Chapter 23

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I woke up to the sound of arguing, I took a shower and I waved my hand in the bathroom as my dresses went on as I slipped and fell. I hit the button on my locket. "Are you dressed?" Uma asked me as I sighed. "Yes I'm dressed, I'm stuck in my tail form can you help. I kinda don't want to be dragging myself around the isle." I said as she poured some water on it as my tail turnt to two legs. "Thanks!" I said as I stood up. "Now to find out what all the noise is about." I said. "Jacky want toy!" Jacky cried as Aleigha had it as she crawled with it. "Jacky's toy! Give it back!" Jacky said as he pushed Aleigha. "Jacky! No pushing your sister!" I said as I looked at him. "You have to learn to share! She's just a toddler she doesn't know it's yours. She just likes it. She will be getting one of her own soon. Now let's see.. oh look the school paper.." I said as I picked it up and dropped it in horror as I fainted. "Melody!" Uma said as Audrey came into the room. "Drama queen." Audrey said as she rolled her eyes. "Hey! Have you seen this paper! Mel had every right to faint! I mean look at it! Drew has some answering to do!" Uma said as all my friends and family were arguing with him and demanding answers and asking questions. "ENOUGH!" Drew cried out. "Drew Rose Charming.." Cinderella said as I sat up. "She's awake. Mel.. think about what you're gonna say or do very carefully.." Uma said as I filled with rage. I clenched my fists as my face went red and then I began to cry. I didn't say anything I didn't know what to say. Finally I stood there. "Uma please take Jacky and Aleigha to the cafe. I don't want them to hear what I have to say." I said as she nodded as she took Aleigha in her arms as Jacky followed behind her. I shut the door. "Tell me this head line is fake! I demand the truth! The words in this article are vile and yours! I fainted when I read it! It sickens and sends chills down my spine I even have to see this!" I said as I ripped up the papers and pointed my fingers at the pieces as they floated and turnt to ashes. "Say Something!" I cried. "I gave the interview yes, I was having a horrible day and I was mad at you for not fixing my suits. They've been in your studio for weeks now! So yes I said all those things in the paper! Do I regret it.. looking back at it now, I don't! And you wanna know why?" Drew asked me as everyone gasped. "Dude, say one more hurtful thing to Mel and this duct tape is going over your mouth!" Jay said angrily. "Yeah what happened to oh I love you Melody. How you were jealous of me and Jay saying we love her also! Yeah I heard that! She doesn't deserve this! So she doesn't want to know "why" she just wants you to leave!" Jay said as I nodded and looked away. "You heard her, go!" Jay said as Drew left as I fell to the floor defeated. "Two can play at this game! He wants his suits fixed, I'll fix them real good.." I said as I waved my hand as my pirate suit appeared on me as I walked off. "Uh oh... Harry! Jay! You have to stop her!" Audrey cried as they ran after me. "Mel.. Mel. Stop. Stand right here and listen." Harry said as I stopped and looked at him and Jay. "Ruining his suits will only anger him more... we know you're hurting.. and we're here for you Melody. We love you a lot. Both of us. Look into our eyes." Jay said as I looked into their eyes and hugged them close. "It's all too much.." I said as they walked with me to my shop as a figure stood looking at the clothes. I turnt on the light as the person hid. say "Did you use magic to open my shop?" I asked the person who was small with orange hair. "Dizzy!" I said as she stood up and fixed her glasses. "Hey Mel, yeah! I wanted some inspiration! You always have the coolest stuff like these shell wind chimes. I hope you don't mind I organized the shelves and stuff." She said as I smiled. "Thank you Dizzy that was very nice of you." I said with a smile. "I'll come see you later. Right now I have stuff to do." I said as Dizzy nodded and left. I shut the door and sat down. "Melody, we'll do anything to make you feel better. I want to see your smile again. Anything! Bring back happy Mel." Harry said. "I might as well just go to the locker room and lock myself inside one of the lockers.. anything but this pain." I said as they shook their heads. "We wouldn't let you do that. Melody-" Harry said as a figure stood behind them. "Grandad!" I said as I hugged him. "I can't believe He would do such a thing! So mean and no very mate like! My liking him is starting to fade fast if he keeps this up. Oh here this is the paper, it's your choice if you want to sign it or not. I love you. You boys take good care of my granddaughter." He said as they both bowed. "Yes your majesty." They both said. I walked along the beach with them both by my side. "We used to collect shells together. We started a mate collection. He was always good at finding perfect shells. I taught him how to make shell wind chimes.. I taught him a lot of things. Ungrateful jerk!" I cried as I stamped my foot down as something sharp hit the bottom of my foot. "Ouch! Mother of God!" I cried as I held my foot in my hand. "Are you okay? Are