Chapter 19

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I woke up the next morning to the bright sunshine as I covered my face with my pillow. "Wake up!" Jacky said. "Jacky baby..." I said as he jumped on me. I removed my pillow from my face as I groaned and got up. I got showered and dressed. I walked around the isle to inspect the damage.. but besides broken tree limbs, everything was fine. I decided to take a walk into town when I heard a female voice cry out. "Help! Somebody Help me!" She cried. "Uma! UMA!" I cried as I raced to where she was as two guys in suits pinned her down. I decided to do the old switch aroo. I waved my hand as I became Uma. "Unhand this poor girl! I'm the real captain Uma! She's a princess disguised as me. It's a fun thing we like to do. Trade places. Is that right Melody?" I asked her as I stood in one of Uma's signature posses. "Yep! I'm princess Melody of Atlantica! I demand you let me go this instant! I will get my granddad king Triton! Don't make me use my necklace!" Uma cried as she squirmed and was let loose as the two guys tried to close me in as I ran off. I jumped over barrels and on tops of tables. "Sorry! Excuse me! Running away from bad guys! I'll pay for that later! Oh god I'm so sorry!" I cried as people complained. I heard a body jump down as Jay stood in front of me. "Leave Uma alone! She's done nothing wrong you scoundrels! Now go before I make you walk the plank!" Jay said as I hid behind him. "Whatever.. let's go!" One of the guys said to the other as they both ran off. "Melody? Is that you?" I nodded as I shook and held onto him. "Thank you for saving me! I thought they were gonna tear me apart!" I cried as I shook. "Melody, it's okay.. I've got you. They're not coming back. But where's Uma?" Jay asked as I waved my hand and turned into myself again. "Right behind you." Uma said as we jumped. Uma just hugged me and cried. "Thank you for saving me! Those guys aren't good guys. They're nasty pirates, who steal and hurt innocent people." Uma cried as she held onto me. "Why were they after you?" I asked her. "I owed them some money.. after I stole fish from their captain and sold it here on the isle. They would've... killed me if you hadn't shown up. You saved my life!" Uma said as she looked into my eyes. "Now I gotta go pay the towns people for the damage I caused while running away from those goons." I said as I went to everyone and paid them. "Their debts are all paid off." I said as I returned. "Melody my love!" I heard Alex sing as he came towards me with sunflowers. "Mel? Are you okay? You're shaking and crying. Did something happen? Did someone hurt you?" Alex asked me as Jay explained what happened. "That was very dangerous of you to do! It was a clever trick though. But still you both could've been.. seriously injured. I'm just glad you're both safe." Alex said as he awkwardly hugged Uma. "Thanks." Uma said as she smiled. "Oh hey Jay! Thanks for helping Mel out! I owe you one buddy!" Alex said as he playfully punched Jay in the shoulder. "Don't mention it. I'd give my life to save her." Jay said as I blushed.
"Somethings wrong.." I said as my face drained of color. "Melody? Speak to me! what's wrong?" Uma asked me. "They've got my baby." I said as I waved my hand as my red fire suit appeared as I waved my hand. "Get him out of that cage right now! If you don't.. I will use my flames. Now un cage him!" I growled. The two pirates looked at each other and laughed. "Oh you think I'm kidding?" I said as I shot a fire ball near them as they panicked. "Here you can have the monkey." One of them said as they placed the cage down as I burnt their ship. "Now you're gonna take your little row boat, and row, row, row, yourself off this isle and never come back." I said as they got into the boat and rowed away. I waved my hand as my normal clothes appeared. "Jacky! Baby Jacky!" I cried as I opened the cage. "Mama!" Jacky cried as he ran into my arms. "Mel.. you just burnt their ship down.. that's arson." Uma said as everyone looked at me with shock on their face. I waved my hand as the ship went back to itself. "There, it never happened. You have to promise not to tell Ben! I beg you! I'd be sent home. You don't want me to be sent home.. or go to fish jail! I won't survive in fish jail! Bella's down there! Who knows what she'll do to me!" I sobbed as I fell to my knees. "Have mercy on me.. I didn't do it on purpose! All I wanted was to scare them. They had Jacky.. I hate myself for these stupid fire and ice powers.. I wish they'd just stop.. they're making me miserable.. I'm losing my mind! I need help." I said as I stood up. "I know I'm now a "criminal" I'm sorry this happened and I can understand how betrayed you must feel that I princess Melody of Atlantica ruined a boat. I understand if you want to stay away from me... it's a natural response. I won't be mad.. I'll be sad. I'll be in my studio. Trying to make myself some new dresses." I said as I took Jacky in my arms and walked off. My friends all looked at me as I looked back one last time. "Mama be okay?" Jacky asked me. I grabbed my key from Evie's desk and unlocked the door. As I turned the key, I felt a hand on my shoulder as I swung around. "Jay?" I asked in surprise. "I came to umm say that fixing the ship you burnt down.. was the right thing to do. I'm on your side. We all are. After you left we all got into a big argument and everyone split up.. so I came here. To see you and Jacky." Jay said as he hugged me. "I just hope.. they forgive me for doing that.. for seeing me with this curse! It's no gift.." I said as I opened the door and turnt the lights on as I walked inside. I set Jacky down. I walked over to my design notebook and closed my eyes as I picture the dress as it magically appeared on the mannequin. "Wow.. how did you do that?" Jay asked curiously. "Not sure! It just comes naturally to me." I said as I went to the next mannequin. I closed my eyes and another dress appeared with a new necklace I created in my mind. "It looks just like..." I said as I fell to the floor in shock. "Mel! What does it look like? Tell me." Jay said. "It's an identical copy of Uma's moms necklace.. b-but why this!" I cried as Jay helped me to my feet. "Good question." Uma said as she stood in the door way. "Uma." I said as I stopped in front of her. "Back up." Uma said. "More.. more.. more.." she as I was half way across the room. "Come on Uma! Is this really necessary.. you're my sea sister! I'm your second in command.. don't push me away. Or make me back away. You're my-" I said as Uma laughed. "You're not my sea sister anymore. Or my second in command. That spot belongs to Hook again. You burnt down a ship. Pirate Mel has gone too far! Give me your sword and holder." Uma demanded angrily. "No! They're my possessions! No take backs. I'm a pirate. What I did to that ship was wrong! I saw that. But seriously you're just gonna cut ties with me? I couldn't control it! The flames just shot out! Don't do this Uma! Please don't do this." I sobbed as she took my sword and holder away. "You're no pirate.. you're a disgrace." Uma growled. "You wanna break me? Bring me to my lowest point? Huh? Do you enjoy making me hurt! Uma, I forgiven you for everything and I mean everything. I saved your life twice! I gave you a special sword! I made you new uniforms.. I stopped your crew from throwing you overboard. I took time out my schedule captain to scrub barnacles off your boat, risking cuts and wounds to my hands! I took your side today and saved you from those monsters! I rescued you as you many times. When my grandad wanted to punish you.. I took your punishment! Who's your number one customer? Me! Who helped you and your crew learn royal etiquette? I did! Who made sure your homework was turnt in on time? I did! Who left a muffin on your desk every morning I did! I'd rather spend the rest of my life floating in the ocean drifting off.. then listen to your nasty speech any longer. I'll promise you the next time your in danger.. I won't be there to stop them! I won't be there to tell your crew not to throw you overboard! I won't turn in your homework! I won't do anything! Everything means nothing if I can't have my sea sister.." I cried as I ran off. "Now you've done it!" Jay growled. I ran to my hideout and curled into a ball. "Melody? Sweetheart.. what's wrong?" Grandma Athena asked me as I wrote everything down as I showed her as she read it. "Uma abandoned you? Took away your sword and holder! Called you a disgrace! Said you're not sea sisters anymore. You told her off good. Why would she.. oh my! Melody.. did you fix it back to new? You did. Good. Uma's acting out." Grandma Athena said as I heard a knock on my door as Uma's crew were with Uma as they led Uma in. "Okay come right in.. how can I help you my friends?" I asked them as Gil stepped forward. "Why is she here? Hasn't she done enough damage?" I asked them. "Mel.. what are you talking about?" Gil asked confused. I handed him the note pad as the crew gathered around it as they all narrowed their eyes at Uma and folded their arms. "You broke the pirate's code! A pirate is a pirate until he or she dies. You can't just say Mel isn't a pirate you trained her to be one. Give her sword back and her holder for the sword. You had no right to take it!" Gil said. "I am your captain and what I do and say goes!" Uma barked. "What you did was wrong!" Jacky cried. "Shut up filthy primate!" Uma snapped as Jack sobbed as tears went down his cheeks. "You hurt Jacky's