Chapter 18

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Tonight was the night of our celebration. "Are you ready to make your grand entrance? Are you nervous? Do you need some water?" Uma asked as I smiled. "Uma, I'm fine. Let's just go and have a good time." I said as the announcer spoke. "Introducing Princess Melody and Prince Alexander." He said as the doors opened as I walked in with Uma by my side. Everyone gasped at Alex's absence. "What happened? Where's Alex?" Mal asked me. "He made his choice. I'm here to party with all of you! I'm not gonna let him ruin this wonderful celebration. I-" I stopped as Anna walked up to me. "It's gonna be okay." She said as she took my hand as everyone said awwwh. "Yes it will. Now let's go dance!" I said as we danced as I spun her around as she giggled. "I brought you a gift." Anna said as she pulled out a crown and handed it to me. "A seashell crown... it's beautiful! Thank you!" I said as I hugged her. I put it on my head as it fit perfectly. "How does it look?" I asked her with a smile. "It looks wonderful!" She said as a female cleared her voice. "Who's this?" Sadie asked me. "That's really none of your business." I said in a kind tone. "You will leave her alone. She's very special to me.." I said as Anna stood beside me holding my hand. "I'm getting bad vibes from her." Anna said as I looked at her. "Good you sense her evilness early on. Anna is a royal now, she is part of my family." I said as Sadie tried to hold in a laugh. "Alex couldn't handle the idea of Merfreak babies so he made you adopt! Oh this is better than I thought it would be." Sadie laughed. "Merfreak? How dare you insult my big sister you wicked witch! My big sister is the most kindhearted person I've met and a beautiful young lady. Unlike you, you're ugly on the inside. But compared to Melody, you stand in 3rd place, bronze. That's you. You're just a stuck up bully who thinks she can walk all over people and bully them into staying out of your way.. my big sister is 100 percent better than you'll ever be." Anna said as all our jaws dropped. "Well that's fortunate." Uma said. "Did she just tell Sadie off! Go Anna!" Audrey said. "Nobody wanted you! Your parents left you behind. They didn't want you either. I bet they didn't even.." Sadie said as fire burned in my eyes. "If you finish that sentence.. you'll become the most hated person on this whole isle. Your friends will become your enemies. Nobody talks that way to my little sister! It's time you learned.. some kindness." I said as I raised my hands up in the air as I closed my eyes. "Lumanautus Odemim." I said as I clapped my hands. "Mel what did you just say?" Uma asked. "What's happening to me? Why do I feel so weird.." Sadie said as she ran over to a trash can. Mal took out a book and found it. "It's a spell to expel evil out of people but throwing it up. It's to change people nice. Doesn't seem bad to me. A little kindness would do Sadie some good." Mal said. "I feel.. nice." She finally said as she looked at me. "Oh Melody I'm so sorry for everything I've done to you!" Sadie cried as she hugged me. "It worked!" I said happily as I clapped. "Light magic." Ben said with a smile. "She helped someone become nice. That's not a crime." Ben said. "Excuse me, Mel can I have this dance?" A male voice asked me. "Hook... do you think that's a good idea?" I asked him as I looked up at Alex's window. "Forget him tonight, it's your night. You showed up to celebrate what you both have together and he refused.. I'm here to dance with you." Harry said as we danced slowly. I kept watching Alex's window. I bit my lip nervously as Harry moved my eyes to look into his. "Melody, he chose wrong. You deserve to have a dance. Sure we're not a couple, but we're friends. And I want you to have fun." Harry said as I tried not to shed a tear for Alex refusing to celebrate our anniversary. It cut like a knife when he said no. And now here I was dancing with Harry. I smiled and had fun. Took tons of pictures. Jacky took tons of pictures of himself with some beautiful girls I didn't know at first.. "Your aunts are here!" Harry said as he smiled. "What?" I said as I looked at them and smiled. "Melody!" They all cried out together as they hugged me. "Where's your mate?" Attina asked me. "He's in his room, he rejected coming to our anniversary celebration. Grandad isn't gonna be happy when finds this out. But he made his choice. Right or wrong. I have to celebrate it alone without him. But at least I have my friends and Jacky and Anna.. where's Anna?" I asked looking around. I noticed her with Harry she was dancing with him. "Awwwh!" I said happily. "Don't worry Daddy won't know!" Aquata said as she smiled. "Know what?" Grandad