Chapter 13

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I got dressed and headed out to meet with Harry for lunch. He set up a nice meal for us. He wore actual formal clothes. I couldn't believe my eyes. He's never worn anything besides his pirate uniform. At least for me. He's really changed. I smiled as he pulled my seat out for me. "Thank you Harry. I can't stop staring at your clothes, I haven't seen you wear anything but your uniform! This is new. I like it. You really have changed. For the better." I said as I smiled. "I'm glad you decided to join me. It's nice seeing you again. I missed spending time with you." Harry said as he got me some water. "I'm happy to say I missed spending time with you too. Im glad I came. It was my choice. And oh my god." I said as Ben and Fredrick were having an argument. Ben pointed to me as I hid my face. "Don't worry you're not in trouble." Harry said as he touched my hand reassuringly. "I know I'm just embarrassed. Do you think they're fighting about last night?" I asked Harry curiously. "All signs point to a big yes." Harry said as he smiled. Fredrick threw his hands up in the air and stormed off as Ben came over with a smile. "Melody, can I talk to you for a second I don't mean to intrude on this bonding time." Ben said as I got up and followed him. "I'm so sorry for Fredrick's behavior last night. Mal told me what happened and I'm very disappointed and angry at him. You have every right to be also. I'll make sure he fixes his error." Ben said as Harry came over. "No need your majesty, Uma and I will handle this." Harry said as he bowed. "Wow impressive! You finally bow correctly now. Good for you Harry. I'll let you two go back to your meal, have a good day." He said as he smiled and walked off. "You too!" I called back. I took my seat once more and we ate lunch. We then took a walk on the beach. We laughed and talked. Harry and I parted ways and I went to find Fredrick. "Fredrick? Fredrick I'm back!" I called happily. "Fredrick? Where are you? FREDRICK!" I cried angrily. "What are you doing with my photo album! Give that back! It's not yours to.. my pictures! They're ruined! You ruined my memories! THEY'RE ALL I HAVE!" I cried angrily as the ground shook. "Melody is angry, shall I go check on her?" My grandma asked. "She's got this handled." My grandad said. "I WANT YOU OUT OF MY ROOM!" I screamed
as I fell to the ground and picked up all the pieces of my photos and tried to fix them with tape. I was so enraged I went to Ben right away. I put everything into a box and brought it to him. "Is that your photo album! What happened?" Ben asked with compassion. "Fredrick ruined it! All my memories gone! My beautiful photo album destroyed. It was childish and just plain cruel! I want him to pay for all of this. This is vandalism! It's a crime. I can't replace this! Ben, Mal gave me this book..." I said as Ben stood up. I couldn't take it, I gathered all of my friends and showed them what was left of my picture album. "Mel... I'm so sorry! Who did this?" Uma asked me as she hugged me. "Fredrick did it! I don't know if it was some sort of sick kind of retaliation! A punishment! As if this is gonna teach me a lesson! Like I'm the bad guy!" I cried angrily as I curled up on my throne. "He did this! Fredrick did this! Let me at him!" Mal cried as Uma had to hold her back. Fredrick walked into the restaurant. "You have some nerve showing up here! Mel doesn't want you here and neither do we! You ruined Melody's photo album.. did you know that was a gift from Mal. Huh? Yeah that's right. It was a gift! All of these beautiful memories ruined because you decided to throw some princely temper tantrum over two friends having lunch together! That's pathetic.." Uma cried as I couldn't look at him. "How dare you! Melody loved that book! It meant the world to her and you ruined it over petty jealousy. You should be ashamed of yourself! You're supposed to love Melody, and you destroyed her property! You can't just go ruining peoples things because you want to get back at them like a 4 year old! Melody did nothing wrong! And you did everything wrong! She trusted you. Your parents are gonna know about this. They have every right to know what you did. You're no prince, you're a monster." Harry said. "I'm so sorry Melody I had no idea why I did that... I just feel so ashamed of myself. I should've never touched it, but I got upset about you and Harry being friends.. I lost myself. Please forgive me!" He cried as he fell to his knees. I looked at all my friends. "Lets take a vote!" Audrey said. "You wanna take a vote?" Uma said as she thought about it. "I'm not comfortable with votes.. what's a vote?" I asked confused as Uma laughed. "It's when you pick a choice, let me give you an example, who's a better pirate me or Harry?" Uma asked as Harry laughed. "I'd vote for both." I said as Mal smiled. "Okay here's another one, who would you rather sword fight Harry or Jay?" Mal asked me. "Harry because I haven't had my turn to fight him yet." I said as he smiled. "Okay who votes for Fredrick not to stay with Melody? Raise your hand." Uma, Mal, Harry, Evie and Jay raised their hands. "Who here thinks he