feelings. Nobody has the right to hurt Jacky! Grab her guys! Tie her up! She's walking the plank.." Gil cried. "This is mutiny! Insubordination! I am your captain! As your captain I demand you untie me this instant! Please." Uma said as Gil grunted. "Tie her to the pole." Gil said. "You're not my best friend.. my best friend died when she took away part of me, part of who I am. Told me I was a disgrace. You poor unfortunate soul! I'm not your second in command anymore! Fine! I'm not your sea sister. We made a pact! Sea sisters for life! And then you make my Jacky baby cry! I've done so much for you! But that doesn't matter.. I guess our best friendship is gone as well. Your loss! Captain Uma.. you are officially not my best friend anymore. You made the wrong choice and this is the outcome. Now I have to pick a new one. Maybe I'll go with Alexa! Or no Sadie! Evie is a good fit also!" I said as Uma's eyes softened. "Melody... you're gonna replace me?" Uma cried as she had tears coming down. "After what you just said and did.. I'm sorry isn't gonna cut out the pain you've caused. I'm a pirate! A disgrace! You took away my sword and holder.. you hurt my feelings and hurt Jacky's as well... no more sea sisters! No more second in command! Nope! You made it very clear how you feel about me. I'm a disgrace of a pirate.. apparently all I've done for you doesn't matter.. I'm going to the kitchen to drown my sorrows in a piece of cake." I said as I walked off crying. "Where are you Uma? Where's my sea sister! My captain! My best friend! I'm a disgrace as a pirate she says. Well maybe I won't play pirate. I'll play princess for now. No more turning into her." I said to myself.  "Mel come quick the crew is trying to throw Uma overboard." Audrey said.  "Go get someone else to stop them.. I'm done helping her." I said as I flopped onto my bed and sobbed. Audrey came in the room and shut the door. I handed her the notepad as she read. "Now I can see why you don't want to help her. You've done so much for her.. and then she does this." Audrey said. "Mel! Where were you?! Uma's crew threw her overboard! Harry had to save her! Why didn't you come save her!" Evie said. One by one my friends read the paper and they understood why I cut myself off from Uma. "You're not a disgrace. You're far from it! How could Uma say and do those horrible things. Where's your sword and holder?" Audrey asked. "Uma took them away from me by force." I said as I cried. "What?!" Evie cried. "Yeah Jay was there. He can back up my story." I said as Jay nodded. "I gave up on being a pirate. It's just gonna be princess Mel from now on.. she took my sword.. and part of me along with it. I felt like I couldn't breath when she took it. My whole world came crashing down." I said as I looked at my hands. "I told her I wasn't gonna help her out anymore. I've done so many nice things for her! I saved her life twice! And this is the thanks I get, I get stripped of my pirate side. Without my sword I'm nothing.. without Uma.. I am nothing.." I said as a box marked "pirates clothes" was sitting on the table. "Mel.. you're giving your pirate clothes away.. this isn't like you. You've always been proud to wear your outfits. You can't  just stop wearing them all because "Captain Meanie" told you you were a disgrace! Because you're not! You're Pirate Mel! And she doesn't give up." Jay said as I began to cry.. "Pirate Mel is who I was. I can't keep going.. I fixed what I did wrong. But that was not good enough for her. Maybe she's right.. maybe Pirate Mel crossed a line, but I fixed the ship. She took away my sword! The sword she gave me after I made the crew.. I give up." I said as I looked at my pirate clothes. "I feel like I'm not a good enough Pirate, not good enough to even pass as a pirate. Not good enough to be second in command.. not even.. be a.. I can't even say it!" I cried out.  I put my pirate suit on as Jay looked into my eyes. "Mel you're the best pirate I know! Who cares what she thinks or says! You're still the best! Number one in my book!" Jay said. "I'm going to make a new sword she can keep the other piece of junk." I said as I waved my hand as a pink and black pirate sword appeared before me. I placed it in a back up holder. "Come on Jacky.. we've got plans with Alex." I said as I bumped into someone as the sunflowers appeared at my feet. "Alex! Oh gosh I'm so sorry!" I said as he picked them up and looked into my eyes. "They're fine. Oh hey Jay. Are those your pirate suits? Where's the captains uniforms you made her?" Alex asked me. "They're on her ship. In a nice gift box with a large bow. I even put in a nice necklace I made.. it's not gonna change things.. I'll never be her sea sister or best friend ever again! She's made that perfectly clear by stripping me of my sword and holder. I'm pirate Mel and I made a new sword and holder." I said as Alex blushed. "Don't say her name. I already know what her name is.. to her I'm the enemy. Her biggest enemy. I'm at a loss boys." I said as Alex held me close. "I'm squishing the flowers again." I cried. "Don't worry about the flowers I'm here for you. All your friends are here for you." I said they all appeared. They each hugged me. "Where's Hook?" I asked Audrey. "He's been banned from seeing you..." Evie said as a shocked expression crossed my arms. "That's something she'd do. Not surprised." I said as I waved my hand as Harry appeared in front of me as he hugged me. "Mel! You've freed me! I couldn't take one more minute alone from you!" Harry said as I disappeared. I was on her ship. I didn't say anything I took my hat off and placed it beside me. I stood with my hand on my sword. "Captain? I can't even say your name anymore.. why bring me here? Is it because I stole Hook back? God, it's a free country. If I'm such a "disgrace" then why of all people would you choose me? The one person you hate now. All because I accidentally set fire to a ship and then fixed the ship. I can't control my fire and ice powers. I've tried. You've seen how that turned out.. I froze reaching out towards you.. unless you wanna apologize and talk.. then I'm just gonna leave." I said marching down the ships plank. "Here I go! Pirate Mel! Oh by the way! I hope you liked your suits. I made them with love.. not that it matters. You kicked me to the curb. You ruined my pirate spirit. Jay got me back to where I am! I'm not gonna fight you. You're welcome!" I said as I threw my hands up and groaned. I stormed back onto the ship. "The fact that you ruined our best friendship.. and sea sister hood.. I have no room in your life apparently! So why drag me here? Are you even here? Am I just blabbering on and on to nobody! Come on Captain! Face Me! One.. Last.. Time." I said as I stood there. "I heard you crew gave you a toss overboard your ship. I promised I wouldn't come to the rescue. And I kept my promise. Thank god for Harry. He's the hero. Three cheers for Hook! I just didn't think your crew had it out for you that badly.. oh by the way I created my own sword, you can keep that gross one. You're a poor unfortunate soul Captain! You had a best friend! And a sea sister! Someone who saved your life.. I saved your butt from so many things I can't list them all. I won't bow down to you. After all I've done for you.. I get kicked off the crew.. the crew that I stopped from throwing you overboard the first time. Remember that? Remember the fear on your face and the pleading in your eyes. I saw that.. and I compassionately helped you. Because I wanted us to be friends. I couldn't let them do that.. I'm not a perfect Pirate.. but I'm not a "disgrace" as a pirate. I'm tough. Tough enough to talk to you! To face you. To.. say goodbye." I said as I dropped and envelope on the box and left. I heard her dark laughter as I looked around the ship. "Stop playing games." I cried out. "That laughter doesn't threaten me. I'm Pirate Mel. And yes I did cross the line! But I fixed the boat! You saw it! You wanna laughed manically at me. Go right ahead! We're not best friends anymore so I guess a walk on your plank won't hurt." I challenged her as I took off my dress and walked onto the board as I breathed in and out. "I'm gonna jump! Unless you stop me.. but that's never gonna happen! You stopping me from jumping? You stopped me from being a part of your crew! That didn't bother you at all! So here I go! One! Two! TWO AND A HALF! ONE!" I said as I jumped as I landed in the water below. I wanted to test her reaction. I wanted her to think I was still underwater so I hid on the side of her ship. "You actually did it! You jumped off my plank! Bravo!" Uma said as she laughed. "Wow I didn't even have to force you over! Bye bye little mermaid." Uma said as Harry rushed over. "What did you do?!" Harry cried as a tear fell down his cheek. "I did nothing the little mermaid jumped to test me. Who knows where she is right now... I don't think she made it." Uma said with a dark laugh. "Mel! Melody!" Harry cried out as I heard the plank as a splash got me wet. Harry saw me as I put my finger to my lips. Harry scooped me up in his arms as he placed me on the ship as he climbed aboard. "No! No.. Mel stay with me! Come on! Don't leave me! Uma help her!" Harry cried as Uma shook her head. "Why should I! she's not my sea sister or best friend anymore.. she's just a fake pirate. She's faking this too." Uma said as I just layed there. "She wouldn't be hurting like she is now if you hadn't called her a disgrace and took away her sword and her pirate status! Did you even open the