asked as they all looked at him and smiled. "Nothing father." Attina said. "Come on, out with it." My grandad said with a smile. "Alex said No." was all I could get out as my grandad placed his hand on my shoulder. "No to what my dear?" He asked concerned. "He chose not to attend our anniversary celebration." I said as I broke down. "Oh well that's.. I'm very disappointed in him. Angry and disappointed. My poor granddaughter. What can I do to ease the pain?" He asked me. "Nothing could ease this sort of pain.. my Triton mark.. we're drifting apart... I fear it grandad. We got into a big fight earlier.. I told him I was sorry but it was too late. I asked him to join me here to tonight to celebrate us.. and he said no. I'll just sit down and eat some of this delicious beautifully made cake. And probably cry on it." I said as I cut myself a good size piece of cake as I sat down and started eating it. Everyone came up to me. "We're here for you Melody." Uma said as they looked at me. "That's really sweet of you guys and girls. Thank you for coming and showing your support for our relationship. Here's to me, the one who can cry her eyes out and celebrate this special occasion with all of you. I'm sorry you have to see me like this... he means so much to me. And when he refused.. I had to be the brave one and show my support for my half of the relationship, it makes me so heartbroken and I feel betrayed." I said as they all sat down. "I don't care if a siren comes and attacks me.. it can't be any worse than what I'm feeling right now. My hearts already broken what more can be broken.. my spirit.. my optimism for our relationship to continue. Alexander.. you've won. I give up." I said as I curled up into a ball and cried. "Where do we take her? She's a wreck." Harry said. "We take her and the cake to her hideout. There's three cakes so.. one won't be a problem. She's broken.." Uma said. "Melody? Please talk to us." Harry said as I uncurled myself. "I feel myself getting cold.." I said as my friends looked at me. "My heart is broken.. like a mirror. Just smashed into pieces. I wish this Triton symbol would leave my arm!" I cried upset. "It's permanent Melody, you can't remove it! You've tried. The only way you can rid of it for good.. is by divorce. Or he stops loving you." Uma said. "What he did tonight was cruel. The paper is still with you. It's your choice." Mal said. "I hate myself! I hate him! and all the ways he makes me smile and laugh!" I cried as I threw a pillow. "Why just why?!" I cried as I curled up again. "It's me... I'm cursed. I'm doomed. Maybe I was never meant to get my happily ever after. I tried again and again. An anniversary celebration for nothing.. I showed up. To celebrate what? Me? I tried to celebrate the us part, but without him there tonight I felt like there was no us. Just me. He refused so quickly. I thought he'd show up tonight and apologize.. but he didn't. Uma.. I can't handle him anymore. You're in charge. Just please don't throw him off your plank.. please." I said as Uma nodded. "So are you calling it quits?" Mal asked me. "I'm stuck for life Mal. I still deeply love Alexander. I will until the day I die. No matter how many rocks no matter what size he throws at me, I'll always fight through the pain and fall into his arms. I can't do a divorce! I'd be shunned! Casted out!" I cried as I took the pillow and cuddled it. "I can't see Melody suffer like this! She's bound to him for life. And right now he's making her miserable. She apologized! I was there this morning, you should've seen the fire in his eyes. I'm glad Mel brought me.. I'm not saying he would hurt Mel physically. She just wanted me to be there to feel safe. Alex is in his room, I'm also very angry and disappointed. I had such high hopes for Melody. She found her happily ever after. I was expecting him to show up, even though he said no. I thought he'd show Mel how much he loves and supports their relationship. Not showing up.. speaks volumes Uma. It makes Melody miserable. She was counting on him to, she was hoping he'd show up and apologize. And celebrate. Poor Melody..." Harry said as his phone buzzed. "It's Jay... Alex is on his way here. Not good." Harry said. "So now he comes.. uh uh, he isn't seeing Mel now." Uma said as she stood by the door on the outside. "Hello Uma." Alex said. "Hello Alexander." Uma said as she narrowed her eyes. "Now you show up! You could've shown up at the celebration and had a good time with Mel. But no because of you Mel is miserable! She was hoping you'd show up at the party and apologize.. but you didn't that shows how much you care.. really care about this mating thing. You were supposed to come as a couple, to celebrate your mating