Chapter 21

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The next morning I woke up and looked into my vanity mirror as I noticed my skin color changed. "No! No! This can't be happening!" I said as I freaked out and got dressed I wore a long sweater over my dress to cover my arms. But I got too hot and had to take it off as everyone looked at my arms and began to laugh. "Snake Girl." One guy said as he threw his apple at me. "I'm not a snake girl!" I said as stormed up to him as he fell over. "You take that back!" I cried angrily. "Melody? What's going on?" Drew asked me. "Take it back!" I said louder. "Okay. Okay. I'm sorry your highness. Please forgive me." He cried as he got on his knees. "You threw an apple at me! It hit me in the head.. you're lucky I'm nice.. and as for all of you who laughed at me. You're all banned from my academy until further notice." I said as Drew's face turned red. "Drew take a deep breath.. it's not worth it." I said as I covered my arms with my sweater. "Uma." I said as I walked into her restaurant and fell in front of her chair as I broke down. "Mel? Melody? What's going on?" Uma asked me. "This is what's going on!" I cried as I revealed my arms. "Dear god! Snake skin! Multicolored... Thaddeus didn't mention this. Besides that.. why are you crying?" Uma asked me. "I was at the cafe and I got hot so I took off my sweater and everyone saw my arms and were laughing at me. One guy called me a snake girl and threw his apple at me and it hit me in the head.. I felt so humiliated and embarrassed. I felt shunned by my peers. I was a laughing stock." I cried as Uma held me close. "That's assault.." Gil pointed out. "Yeah I know." I said as I looked into a mirror and sighed. "Find these people and bring them to me." Uma said as Gil got up from his chair. "Yes my captain." He said as I stopped him. "Wait! Shouldn't we let Ben handle it? I mean he rules the isle now." I said as Uma sighed. "Fine. Go tell Ben what happened. Im sure he can find those bullies on the security cameras. Meanwhile, I'm gonna help Mel the best I can. I'm so sorry you're going through this! I'm here for you." Uma said as I sniffled. "Thank you." I said as Drew went through a portal and dragged Thaddeus to us. "Look at Mel's arms! She's turning into a snake! Why didn't you warn us! Does this happen?" Drew asked as Thaddeus had a hard time speaking. "No! Never.. god." Thaddeus said. "Well that helps." Uma said.
"Hey I saved her life.. whatever caused this.. I didn't know about it. It's new to me." Thaddeus said as I nodded. "I believe you." I said. "You do?" Uma said confused. "Yeah! I mean.. he would know! If he said it's never happened before I believe him. But without a record of it.. how do we stop it! She's changing fast. Soon Melody will become snake princess Melody. She'll be so embarrassed.. a kid threw an apple and called her snake girl. The apple hit her in the head." Uma said. Thaddeus just shook his head. "People can be so cruel.. Melody, I'm gonna do everything I can along with your friends to stop this transformation. In the meantime.. in the meantime.." he said. "Do whatever you do during the day. Uma.. you are her bodyguard." Thaddeus said. "Yep that's who I am." Uma said as she helped me up. "My family can't see me like this.. oh god it's spreading." I cried as I looked at Uma as she grasped. "Mel.. you have a snake face." Uma said as she almost fell over. "I have a what?! Oh this is horrible! Now I have to hide my face.. nobody can see me like this! They'll make up insults. What if they throw stuff at me!" I cried as Uma took my hand. "Mel, I won't let you hide yourself from the world! From your friends.. from Drew." Uma said as Drew walked in as I hid my face. "Hide herself? From me? Why? Did I do something wrong.. Melody what's wrong. Remove you hands away from you face." He said as I did. His face filled with horror. "Monster!" Drew screamed as I waved my hand as I was in my hideout I held a pillow close as I cried. "Monster! Monster!" Drew cried as everyone gasped in panic. "Monster? There's a monster!" Audrey freaked out. "Where is this monster?!" Harry cried. "It's still here!" He cried as the whole isle was a buzz. "It's not a monster! I swear! Just listen!" Uma cried out. "I say we go find it and capture it!" Drew cried out. "Drew! no! I won't let you hurt her!" Uma cried out. "It's a her? Did you bring this monster here?! This creature!" Drew cried out angrily as everyone looked at Uma. "She's always been here!" Uma said as she rolled her eyes. "So you're this creatures friend? Lock her up!" Uma said as she Harry grabbed Uma. "That's not a monster! Listen to me!" Uma cried as Harry looked at her. "Guys, she's not lying." Harry said. "We're still gonna capture her!" Drew said as they stormed to my hideout. "Come out of there you monster! We will force our way in! You're not wanted here! You could destroy this isle and harm it's people! Go back to we're you came hideous beast!" Drew cried out. I opened the door as I held my head down. "I surrender Drew." I said as they tied me up and brought me to the others. Who gasped horror and yelled insults. "Drew! You're making a big mistake! You do this and she'll never forget it! Who knows maybe she'll never forgive you either!" Uma cried. "She loves you!" Uma said. "This monster loves me?! Ha! Foul monster what have you done to my Melody?! Speak!" Drew said as the ropes untied my hands.

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