you bleeding?" Harry asked worriedly. "No I'm fine. It just hurt. What did I step on?" I asked him. "Sea glass." Harry said as he picked it out of the sand. "Wrong! Kids these days! That's not sea glass you knuckle heads.. it's a rare form of crystal. Very rare. Worth a fortune probably." Scuttle said. "Shoo bird!" Jay said. "Jay this is scuttle. He's a friend of my moms. Be nice. And scuttle apologize with the name calling they didn't know what it was." I said as Scuttle looked at them. "Sorry." Scuttle said. I picked it up and brought it with me to show Uma. She gasped. "Can it be! Oh my god I've heard of this crystal! It was supposed to be just a legend.. but it is! This crystal, contains a key once the key is removed carefully, a magical door will appear and take you to place of imaginable treasures and secrets only the ones who have the key can possess, it's also supposed to give you powers if you're a good person. Which you are. Or worst case scenario it's just a legend and all that I'm telling you is worthless information and utter garbage." Uma said as she gently tapped the crystal as it cracked into two pieces, a yellow medium sized key floated into the air as it shined. It came to my hand and dropped. "Okay the key part is true! Cool!" Uma said. "Now where's the door?" Uma asked as she searched for it. "Captain! You might wanna come see this!" Gil called out. We all walked out to a door right in the middle of her ship. "Hahaha! So it is true! I knew it! Take that mom! I was right! Never doubt a captain." She said as I took the key and unlocked the door as I stood there. "Should someone go with me?" I asked Uma. "Only you can enter." Uma said as I hugged her, Harry, Jay, the crew, and Gil. "If anything goes wrong, I'm gonna miss you all." I said as I took a deep breathe and walked through the door as I stepped through as it shut behind me. "Oh. My. I hope I can get back to the isle.. I don't wanna be trapped here." I said as I stepped forward onto a beautiful soft pink carpeted walk way. "Hello Melody." A female voice said out loud. "Umm Uma didn't mention this. Hello? Who are you?" I asked confused. The female voice laughed as I noticed something coming towards me. I stood my ground as it came closer. I gasped as a beautiful woman appeared. "I'm your spirit guide. I'm here to help you see your future and what lies ahead. You're very special Melody. Grand daughter of the ruler of the sea. Mermaids sent me here. Don't be afraid I'm gonna take my real form. I promise I won't harm you." She said as she shape shifted into a beautiful white horse with a horn. "I can take any form which you find comfortable. Now follow me. There's lots to go over. First we'll start with Harry Hook. My! My! Tsk! Tsk! Lying, yelling, cheating, he was your first love. Not very nice now was it. But you had good times together. You adopted Jacky. You and Harry.. 1, 2, 3, 4.. my lord girl! 5 guys! Goodness.." she said as my friends secretly listened in with the globe. "All of them have something in common, do you what that is?" She asked me. "They all treated me horribly?" I said not so sure. "Exactly! You treated them like gold and they stepped all over you. Now where were we! Ah yes! Jay. Or as you call him muscles. I like that. Let's see yelling, snapping at you, hitting you, reading your diary! God this guy.. he does care about you and has saved you from danger before. On to the next! Chad Charming.. seriously? He tried to beat your dog with a stick and you took the fall and got massively hurt. That's not love. Anger isn't love. Violence isn't love. You're stuck in the what is love stage in your life. We'll go over that later. Now onto, Fredrick. Only wanted you for your money. Jerk. All the same things. Alex.. jerk. Ah your current mate! Drew charming! How dare he say such awful things about you! Shame on him. Yelling, hitting, barking, snapping, caused an angry mob to capture you, turnt your friends against you. His cousin tormented you. Got your art class taken from you... god I could go on. Drew Charming, some charmer he is. Good going Drew! Booo! Anyways let's go this way and talk about your friendships." She said as she lead me to a chair as a screen appeared in front of me. "Let's start with the obvious choice. Your bestie, and sea sister. Captain Uma! She's hurt you a lot! Read your diary, blamed you for an article you didn't write, she uses you to scrap the barnicals off her ship. She's hurt you.. deeply. Physically and psychologically.. you deep down can't deal with it. It's not easy.. but Uma and you had fun times! Like when you and Uma did the switch a roo! Two Uma's! All those group dinners. Fight in combat. Helping her when she got attacked. Saving her life three times. She taught you how to drive a ship! You took on sirens together. You shared laughs and smiles. You can't deal with this can you? The pain is inside you. You need to release it. And there was that time you made Uma wear that purple ball gown. She was so annoyed. But she did it for you. She escorted you to your mating anniversary.. wow Drew blew you off.. ouch. Next we have Dizzy. Sure you got upset at her for touching your stuff without your permission but other than