Chapter 20

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It was a nice spring day on the isle. The birds were singing, not a dark cloud in the sky. I put on a special dress. "Todays the big day! I can't believe you're gonna let us watch this!" Uma said. "It's not gonna be that magical. I'm not getting married it's a mating ceremony. The only reason why I didn't invite you last time was because you all hated Alex. But you like Drew. My parents and grandparents were so excited to hear he wanted to be my forever mate. And that I was the love of his life. My grandad planned it for today.. which is odd because it's my grandma's.." I said as I sighed. "If only I could back in time and stop that ship! I would have her here in human form." I said as I felt cold near me. "Hello your majesty." Uma said. "Hello Uma dear." She said as I looked into the mirror. "I know I'm not alive, but I'm still here with you. I always will be." She said as she placed my coral crown on my head. I stood up as my grandma looked at me and smiled. "We should get going. You know how your grandad is, he doesn't like to wait." My grandma said as we all took the elevator down and we walked to the beach as Drew stood there with his own crown. My friends all stood together and smiled. "You look beautiful Melody." Drew said as my grandad smiled. "Young love." He said as he sighed happily. "Before we begin, does anybody object?" My grandad said as my friends shook their heads. "Okay good we may begin." My grandad said as Drew took out a piece of paper and looked into my eyes. "A paper? What's this for?" My grandad asked curiously. "I wrote vows for Melody, I'd like to read them if that's okay with you you're majesty." Drew said. "Absolutely read away." He said as he smiled. "Melody of Atlantica, You chose me to be your boyfriend. I'm very honored and grateful for that. You showed me what it is to be in love. You've taught me all sorts of things, showed me all kinds of different things too. You fill my heart with Joy. Every time your eyes sparkle with happiness it makes me happy. I want you to be by my side for the rest of this lifetime and the after life. You're an amazingly beautiful and talented young woman and I love you with all my heart, mind, and soul." He said as Uma cried as my friends clapped. "That was beautiful." My grandad said. "Anything you'd like to say Melody?" He asked me as I smiled. "Well to be honest I didn't write my vows.. so I'm gonna have to wing it the best I can." I said as Drew smiled. "Drew, the first time I saw you, on our first date. I was nervous honestly. I chose you because my heart wanted you. You treat me like a princess and still see me as a normal mermaid with quirks and all. I can't begin to describe how much you mean to me. You mean everything. You've won my heart. I love you Drew. Always and forever." I said as I kissed him as my friends clapped. "Okay that was beautiful also." My grandad said as he smiled. "Take each other's hands and we will begin." He said as Drew took my hands in his. "Bonded by the land and sea, true love between this princess and this prince are forever bounded by the Triton symbol. As long as you stay loyal and honest they will stay as they are. They don't come off. Do you both accept these terms in mating?" My grandad asked us as we both smiled. "Yes of course!" Drew said. "Yes." I said with a smile. "Then it is done! The mating ceremony has been a success!" My grandad said as we both kissed each other as my friends clapped and cheered. "Tonight we celebrate!" My grandad said. "Invite your parents, and your grandad Drew. They'll want to be here for this special occasion." I said. "My grandad will be thrilled! I'll go tell them right away! I love you!" Drew said as he noticed the Triton on his arm. "I'll have to get used to this." He said as a portal opened as he went through and the portal disappeared. My friend all joined me in a group hug. My mom and dad hugged me close. My grandad hugged me and smiled. And grandma Athena held me close. "I can't wait to see the king. He's such a wonderful man! So nice and generous." I said as I felt Jacky jump onto my shoulder as he balanced himself. "Mama!" Jacky said as he looked at me. "My Jacky baby." I said as he held him in my arms and kissed him. "My grand baby Jacky!" My mom said as he climbed onto my mom shoulder. "Ariel!" Jacky said happily. "You're are too cute! Grandma Ariel has a surprise for you! Well it's from great grandpa Triton! It's your own toy and it says Jacky on it just like mamas." She said as she held it out to him as he took it and hugged it. "Toy!" He said happily. "Awwwh look Jacky has his own locket now. That means you'll be able to keep yours on." Drew said as he held my hand as we interlaced our fingers. "Tonight we celebrate us." Drew said as he kissed me as I kissed him back. That night I designed the dress I pictured in my mind as it appeared on the mannequin. "It's perfect." I said as I put it on with my