gift? Or the envelope? So you're not gonna help her? Wow... you'd let Mel die? Just like this.. she would've saved you life if you were in her place! She'd be doing her weird CPR move with her fists. Crying for you to wake up and not leave her. Because without you she's nothing.. that's what she believes. Without her pirate status she's nothing. Don't you get it? She jumped hoping you'd freak out and save her. She wanted you to show her you care about her in that heart of yours to show compassion! But I  had to save her! Because you wouldn't very captain of you! I'm throwing in the towel. You're on your own Captain." Harry said as I opened my eyes as he carried me in his arms. "Wait." Uma said as Harry stopped. "What?" Harry asked. "I need you. I can't run this ship without a second in command! We've been through so much together as a team." Uma cried. "You and Mel have been through a whole lot more and you clearly don't need or want her. She'd give up everything she has to just have you back.. even her voice or tail. I can't wait until everyone hears you refused to help Mel. She jumped.. for you. Just one small sign of worry or concern was all she wanted. A small bit of kindness. She saved your life and you'd let her die. Who are you?!" Harry cried as Uma stood in front of Harry as I had my head in his chest. "She doesn't have anything to say to you! She's said a lot. She did that whole speech that had me in tears. And you just hid and laughed.. you could end this right now. Apologize. Mel has already done it. Be her best friend and sea sister again. Make her second in command again. Show you care!" Harry cried. I looked into her eyes as I tried not to cry. "That's what I thought. Good luck captain." Harry said when we were far enough away, I cried into his chest. "I was so sure she was gonna save me! But she'd rather let me lose my life then jump to rescue the one best friend she had! The only best friend who disguise themselves to be her and deal with the bad guys by confusing them.. She'd let me die.. She'd let me die." I said as I cried. "She'd what!" Mal cried. "I tested Uma.. I jumped off her plank to see if she'd become concerned or show some sort of panicked look. I pretended to be unconscious she refused to help me. So She'd rather let me die.. then save my life in return!" I cried as I hugged my knees. Mal looked stunned. "Uma lost her best friend and sea sister. What a shame for her. Having you as a best friend and sea sister was the most fortunate thing to ever happen to Uma." Mal almost shouted it. "I bet if Uma would apologize, you'd forgive her right away! Isn't that right Mel?" Mal looked at me. "Yeah! Because that's what best friends and sea sisters do! But I guess I'm no longer both of those things! You said for life! And you broke that promise! We swore it together! I've seen you do worse with your magic! You broke my bones remember! Oh that time you threatened to throw me to the sharks! As bait! Shall I go on?" I said out loud so Uma could hear me. "Just say you forgive her." Mal whispered. "Why should I? She took away my sword and holder! And called me a disgrace of a pirate! She broke my heart and almost made me quit being a pirate forever. I packed my stuff in a box, Jay gave me the courage to become myself. So I made myself a new sword and holder." I whispered back. "Wait you're serious.. she said that?" Mal whispered. "Yes she did all of it! Why should I apologize to her? Forgive her? She owes me the apology and her forgiveness!" I said. "It has come to my attention that you took back Mel's sword and holder.. I demand to know why." Mal cried. "She burnt a ship down! And then fixed it. That's over the line!" Uma cried. "She can't control her powers. They run on her emotions. At least she fixed the boat. So this is what this is all about.. Mel accidentally burning down a ship. You ruined her spirit, you took away part of her. For what! Nothing! You've lost your best friend and sea sister all because a ship burnt down! That's the most crazy reason to hurt someone in that way! It's insane! Are you forgetting what Mel has done for you? All that she's done to help you. God.. Uma. You have no right to strip Melody of who she is! What she did was wrong but she couldn't help it. And what's this about you letting her die! If she was really unconscious and someone was pleading for your help to bring Mel back.. you'd back away and let death take her? You've gone full VK.. that's just.. rotten to the core!" Mal said as she looked at me. "You wouldn't even save her? At least try to? She was the only best friend you have! Besides Harry. And she was your sea sister.. she sat by your side all the time. For gods sake you let her steer your ship! You're crazy if that's what's making you cut off ties with Mel! She cares about you with all her heart. She'd die for you. She'd do anything for you! She tested you tonight to see if you even still cared the same way but you failed.. I'm disappointed in you Uma." Mal said as Uma looked over at me as I tried not to make eye contact. "Come on Mel. Let's go find you a new best friend! One who won't let you die." Mal said as she walked with me. I heard Uma sobbing as I looked at Mal. "Is she crying?" I whispered to Mal. "Let her cry, maybe Audrey will be your new best friend! She'd love to!" Mal said as we went to Audrey's room as I asked her to be my best friend as she jumped up and down and hugged me. "You're Squeezing to tight.." I said as she let go. "Sorry Mel. I'm just so happy! We can have tea together! And make dresses together! And do homework together! Bake, cook, paint, read! Whatever you wanna do bestie!" Audrey said as I was transported to Harry's room. "Hey! I was just asking Audrey to be my new best friend and she said.. oh you're here." I said as I crossed my arms. "Mel..." Harry said. "You saw what she did on that ship.. she came to you. That's not surprising. I'm in shock that she's actually, finally showing some kind of emotion.. didn't get that at all from when I jumped. I thought she was gonna stop me or jump in after me.. but no, she'd let me die! What kind of a ex best friend refuses to help their ex best friend after she went underwater and is unconscious! It's horrible for me to have to think that what's she said. The Uma I knew.. would've jumped right in! Wouldn't hesitate to help me regain consciousness! I would've saved you.. every time! Again and Again and Again! Over and Over! I'd give you anything you needed. Even my blood. My organs. I'd give you my brain! Or heart!" I cried as I looked at her. "You're mad at me for such a silly reason! I fixed the ship! Don't worry those two bad guys aren't stuck in the middle of nowhere I gave them back their boat. Yeah bet you feel real crappy right now. I kept that a secret until you'd show some kind of sign that you care. You're crying. Mal made a good point. You lost me. Nobody has ever lost me before. If I can't be your best friend and sea sister ever again.. I'm nothing without you! But I have Audrey now. Just remember.. we had great moments together." I said as I placed a photo album on Harry's piles of books. I waved my hand as I was back in Audrey's room. "Oh hey Mel! Where did you go?" Audrey asked with a smile. "Harry called me to his room." I said as I sat on her bed. "Mel! Open the door Audrey! Please! Mel please let me in!" Uma cried. "The door is open." Audrey said. Uma opened the door and looked at me. "Well are you gonna come in or just stand in the hallway?" Audrey said. Uma came into the room. I could tell she had cried some more before she came here. "Well?" Audrey asked Uma. "I came to.." she said as she broke down. "Oh brother." Audrey said. "Audrey..." I said as I looked at her. "Sorry that was not nice of me to say." Audrey said. "For crying out loud, Uma came to say she's sorry!" Harry said as he looked at me. "You sent her to do this?" I looked at Harry as he sighed. "Aye, I couldn't see your heart break any longer. Uma's reason for letting you go was silly and she is very sorry for taking away your pirate sword and holder and also calling you that god awful name. Which I won't repeat. Isn't that right Uma?" Harry said as Uma nodded. "Well.. now she feels sorry! Harry.. she had 1000 times to apologize and she chooses now?! You saw how she treated me on her ship. You saw how she laughed and said bye to me when I jumped off the plank and into the water. I heard nothing like concern, panic, caring.. nope she just laughed. Congratulated me for doing it. Never had the thought to jump in after me. Didn't even hesitate to ignore the thought of saving me. She showed no remorse for letting me jump. She didn't try to stop me.. which any great best friend would do. An earlier apology would've done it! But you come now? When it's all said and done. Just keep piling on the pain.. and now she says she's  sorry. You let me jump off your plank and you didn't even care.. I wanted so badly to hear you cry and then jump in after me. I wanted you to show concern! I wanted you to be worried! Who are you?! You're not the Uma I befriended.. I wanted my sea sister and my best friend back.. but after tonight what you did and didn't do.. was hurtful and heartbreaking. I've been by your side! Even when you threaten to throw me to the sharks! Even when you attacked me and broke my bones.. and made it so I couldn't move. I had faith in you.. and to have you rip a part of me away.. we both know that's the best part of me. Now I'm just stuck as a pirate wannabe... I can't measure up to you.. you really