about me trash talking about your dad, that was unkind of me. Can you forgive me?" I asked as he smiled. "I forgive you, besides everything you said about him is true.. and aye he does run like a girl." Jacob said as looked Harry. "So I guess you'll be enrolling into our school now." I said happily. "Max no!" I cried as Max jumped onto Jacob and tackled him to the ground as he licked his face. "Max off! I'm so sorry about that.. he just loves people." I said as Max sat by my side as Jacob got up on his feet again. "It's no problem, I love animals. Who's that beautiful girl with the blue hair? I'd like to meet her." Jacob said as I smiled. "That Evie and I'm sorry she's taken. Uma's single!" I cried pulling her close.. "girl! my social status is none of his business. Besides I don't need a man. I've got this bozo." Uma said as she ruffled up Harry's hair. "He's all I can handle." She joked as I giggled. "Hey now! I'm the least to worry about on our crew. Gil needs all the help he can get.. I mean.. he's brushing his hair with a fork." Uma said. "Oh my gosh! Keep it away from his face, learned that the hard way..." I said laughing nervously. "I don't see any marks." Harry said as he inspected my face. "That's because, you're looking in the wrong spot." I said as I flipped my wrist over. "That's what happens when you go to stab your food, and you stab your arm instead, that was both unpleasant and not what I had in mind." I said as Uma laughed. "Let's go celebrate!" She said as she put her arm around my shoulders. "Melody! Oh I'm so glad you're okay!" My mom said as she ran up to me and hugged me close. "Mom, I'm fine. I was just showing my friends the scar from the time I stabbed my arm with the dinglehopper or fork..." I said as my father stood there with a big smile on his face.

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