flats and took the elevator downstairs, Jacky went with Harry to the celebration. I stepped out of the elevator and walked to a door where Uma was waiting with Drew. "Don't screw this up. Now back straight! Head up! Confidence. Good! Oh look here comes Mel! Wow Mel your dress is.. amazing." Uma said as she smiled. "Thanks. Hi my love." I said to Drew as he took my hand. "Please put your hands together for our newly mated couple Princess Melody and Prince Drew!" My grandad said as the doors opened as we walked into the room as my eyes looked at everyone. My friends smiled and looked at us. I saw Alex talking to a girl.. who had the same hair style as me and was dressed in a ball gown, when she turned around to look at I collapsed. "Melody.." Uma said. "It's me! Look!" I said as I pointed to my double as they all gasped. "Dear god it's a Melody clone! And it's Alex's girlfriend.. I should've seen that coming." Uma said. "Hi I'm Melody." She said as she stuck out her hands as I looked at her in amazement and then the horror set in. "My name is Melody." I said as she laughed. "You look just like me!" She laughed. "Yeah same to you. Alexander! What is the meaning of this?" I cried out. "I couldn't have you so I made a copy of you down to the last little detail. She knows everything you know." Alex said. "I need some air." I said as I walked off as Drew joined me. "But we're already outside. Was I seeing things or is that another exact copy of you?" Drew said. "Your eyes saw correctly." I said as I looked into his eyes. "He's only doing this.. because he's obsessed with me! He need serious help!" I cried out as he walked with me as I heard a small voice. "Mama?" Jacky said as I looked down. "Oh hey Jacky baby. I thought you were gonna stay with dad? It's too dangerous to be out here on your own.." I said as he climbed onto my shoulder. "Jacky very confused. You're mama and she's mama? Which is real mama?" Jacky said as Drew looked at him. "This is your real mama. That mama is a copy. Not your real mama." Drew said as Jacky sat on my shoulder. "Enough!" I heard my grandad yell as he banged his Triton on the floor as it echoed as I was hit with electricity Jacky jumped onto Drew's shoulder as I fell flat on my face. I crawled over to the grass and collapsed. Drew took off running. "Your majesty! You have to come quick! It's Melody! Somethings wrong!" Drew said as my friends and my grandad ran to where I was. "The electricity from the tap against the ground must've hit her.. she still has that.. it's all my fault. If I never zapped her with my Triton that day none of this.. the way Mel is.. wouldn't have happened. We need to get her back to the party and also some water." My grandad said as Jay carried me in his arms and set me down on a chair. "Melody!" My mom cried. "It's okay Ariel, Melody got struck by a small bit of lightning when I banged my Triton on the ground. She's gonna be fine she just needs to drink some water." My grandad said as I woke up as Harry held out a cup of water as I drank it. "You scared everyone with that stunt! Daddy! This is Melody and Drew's celebration not the time to be yelling and banging your Triton on the ground. Melody honey, can you stand up?" My mom said. "Yeah I'm fine." I said as I stood up as Drew and I took our spots. I waved my hand as the clone was gone. Alex took off. We each tried to feed each other a slice of cake as Uma took a picture. Drew and I danced together and then me and my dad shared a dance.. and then Dizzy, Kenzie, and Anna all danced together with me. "May I have this dance my beautiful granddaughter?" grandad asked me. "It would be a pleasure." I said as we danced and smiled. "You look so much like your mother and your grandma." My grandad said as I looked over as Drew was dancing with my grandma. "Switch partners?" Drew asked as we switched places so I was back with Drew. And my grandma and grandad danced. We got a huge gift from my grandparents. "Oh my gosh, I wonder what this is." I said as we both looked at it. We both tore off  the wrapping paper as we both looked at each other. "Oh my gosh... is this what I think it is." I said as I looked it over. "Mama Mia. It's a giant egg." My dad said. "Not just any egg.." I said as I waved my hand over it as a silhouette of a baby sea horse showed. "Awwh. But grandad this baby belongs to the sea! He can't live out here. He needs the sea. I love you and thank you for this little guy or girl.. but they belong with their own family. But thank you for the thought. I really loved it. Tell you what! If you take it back to Atlantica I will name it." I said my grandad smiled and nodded. "Deal." He said as my parents came forward with their gift. "These are for Jacky baby." My mom said as Jacky ripped off the paper and he opened the box and began to jump up and down as he held out a blanket. "It says Jacky! That's me! I'm Jacky! Jacky get blanket! Jacky love blanket!" He said as my friends smiled. Jacky ran over to my parents