want to end our friendship? Fine." I said as looked at her. "Requiem Famiga!" I said as Uma looked at me. "Who are you?" Uma asked me. "I've never seen you before, are you new here?" Uma asked me. "There's so many people on this isle, I'm sure you've never once spotted me." I said as I looked at everyone. "I had no choice!" I cried at them. "Are you sure this is what you want?" Mal asked me. "She deserves a life without me." I said as my Friends looked surprised. "Who are you talking about?" Uma asked. "Umm someone at school." Harry said. "Oh okay. Well I'm gonna go clean my sword and take post on my chair.." she said as she looked into my eyes. "I swear I've seen your eyes before.." Uma said thinking about it. "You're a pirate too? Wow! Who taught you?" Uma asked me. "Harry did!" I said happily. "So you and Hook are friends? I can't believe we've never met. Well I'm Uma." Uma said putting her hand out for me to shake. "I'm Melody." I shook it. Weeks went by.. the more time Uma forgot about me the more I missed her. I'd watch her on her ship as she would see me and wave. But she doesn't want me as a best friend or sea sister anymore. It's best if she forgets who I am.. even if it tears me to pieces. I ruined everything." I said. "You miss her don't you?" Harry asked a nodded as I began to cry. "It's best if she lives her life without me I ruined everything! I ruined our friendship and being a sea sister.. I'm the cause of it! If I'd never set fire by accident to that ship.. Uma would still be my best friend and sea sister.. it's killing me. Watching her day in and day out.. without me. My throne is just an empty chair now.. a fashionable empty chair. Her crew made it for me as a gift and I'll never be able to sit next to Uma without her as my sea sister. She left me. She called our friendship off... She made me give up my pirate side.. by taking back my sword and holder.. she left me with what remained of a pirate... a true pirate. I felt naked without my sword. She took part of me.. I just hate myself for making her forget about me.. but I had no other choice. I mean look at how happy she is. It's like I never existed." I said as Harry looked at me. "You stood up to Uma.. but does she really deserve to forget about you forever? You swore to be sea sisters for life!" Harry said. "She broke that promise! I couldn't control the fire that day. I was so angry about Jacky being taken. It just happened. I was horrified so I fixed it and she still took away my sword and holder.. for no good reason! I feel betrayed. She trained me! We became friends.. and then best friends! She was my sea sister.. but she kicked me to the curb and then wanted forgiveness. I just wanted my status as pirate to mean something to her again. She always supported my pirate life style. Not anymore. She's wasn't just my best friend.. she was apart of my family. And now I want caring, kind, standoffish Uma back. I want the captain that I learned to not fear. I want my spot back next to hers.. I wish she'd just understand how silly this whole fight is! It's over a boat which I accidentally set ablaze and then fixed! She stormed into my studio and took my pirate gear away. She had no right to do.. but she just snatched it all up and called me..." I said as Harry bit his lip. "Umm.. Mel.. Uma.." I said as Uma looked at me with care in her eyes. "I did what! Why would I do something like that? Try to take away apart of someone's personality.. I'm so sorry." Uma said. "Hypothetical question. Say if I jumped off your plank for any reason.. and I landed in the water and didn't come up.. say I make it out by somebody bringing to me to the boat. If they asked you to save me.. would you comply or refuse?" I asked her as she looked at me. "Of course I'd save you Mel!" Uma cried as she hugged me. "Mel?" I asked confused. Uma looked at me with tears in her eyes. "You were right, it was a stupid reason to be angry at you. You fixed the boat and I should've never acted the way I did. Or called that horrible name. I'm lost without you.. you're all I have." Uma cried as she held onto me as Harry gave me a thumbs up. "But why did you make me forget about you?" She asked me. "I thought your life would be better if you forgot about me completely. It would be like I'd never existed to you. I'd just be a stranger. But you were so happy. But I was miserable. I knew it wouldn't take you long to remember me again. My eyes are unique. You heard this whole speech and now you know. You owe Jacky a massive apology you called him a "filthy primate." It's really affected him. He'll never look at you the same.. I try everything to cheer him up. I set up collage materials and paper. He doesn't touch them. I gave him fruit.. he wouldn't eat it. He attacked me for his toy. He's not the same Jacky! You're words made him change! His behavior is unacceptable. You're gonna go apology to Jacky and then you're gonna come back here and we'll talk more about this situation." I said as Harry went with her. I waited on the steps. As Uma came out with Harry following behind her. "I apologized to Jacky." Uma said as I smiled a little. "Thank you." I said. "So what about us?" She asked me. "You're the one who called off our friendship and ties as sea sisters.. which cut me so deep, I cried for hours everyday to the ocean. Wishing you'd come back. I wanted to be by your side.. I even offered some things.. irreplaceable things.. just for your friendship.. and us being sea sisters again." I said as I looked at her. "What kind of irresponsible things?" Harry asked. "The usual." I said. "Dear god Mel! Offering up your voice and your tail is not gonna change anything.. the ocean doesn't want either so it's pointless offering.." Harry said as Uma looked at him as he gulped. "You'd do that for me? Even after I refused to save your life?" Uma said. "Of course I would.." I said as she looked at me. "I should've never taken away your pirate sword and holder. You're a pirate. And I abused my powers as a friend and as a captain. All because of a stupid ship. Now that I think about it. It makes no sense. I should've just accepted that you fixed your mistake. Just like the others. I have no excuse for what I did. I discredited you.. insulted you.. Tore you down. You had every right to tell me off, I was a chicken. I hid and listened. I should've said something that night but I didn't." Uma said. "Uma.. first of all, I'm disappointed in you. Second of all, do you even want me back as a best friend and or sea sister? And lastly, I want my pirate title back.. I want you to look up what disgrace means in the dictionary. I read the definition and it tore me apart. I'm Pirate Mel! Savior of The isle of the lost and found!" I said as
My friends cheered. "Mel! I'm so glad I found you! I made you some dresses!" Audrey said as she brought me a huge box. "Wow Audrey, thanks! I don't know what to say." I said happily. "Oh hi Uma. Just bringing gifts to my bestie!" Audrey said as something in Uma snapped. "You're not her bestie! You will never be her bestie! She's my bestie! Keep dreaming Audrey but being your bestie is never gonna happen." Uma growled as Audrey ran off crying. "Uma! What was that?! You need to calm down! And then go apologize to Audrey! I can have more than one bestie! You're being selfish again! I'm not just your bestie! You're possessive and that's not cool! Or friendly." I said as her foot hit the ground as I flew backwards and landed on the sand. "MEL!" Alex screamed as he ran over to me. "My poor beautiful princess! It's gonna be okay! We're gonna get some help! I'm staying right here." Alex said as he turnt me over so I could see him. "I think my arm is broken. Maybe that broken bone spell.. is coming back with a vengeance... why would Uma.. you know what!" I said as I got up and walked over to Uma. "You have gone too far Uma! Trying to control me! Deciding who my bestie is! Or how many I have! That's my decision not yours so if Audrey wants to be my bestie also, I'm gonna allow it! I don't like this possessive side.. it scares me. The look in your eyes.. you have no right to make decisions for me! That's selfish thinking! We talked about this multiple times Uma." I said as heard cracking as I laid on the ground in pain. "You did it again! You've broken my bones! Not a surprise. Look at me! I'm a mess! I can't move my arms and legs!" I said as I cried out as the ground shook as all my friends came to my aid. "We need to get her inside." Mal said. "On three! One, two, three!" They Harry and Jay picked me up as I whimpered in pain. I looked back at Uma. "Why?" Was all I could get out. "Freddie!" Audrey said into the crystal ball. "Audrey? What's going on? Is Mel okay?" She asked nervously. "Mel's bones are broken again.. Uma did it." Audrey said as Freddie grabbed some stuff and ran off and made it to my room. "If she keeps this up Mel will lose use of her bones. I'm going to Ben after this... I demand he make using that spell against the rules.. that spell should be permanently erased from her brain! Every time she uses it's directed towards poor Mel. Okay Mel I'm gonna help your bones reconnect. It will hurt." Freddie said. "Just do it." I whimpered as I saw Uma standing in the hallway as a tear fell down my cheek. "Im a monster." She said as everyone turnt to look at her. "Uma.. you should go." Harry said as Uma left. I cried out in pain as each bone repaired themselves. I screamed a little as the light went out in the room. Okay now we need to wrap her arms and legs in seaweed. And use