should stay with Melody?" I raised my hand and so didn't the rest of them. "He's lucky I have powers to fix it back! I'm still incredibly angry at you Fredrick... what you did was unforgivable. But I'm giving you a chance to redeem yourself. You will attend to my needs. You will take Jack out everyday. You will follow my rules. And if you don't there will be consequences.. do you understand?" I asked him as my friends mouths dropped. "Woah. I was not expecting that! Good job Mel." Uma said as she hugged me as I waved my hand as my photo album was fixed and all the pictures were back to normal. "Now leave me alone for today, I will see you tomorrow. I need to go see grandad. Come on Harry. Let's go." I said as he followed me. We walked onto my parents ship as my grandad and grandma were arguing about something as they stopped and smiled at us. "There's my beautiful granddaughter! And you brought Harry with you. Interesting. How are you doing Harry?" My grandad asked with a smile. "Happy now that I get to spend time with Melody again. We had lunch together." Harry said as he smiled. "So you two are on good terms?" My grandad asked. "Yes." I said with a smile. "This is splendid news! I'm happy you worked everything out. I can sense pain in your heart, what happened?" My grandad asked me. "Fredrick ruined my photo album destroyed the whole thing. I fixed it and he did it out of jealousy and anger. Thank god I could fix it. All of my friends voted for him to leave me. I voted for him to stay and gave him my terms. And he agreed to them." I said as my grandad nodded. "This isn't like Fredrick. He shouldn't be acting out like this. I'll have a talk with his parents." My grandad said. "Okay grandad." I said as Harry followed me. "I don't get it! Why he would do something so horrible! Am I not worth it?" I asked Harry as he hugged me. "You're worth it. He's the jerk face." Harry said. "I don't know what he'll do next! I'm scared. What if I breaks all my shells and destroys my collection completely!" I cried as Harry looked into my eyes. "Mel, calm down... you're getting yourself worked up... take some deep breaths and relax." Harry said as Fredrick stood behind me with flowers, I couldn't see him. I was faced the other direction. "You're a good friend Harry. I'm getting worked up over nothing, he wouldn't do that! I mean he could, but he has no reason to! I'm conflicted! I love him.. I don't know if I can trust him around my stuff. My collection means the world to me.. it took years to build it up. If anything happened to that collection... I'd never be able to forgive him. What he did was reckless and not nice! I just wish... you know what. I'm done wishing. So what if we hang out together, that's not a crime..." I said as Harry stopped me. "Umm... he heard everything..." Harry said blushing. I turned around and covered my mouth. "Oh my god! Fredrick! I had no idea you were there, are those for me?" I asked him. "Yes they are. Melody, I'm sorry incredibly sorry I damaged your property. I was just so.. I let my emotions get the best of me and that wasn't nice. I ruined your photo album thinking it would make me feel better.. but it made me feel like crap. Im a terrible boyfriend, who have I become?" He asked as he cried. "Stop crying Fredrick." I said as he wiped his tears away. "You're supposed to be staying away from me! You've ruined my day today. Just please go." I said as I hugged Harry. Fredrick shoved the flowers into my chest as I fell over. "HEY! You!" I heard a voice scream. "Oh dangggg he's in trouble now! He's made the wrong person angry. Get ready for the hurricane!" Harry said as Uma stormed up to him and pushed him over. "How do you like it? Shoving flowers at my best friend as you pushed her over. You're on thin ice Fredrick. Enough with this! Okay? Melody doesn't need this! She loves you! Stop acting like a jerk! You should be ashamed of yourself! I mean for gods sake you're royalty! Royals don't act this way! Melody is a royal maybe you should get some proper lessons in etiquette! Now you will apologize to Melody! She's physically hurt. Look at her over there crying... you making her cry makes me very angry. Don't test my patience because it's very little. You start treating Melody like before! For god sake Fredrick grow up! You love Melody, well then do what you were doing before! Clean your mess up. I'm not doing it. Not for you. I've done too much already." She cried as Fredrick stood there and then looked at me, his face turned into sadness. "Melody I'm sorry! Are you okay?" Fredrick called. "Why do you care?!" I cried upset. "Mel come on! He said he was sorry." Uma groaned. "Fine I forgive him. But I'm going back to my room and when I wake up tomorrow Fredrick you better be like you were before." I said as Harry helped me to bed. "Here's your room, do you need help?" Harry asked me as I smiled. "No I'm fine. No need to assist me. Thank you for spending the day with me, I had fun... with you. I'm completely exhausted from Fredrick's shenanigans... I can't believe he would! Good night Harry. I will see you tomorrow." I said as I shut my door and went to bed.

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