as he climbed on my moms shoulder as she placed him in her arms. "Thank you Ariel! Thank you Eric!" Jacky said as he hugged them both. "Awwwh." Everyone said. "You're welcome grand baby Jacky." My mom said as she kissed his head as my dad kissed his head also. "What's up with the gifts? This wasn't apart of the celebration before. Something feels off." I said as I began to think. Drew stared at me. "That's her thinking face." Uma said. "These gifts aren't necessary, all of you here to celebrate Drew and I, is the greatest gift you could give us. We're very grateful and happy you all came. Drew and I are very happy together." I said as everyone smiled. Drew took my hand as he lead me to my hideout. "Okay who told you about this?" I asked Drew as I crossed my arms. "Audrey? Or was it Evie. Which one has the blue hair." Drew said. "That's Evie. Why are we here?" I asked him. "I wanted to see it for myself." Drew said as he opened the door a figure sat on my chair. I gasped and crossed my arms. "Get off my throne." I said angrily as Alex laughed. "Calm down tiger! I'll get off of it." Alex said as he got up and walked towards us as I pulled Drew behind me. "What do you want?" I asked him as I narrowed my eyes. He laughed and then spoke. "I came to apologize for my behavior tonight. Seeing the look on your face when you saw yourself.. that's a look I'll never forget. I took a picture! It's in your photo book." Alex laughed as my face turned red. "You what?! That's a pathetic apology by the way. You don't sound sorry because you're laughing. Which means you're not serious. Or sincere. You can take your fake apology and shove it up your butt! There I said it!" I said as Alex's smile faded. "Wow you finally finished that sentence! Good for you Melody. I don't know how to that but I'll let you know when I find out. Why are you shielding your prince? Shouldn't be the other way around?" Alex said as Uma opened the door and saw Alex. "You.." Uma started. "You missed it Melody finally finished the sentence you and your other friends stopped her from finishing." Alex said as Uma looked at me. "What?! I couldn't hold it in anymore! I had to say it. To get it out there, I know it's improper! But he deserved it. He laughed while apologizing. That's not a real or sincere apology! It's fake. Doesn't prove he's sorry for what he did tonight. He even took a picture of my reaction when I saw her and put it in my photo album. Which isn't cool because I never gave you permission to touch or edit it in any way." I said as Uma looked surprised. "You did what?" She asked as took out her sword. "Woah! Uma! Violence is never the answer." Drew said. "You allow your friends to point their swords at people?" Drew said as I gasped. "Of course not! Uma put your sword away!" I cried as she did. "Violence is never the answer.. but she is the captain of her own ship." I said as Drew looked at me. "That's no excuse!" Drew said. "Drew's right. There's no excuse for me pulling out my sword, unless your count the fact that I'm a pirate and your mate is a pirate. She has a sword just like mine." Uma said as Drew looked at me. "You're a pirate?" Drew said in shock. "I told you that! I told you everything about me. Why are you so shocked? You know I am one. I've told you several times. Yes I'm part pirate.. and I have a sword.. and yes I do sword battles but in self defense and for practice. I can even disguise myself as Uma. Literally." I said as waved my hand as two Uma's stood together. "That's freaky." He said as I changed back. "I only do it when she's in danger. They bad guys end up chasing me instead." I said as I sat on my chair and waved my hand as a small tier of the cake disappeared as it toppled over. "Woah.." everyone said. "Melody! Everyone it's okay! Melody wanted cake. She's good." Mal said. "God I wish she'd stop using that teleport trick." Mal said. "Where is Mel?" Mal asked as harry shrugged his shoulders. "Jacky? Jacky! Where are you! Come out little fella!" Evie said as her face grew with concern. "Jacky is gone! I can't find him! And Uma's gone as well with Drew. Somethings going on." Mal said as she went to my hideout and knocked on the door. "Come in Mal." I said happily as I stabbed my fork in the cake and began eating it. "What's going on? Oh there's Jacky. Drew. Uma. Alex?!" Mal freaked out at the last person. "Stay away from her you creep! Stalking Melody is one thing, but making a clone of her! That crosses the line! Why are you here?" Mal asked as suspiciously. "He came to apologize and laughed about it. Didn't buy he was sincere one bit. He then took upon himself to take the reaction of me seeing myself in a photo and placed it in my photo album!" I cried as I ate the cake. "Breaking and entering really Alex! Ughh! You're so difficult! Melody has moved on! You need to wake up! And pull yourself together!" Mal said as Alex smiled. "Drew didn't tell you his big secret?" Alex said. "Hey! That's none of your business and