this special cream. It will make the pain go away and make sure this never happens again. If Uma tries.. she'll fail. Your bones are safe now. Rest up Mel. I'm gonna go talk to Ben now." Freddie said as my friends put the cream on my legs and arms and then gently wrapped the seaweed leaves on my arms and legs. "Why.. did she do this?" I asked as I cried and shook from fear. "I thought she changed the spell to do good not cause harm! I want to know why. Harry and Jay. Bring Uma to me. I want to speak to her." I said as Audrey stood in front of Harry and Jay so they couldn't leave. "Is that really a good idea.. she just ruined your bones Mel. You're shaking from fear. Are you sure you want her in here with you after she ruined your body? And caused you tremendous pain?" Audrey said. "I want an answer as to why. I think I know why but I want to hear it from her first." I said as Harry and Jay and came back with Uma as they sat her down in a chair. "Hello Captain." I said as I narrowed my eyes. "I want to know why you broke my bones? That's all I want is an answer to why. I want to hear your reason why. Don't think you're gonna get off on this. You will be punished for this. I don't know what or how it will be but you will have one. So why Captain? You've got 10 minutes." I said as she looked at me. "I did it because I was angry. I was angry that you referred to me as possessive. And controlling. I figured if you'd be stuck in bed all day. You wouldn't have time to make a new bestie. Sea sister for life." Uma said as I took a deep breath. "Okay.. you were being "possessive" you can't tell me what to do. I'm my own person. You don't not own me. I am a person! With the power to choose what's in my life and isn't. That's not your place. That gives you no right to break my bones.. and to put me in agonizing pain again.. I was horrified when you did the spell. I thought you changed it to help others! Not hurt them! You swore you'd use that spell for good. But you lied. I'm always your target! Your victim! What do I have a giant bullseye on my back? You choose me to hurt. Not that you should be hurting anyone at all because violence is never the answer. I'm making Audrey my bestie. It's my choice. Not yours." I said as Uma stood up. "Then I guess this is goodbye." Uma said as she walked to the door. "If you walk through that door.. you walk away from an amazing best friend and sea sister. If you leave then I'll know you've abandoned me. Do you really want to give up what we have! I'm your closest best friend besides Harry. You've tons of best friends Uma. You're just walking away from the bestest one you'll ever find. I saved your life Uma... you wanna turn away and go? You'll lose me.. but in my heart.. I'll never lose you. So is this what you want?" I asked her as she thought about it. She walked through the door and shut it behind her as I cried. "Someone wipe my tears away." I said as Alex took a tissue and wipes them as they fell. "Uma will come back to you Mel.. she always does. I can't believe she would throw you to the curb. I mean you're so loyal and nice and caring.. Uma made a big mistake. And she's gonna regret it for the rest of her life." Mal said. "But in the meantime you've got all of us. And Anna. And Dizzy." Evie said. "And me." Grandma Athena said as she placed her hand on my shoulder as I smiled. You're right. Oh shoot! Alex! We've got to go now! We're gonna be late!" I said as waved my hand as a new dress was on me and Alex was in a royal suit similar to my fathers. "Late for what?" Alex asked. "Tonight's the night we have dinner with my parents and Jacky, and Anna." I said as I created a portal. "I'm so sorry you guys, I'll be back in a little while." I said they all looked at me. "Have fun!" Audrey said with a smile. "Come on Jacky." I said as he climbed onto my shoulder. "Bye!" He said as my friends smiled. We all stepped through the portal as it closed behind us. Anna was already at the table with my mom and dad. As we both sat down. "What did you make us for dinner?" My mom asked as I looked completely embarrassed and then began to cry. "I forgot to cook! Uma why did you have to walk away!" I cried as my mom held me close. "It's okay honey... Uma isn't your best friend anymore... I'm so heartbroken to hear that. Use your magic." My mom said as I waved my hand as food magically appeared on the table. "Cake?" My mom asked confused. "Sorry I eat cake when I'm sad." I said as I waved my hand again and a dish of lasagna and cookies were on the table. "There.. that's better!" I said as I cried as Alex hugged me. "Please don't cry my princess! Don't let her ruin your dinner.. her drama isn't worth it." Alex said as I wiped my tears and sat down. "You're right. This is more important." I said as my mom looked at my nose. "Melody.. your nose is bleeding." Alex said concerned. "It's nothing. Probably all the dryness in my room. It happens once and while." I said as I plunged a tissue into my nose to catch the blood. It worked but it looked funny. "So Alex, I heard you've changed studies. You want to be a fashion designer. Amazing. Right Melody?" My dad asked me as I almost spit out my water. I swallowed it. "Yes that's great babe! But I thought you loved mythical beings and creatures? What made you change your mind?" I asked him as took my hand. "You did. And Jacky. Mostly you. You're my muse, my inspiration. You're why I love art. The sparkle in your eye when you create new dresses. I knew then that I wanted to become a fashion designer. Like you! And Evie!" He said as I smiled. "You like Jacky art? I muse too?" Jacky said. "Of course Jacky, you're my muse too! I absolutely love your works of art." Alex said as Jacky clapped his hands. "Yay!" He said. "Anna how was your day at school?" My mom asked her. "It was okay. The one kid at school who truly understands me is Dizzy. The others just look at me and call me the reject. Because my parents abandoned me." Anna said as she cried. "What! That's horrible. I will talk to Ben and we will have those kids apologize for you and they will all face appropriate consequences. How long has this been going on?" My mom asked shocked. "Since I joined the class. I Introduced myself to the class and it all went downhill from there.. maybe they're right.." Anna said as she excused herself from the table and walked off as I followed her. I pulled her close. "Listen to me, you have your forever family now. Those other kids are just jealous because you have things they don't. As your big sister it is my job to protect you from things like this.. don't hide these sort of things okay? Please come to me right away. I will go talk to Ben. Come on let's go have some cookies with milk." I said as Uma watched us. Uma dropped the ball as she shrieked with panic. "Spying huh? That's officially rude to eavesdrop.. especially since you walked away from me. I have nothing to say to you. Now leave me alone." I said as a bolt of lighting shocked the ball and Uma. "Ouch!" Uma cried. "Uma are you okay?" Harry asked her. "What does it look like Harry?" Uma asked sarcastically. "Okay I was just asking because I care. Somebody slept on the wrong side of the bed." Harry said as began to walk to the door. "Wait.. I'm sorry.." Uma said. "You just walked out on Mel.. without hesitation.. imagine how horrible she feels. Do you have any idea how much your best friendship meant to her? It meant the world! The whole world! And the moon and the stars! In the whole galaxy! Turning her down like that. Crushed her spirit. Broke her heart. And she lost faith in you. You could've fixed things between you two.. but you just walked away! Shut the door behind you. Mel saw the good in you that nobody else did. She's the one person to put up with your angry outbursts and actually defends you when you're in trouble. She took a punishment for your actions. The list of things she's done for you.. is so long. It makes Santa's naughty list look like a big grocery list. I can't believe you just turnt you back and walked away. Shame on you Uma.. we're all disappointed in you. Mel loved you like family, flesh and blood. And you decided to quit on Mel. Why? Why would you walk away from such an amazing friend! She helps you pass your classes. And don't get me started on the two Uma's." Harry said. "Is that Mel's coral crown?" Harry asked. "No this is my crown. Hers had a purple stone in the middle of the front. This one is sea blue." She pointed out. "Sorry.. We can't find hers still. Have any ideas on who it might be?" I asked her. "Audrey she's already stolen one crown.. why stop there?" Uma said. "Hey Audrey has changed." Harry said. "We want Mel to be happy again. Without her she's empty inside. She loved being part of your crew and sitting beside you in her chair. Remember how much fun you've had together... all those happy times. Gone." Harry said. We arrived back at the school as familiar female face met mine from a window. "Is that Uma?" Alex asked. "Don't say her name!" I cried annoyed. "I call her Captain. Just please don't say her name in front of me. Every time you say her name.. I just want to cry in a ball. While holding our picture together against my heart..." I said as Alex looked up at her once more and then walked with me. We went up to my room as Uma stood at the door. "Mel? It's Uma. Open the door please. I want to talk with you.. face to face." Uma said as Jacky opened the door. "Mama not here!" Jacky said as we slipped further down the hallway and hid as Uma ran down the stairs. We snuck to my