that. It's a great friendship. Same goes for Anna your sister and Freddie! Gil and the crew! They like you a lot. They always believe you when you say you're innocent. They stand by your side. Audrey! Peanut butter cookies. Also she's told you she hated you. Read your diary. Exposed you to the evil staff which turnt her evil, she didn't destroy it as planned. You were dared to touch it and we all saw what happened there. She's been there for you thought! She helped you become a cheerleader and the coach gave you the position of head cheerleader. She brings you cookies. She comforts you. Wow. She did replicated her very dangerous staff which wound up in your hands, costing the goodness inside of you. You broke all those." She said. "Evie! Ahh.. Evie. The fashionista! She blamed you for burning down the academy you gave her as a gift on your birthday! It was your party and you gave your friend a very sentimental gift. She didn't believe it was you when you turnt into the lizard human. She stayed part of the angry mob even after you pleaded with all your friends it was you! It took a side by side comparison to reveal it was you! Ouch. She taught you how to create clothes and most importantly your dresses. Evie gave you a room in her academy which you turnt into your studio. She read your diary also! Wow Melody, I don't know what to say.. the only people haven't done anything wrong to you like this.. are only seven people. Jacky, Anna, Dizzy, Freddie, Kenzie, Rapunzel, and Abu." She said as all their faces turnt red with anger. I couldn't see of course. "Your parents and grandparents love you unconditionally, you've had some issues with Drew and Chads parents. Queen Arianna and King Fredric also love you very deeply. Ben's parents also! Also his Grace! Wow lots of love you have Melody. Which you deserve. I'm gonna show two different paths you can take. It's up to you to decide which one is right." She said as red line with a red door was on one side and a blue line with a blue door on the other. "The red door, if you so choose that path, will bring back to the isle, you won't know or remember anything of what's happened to you. It'll be a fresh start, of course all the people you love will know who you are.. as for the others, they're gonna have to prove they love you. By one challenge. Each has to go back in time and stop themselves from doing the most horrible thing they did to you! Then and only then will they be remembered by you." She said as I looked at it. "The blue door, if you so choose it, will lead you back to the isle where everything will remain the same. The pain will still be there. It's your choice. Red or Blue." She said as I looked at them both. My friend looked on nervously as they watched me stand there and decide. "Take your time. It's what you want." She said as I looked down. "What about a middle door?" I asked her. "A middle door? Hmm.. a third option. Interesting." She said as I sighed. "I end up with the guy I choose, Uma and I hate each other.. dare I say the word. Audrey is my best friend and my other friends.. decide their own fates, either they're forgotten or choose to reverse all their horrible misdeeds they've afflicted upon me! Only one suitor. But then.. I couldn't do that! You idiot! You have a daughter! A beautiful baby girl! I won't let her get erased from my memory! Left, right, or Middle. What happens if I choose none of the options?" I asked her. "You have to. This is just a gateway. You can't stay here. Nope you gotta pick a door! Red, blue, or your favorite color orange." She said. "Blue door!" My friends cried out. "For all our sakes pick the blue door!" Uma cried out. "Would you stop! God! I could start over! You would have to travel back in time to stop yourselves.. and you get to see the impact of those horrible things! It my choice!" I cried upset. "She's right.. let her choose. We all love you." Jay said as he shedded a tear as it fell into the orb and onto my head. "He loves you sincerely." She said as she looked at me. "The doors are waiting. Make your choice." She said as I looked at all three doors as I took a couple of steps and backed up. "I can't do it! Doors! I'm supposed to let doors decide my fate.. red.. blue.. orange.. come on Mel do what's right! Melody, Princess Of Atlantica.. you know what's right." I said as I closed my eyes and ran to the door as I pulled the handle and fell through. I was met with grass in my face. "Bleh! Eww! I think I swallowed a bug!" I cried out. I turnt over as I saw the door close. I looked at my hand as the key was still in it. "I still have the key!" I rushed to the door and put the key in and turnt as the door returned. I ran back inside and fell onto the pink soft carpeting. "What?! You went through the door! You can't come back and choose another door! Thats not how that works." She said as I crossed my arms. "Says who? Where's the rules? This is my world.. I'll do it again. And then I won't return. Here you take the key. I said as I closed my eyes and ran through the door as I fell onto the grass again. This time I landed on a rock. "Ouch." I said as groaned in pain. "Red." I said as I passed out.

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