Chapter 27

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Uma stood in front of her crew as I came through a portal laughing as Jacky and Abu clung to my legs. "Mama can't move." I said as they screeched happily. "Inside voices." I said as they stopped. The crew and Uma looked at me. "Did I interrupt something? Oh god I did! It's a bad time I can see! Uh.. we're gonna go visit! Yes! Visit.. Audrey." I said as Uma laughed a little. "Mel you're cute when you're nervous. You didn't interrupt anything. Go have fun. I'll see you later on." Uma said as Jacky and Abu climbed onto Uma's shoulders. "We stay?" Jacky asked me. "That's up to Auntie Uma." I said as she sighed. "Fine, you can stay. How can I say no." She said as they blew me a kiss. "Love!" They said as I smiled. "Love you too!" I said as I walked down the ramp, I went into town as I crept up behind Mal and placed my hands over her eyes. "Help!" Mal cried out as guards grabbed me. I just laughed. "You could've let me speak first. Surprise! It's Me!" I said as the guard put me down as Mal hugged me. "Don't do that!" She cried playfully. "I'm sorry! I won't do it again." I said as she took my arm in hers as we walked together. "Where are you little ones?" She asked me with a smile. "They're currently with Uma." I said as She looked at me. "Ben and I, would like to talk to you." She said as I looked worried. "It's nothing bad, Audrey is joining us along with Ha-"  she said as she stopped. "No way! I'm not going anywhere near him! Fine, I'll do it for you and Ben but that's it." I said as she brought me to Ben's office. I looked at the packed room. "Umm.. you didn't mention all of them. What's going on?" I asked confused. "Mel! Come on in. Have a seat. I'm sure you recognize some of these faces. Audrey came to me.. She brought hook here too. Not sure why.. but! These fellow classmates have come here for a very special reason." Ben said. "Which is?" I asked him. He looked at me. "Audrey tell her!" Ben said happily. "Mel, first of all I'm sorry about last night." She said as I sighed. "I forgive you! Someone tell me before I faint from excitement. I will! It's happened before!" I said as she took my hands in hers. "All of the kingdoms came together and chose you to be.. the kingdom's queen!" She said. "Kingdoms queen? I'm confused. I'm supposed to be the princess of Atlantica. I promised grand dad I would accept the throne. And what if I end up ruling Felix's kingdom.. I can't run five kingdoms! Oh god my head is spinning. I need to sit down." I said as I down on one of the chairs. "You're not running.. Mel, you're going to get full access to all the kingdoms. The orphanages will come together so you can teach all of them. You'll have every choice of fabrics and materials for your classes. You'll protect our kingdoms from sirens. These kingdoms look up to you. They all love you. That head girl at Fredrick's academy.. isn't gonna like the decision but oh well! Life goes on!" Audrey said as everyone clapped. "You're letting me have anything I want? I couldn't possibly do that. I'm positive about the protection and the teaching.. I'm uncomfortable with that part. I have to pay other wise it feels like stealing." I said as Ben smiled. "Nonsense! You've saved them. They want to do anything to keep you happy! Including Corona." Ben said. "Corona.. my essay! I have to leave! I agree to be the title you gave me. But right now.. wait, I already turnt it in." I said as I stopped myself as a girl with a nice school uniform stood at my dorm room's door. Her two friends looked at me. "So you're Princess Melody. I heard the school made you its queen! Grab her!" The girl said as her two friends grabbed me. She had me pinned against a wall. "Listen here mermaid.. I'm the queen of this academy.. don't challenge me. I will make your time here in Corona a living nightmare! Rumors spread fast. I can turn everyone against you with the snap of my fingers. So what do you say mermaid.." she said as I cried out in pain as she twisted my arm. "I say, I'm not afraid of you. You think you can scare me into submission and have me bowing down to you. Please! You wish! I've dealt with two sea witches and they're currently in jail. I killed two giant sea creatures. You should be afraid of me!" I said as escaped her grasp. My eyes turned neon orange as my triton appeared beside me as it glowed like a glow stick. "Unless you want to meet the other side of me." I said as I waved my hand as my pirate suit was on me. "Spread all the rumors you want! I give you my full permission! Everyone's gonna laugh at you. This school will change for the better and you will be dethroned very shortly. You may scare them.. but trust me.. you don't scare me. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go find Felix." I said as they laughed as I turned around and looked at them. "You and Felix! Hahaha! He's my boyfriend." She said as I laughed back. "Not anymore, I met his parents! They were very nice. Felix doesn't like evil or mean people. You three are toxic. I better go before you ruin my day." I said as they followed  me. I began to run as They chased after me. "Help!" I cried out. "Fredrick!" I cried as I kept running. I tripped and landed in a mud pile. The leader used her magic to do evil things to me.. i was bleeding and sore. She shoved my face in the mud. "All hail the queen of mud." She said as I felt something come over me. It was sort of a feeling of anger. Humiliation. The two mixed together. The other students looked at me with sympathy on their faces. I waved my hand as I was clean with a new outfit on. "Say hello to our new head cheerleader! Melody!" The coach said as I got to my feet. "But I didn't try out." I said as she smiled. "The coach from King Ben's kingdom gave you high praise. Congrats! Here's your uniform and pom poms." She said as I took it and smiled. "Thank you! Such an honor! I promise to represent this academy and cheer our team to victory!" I said happily as I waved my hand, my uniform was on me. "Head cheerleader! I've been going for that spot since it first was requested! I've worked so hard! She just got here! Does she even have cheering talent!" She cried angrily. "Narissa that's my final decision if you have a problem with that.. go talk to prince fredrick." The coach said. "Whats your name?" I asked the coach. "Coach Evans. But you can call me Coach." She said as I smiled. "I'm going to ruin you! You'll rue the day you switched to this academy! I swear it!" Narissa cried as her two friends followed behind her. Of course she went crying to Fredrick who agreed with the coach. That I was the perfect candidate for the position based on my core values. Kindness, caring, school spirit, lots of school spirit. I met with Felix for lunch. We sat down together. "You didn't mention you had a girlfriend." I said as he looked shocked. "Melody, I broke up with Narissa months ago. You're my love. Not her." He said as he held my hand. Narissa's eye twitched as she squeezed her cup too hard as it exploded all over her friends. "Someone's jealous." One of her friends said. "Bridget, let's go get cleaned up." Her other friend said as they left the table. "Woah.. is she always like that?" I asked Felix as he looked at his phone and saw the video and began. "Someone edited it! Hahahaha!" Felix laughed as he showed me. They added slow mo, lights, and music. "Oh god! She hates me.." I said as Felix looked into my eyes. "Pirate Mel can handle her." Felix said. "If Pirate Mel comes out, I'm gonna be in a whole lot of trouble. I promised Fredrick that I'd leave that side of me for the other isle unless absolutely necessary, like for an example, sirens attack." I said as he kissed my hand. "Hey lovebirds! Lovely day isn't it!" Uma voice said behind us. "God Uma! I swear on my own grave, if I die from a heart attack I'm haunting your butt. Get ready I'm quite attachable. As Felix can attest to." I said as she laughed a little. "I'm honored for that thought." She said as she came over and sat in front of us. "Everyone on the isle has seen the video. They can't stop laughing.. that girl is so envious. Don't look now, she's looking over here." Uma said as she smiled and waved. "You're the new Ben and Mal. How do you feel about your new title?" She asked me. "It's a lot. I mean I'm honored to be chosen. But it's gonna be a lot of work." She said as she looked at me. "They're coming over here. I'll handle this." Uma said as she stood up. "Uma, I've got this-" before I could finish the sentence her two friends stood there. "Hello! Your Highnesses. We came over to ask you to kindly take down the video of our friend. Please and Thank you." Bridget said. "You accuse my cousin of making that video? Where's your proof?" Uma asked as she stood up straight. "I uhhh.. we're so sorry for assuming it was you! It's