room and shut the door. "Good job Jacky." I said as he looked at me. "I have nothing to say to her. Nothing. I just want to scream and shout in anger.. just forget the pain for one whole minute.. every time I close my eyes I see her walking through that door and closing it behind her. I'm so shocked and hurt she'd ever do that. She could've stayed.. but she didn't. I feel lost. I forgot to cook dinner for my family! How humiliating, I'm stuck in depression Uma mode that I can't even remember that. She can talk to whoever she wants. But not me. I need some apple juice." I said as I walked to Uma restaurant as a sign made me gasp.. it was a picture of a mermaid with a circle and slash going through the circle. "No mermaids allowed.." I said sadly. "I'm gonna burn that sign." Gil said. "That's it! I'm throwing this in the trash. Mel you're welcome as my guest into Uma's restaurant." Gil said as he opened the door as I walked in as the crew greeted me with hugs and smiles. "Ahem. Didn't you see the sign?" Uma demanded. "What sign? Oh you mean the one that bans all mermaids! It's in the trash because it's discriminatory towards all Merfolk. All I came for is some apple juice. I'll just get myself some!" I said as I walked behind the counter and poured myself a glass as Uma marched up to me and grabbed me by the back of my hair as my glass cup shattered. "Who said you could let yourself behind the counter?" Uma snapped. "Uma this has to stop! You can't treat people this way! It's bad for business and unacceptable. Mel is welcome her anytime she wants!" Gil said. "Says who?" Uma asked. "The whole crew, including me. If I see that sign again.. I going to Ben." Gil said. "Listen here Gil.. I'm your captain. And you follow my orders." I said as I tackled her to the ground as I pinned down her arms. "Listen here Captain. You keep treating your crew like this and soon you won't have one. These are dedicated pirates who don't take kindly to your bullying! Captain or No Captain.. you're rotten.. Gil has done nothing to deserve this! And I haven't either. You weren't gonna give me the drink yourself so I did. Is that hate in your eyes? Wow. I'd be careful Captain if I were you.. bullying your crew into submission is horrible. You want a crew you've got to show them you care! Show them respect! And compassion! Pick on someone your own size." I said as I got off of her as I heard clapping. "Bravo Mel! You stood up to Uma. Again! Wow you keep getting braver and braver each time Uma gets on your nerves. A true pirate! Standing up for the crew and everything." Harry said as Uma stood up. "What's with this?" Harry asked Uma as she held up the sign. "Mermaids are officially banned from my restaurant effective immediately. So that means.. little mermaid has over stayed her welcome." Uma as she grabbed me as I fought back. "Get your hands off of me! This is assault! Unlawful touching!" I cried out as Uma pushed me to the ground. "Stay out. Don't come back.. if you do.." Uma began. "What's gonna happen? Are you gonna beat me up? Oh wait you've already done that. Break my bones? You've done that twice. Send a siren to attack me... it's a free country Uma. But if you truly don't want any customers.. you won't have any because I'm the only one who shows up here!" I cried as I stood up. "I don't care what you do to me. I have the right to be here with my friends. Your crew mates are my friends! You were once.. my friend.." I said as I got emotional. I took out my phone and took a picture of the sign and sent the video of what happened in the restaurant and after wards when she threw me out and then a picture of the sign. "Did Uma just throw her only customer out of restaurant? Good luck keeping your restaurant open." Audrey said. "She just kicked Mel out.. I never thought she'd.. guys the sign. She discriminating mermaids from her restaurant. The only mermaid on the isle is.. Mel." Evie said as she frowned. "I never thought Uma would go this far. That's it we're coming Mel. Stay right there." Evie said as my friends came as fast as they could as I saw them. "What is her problem?!" Evie said as she stormed into the restaurant. "Uma! You've gone too far! Banning mermaids from your restaurant.. your only patron is a mermaid.. duh! Which means if she gets banned from here, you'll lose money and your restaurant won't survive. Uma you will apologize to Gil. And you will remove that sign." Mal demanded. I clung to the back of Harry. "Mel would you like to say something?" Harry asked me. "I've already said all I could... Fine you don't want me here then I'll take my money elsewhere. The cafe would love to have to me there everyday. See how long your restaurant lasts.. don't come crying to me when it tanks. You did this yourself. Bye! Have a good time with no customers!" I said as I walked out of the restaurant as I made my way out.. I waited until we were far enough away as I collapsed into my friends arms. "She's the one who's gone too far! What she did was a disgrace! I told her off and stood up for the crew." I said as I heard Gil's voice. "You're not alone anymore. We're right by your side. The whole crew. And me. Uma did this to herself. We won't be bullied by her anymore! We're done! You're not officially a captain but we will follow you to the ends of the earth and back. Because you care and respect us." Gil said as a smile grew on my face. "Uma is gonna hate herself for what she just did. I sent the video and pic to Ben. He sent back an angry emoji." Mal said. "We're all angry. And hurt. That Uma of all people would do this to Mel! She was Uma's best friend.. Mel doesn't deserve that. I know you're not a captain but here's a captains hat we pulled out of Uma's hat box. Try it on." Gil said as I placed it on my head. "It feel awkward. It doesn't fit.. you know Into my personality. I'm not a captain.. so I shouldn't be wearing this. I don't have a nice ship.. I don't have what it takes to be.. her. I'm not Captain material." I said as Gil looked at me. "Are you kidding me! You're better than her! You have all the positive qualities in a captain that one should have! You'd be a great captain. You don't need a ship. And we're on your side now." Gil said as he placed the hat on my head as I looked in the mirror. "It does look good with my facial features. Okay a captain I shall be! A good captain who gives back to her community and doesn't rob ships or even attack them. Each of you will have a task each day. They won't be very hard. I'll do the barnacles..." I said Ben took my hand and walked with me. "Ben?" I asked confused. "Oh sorry how rude of me. Mel will you please come with me?" He asked with a smile. "Yes." I said as we walked to Uma's restaurant as she sat in her chair a look of defeat on her face. "Uma. You probably know why I'm here." Ben said. "I saw the video of how you treated Mel and Gil. I also saw the sign. It will be removed by me and never to be used again. It's a discrimination against Mel. She's the only mermaid on the isle. It was directed towards her. Mel has been a loyal customer since she joined your crew.." Ben continued. "Crew.. what crew? They all left me to be with Mel." Uma said sadly. "They what?" Ben asked. "It's My fault they left.. I treated them poorly.. I was mean to them! I yelled at them. I showed them no sign that I cared about them. I didn't think they'd do it.. but they finally did.. and now I'm completely alone. Without a crew I'm just a pirate. I'll remove the sign.." she said as slowly walked up to it with her head down. I placed my hand on her shoulder. "Uma.." I said as she turnt around. "You're the captain. I'm just a pirate. I'll give you your crew back. That's if some things are changed. You'll have your crew back. But you won't have me.. even without that sign I know I'm banned.. it's not right.. it's not fair.. but it's your choice. I'll just go to the cafe. Good luck with your business. I just never thought you'd go this far to hurt me.. I came to your restaurant only to see you.. it wasn't just about the water or apple juice. It was where I could escape from my troubles and hang out with my best friend.. and sea sister. It was always about you Uma. The truth is that I love you." I said as I looked into her eyes and then walked off. "Are you leaving me!" Alex cried. "Not that kind of love!" I said as I laughed and punched his arm playfully. "Sisterly love." I said. "Ohhh." Alex said. Uma came running towards me at full speed as she stopped in front of me. "I walked away.. and it was wrong of me. I shouldn't have. The sign is down for good. I just want my crew back. I don't want to be alone." Uma said as I looked at her. "You're my only customer... you're right, if you leave my restaurant will go under. And it will be my fault. I can't lose my business!" Uma cried. My eyes softened as I put my hand on her shoulder. "Uma." I said as her head shot up to look at me. "You called me by my name." Uma said. "Listen, I will give you your crew back. What you did was hurtful. Putting up that discriminatory sign towards me... I was ready to move past all the drama. I was ready to give you another chance! Even though you were the one to end our friendship! I was depressed about you leaving me alone.. I just felt empty. We were best friends! Sea sisters! And you walked away from it all... why was I giving you a second chance? Because that's the only way I could see you again." I said as Uma looked at me. "She kicked you to the curb Mel, she just banned you from her restaurant! Why is a second chance after