it was supposed to be a surprise for my girlfriend." Drew cried out. "The whole castle and the villagers can't wait! It was something your parents planned." Alex said. Drew turned white as a ghost. "No that can't be right, this doesn't make sense. I was the one who planned this.. they can't just take over like this. It was my idea in the first place. Why would they.. how could they.. Melody what was my mother so upset at you that day when you fell over the balcony?" Drew asked me as I gulped. "She was going on about that pirates are no good and that I should be a princess. I don't want to talk about this.. it's too painful." I said as Drew looked at me. "This was because of your pirate side? They didn't accept you at all?" Drew asked me. "No they didn't like it. Their definition of a pirate is way different than my definition. They're speaking of century old pirates. They have changed and evolved over time. Uma owns a  restaurant. For a sea captain that's pretty amazing. I'm a part of Uma's crew. If you don't accept it at first I'll understand. But it will always be a part of me. Of course I'd have to put that aside to be princess of your kingdom but will fight to protect our kingdom." I said as Drew sighed. "Does Chad know?" Drew asked me. "Yes everyone knows." I said as Uma stepped away from Alex as a tiger came into the room.
"Rajkumar!" I said as he pushed me to the ground as he licked my face. "I've missed you so much! You've gotten so big! My little tiger.. all grown up." I said another tiger appeared. "Rajah!" I said as I went over and hugged him. "Hey Melody, you've got quite the gathering over here. Alex's parents would like to meet with and strangely Alex. Drew you may come along if you'd like." Rajah said as Drew nodded. "Oh god they're gonna beg and plead for me to take alex back! Hahahaha! Tell them they're too late. I'm mated again with Drew. Wait how do you know Drew's name?" I asked rajah. "Alexa wrote about him the the recent letter she sent. Congrats. Tell them I'm with Drew and I super happy with him." I said as rajah nodded as Rajkumar followed behind him into a portal. I collapsed onto the ground as I felt my body being dragged. I remember two muffled voices and I remember the pain on my head. "Cinderella is this really necessary?! I mean for gods sake our son is finally happy! He's chosen his princess! I like Melody. She's a good girl. Let's just bring her back to the isle!" Prince Charming said. "Your majesty?" I asked as I groaned. "Melody... wake up." Prince Charming said as I opened my eyes. "Oh I'm in your study room.. and I'm tied to chair.. hahahaha.. okay did Chad put you up to this! Is this a test? Okay chad you've won!" I said as laughed nervously. "Chad isn't here Melody." Cinderella said. "You said my name! Yay! So you two dragged me here? Why? You don't think Drew and I belong together.." I said as Prince Charming shook his head. "You do but she doesn't. Why don't you like me? I've been good to both of your sons. I was loyal and respectful and I treated them both like gold.. if you think I'm just gonna sit here tied to chair because you don't like who your son chose as a girlfriend well guess what we're mated! Yes drew and I are forever bounded by the Triton. It doesn't matter what you think of me Cinderella. I make your son happy and he makes me very happy. Now please untie me this instant!" I cried out. "Mom? Dad? What's going on.. Melody!" Drew cried as he rushed over and untied me. "What is the meaning of this? Who's idea was it to tie my mate to a chair with rope?" Drew asked. "It was your mothers. She doesn't like me." I said as Drew looked at his mom. "Mother, I'm very hurt by this. Melody has been nothing but good to this kingdom and our family. Grandad loves her. Adores her dearly. I love her. The whole village loves her. Dad likes her. Why don't you? And don't tell me it's the pirate thing.. because I already know all about it. And I accept Melody's pirate side." He said as I looked surprised. "You accept it?" I asked with a smile. "Yes I accept you with all your different sides." Drew said as he smiled. "Excuse me! Coming through! It's okay we're friends of the.. Melody. We're Melody's friends." Uma said as she walked past the guards. "Uma? Uma!" I said as I hugged her. "Melody!" She said as she hugged me back. "Who kidnapped.. oh now that makes sense." Uma said as she narrowed her eyes. "Let's get you back to the isle. I'll have the cook make you spaghetti with the tomato sauce. Your favorite." Uma said as we walked through a portal as she hugged me. "Everything is gonna be alright.. just sit down and take a deep breath." Uma said as I sat down at my usual table as I looked into Uma's eyes. I saw her eyes turned reptilian as she blinked and they were back to normal as I got freaked out and tilted my head in curiosity. "Who are you? What are you?" I asked as I leaned in close as I smelt Uma. "Umm Mel what are you doing?" Uma asked. "I know that stink... it's all