just that you were laughing at it. That wasn't nice." She said as Uma raised an eyebrow. "So sorry for that. My cousin didn't mean to laugh. She's a very kind person. I'm sure you both can forgive her. But in her defense.. I'm sure Felix will apologize as well." Uma said as she looked at us. "But- that was funny!" Felix protested. "It was her jealousy of my cousin being with prince Felix that caused her to have an accident. Again we are sorry for laughing and we will find the person who made the video and send them to prince fredrick right away." Uma said as they curtsied and left. "Woah Uma.. that was amazing! I'm so proud you kept your composure." I said as I clapped happily. Narissa looked at me as her two friends smiled. I smiled back and Looked at Felix. "I have something to admit." Felix said as Uma looked at him with her eye brow raised in curiosity. "I made the video.. and will delete it." He said as he took the video down. Everyone else sat in fear. I stood up and looked at everyone. "I have an announcement for you lovely classmates of mine. I have been chosen to be the princess protector and ruler for all of you. Don't be afraid of her she can't and or won't do anything with me in charge. She may be queen Bee, but I'm the top queen. So smile, don't live in fear!" I said as they all cheered. "Bridget.. Arrange a meeting between me and this new queen pest.. tea and snacks." Narissa said as Bridget came over. "Narissa would like to plan a one on one invitation for tea and snacks. She'd love for you to accept." Bridget said as I looked at her. "I accept her invitation." I said as I smiled. "Great! I will let her know." She said as she curtsied and left. "Are you insane?!" Uma cried out. "What! It's just tea and snacks! Between two Royal etiquette filled princesses." I said as she shook her head. "Plus an unhealthy dose of merciless bullying." Uma said as Felix looked at Uma. "Everyone was terrified of her. Until you spoke up and now you're enemy number one to her. I don't trust it. Want me to join you?" Uma asked me. "It's one on one Uma, that would be rude." I said as she sighed. "Not if I tell her I'm your royal protector." Uma said. "Uma, if anything happens. My button is right here. You can be sure that I will press it." I said as she hugged me close. "I don't trust her." Uma said. "Yes I can tell. If you'll both excuse me.. Fredrick is trying to get my attention by jumping up and down and waving his arms. Seems urgent. I love you." I said as I kissed Felix on the cheek. "And I love you." I said as I squeezed Uma's hand. I waved my hand as I was behind Fredrick. "Next time, call me. Don't do that. You look silly." I said as I smiled as he turnt around. "Hey Mel.. sorry about that. Word kinda spread quickly that you and princess Narissa are having tea together. You do realize that's Felix's ex girlfriend. She swore a curse against the next girl who fell in love with him." Fredrick said as I cleaned off a chair and sat down. "When's the last time you've cleaned these chairs? anyways, about the curse.. I've dealt with curses. She doesn't scare me. Sure those other girls did. But I've learnt to be stronger. Thanks to Jay and His punching bag of sand. Plus Uma's lovely crew helped me." I said with a smile. "Please tell me you didn't use your sword.." Fredrick said annoyed. "Nope, Full hand to dummy combat. I mean self defense!" I said as I correctly myself as he laughed a little. "You? Combat? What?!" He said as he laughed. "I know right, self defense only. Uma's crew has been hurling insults and yelling at me to practice my comebacks. They said I was turning into Uma. That standoffishness is rubbing off onto me. Seriously Fredrick.. I can handle myself. I already  promised Uma I'd use my button if I truly had to. You know I can win over anybody." I said as he looked at me and sat down across from me. There was a knock on the door as Fredrick opened it. I couldn't believe my eyes. All the orphans came into the room and stood in front of me. They presented a pillow in front of me with a beautiful gold seahorse broach as I took it. "Is this for me? From you? All of you had this made for me? Give me one second!" I said happily as I pulled Fredrick over to the side. "How did they afford this? They're orphans. They don't have any money and wait a minute.." I said as I turnt the broach over as I gasped. "My forever and always little mermaid, Felix." I said as