Chapter 26

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I was standing there trying to process what I was seeing, Uma said sobbing in anger and pain. Those girls were sent back to where they came from. Ben apologized to me everyday. Honestly I couldn't find it in my heart to do it. He didn't believe me. They pointed the finger at me snd then I was found guilty without any evidence or witnesses. It was Jacky who attacked them, but it was self defense. The girls were gone, I sat on the bleachers with my cheerleading uniform on. I thought about the incident.. those solid balls of table salt.. the pain and the burning.. I wanted to just let the lord take my soul. I keep seeing it. I took a football off the rack and screamed as I slammed it down and grunted. "Forgive them,
No. Not now. Not ever. Those beasts.. those monsters! Animals! Savages! Don't deserve to be forgiven. I felt the anger boil in my body. I narrowed my eyes as I saw them practicing. What I wouldn't give to see them suffer in the same way as me. Tie them to the bleachers and throw balls of Salt at them. Let them experience the pain. The team broke off as Kyle came over. "Hey Mel." He said as he sat down next to me. "What I wouldn't give to make you suffer the way you made me suffer that day. I come here only with that memory playing on loop inside my head. It's
Torturous. Flashes of your laughter and smiles. The joy you got from me being in agonizing pain." I said as I clenched my hands into fists.
"I can never forgive or forget that. All the therapy in the world couldn't help me.. I want to make you all pay. But someday you will.. Karma or Me
Will come for you eventually. If you'll excuse me,
I have a punching bag with my name on it." I said as I walked off his mouth was open and he just watched me as I walked off. I put on punching gloves and hit the bag until I was tired and fainted. Jay rushed to my aid as he splashed my face with water. I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Jay.. thanks. I guess I got a little too carried away with the whole punching bag thing. Oops." I said as he looked at me. "You actually took it off its chain! Everyone couldn't believe you had that kind of strength.. you split it open also. Look I took a video as he showed me. "Please tell me you didn't send that to the whole isle.. I don't want to be a laughing stock for my clumsiness. I did't.. I was just so mad at Ben. Did you send it? Oh god, you sent it. I'm gonna be laughed at! Holy god! Woah! I did that?! Mermaid's don't have that kind of strength! Must be all the training Uma has been giving me. I should go to the ladies locker room." I said as I went inside one of the stalls and locked it. "Are you out of your mind?! Mermaids aren't that strong! Maybe it's Uma's training.. I need to just take some deep breaths and hope nobody will laugh.. I should probably pay for a replacement. There has to be reason why I had that surge of strength.. anger? I mean I make the ground shake when I'm angry.. maybe that? Maybe I should talk to someone about it." I said as I heard someone laugh lightly. "Melody." Grandma Athena said as I jumped. "Grandma Athena. You heard it all." I said as I sighed. "Processing your thoughts out loud is healthy. Especially in private. The whole school keeps talking about you! In a good way! I saw the video. Okay! who gave you magical strength powers! Tell me now. Was it Uma?" She asked me. "I did it without magic.. I can't explain how.. it just happened! I'm gonna replace it. I was just so angry and upset. So I punched that bag until I fainted. Jay found me and splashed water on my face, to wake me up. I'm so embarrassed. I'm afraid of what will happen if I go outside.." I said as felt a hand trying to unlock the door. "Stupid thing! Hurry up in there! Captain needs to use it!" Uma said as I unlocked the door and walked out with Grandma Athena following me. "I'm sorry you had to hear all that. Me talking to myself like some crazed fool. What if Ben saw that and realized I might become a threat to the isle with my new strength ability. I don't want to be banned from this isle. I love everyone here. If Ben ever did, I'd still visit you all. But I'd go to the ocean.. be in Atlantica. Because my house is boring. I'd still take care of the babies. And spend time on land with Jacky and all of you. I'm afraid Uma. I'm scared of what could happen!" I said as I began to cry. "Girl if he kicks you off this isle! Mal is gonna blow his head off. She's gonna be so angry. She'd never forgive him. His parents oh boy.. they'd be furious! There would be a petition to get you back.. because that's how much the isle loves you." Uma said as I bit my lip. We walked out of the locker room as the royal horn blew. "Princess Melody, King Ben would like to talk to you." The messenger said. I went up to Ben's office as Uma held my hand. "Mel! You came please sit down. There's something I'd like to discuss with you. As you know a video of you punching a boxing bag so hard it split open." He said as I winced. "I know! I'm sorry! I'll pay for a new one! Name your price. But yes everyone on here has seen said video. I don't know what came over me." I said as I looked into