anniversary! But you refused and Mel had to go on her own. Put yourself in her shoes... how would you feel if she refused to go to this celebration and you had to go without her? Bet you'd feel sad. Even heart broken. We all were hoping you'd burst into the room and apologize. I'm sure that's what Mel hoped you'd do. You're her mate! She chose you! Remember that.. Mel doesn't want to see you." Uma said as she shut the door behind her. Alex sat by my door. "Melody, if you're in there. I'm sorry." He said. "I have nothing to say to you." I cried. "Melody... I regret tonight.. I should've came to our celebration, it was supposed to be us both there and it wasn't fair or right that I let you go alone. What I did was wrong.. and I understand if you're mad at me. I saw you dance with Harry and made me realize how much I wished that was me. I'm a terrible royal. You're my mate and I was a jerk. I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone now. Let you get some rest." Alex said as he left. "Oh it's  you.. I'm so sorry I hurt your big sister, ouch! That hurt." Alex cried. "Anna, apologize." Uma said. "I'm sorry." Anna said as she opened the door and walked inside. "Woah... what is this place?" Anna asked me in amazement. "It's my hideout. I come here when I'm sad. Or just to get away from the crazy things I deal with. I'm backed up again on orders.. my aunts want new dresses. Dad wants a collection of dresseses for Mom and Grandad wants one for Grandma Athena for their anniversary.. plus I have to study and take the tests coming up, my jewelry needs new items. Maybe your shell crowns could be a big hit Anna. Would you like to show me how to make them?" I asked Anna as she nodded with a big smile. I heard adults arguing outside as I sneaked up to the window. "It's not right! He should've been at the celebration with Melody his mate! She was by herself! He refused. Mates are bonded for life and right now Melody is hurting. Her heart is broken. Shame on your son!" my mom cried. "If your daughter had even considered contacting our son for the two weeks she was gone.. Alex is hurting too! He refused and I agree that was wrong. But Melody left Alex worried and upset. We thought he'd want to leave... if Melody had just sent him one message!" Jasmine cried. I fell out the window and landed on the grass below. "Melody!" My mom cried as she ran to my aid. "I'm fine.. mom I'm okay. Oh god my arm." I cried out. "She's right.. I should've texted or called Alex at least once.. I was just so busy with my little sister.. it slipped my mind. I apologized 2 times, sincerely. He forgave me and then refused. I've never felt.. alone in any of my relationships.. Harry reminded me last night, that he chose wrong. Alex even came to my room and apologized for not going. It was a celebration for the both of us, not just me. I partied with my friends, because I needed to fill the gap Alex had left open. Alex is remorseful. I'm incredibly angry at him. Alexander made me so hurt, I almost ate half a cake.. yes I hurt him, but he hurt me the most. Refusing to go to the celebration of us.. feels like he doesn't want there to be an us, to be my mate. I can't do this alone.. I need Alex's half too. This isn't a one person relationship. Alexander.. should've shown up. Made an appearance. That's what we all thought he'd do, but he never came.. tore my heart in two pieces. Oh great now my mark is freaking out. I love Alexander.. but tonight he disappointed me, left me alone to celebrate by myself.. at least my friends were there to keep me from becoming an emotional wreck." I said as they looked at me. "Oh hey grandad, grandma Athena. Dad, your majesties. Sorry in a lot of pain... I think I hurt my arm. Alexander.. I want you to be free." I said as I looked at my arm, I waved my hand as the mate paper showed up. "No! Melody! Honey.. put the divorce paper away.. no need for that. You love Alex. Alex loves you. But he does make you sad and miserable." My mom said. "Honey, that's not helping Melody." My dad said as he laughed nervously as he took the paper. I fell to the ground as my Triton symbol burnt up and smoked as I cried out in pain. "Dear god! Melody's ancestors are angry." My grandad said. My mom pour some regular water as it stopped burning and smoking. "But why hurt me? What did I do?" I cried as the ocean. "Why make me suffer? Huh? I've already suffered enough." I cried. "It's back to normal again... you might wanna go check up on Alex. Now." My grandad said as his parents ran off. As we figured Alex had the same thing happen. "Daddy, this isn't a good sign. What's gonna happen? Are Melody and Alex in danger?" My mom asked. "As long as they stay loyal and love each other truly. No." He said as my