I smiled. "That makes more sense." I said as I walked over to the orphans and hugged them all. "You tell Prince Felix that I love it! And Him also!" I said as I clipped it onto my shirt. Suddenly I heard a pair of wings as Scuttle came into the room. "Scuttle! Is that for me?" I asked as he set it down. "Yes. From your aunts." He said as he placed the package down. I opened it and smiled. "A new dress! It's perfect! Tell them I said thank you. I'll wear this when I meet Princess Narissa for tea and snacks. Wait she didn't say what day or time! That would've been important." I said as I took out my shell phone as I pressed the green button on the screen as my parents showed up. "Mom! Dad! This is a surprise. Bye Fredrick! Bye scuttle!" I said as I left the room. "We just wanted to check in on you. How are things going at your new school?" My mom asked me. "I met Felix's ex girlfriend.. she invited me to have tea and snacks together, she'd like to talk to me. One on one. I'm going right now to see her coordinator for more details. Is that Jacky?!" I said as he jumped at the camera and took the phone. He held it up to his face. "Mama!" He said as I smiled. "Hi Jacky baby! Are you having a good time visiting grandma and grandpa?" I asked him. "Jacky have best time!" He said as I smiled. "Okay Jacky baby give the phone back to grandma." I said as he gave my mom back the phone. "Woah! What a nice broach. A sea horse! How cute!" My mom said. "Jacky honey, Grandpa will help you get your fruit bowl. I've got to go we both love you very much goodbye!" She said as she hung up. I asked around about this girl named "Bridget" one girl took my wrist with her hand and brought me to the door of her room. "Thanks." I said as she left in a hurry. I knocked on the door. "It's Princess Melody! I came to ask you some follow up questions." I said as the door opened by itself as she looked at me. "Hello your highness, follow up questions?" She said as a force sat me in a chair. "About the meeting with Princess Narissa. She didn't give a date or time." I said as She looked at me. "Oops! Let me message her right now." She said as she took out her phone and began to type with her thumbs. A couple of minutes later there was a ding as she read it and smiled. "Tomorrow afternoon at 2:00pm? Are you available?" She asked me. "Yes! I have nothing scheduled for tomorrow, yet! But 2:00 it is!" I said happily as I got out of the chair and curtsied as I left the room as the door shut behind me. My phone pinged as Uma sent me a text. "We need to talk. Meet me at the cafe at the isle." I stupidly read out loud. I went through a portal and sat at my usual table. Uma came over and sat beside me. "Tomorrow at 2:00pm. That's when we're meeting for tea and snacks. What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked her as she looked anxious and bit her lip. "Uma.. you won't say his name. It's about Hook." I said as she nodded. "Oh boy, what now?" I asked her as she sighed. "Well it's best if you see it instead of hearing it." She said as she pulled me into my academy and down to my studio. We peeked into the window as Harry was at a table, he was using a sewing machine to make dresses. "Not this.." I whispered annoyed. "He's trying to cope with his loss.. of you." Uma said. "Oh for gods sake! I lost him! He was the one who bailed on me. Signed those divorce papers without hesitation and threw them at me. It was like a slap to the face. And now he thinks he can win me over with dresses.. cry me a river. I can't cry over him anymore. I lost that part of my heart, it just stopped affecting me. I get the idea, but I'm with Felix now, Hook is delusional if he thinks I'll come crawling back to him.. it should be the way around since he cheated on me. But so what let him make the dresses.. sell them in my store. I'm done.. I'm over him." I said as the door opened as Harry saw me. "Mel!" He cried as he hugged me. "You came to see me!" He said happily. "I came to see what you were doing in my studio. Making dresses! lovely! I'm sure some lucky girl will love them." I said as he looked sincerely hurt. "But they're for you." He said as I sighed. "Harry.. eraso memoria!" I said as he looked at me. "Mel!" Harry said as I grunted. "Eraso memoria!" I said again. "Who is she?" Harry asked confused. "There problem solved!" I said as I left through a portal.

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