his eyes. "Please don't ban me from the isle. I love this isle. And everyone on it. I love my school! And my fashion academy. And my stores and business! I was angry and so I guess I hit it too hard.. and it broke open.. and everyone looked at me." I said as he frowned at me. "Mel that was a healthy choice you made. Why would I ban you? It's just a punching bag.. thats what they're used for punching. Glad it was the bag that split open.. thank you for not harming anyone while angry. I really commend you for that sign of restraint. Mel, there's another reason why I summoned you here, I have someone here to meet you." Ben said as His parents came out as an older girl stood there with them. "Mel, This is Rubia, she's a big fan of yours. She's joining the academy and personally pleaded to share a room with you. "Oh my god! I'm so exited to meet you! Your clothing line and your jewelry line! I love all of it! I'm kind of a designer myself." She said as she hugged me. As I hugged her back awkwardly. "So you wanna be room mates with me? I don't have a dorm anymore. I've got my own room. I guess you could turn one of the spare bedrooms into a dorm room. It's quite spacious. Should be able to fit your bed. For the bathroom. You can use the toilet and sink. But for the bathing part you're gonna have to go to the dorm showers. I hope you don't mind children. I have four beautiful babies! They're very well behaved. You gotta keep an eye on Jacky and Abu they like to sneak off and explore." I said as she grabbed her bag as I unlocked my door as Jacky was upside down with a smile. "Jacky baby! What are you doing? Get down from there before you get hurt." I said as Jacky looked up at Rubia. "New friend? Jacky up?" He said as I sighed. "Yes she's a new friend. He wants to climb up onto your shoulder. If it bothers you let me know." I said with a smile. "Your son is a monkey.." Rubia said as I laughed a little. "Yes He's a monkey, but he's my son nonetheless. I treat him just like his siblings.  "Jacky wheres Abu?" I asked him. "With Alex." He said as he climbed up onto a pole and hung upside down as his face met hers as she screamed a little. "Jacky!" He said as I looked at him. "Sorry he does that to everyone, he's very playful and curious. So heres your new dorm room. I hope you can make it feel like home. Are you a royal?" I asked her as she placed her bags on the bed. "It's okay if you don't want to talk! I'll be around, I'll let you unpack and stuff. If you have questions about anything, this is Evie's room and she is usually always in here. Knock first." I said as she went back to my room. "Well she's your number one fan." Uma said as I jumped. "Good
Idea! Give her some space to get settled." Uma said as I sat down on my couch. Suddenly a letter appeared next to me. I turnt it over and saw the Triton symbol. I opened it and began reading through it with my eyes. "What does it say?" Uma asked me. "You read it. Just don't do it out loud." I said as she took the letter, read it, and we sat there looking at each other. "I have to go down to Atlantica! I have to stop this!" I said as I took off my dress, opened a portal as I swam through it. I was in Atlantica within a flash. I rushed to where my aunt's gathered around him. "Mel! Please save him!"' Attina cried as they all let me in the front as I went over to grandad's side. "Nasty wound. Don't worry, I've got this." I said as I took a vial of mermaid tears and dropped it onto the wound as it healed. "My sweet Melody. Thank you for coming to help me." He said as he smiled. "Grand dad, who did this to you? Tell me please." I said as he looked at me. "No you're not allowed to cross into siren territory ever again.. not after last time. It's a dangerous risk. It was the siren king who caused this wound. We got into a heated fight and well, he won." Grand dad said as he looked into my eyes. I closed my eyes and placed two fingers on each side of my skull above the ears. I twitched my nose and concentrated really hard. "Citizens of The Siren Kingdom, I, princess Melody of Atlantica, on behalf of your king injuring my grand dad, would like a formal apology for such a violent and unnecessary attack. My grand dad didn't deserve to be wounded the way he was. He never touched your king. It is the fair and right thing to do. You know it. If you don't apologize until sunset then your land privileges will be forbidden. If you are caught you'll spend 5 days in mermaid prison. The more times you break that law the longer the stay inside those cells. I'm princess melody and future ruler of Atlantica and I have spoken." I said as I swam back to the surface a two girls grabbed my arms and dragged me. "Let me go!" I cried out angrily. "Someone wants an