all this! a good idea?" Harry cried. "I don't know.. I don't know! I just wanted to see her.. even if it was her kicking me out of her restaurant. I got to see her face for a minute. I looked into her eyes. It made me realize how much I care about her. Even though she'd offend me with that sign, that one minute felt like hours. It's been weeks since Uma and I saw each other face to face. I just needed to look into her eyes and see her face one last time." I said as I pulled Uma close into a hug. "You can hate me for the rest of my life. We don't have to be friends. We don't have to be best friends or sea sisters even. But I'll still love you like I always have. As a best friend and a sea sister. Just like always. I guess the cafe will have to do for the time being.." I said as I sighed and looked away as a tear fell down my cheek. "Mel.. I'm so sorry.. I can't take it anymore." Uma said as she dropped to her knees. "I'm sorry crew, I failed you as a captain. Gil I'm sorry I yelled at you. Melody.. I'm sorry I banned you from my restaurant and grabbed you by your hair and then threw you out onto the pavement... now that I say it out loud.. it sounds ten times worse than just doing it. I should've never walked away..." Uma said as her crew helped her up and hugged her. "You called me by my full name." I said as I looked down. "I gave up our best friendship when I walked through that door. It's only appropriate to call you by your full first name, since we're not.." Uma said. "But you've always called me Mel..." I said as I teared up. "Best friend and sea sister." I said as I broke down. "Best friend and sea sister. Once." Uma said as I looked at her with shock. "Forever." I said as I placed my hand on her heart as my hand began to glow. "She's giving Uma a glimpse of their future." Grandma Athena said as everyone jumped. Uma looked at me and hugged me close. "Mel." She said as smiled. "Uma." I said as we both smiled. "The ban is lifted. I'm no longer angry at you. My sea sister for life. And best friend!" Uma cried as I smiled. My friends all looked at me. "What?" I asked them. "Your hand was glowing! Like a glow stick. It was really fascinating. So you and Uma are cool now?" Alex asked me. "Yes we're cool." I said with a smile. My friends smiled and clapped. "Melody!" A voice cried out in panic. "Mom? Mom! What's wrong!" I asked her. "It's Anna! She's severely sick! We don't know what to do! We need your help." My mom said as she cried. "Anna! Oh god!" I said as I opened a portal. "We're coming with you." Uma said as we all went through the portal. "Mom! Dad!" I called out as I went to my room as Anna was lying on my bed, she was pale and sweating. "Oh Anna!" I cried as I fell at her side. "Mom! Dad!" I said as they hugged me. "My friends came to help you Anna. I'm gonna try to get this illness out of you." I said as my hands moved around her body. "Got you! I found it.. now come to me!" I said as giant black orb floated out of Anna's body and into my hands. "You won't do any more harm." I said as I threw it into the ocean. "Anna.. you should start feeling much better soon. Nasty whatever it was.. it was big. It's gone now.." I said as I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was on Uma's boat. "Uma? Am I dreaming? Hello!" I called out as I looked at my body. "Is this a wedding dress!" I freaked out as I tried to take it off. "Get off me you stupid dress! Uma? Uma! Help!" I cried as a pair off boots landed right behind me. "Guess again beautiful." Harry's voice said as I froze. I groaned out. "Not you again! God you're desperate! If you think you can drag me into your dreams and expect me to follow by your "rules" you can forget about it.. because I'm not marrying you!" I cried as I tore the dress off and threw at him. "You're a creep! A real weirdo! I have a mate! Return me now or I swear to god I'll use my sword and I know where I'm sticking it!" I cried out. "Mel don't stab him in the butt!" Uma called out. "Oh come on! This guy is terrible!" I said as I realized Uma just spoke. "Uma! Help!" I cried. "Don't worry we're gonna get you out of there!" Uma said. "Just because you're captain now doesn't mean you claim me! I'm happily in love with my prince.. charm.. agh." I said as fell to the floor as I noticed blood. "You stabbed me!" I cried out as I used part of the dress and wrapped it around the wound. I stood up a little weak.. "how would you like another hook? You could have two hooks! or a peg leg!, or two peg legs! Or no head! Take your pick." I growled as I stumbled towards him. "Mel.. stop feeding his evil ego. Okay close your eyes!" Uma said as I did as I opened them and I was back in my bedroom. "He stabbed her!" Uma freaked out. "You saw him do it!" I said. "I didn't think it would carry over into reality! I thought what happens in dreams, stays in dreams." I said as she cleaned my wound and wrapped it up. "There." She said with a smile. "Are you okay my love?" Alex asked me. "I feel weak.." I said as I stumbled forward. As Jay caught me. "Thanks buddy." Alex said. "Anything for Mel." He said. "We need to get her blood sugar up. Cookies! Audrey go get your cookies!" Uma said. Jay placed on a chair. "It's gonna be alright Mel. Here's some water and cookies. Harry took out a piece of fish as he waved it in front of my nose as I woke up. "Oh gross Harry! Throw that away!" I cried. "Audrey brought you some water and your favorite cookies!" Alex said as I drank the water and ate the cookies. "Thank you." I finally said. "He's gonna pay for stabbing you! Mark my words." Alex said. "Don't bother... I closed the portal between our realities for good. Permanently. Forever." I said as I stood up. I waved my hand as my pjs appeared on my body. "Someone's ready for bed." Uma said as I blushed. "Sorry." I said as I waved my hand again as a dress appeared. "Wow Mel! That dress is so beautiful! Who's it for?" Audrey asked me. "It's for Uma. It was a present to start our friendship over again. It's her favorite color and it matches her hair!" I said as she looked at me. "Mel.. it's perfect." Uma said as I waved my hand and it went onto Uma. "No dresses. I'll save it for the dance." She said as she smiled. I waved my hand as her dress disappeared and her normal clothes were on her. "I'm stuck in my swim clothes.. maybe I am tired. I'm still weak.. a little. I would've thrown him overboard.." I said as Uma laughed. "Good idea." Uma said. "Is it just me.. hahahaha hook has a big nose." I said. "Uh oh she's hallucinating! Her wound is bleeding worse than before. We need to apply pressure and rebandage it." Uma said as harry applied pressure. "It's not working!" Harry said as Uma used the laser to shut it. "Ahhh! Goddddd!! Uma why did you do that!" I cried out. "It was the only way to stop the bleeding. I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!" She said as she held me close. I looked at her. "Thank you for saving me.. I must return to the ocean." I said as Uma looked confused. "Mel? What are you.. no! Your home is here with your parents and your little sister." Uma said as she blocked my path. "Little sister.." I said as I crawled towards my necklace as I reached for it as a hand picked it up. "It's good to be home!" A male voice said. "Alex? And other Alex.." I said as I blacked out. "I'm Alex!" They both said. "Wait.. this one is my boyfriend." Uma said as she laughed. "Sorry buddy, we're both named Alex! That's cool. Are you and Melody.. married yet?" Alex asked. "We're mates!" Alex said. "That's wonderful buddy! I'm happy for both of you." He said with a smile. "Uma won't mate with me." He said he frowned. "Because you're annoying, and you never listen to me, and you always disappear and I have to hunt you down." Uma said. "Mel.. how is she doing?" He asked as Alex sighed. "Not good.. she got stabbed. We have to laser the wound shut. She's tired and weak. But I'm sure she'll be glad to see you! How long have you known Melody?" Alex asked my friend. "Since we were young kids. She loved the sea and collection nicknacks, forks. Cook books. Shells." He said as Alex smiled. "She still does!" Alex said as my friend smiled. "That's Melody." Alex said as Uma looked at my friend. "Your girlfriend doesn't look very happy go buy her some flowers and take her to lunch. That'll make her less mad at you." Alex said as my friend and Uma walked off hand in hand. "It's so cute to see Uma in love!" Gil said as Alex smiled. "Gil can you do me a favor?" Alex asked Gil. "Sure! What do you need buddy?" Gil asked. "I need you to burry this. Just dig a big hole in the sand and drop it in and cover it back up." Alex said as he hand Gil my locket. "Alex?! Have you lost your brain! Mel loves this thing! I'm not gonna do it. Nope. I'm bringing it back to her!" Gil said as Alex and him fought for it. Alex, let him go! I said in his head. I heard it all.. bring me back my necklace and then go! Just go! I said as Alex let Gil bring me back my necklace as he took off. "Why would you want to do such a hurtful thing?" Grandma Athena asked Alex as he jumped. "Your majesty! I don't know why I asked Gil to do that. It was stupid and mean of me to think of doing that to Melody. I could and would never do anything like that to hurt her." Alex explained. "Or our child. One day." He blurted out. "You sound just like my husband going on and on about grand babies. There's no rush Alex. We can wait." My grandma said as she kissed his forehead and smiled. "Why aren't you with Melody? Where Is she?" My grandma asked. "She ordered