too familiar." I said as I grabbed my fork as I stabbed Uma in the hand with my fork as she transformed into a siren. Black blood dripped from her hand as she tore the fork out and applied pressure. "Melody that hurt!" Uma cried as I looked lost. "Uma.. what.. how.." I said confused. "Who did this to you?" I asked her as I walked closer. "Don't look at me! I'm disgusting!" Uma said as she ran off crying. "Uma you're not disgusting.. I can fix this! Just stand here and close your eyes. "Siren no more!" I cried out as I clapped my hand as Uma turned back into Uma. "See! All better! Now for your hand.." I said as I put mermaid tears on it as it healed. "Who did that to you?" I asked Uma. "You'd be so angry and terrified if I told you." Uma said as she kept quiet as Stacey walked towards up. "This can't be! Stay away from me!" I cried as I ran off as Uma ran after me. "I swear to god if you come near me.. I won't hesitate to use magic to defend myself." I said as Stacey rolled her eyes. "You're so scary. Like a box of kittens. I'm back thanks to Ben who gave me a second chance here. Oh the fun we'll have together... well you'll be alone. I had a talk with the coach, he let me have your spot.." Stacey said as I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath. "What? did you lie to Ben saying we're gonna make up and be besties! When pigs fly! You be my bestie! Ha! It's time to see what tears you down to your lowest point." I said as I looked into her eyes. "Let's see.. failing grades.. your parents aren't proud of you. You lost Chad.. your friends didn't take you back when you returned." I said as she rolled her eyes. "Uh huh. Yeah. I know all that. I'm gonna take your voice now." She said as she waved her hand as my voice went into a bottle. I tried to talk. Okay now that that's squared away here's your normal space with breathing holes and the lock.. have fun!" Stacey said as she locked me in Drew's locker. I pounded my fists as students jumped as they walked past. "Dude, your locker is haunted." I'm Gil said. I heard Gil's voice as I met eyes with him. "There's someone in there! No it can't be.." Gil said as he rushed to get Drew. "There's a person in your locker." Gil said. "State your name!" Drew cried. "How did you get into my locker! I want to know! Are you a girl or a boy?" Drew asked as I kicked on the door and groaned. "I know that.. that!" Drew said as I rolled my eyes and opened my locket. "It's Melody's locket! It's coming from your locker. How did you get my girlfriends necklace?" Drew demanded. I got sick of it and grabbed a notebook and pen as I wrote down a note and folded it as it slipped through the hole. "A note!" Drew said. "Open up this locker right now Drew. It's me Melody your girlfriend I can't talk because Stacey stole my voice and locked me in here! I'm getting frustrated!" Drew read as his eyes went wide with panic as he used magic to open the locker as the door opened as I got out and hugged him. "Melody.. how is Stacey back? She took your voice?" Drew asked I heard an angry voice cry out. "Who took your voice!" Uma cried. "Stacey." I spelt out with my mouth. "Stacey! She was sent back home! We all saw it. Ben wouldn't be that gullible to think that she's changed in a short period of time. If he did then Mel's in danger once again." Uma said. "He did what!" Mal cried. "Come with me Mel, I'll fix this!" Mal said as she took my hand and led me to Ben's office as we walked in. "Melody!" Ben said as his smile went away when he realized I had my hands folded across my chest as my eyes narrowed. "What did I do?" Ben said as I began yelling the ground shook as no sound came out. "You've lost your voice again!" Ben said as he frowned. "Thanks to you Stacey took Melody's voice! Stole her position on the cheer squad as head cheerleader and locked her again in a locker! She hasn't changed one bit Ben. How could you fall for that?" Mal said as I sat down. "We will get your voice back Melody and.. Stacey will be given the proper punishment-" Ben said as I stopped him. "She needs a good scare! She needs to fear me. Pirate Mel will send her packing and she'll never return." I mouthed as I waved my hand as my pirate suit was on me. "Bring me Stacey." I wrote a note pad and handed it to Gil. "Right away." He said as he brought Stacey onto the ship as I stood there. "So you think you can break me down again? Ha! You think you can just take away everything I have. Well I'm part pirate. I want my voice back. And my position. It's either that or we put you in Uma's brig where you can cuddle the rats!" I said as Uma laughed. "Mel cuddles them." Uma said. "Give me the jar Stacey, you don't want to get on my nerves. Please hand it over." I said as she shook her head. "Okay Uma. Take it from her." I said as Uma grabbed it and twisted off the cap. I smiled as my voice went back into my throat. "Ah much better. I'm not afraid of you! You should fear me. I've killed two sea beasts with a Triton, I tail