Audience with you." One of the girls said as I sat down at a table filled with food. I couldn't see who was across from me. "Hello Melody." Drews voice said as I grunted. "What do you want Drew?" I asked him annoyed. "I've gathered a new group of girls who would like to be on the squad. If you'll give them a chance." He said as I laughed. "We already tried this.. didn't end well. Audreys kingdom has a whole line of girls waiting but okay I'll give them one shot to prove themselves worthy and accepting of me. If they bully me in any way.. they're getting sent back." I said as he came over to me. "You look beautiful today Melody." He said as I blushed a little. "Thank you Drew.. Now you have to leave Ben's orders." I said as opened a portal and stepped through. I walked towards my studio as Abu and Jacky ran up to me. As they both climbed onto my shoulders as I unlocked my studio door as I walked in almost dropped from shock. "Holy dresses!" I said happily. Jacky and Abu sat on one of the tables. "They're so me, I wonder who did this! These are incredible! The colors and patterns." I said as a figure stood next to the sewing machine. I ran up to them and hugged them close. "Fredrick! You made all of these! For me?" I asked him as I smiled. "I got bored at home so I made one and couldn't stop. I thought about you with each dress. I still think about you a lot. I regret what I did to you. I was a big jerk face. I just wanted to do something nice for you." He said as I hugged him again. "You're amazing! These dresses are so beautiful! I'll have to get another wardrobe! Thank you." I said. "Jacky! Abu! I've got your fruit cups!" Audrey said as she looked at me and Fredrick and then at the dresses. "Oh boy.. Harry is gonna flip out. Girl you better hide those now." Audrey said as I sighed. "He'll always be controlling whenever someone gives me gifts such as these dresses. He's gonna blow up, yell, call me names, swearing he never wants to see me again, I cry my eyes out and later he comes back with sunflowers and an apology. He needs to understand that I can have guy friends! Like jay! He doesn't flip out on Jay when he brings me stuff like the shells for my jewelry business. I need to brace for impact." I said nervously. "He's coming down the hallway. He's happy. Not for long." Audrey said as he walked through the door and saw Fredrick and the dresses. "Oh my god." He said as he placed the fruit bowls on the table and came over.
"You made this?" Harry asked with a little anger. "Y-Yes I did for my friend." Fredrick said nervously. I turnt Harry to Look at me. "Before you go all off the handle, I had no idea he did this. They're gifts from a friend. Nothing more my Pirate Harry." I said as Harry smiled. "Thank you Fredrick. Mel loves them from what I can see. Come by anytime to visit. I'm gonna go give my sons their daily snack. Mel, are you coming?" He asked me. "In a little while. I'm sure Jacky and Abu will understand. Give them some
Arts and crafts stuff they love to create pictures." I said as he bowed and walked off. "He didn't blow up! Wow! That's wonderful! You know the swing with the cherry blossom tree? The one at my grand parents castle?" He asked me as I nodded. "I'm having it sent and planted here. Ben already knows." He said as Harry raised an eyebrow. "That night we danced together underneath the stars and moon as we both laughed because you couldn't dance properly and you kept stepping on my feet. That was a fun memory." I said as Fredrick's smile faded as Harry stood behind me. He wrote something down a piece of paper as I read it and slowly turnt around as I blushed and smiled. "Hello my love." I said with a smile. "Dancing under the moon and stars.. sounds romantic." Harry said. "It wasn't like that, 100 percent two friends just dancing. Dancing that's it. No feelings. Well happiness is a feeling. Just happiness. Please understand, I was hurting at the time.. but we didn't do anything else. Don't believe me ask the glass orb." I said as I waved my hand as the glass orb sat in my hands. The scene played out as Harry watched it. "As you can see nothing happened." I said he looked up at me. "Did this happen.. when we were together.. when I was a complete jerk." He said. "Yes." I said as he looked away. I heard my alarm go off as my eyes lit up as I got up and kissed Harry, Abu, and Jacky and hugged Fredrick. "Where are you going?" Harry asked me. "To greet the new cheer team members." I said as I walked to the front of the school as they came over to me in excitement. "Oh my gosh! You're Princess Melody! I love your shop! We're all so thrilled you chose us for the cheering squad." A girl with blonde hair said. I smiled and blushed as I looked at them all. "Follow me." I said as they did. "Locker rooms are in the small building near the bleachers. The routine is very simple. The cheer uniforms are in the lockers with your names on them. You can follow me or do your own cheer stuff. There's only one strict rule. Don't Harass, Bully, Attack, or anything like that to me. It's a big no. If it happens that person will be sent back home. Let's hope you girls are as friendly and kind as me!" I said as one girl raised her hand. "What are those two things sitting on your shoulders?" She asked me as I laughed. "You're not supposed to run from dad.. you know better my little baby boys. This isle is dangerous for small babies like you." I said to them as they hung their heads down. "Sorry mama." They both said. "Excuse me ladies I have to make a call." I said as I dialed Uma's number as she answered after three rings. "Mel! How's my bestie doing?" She asked me. "Is Harry with you?" I asked