mom sighed. Alex's arm was wrapped in medical wrap. "Hi." Alex said. "Hi." I said as I tried to avoid making eye contact. "I can feel it." I said as I looked lost. "Feel what Mel?" Alex asked me. "Their disappointment and their sorrow." I said as I walked around. "Who's feelings?" My mom asked. "Ariel, it's our ancestors. I can feel it too. Alex, do you honestly and truly love Melody?" My grandad asked. "Yes your majesty. Of course." Alex said as he gulped nervously. "Then you should've went to the celebration.. do you know what you've done! You've angered the most powerful mermaids in the ocean. Mel had to celebrate the mating anniversary by herself. You should never refuse something as special and important as this milestone. Melody felt the pressure last night when everyone saw it was just her and gasped. I'm pretty sure everyone is mad at you.. I am. I'm disappointed in you Alex. How could you let Melody go alone? It's a party for both of you.. you hurt Melody. She feels rejected. Your refusal.. was unacceptable. And very, very, very hurtful. She may have had a full smile and played like she was having fun, but truthfully inside she was crying and having a miserable time. Cake proves it. You don't leave your mate.. like that. It makes you look bad." My grandad said. "Grandad, he gets the point." I said as my grandad said. "I'm sorry about the two weeks, you see I have a little sister now named Anna. I was so caught up with having a little sister finally after all these years of being an only child.. I have no excuse for not.. reaching out-" my voice cracked with sadness. "No tears Melody, you're strong." A male voice said. "Harry." I said as I turned around. "What's all the arguing about? Not that it's any of my business but I saw Mel get upset so I came to see why she.. No.. I understand why." Harry said. "I was there.. at the party, I even danced with her." Harry said with a smile. "You have a little sister now?" Jasmine asked me. "Yes and she means the world to me and so doesn't Jacky and Alex." I said. "So our son comes in third place?" Jasmine asked. "No! Not at all.. that's not what I meant.. you've got it all wrong your majesty.. I wasn't numbering them. I was just listing all the important people in my life. Not placing Alex as third in line. No.. no no no. Everyone comes in 1st place in my life. Then I'm 2nd." I explained. "Good to know." She said as she looked at Alex. "Alex, I believe you have something to say." Jasmine said as Alex stepped forward. "Melody, I'd like to make this up to you. Everything you've said is true. I will host another anniversary tomorrow night and we will both be attending.." Alex said. "It doesn't work like that." I sighed. "It's against the rules of mating. Each couple gets one mating Anniversary each year.. no second or third. Just one. And you blew it." I said. "That's a stupid rule." Alex cried. "Don't insult my ancestors. It's every mating couples rules. Nobody can change it. Now Alex I would like you to apologize for offending me with your comment." I said as Alex looked at Harry. "I'm sorry Melody." He said. "Now we have to wait until next year.. unbelievable! Our first anniversary and you refuse to attend!" I cried as Harry walked with me. "I said I was sorry. What more do you want from me Melody?" Alex asked me. "I needed you to be by my side last night to support your part of our mating relationship.. but I had to take your place and mine at the same time. I felt like I had a rock on my shoulders... thank god all the people there supported me. They all care about us. You and me. They weren't very impressed when I showed up alone. Well I was with Uma but still.. I bet Jacky missed you! And you missed getting to meet my little sister properly. She told Sadie off last night.. it was amazing." I said as tears ran down my cheeks. "What more do you want from me?" I asked him. "I planned that entire event. From the cake to the table cloths. I worked so hard on all that food.. and the cakes. I just wish you could've been there to see it." I said as I looked at him. "I bid you a good night your highness." I said as I walked back into the school as I cried. "Shhh.. it's gonna be alright." Harry said holding me close. "You think so? Look at me.. I'm a mess." I said as Harry. "A beautiful mess." He asaid as I smiled. "Thank you for coming to check up on me." I said as Harry inspected my arm. "Ouch.." he said as he looked at my Triton brand on my wrist. "Yeah.. ouch doesn't cover it." I said as I sighed. "All because he refused... this is his fault. I did the right thing by showing up. If he showed up Then this wouldn't have happened. Alexander is the love of my life.. I need to focus on my work. And my golden stars. I've been so