slapped one and it went flying miles away. I stopped a group of sirens who were tearing a town apart. I stood up to Uma's mom. I've seen evil.. I've met evil. I was evil for a time. I want you to pack your bags, write to your parents, and never come back. You've caused enough trouble for me as it is. Oh and thanks for bringing back my trauma of lockers. That was really swell of you!" I said as she growled and took out something from behind her back as she dropped it as it shattered into pieces. "No! Look what you've done! My.. My.. Triton!" I cried as I held it close. It was nothing but dust and pieces. "No.. no.." I cried as I stood up. I grabbed Stacey as I brought her to the plank. "Uma.. you're the captain. You make the call." I said as Uma smiled. "Bring Ben to us." Uma said as I sighed and waved my hand as he stood there as he looked up from his book. "Oh hey guys!" Ben said with a smile. "Hey." I said kinda bummed out. "Mel what's wrong?" Ben asked as I pointed to the pile of pieces and colored dust on the floor. "Your Triton.. it's destroyed. And you tied up Stacey. She did this? Stacey! This is not how we behave here. This was a gift from Uma and her crew. Of course Mel can fix it with magic but you breaking it into pieces was mean. You haven't changed." Ben said. "You lied to me. Just to get to Melody once again. Melody I'm so sorry I fell for her lies! I should've denied the request. But I didn't and now you have to suffer more of Stacey's evil torment. Stacey you make the VK's look like model citizens. Which is a big blow to your ego. Melody is a nice girl. She's doesn't deserve this. You will apologize. And if this behavior continues.. there's no third chance it'll be back on that boat and straight to home where you'll stay. Because I won't tolerate someone hurting Melody like this. It's unacceptable. Cruel." Ben said as something sharp was in my shoulder blade. I winced and fell over as Uma came to my aid. "Let's see what do we have here? An arrow. Don't worry Mel.. it deep in there.." Uma said as I blacked out from the pain. "Okay team a will hold Mel up, team b will pull it out. It's gonna be painful. Hopefully it doesn't cause any damage. Okay let's get Melody out of this outfit. Don't worry men she has her swim suit underneath." Uma said as she took off my dress which Uma has to cut off because the arrow got caught in it. "Okay team A sit Mel up on the table." Uma said as Audrey, Mal, and Evie helped me sit up straight. I was completely out of it. "Okay team B which one wants to pull out the arrow?" Uma asked Harry, Jay, and Drew. "I should I'm the strongest." Jay said. "No way I'm Melody's mate I'll do it. I want to do it." Drew said as Uma rolled her eyes. "Jay you and Harry place your hands on her back. Drew.. you can umm pull out the arrow." Uma said as everyone did their part as Drew pulled the arrow out from my back. "We need to disinfect and heal this wound. Stitches." Uma said as I was on my back as Uma put disinfectant on the wound as I cried out in pain. "Shhh.. Mel I know it hurts." Uma said. Uma sewed my wound shut as I was placed on my bed. My friends sat around me. "Melody do you need anything?" Uma asked me as I looked at her. "What hit my back?" I asked confused. "It was an arrow. Hand made from what I could tell." Harry said. "An arrow? An arrow!" I freaked out. "Mel take some deep breathes and relax. We will find the owner of said arrow.." Uma said. "Holy mother of pearl! That's not just any arrow.. my god its gold! This is made from Atlantican gold!" Evie said as she brought over a book. "But things rust underwater." Uma said. "Atlantican gold is magical. Whoever or whatever it hits.. becomes gold.." I said as I stood up as my legs began turning gold. My eyes filled with fear. I reached out to Uma as I became a golden statue. Evie dropped the book in horror. "W-What.. no Mel!" Uma cried as she held my frozen body close and sobbed. "Mel! Can you hear me? It's me Uma! Mel!" Uma sobbed as Harry held onto her. My friends all joined around me in a circle. Suddenly Drew's eyes filled with hope. "I wanna try this and see if it works. If I turn to gold with her, so be it." Drew. Said as linked our two tritons together as he became gold also. "Not good." Mal said. "Uh yeah it isn't!" Audrey said. "Grandma.. I mean queen Athena!" Uma called out as my grandma covered her mouth as she touched my golden statue and cried. "A golden arrow.. who attacked my granddaughter?" My grandma asked. "We don't know your majesty. We didn't see anyone it came out of nowhere. That's what we're trying to find out but now Prince Charming is frozen solid gold also! He thought linking the tritons together would undo the arrows affects. But sadly he turned into a golden statue also!" Harry said. My grandma sighed and picked up the arrow carefully. This arrow was meant for her.. her name is on it. But all the Merfolk love Melody. Plus they're scared of my husband. He's gonna be furious when he finds this