me to leave and she's recovering from a stab wound. She's tired but she's getting stronger every day." Alex said as my grandma covered her mouth. "Who did this?" My grandma asked Alex. "He's long gone.. he won't hurt Melody ever again." Alex said as she sighed. Uma ran up to Alex. "Alex, Mel would like to speak with you." Uma said. "Oh hello Uma dear! Have you gotten taller! Still as beautiful as ever!" My grandma said as she hugged Uma. "Grandma Athena.. I mean your majesty! It's wonderful to see you. Mel would like to speak with you later but for now I must take Alex with me if you don't mind." Uma said with a smile. "I don't mind at all! Tell Melody I love her!" My grandma said as Alex and Uma came to my room and knocked. "Who this?" Jacky asked. "It's auntie Uma with Alex." Uma said as Jacky laughed. "Auntie Uma got super nice boyfriend named Alex! I met him. Jacky like!" Jacky said. "Jacky may we please come in?" Uma asked. Jacky opened the door with his tail as he smiled. "Uma! Alex!" Jacky said as he climbed up onto Uma's arm and hung there upside down. "You're silly! Come in. I'm sorry about Jacky bragging about your boyfriend. They're kinda buddies now. Anyways, thank you for bringing me Alex! And one more thing. I need more water." I said as I held out the pitcher. "Girl you can get a stomach ache or become sick drinking that much water. I know you like water but take a break from it, have some apple juice." Uma said as held up a bottle as I saw a figures face and jumped back. "Evil!" I cried. I curled up into a ball as my friends were summoned by Uma. "Mel? Melody? What did you see? What has you this afraid?" Harry asked me as I lifted my head as there was fear on my face. "It's not what I saw.. it's who I saw." I said as I bit my lip. "Who did you see?" Audrey asked. "That little old lady.. that turnt into Evie's  mom! The old hag.. sorry that's a horrible term, the old woman. There that sounds better." I said Evie looked at me. "No offense taken that what her signature name is "the old hag" I'm sorry you saw her face again. What kind of juice.. apples." Evie said as her face turned red with embarrassment. "Now I can see why... but it was just a trick of your brain and your eyes. You saw her yes. But your brain projected that image onto the bottle. Where do you get the apples you use to make juice?" Evie asked Uma. "From the apple trees we plant." Audrey said. "Right.. okay it's safe." She said as I sighed. "I'm sorry I made you all run up here like it was a big emergency. My brain loves to mess with me." I said as my friends smiled. "We have to go do our school work." Harry said as my friends left the room as Alex and I were alone. "Uma said you wanted to talk to me.." Alex said nervously. "You're so cute when you get nervous! Nothing to worry about. Please have a seat." I said as I brought him over a chair. "Mel you really shouldn't be lifting things with that wound. God it's gross to look at. It looks painful." Alex said as I set the chair down and sat back on my bed as Jacky climbed onto his shoulder. "Hey little guy. Look what I've got!" Alex said as he pulled a shiny object from behind Jacky's head. "SHINY!" Jacky cried and took it happily. "Shhh.. inside voice Jacky." I said as he quieted down. "Thank you." Jacky said as he examined it. "That's so sweet of you Alex. Really. You've made Jacky's day." I said as I looked at him. "I wanted to talks to you about something very important... don't freak out. Don't say anything. Don't tell my grandad. But... I think I'm pregnant. Surprise!" I said Alex fainted. "Oh god.. Uma!" I called as she came to help Alex. "What did you say to him?" Uma asked. I bit my lip. "Go get the others." I said. They all rushed into the room. Again. "Is Alex okay?" Mal asked me. "What did you say to make him faint?" Uma asked me as I sighed. "The ocean has granted me a child. An heir. So I think I'm pregnant!" I said as they were shocked. "The ocean got you pregnant? How does that work?" Gil asked. "Good question! I'm not exactly sure! It's not scientifically possible! But not all things are! I'm just as shocked as you are." I said as a female gasped as we all shivered. "You're pregnant!" My grandma said as she came up to me. "Yeah, I'm pregnant. I've been vomiting in my toilet for a while." I said. "Are you sure you're pregnant?" My grandma asked me. "Grandma Athena.. I can't explain how.. or why.. but-" I said as I fell to the ground as my hand was on my stomach. "Mel.. what's going on?" Harry said. "This isn't real.. is this a dream?" I asked. "Maybe it's a stomach bug.. I mean the sea can't get you pregnant! That's insane sounding..." Alex said as Mal check on my stomach. She put her ear to my stomach. "Mal what are-" Uma said. "Shh!" Mal said as she listened to my stomach. "This is insane!" Mal said. "Mel's.. unfortunately not pregnant. Thanks for wasting our time Mel." Mal said as my friend started to gang up on me with "thanks for nothing." And "I can't believe you lied to us!" And "I can't believe you lied to me! I'm leaving. You're crazy!" I was so upset I left the school and shut myself away in my hideout doing homework. "Now my friends hate me! I was so positive I was.. now even Alex wants to be without me. I hate myself! I hate being a freak! Thinking the sea got me pregnant! You're out of your mind Melody! Lock me up in a padded cell because I'm crazy! You lost everything.. all because you thought you were pregnant. I didn't know how to feel when you're pregnant! I never got to have that conversation with my mom... mom.. grandma Athena.. grandad.. everyone.. forgive me. I wasted their time.. all because I wanted it to be true! But it was all lies! Good going Mel, might as well just tied your hands together with rope and throw yourself off Uma's plank for insubordination! Heck I'll let them all push me off the plank! Not that they.. would." I said as I began to cry. I heard a knock as I looked up. "Go away. I want to be alone." I said as I heard the knocking again. "Mama? Mama!" Jacky said. "Jacky baby!" I cried as I opened the door as he jumped into my arms as I held him close. I shut the door behind us. "You brought your things.. your bag, your fruit, your outfits? You new shiny? Your water. What's going on Jacky?" I asked him. "Jacky no like how your friends treated you, Jacky run away with mama." Jacky said as I sighed. "I'm not running away. My friends all hate me.. Alex! Oh Alex! God I'm such a fool!" I cried as Jacky gave me a tissue. "Thanks Jacky." I said as I wiped my tears away. "Alex.. I lied to him.. I'm sure he wants a child more than anything and I lied to him.. I told him I was.. but I didn't know! How could I have? I knew vomiting was a sign. But other than that I was clueless." I said to Jacky said as my friends stood at the door. They banged on the door. "Mel we want to have a word with you! It's because of you little stunt I failed my test! Yeah! I lost my focus and screwed up an expensive dress!" Harry and Evie said. I changed my clothes into my pirate suit. "Jacky go hide." I said as he ran off. I sat on my throne and waved my hand as the door opened and they stormed up to me as they began ranting and yelling. "ENOUGH!" I cried as they all went silent. "I lied to you and took time out of your schedule because I thought I was pregnant! I wanted it to be true! You fail your tests because you don't study! Evie, you lost train of thought because you were stressed out and messed it up yourself. I've heard all your complaints! Mel you made me do this! Mel I did this because of you! Thanks for wasting our time! You know what, I'm putting my foot down and I'm gonna say this. How the heck am I supposed to know when I'm pregnant I went by the vomiting as you can tell I've never actually have experienced pregnancy! I got lost in the idea of having a child.. because I want one... and Alex.. he's never coming back. I don't care if you're mad at me, but blaming me for your crappy day isn't my problem! Go vent out on a punching bag! Or other healthier ways, instead of barging in here and yelling at me! I didn't deserve that.. I'm not the problem for you days being crappy. I'm sorry I lied to you.. and to Alex. Alex.." I said as they looked at each other. "Mama is right! Shame on all of you!" Jacky cried. "Mama don't deserve your anger! So leave now!" Jacky said as they left. I noticed a pair of feet in front of me. "You're leaving aren't you? It's all my fault! If you want to leave.. then go ahead. I'm so sorry I just wanted it to be true. I wanted us to be a family. My mom and I never talked about pregnancy. I was in the dark. I made a horrible mistake trusting the ocean! Never again! Here's the paper and a pen." I said as handed them to him. He broke down and dropped his bags. I saw the paper and pen fall at my feet. "I can't leave you.. it would be wrong. I understand your confusion. I should've been more understanding at the time but I left you. Alone. Like your friends. They're not getting away with what they just did. It was a mistake. They had no right to yell at you like that.. I'm proud of you for standing up to them. They're gonna feel horrible for what they've done. They can't stay mad at you forever! Nobody can!" Alex said as I got up and hugged him. "I'm so sorry!" I cried as he kissed me. "I forgive you." He said as he held me close. "I forgive you also." Jay said as he came into the room. "Jay!" I cried as I hugged him. "Thank you for understanding." I said as he held me close.

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