distracted lately. But I passed in my homework and tests in early last week. Did you pass them in Uma?" I asked her. "Yes I did." Uma said as I smiled. "I need to go to my studio. And work on those dresses. I have to use my imagination.. that's not that hard right? I can do it! You've done this before Mel, just focus." I told myself as Harry tagged along. I unlocked my studio and turned on the light. I placed six body less model mannequins in a row. I walked up to the first one. "Auntie Aquata.." I said to myself. I came up with the dress type first. Suddenly Jacky bursted into the room. "Mama! Mama! Mama! Look what I made!" Jacky cried as he jumped up and down as he climbed onto Harry's shoulder and held it out. "Awwwh is that a drawing of you and Abu, so cute! Mama is kinda busy right now she's making dresses for her aunts." I said. "How do mermaids wear dresses underwater? Mama wear dress under water and she almost drowned." Jacky pointed out. "Mel, Jacky just made an important point." I said as I turned around. "God how could I be so stupid not to think of that! They'll just have to be dress shirts. Now if you'll excuse me.. what is this Jacky baby?" I asked as he held out the picture. "Awwh my little baby Jacky is a true artist! I'm gonna put this right next to your other art pieces." I said as I placed it next to his other art. "Okay now for Aquata." I said closing my eyes. "Melody." A male voice said as there was knock my studio door. "Alex, I need to concentrate I'm behind on my orders. I'll talk to you when I'm done.." I said as I sighed. I finished all my aunts dress shirts and made my grandmas dress and my moms. I fell onto the couch and instantly fell asleep. "Wakey Wakey! Those barnacles aren't gonna scrap themselves off." My dad said as I woke up. "Sorry dad I'm just tired from all the work I did... barnacle duty... dad not now." I said as I stood up. "Yes now." He said as he lead me out to his ship. "This is Uma's ship." I said. "Let me guess... Uma why would you disguise yourself as my dad.. that's kinda weird. Next time come as you." I said as she changed back. "Sorry.. I will I promise." She said as she held up a scraper. "Uma.. seriously? You have a crew for that." I said as I looked at them. "Right.. sorry. It's just you can last longer than any of us in the water. And you're super good at it!" Uma said. I groaned and took the scrapper, I scrapped at the barnacles off Uma's ship and returned. "Thank you bestie!" Uma said as she hugged me. "You're welcome. Now I need a shower... and to put on some new clothes." I said as I walked to my room and shut my door as a I felt hands on my back. No not hands. Paws! I turned around cautiously. "Nice Kitty.. Rajah?" I asked as I titled my head. "Hello Melody." Rajah said as he came to the front side of me and sat in front of me. "I thought you were back in Agrabah with Rajkumar! This is a surprise." I said in shock as I smiled. "Are you really here? I felt your paws on my back.. but Ben sent you both home! How are you here?" I asked him. "I'm only here to relay a message." He said as I smiled. "Jasmine and Aladdin are leaving the isle and are heading back home, along with the sultan. They wanted to say goodbye to you in person but after last night.. they didn't think it would work out okay." Rajah said. "Well I'm gonna miss them. And you and Abu.. is Abu leaving?" I asked Rajah. "No, he stays with Alex and Alexa here. He's grown so fond of Jacky I don't think they'll ever be apart. I've got to go. It was nice seeing you Melody." Rajah said. "Tell Rajkumar I love him." I said as Rajahs figure faded away. I took a shower and got dressed, suddenly I noticed something floating in the water.. "What the.." I raced down the beach and saw it was Anna! "Anna! Oh god!" I jumped into the water and brought her to shore. "Anna stay with me! Don't take her from me! Okay Mel you've got this. Anna hold on!" I said as I began cpr. I breathed into her and banged on her chest with my fists together, after a few minutes she coughed and water came out. "Anna! Anna! Can you hear me?" I cried as she opened her eyes. "Melody?" She asked me. "What were you doing in the water!" I cried nervously. "I wanted to see Atlantica." She cried out. I just cried and held her close. "You're fully human. Humans can't breathe underwater like mermaids do. I'm so glad I saved you in time. Don't try that again, ever. Please." I cried as she shook. "I promise I won't." She said as hand was on my shoulder. "Melody? Is everything alright?" Alex asked me. "No I'm not alright! My little sister almost died.. she tried to swim down to Atlantica.. Alex, can you bring us some towels?" I asked him as Anna and I walked side by side to the school. "Mel? Anna? What