out. Which is why we have to deliver the news to him gently. I'll place the arrow in front of him during breakfast you use your magic to move the two together on the grass." My grandma said as Uma waved her hand as the statue was on the lawn as people moved away from it. "My god mother come look at this!" Ben said as Belle joined him as they looked at the statue of Drew and I. Suddenly the tritons began to brighten. "Whoever made this for Drew and Melody is very nice!" Ben said happily. "Son.. Ben. I'm afraid this isn't a real golden statue of Mel and Drew. This is Mel and Drew! Turnt into golden statues.. my lord.." Belle said as she looked down. My friends ran over to Ben and Belle. Uma looked at Ben. "What did this? Who did this?" Belle asked confused. "A golden arrow did this your majesty an arrow with Melody's name on it made in Atlantica and made by atlantican gold. It struck Melody and she turnt into this.. and Drew tried to save her and he's stuck also.. like this." Uma explained. Suddenly my grandad appeared as grandma Athena gave him the arrow as he looked at it and then bursted into tears as he came over to Drew and I. "I'm so sorry my sweet little Melody. Grandma and I are gonna fix this. Drew.. you tried to help Melody.. thank you. You'll both be human again. But this makes no sense who would want to hurt Melody? Everyone in Atlantica loves Melody. Unless it was made here on the isle.. I know just the person to ask." My grandad said as he found Jay with Jacky as Jacky cried in his arms. "Mama and Drew gold!" Jacky cried. "Come see great grandma Athena little one." My grandma said Jacky ran over to her and cried in her arms. "Yes they're gold little Jacky baby. But we're gonna change them back. And Jay is gonna help us!" My grandad said as he looked at Jay. "I am? I mean of course I will! Anything for my friends!" Jay said with a smile. "Jay you know all the metals of the isle right? What comes and goes? Is there a log somewhere?" My grandad asked him as Jay nodded. "Right this way." Jay said as jay jumped over a counter and took out a book. "What are you looking for exactly?" Jay asked. "Does anybody on this isle order Atlantican gold?" Grandad asked him as he looked over the list. "Aha! Yes one person and that person is.. your granddaughter your majesty. No! Wait! There's another person. There's initials written in E.V." Jay said as Uma jumped the counter. "Let me see that.. it's not initials! It's Evie. Get it E. V.? Evie!" Uma cried out as they all looked at Evie. "I only order it for my jewelry. It's not cheap Mel charges me full price for that stuff." Evie complained. "She sells you Atlantican gold? Where does she get this gold?" my grandad asked Evie. "From you your majesty." Evie said as my grandad looked embarrassed. "So that's where her allowance has been going.. I was wondering why she didn't have anything new.. like new dresses or bows. She shared it with you Evie, that was very kind of her. I know you're not the one responsible for this. You all care about Melody and Drew. Hmm... this was a dead end." My grandad said as he frowned. "Wait! There is someone else who knows about gold but you're gonna have to control yourselves around him.." Jay said. "Don't you say his name!" Uma cried. "Alexander." Jay said as my friends all went to his room as he was brought to my grandad with Abu on his shoulder. My friends weren't happy. "Hello Alex. Do you use Atlantican gold?" My grandad asked him. "Yes.." he said as he smiled a little. "For what?" My grandad asked him. "Am I in trouble?" Alex asked concerned. "Answer the question Alex." Uma said. "Yes I use it. I make gold pottery. Vases and cups." Alex said. "You make pottery with Atlantican gold? You do realize it's magical.." my grandad said. "Melody never told me that. She never talks to me anymore. Woah what's that?" Alex asked as he walked up to our solid golden statue. "Impressive!" Alex said. "Do you recognize this arrow?" My grandad asked Alex. "A golden arrow! So this is really Drew and Mel.. they got turned into gold. No I don't. But it's beautifully designed." Alex said as Uma grunted. Gil came running towards them as Gil walked over to Drew and I as he put his hand on the two tritons and closed his eyes. "Gil? What are you doing?" Uma asked. "Shhh! Let me concentrate!" Gil cried. He took a small vial and dropped some of the liquid onto me and drew as we began to turn back to life. "What did you just use?" Uma asked Gil. "Mermaid tears!" Gil said. "Well I tweaked it a little bit by adding a small amount of sea salt into the tears." Gil said as we both were free of the gold. "Gil! You're a hero!" I cried happily as I hugged him. "We're free!" I said as Uma ran up to me and held me close. "We removed the arrow.. was that what caused her to actually take the golden form?" Uma asked my grandad. "It hit her and didn't make her solid gold until after you removed it? Odd." My grandad said as Uma sighed. "MAMA! MAMA!" Jacky cried out as he ran to