happened?" Alexa asked. "I'll tell you about it later.. I just need to get dry and put some new clothes on.. and I need some lemonade if you've got any.. some peanut butter cookies would be lovely, or a blueberry muffin.." I said. "I'm on it!" Alexa said as she took off. "Let's go find you some new clothes. Maybe Dizzy will let you borrow a pair of clothes. You're her size. Since you two are best friends.. I don't see a reason why she would say no." I said as Sadie stood up against the wall. "You're all wet! Are you okay? Is Anna okay? What happened?" Sadie asked concerned. "I'll tell you later, right now we need new clothes... and towels. Thank you Alex!" I said as I saw them on my bed. "Dizzy you have a visitor." I said as Dizzy gasped when she saw Anna, she ran up to her and hugged her as I took a picture. "This is going in my photo album." I said with a smile. "Can Anna borrow a set of clothes.. I haven't made any yet. Is that okay?" I asked Dizzy as she smiled. "That's fine by me!" She said as she opened her closet and gave Anna a cute top and a pair of jeans. "Okay the bathroom is right there, if you need anything let me know." I took the towel as I washed my two piece. "Umm.. Mel. Do you have extras of those?" Dizzy said as I laughed. "I'm not gonna go walking around school without one. I'd be naked." I said as Dizzy laughed a little. "Just making sure." She said. "I always have one on." I said as Anna walked out in her clothes. "Awwh you look so cute!" I exclaimed as I hugged her. "Thanks." She said as she smiled. "How about you spend some time with Dizzy. She can help you with your homework. Get those gold stars for great grandad!" I said as she smiled and brought her backpack over to Dizzy as I left the room. I shut the door behind me as I went to Alex's room. "Alexander? Alexander are you in there? It's Melody." I said nicely. "Go away I'm busy." He said. "Go away I'm busy.. fine. I can't believe I put up with how you talk to me! That's hurtful. God Alexander! You know what.. find me when you're not busy." I said as I walked off. "Stupid Alexander and his stupid way of speaking to me." I said as I walked into Uma's establishment and got myself a glass of water as Uma sat on her throne. "Girl, is he disrespecting you again?" Uma asked I turned around. "Yes! And I'm sick of it! He told me to go away because he was busy! And his tone of voice was very serious and annoyed. The nerve! He has the nerve to treat me this way! His mate! The girl who chose him to be with forever! Stupid Melody! Stupid! Stupid!" I cried. "Melody, listen to me, you're not stupid, he's just a fool. He disrespects you all the time, makes you hurt and you still love him. Those divorce papers are still available in your desk! All you gotta do is take them out and sign them, bam! You're free. But you're so in love with him, I get it. Mermaid traditions I get it. Alexander needs to show you more respect. Isn't that right crew!" Uma cried out. "Right!" They all said back. "I'm tired of people running over my sea sister! Calling her names, being disrespectful, breaking her heart. She's my best friend and nobody.. I don't care if they're royalty or not has the right to treat Melody this way! I won't stand for it." She said as she stood up. Her crew stood up also. "What Melody needs is a good day! It's time we did something nice for Melody since she cleaned all the barnacles off my ship. Oh god Mel your hands.. they're all bandaged." Uma said as her eyes widened in shock. "They're sharp. And using a sharp tool doesn't help. Plus with the water it's slippery and well you can see where I'm going with this.. yeah I had to have them wrapped in medical bandages. It's no big deal, it happens every time I do it. With dads boat I can remember how many times I've gotten cuts from those barnacles... mean little creatures." I said as Uma laughed a little. "Yes they are." She said. "Any ideas of how to repay Melody for her hard work as a member of this crew?" Uma asked her crew mates. I heard the doors open and heard footsteps and two hands went on my eyes. I laughed. "I know it's you Hook. You smell like male perfume." I said as I turned around. "So Alex hasn't been good to you? First he abandoned you at the party and now he's disrespectfully talking to you. Go away.. how about he goes away." Harry said as I blushed. "I love him.. even though he doesn't understand the rules of mating... wait he has the book! So he read and he still chose to treat me this way.. Alexander!" I cried out. "Did you feel that!" Anna said in fear. "That's your sister's magical power whenever she mad or sad she makes the ground shake. You'll get used to it in time." Dizzy said.

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