me as I took him in my arms as I kissed him. "Jacky baby!" I cried as I held him. "Abu!" Jacky said happily as they hugged. "Drew is okay also little buddy." Drew said as Jacky smiled. "DREW!" Jacky cried happily as he jumped onto his shoulder. "Hey little Jacky." Drew said. "Wait! There's one more person who can help!" I said as I opened a portal. "Max! MAX! Come here boy! That's right! Jump through the portal! Good boy!" I said as he saw Uma and ran up to her as he pushed her down and licked her face and looked into her eyes. "Hahahaha.. I've missed you too buddy." Uma said as max sat beside her as she stood up and brushed herself off. "Okay max.. sniff!" I said as I held out the arrow as he smelt it and began to follow the scent. "Good boy!" I said as we followed him. He barked and found the scent. "This is a new part of the town I've never even seen before." Mal said. Max stopped at a house and barked. "Here? Are you sure?" I asked Max. "Am I sure? I'm positive kid!" Max said as I fainted. "Max can talk?! Since when?" Uma said. "Since that Kenzie girl wished for me to be able to speak like a human." Max said. I stood up and knocked on the door as a middle aged woman answered the door. "We're so sorry to bother you ma'am but my dog has track the scent of this arrow to your house. Do you recognize it?" I asked her as she nodded. "I should know that handy work! I made it myself! I make custom art, arrows are my favorite." She said as I looked at her. "Who gave you this gold to be turned into an arrow?" I asked her as she thought and sat down. "It was a male customer. Smelt like the ocean. About your age. He was kind. He had very little knowledge of this type of gold.. royal.. maybe a prince? Paid in full." She said as I sighed. "Did he give his name?" I asked her. "Charming." She said. "That little weasel!" Drew cried out. "Chad? But why would Chad do this? I get he's mad we sent his girlfriend packing but violence against me? That's not Chad.. wait.. that's exactly like Chad. He beat me with a stick." I said. "He what?!" Drew cried out in horror. "He tried to beat Max with it but I took the beating for Max, I'm still terrified of sticks til this day. I can't play fetch with Max.. I can't roast marshmallows. That was when he went through his anger period. Which is why I left him. Because of his anger." I said as Drew took my hand in his. "Thank you for this information here's some gold. We shall be on our way." Drew said. "Wait! I recognize you." The lady said as she looked at me. "I don't think we've met." I said. "You're princess Melody! It's an honor to meet you!" the lady said as she curtsied. "It's an honor to meet you too." I said as she waved goodbye and we headed back to the isle as Drew dragged his brother straight to his parents. They laughed. "Chad shoot an arrow! Ha! He can't even use a sword properly." Cinderella said. "I'm quite surprised to hear this, Melody is your friend Chad. Why harm her? She's done nothing to you." Prince Charming said. "She sent my girlfriend away! The girl I fell in love with!" Chad cried. "She was sent away because she tormented my mate! Locked her lockers! Left her for hours in them! My mate was traumatized by what she did! She had every right to send that girl packing! She wouldn't stop until Melody left the isle! Tormenting her day in and day out! She never loved you! She admitted it right to Mel's face." Drew said. "You should've been on Mel's side! Your girlfriend was a monster! She caused Melody to fear lockers. She has mental breakdowns and flashbacks! She has nightmares at night and wakes up crying. Your girlfriend made Melody's life a wreck! I'm glad she's gone. My mate can finally start to get better!" Drew cried. "Drew son, calm down." Cinderella said. "Calm down?! It's because of this bozo head that it turns my mate and I into solid gold. Statues. We couldn't move or talk.. we just were stuck there. Lifeless. Chad shot the arrow he caused this! This is unacceptable! Melody is a part of this family! The only one who seems to love Melody is grandfather! Mom. Dad. Chad. I want you all to apologize to Mel and make her feel welcome here. She is my mate for life. She's gonna sit beside me on that throne because I love her and she loves me." Drew said. "I'm gonna plan a lunch date for all five of us at the cafe. Where you will be nice to Melody and make amends. You will treat Melody with respect and compassion." Drew said as Chad looked at him. "I will drag you there Chad I mean it." Drew said. "Fine I'll be there." Chad said. "Good. Then it's all settled.." Drew said as his grandfather entered the room. "Chad shot Melody with an arrow? Turnt you both to solid gold! All because of a girl who was mean to Melody.. Chad have you gone completely insane! She's family now!" The king cried out. "I'm sorry grandfather I was just so upset and angry!" Chad cried. "Violence is never the answer young man." The king said.

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