her. "Yes." Uma said as I grunted. "Uh oh your little mermaid is angry." She called out to Harry. "The babies?!! Where are Jacky and Abu?!" He freaked out. "They're safe with me. You were supposed to be watching them! Something made you forget about them, what was it?" I asked him. "They're remodeling your shop! Making it bigger." He said as I looked at the group of girls. "I'll deal with that later.. who ordered it to be remodeled?" I asked him. "Evie." He said as I gasped a little. "Tell her thank you. Ive got to go now. Love you." I said happily. "Love you too!" Uma said. "Okay girls! I'd like you to meet my son and the academy's mascot Jacky! And the one beside him is Abu they're my sons. By adoption, please be nice to them both. Any mean or cruel thing done to either of them and poof you'll be sent back home." I said as a brunette haired girl came over to me. "Are you gonna participate in the croquet tournament? I can sign you up if you'd like! I saw you play and I hope you come join us! We'd love to have you back!" She said as I looked at her name tag. "Vanessa. Well thank you Vanessa! I would be honored to do the tournament.. is there anyway you can sneak my name entry past Drew.. And his parents, let his grace know. I'm sure he'd love to.. woah!" I said as a barrel rolled towards me as slowed time and saved the girls and stopped the barrel with my shoe. I started time again as they clapped. "You're a hero! Our hero! I don't know how to repay you.. is there anything you really want? Name it! Forget the price tag! It's my way of thanking you. I'm sure the other girls will do the same, right girls?" Vanessa said as they nodded and smiled. "Let me read your name tags please. I didn't read them at all. Duh!" I said as I laughed. The girls stood in a line as two familiar faces copied them. "Let's See, Rachel, Emma, Becca, Lindsey, and Rosalie. Oh! Also Jacky and Abu." I said as they both jumped up and down and screeched happily. "Inside voices." I said as they stopped. "They are your children?" Vanessa asked me. "I have five little ones. One is Prince Drew's daughter.. he's banned from ever returning to the isle for important private reasons. About the- oops!" I said as I walked into Uma. "Mel! Eyes up here. Oh! We've got new students. Great. I'm captain Uma, you will treat my cousin with all the good qualities she has." Uma said. "Uma, they're not students, they're our new cheerleaders!" I said happily. "Royals? Oh good god.. tell me they're not from you know where." She said as I blushed. "They're from Audrey's kingdom." I said as she looked at them. "Melody is gonna participate in this year's croquette tournament! We're all gonna be cheering her on. She saved us from that barrel." Vanessa said. "Oh really? Wow! Impressive. That's our Mel! Always saving people. I will see you later for dinner with your parents. They want to talk to me about something, they're really excited for it. Dinner is at 5." Uma said as She walked hugged me and walked off. "Come on girls, about the gifts.. your friendship is all I ask. You see the girls before you.. they made my life and existence a nightmare. They called me a fish freak, locked me in lockers, put a fish hat on me. Shot a football at me using the machine that shoots footballs into the air. They ripped my cheer uniform in shreds, they beat me until I was near deaths door and left me there. Exposed. In excruciating pain. I suffered too many times at their hands, physical and Verbal bullying.. I'm traumatized of lockers now. Every time I hear one I run off and lock myself in a bathroom stall. I've been getting therapy.. I'm slowly recovering from it all." I said as they all looked shocked. They were speechless and horrified. "That's horrible! You're one of us now. Heres your official pin." She said as she took out a broach of a multicolored starfish and secured it onto my dress. "There. Now it's official. You're now in our Royal Mermaid society." She said as I looked shocked. "Did you say royal mermaid society?" I asked confused. "Oh! We're not mermaids! We just love them so much! We worship them. And Oh my god." Vanessa squealed. "Jacky!" Jacky said as he put his face in front of hers. "Jacky James Hook! Get down from there! That's rude and disrespectful. I'm so sorry about that! Jacky apologize." I said as he looked Vanessa and frowned. "Jacky sorry." He said as Vanessa smiled. "You're forgiven Jacky." Vanessa said as she looked at me. "He's just curious and loves everyone. "Who's that?" Vanessa asked as she pointed at Jay. "Oh! That's Jay! Hey Jay! Come meet our new cheerleaders!" I called out as he came over. "Hello Beautiful Young Ladies, I'm Jay and If you ever need any rescuing or help.. I'm your guy!" He said as he winked at me. "I think he's flirting with you." Vanessa said. "We were together for a while. Now he's just a friend." I said with a smile. "I have to go now. It was nice meeting you all, I will see you and Mel later." He said as he bowed and left. "Wow! He bowed perfectly. Did you teach him Royal etiquette?" Vanessa asked me. "She taught us all royal Etiquette. I'm Gil. I'm with Uma." He said. "You're dating Uma?" Vanessa asked nicely. "Well, uh.. no you see.." he stumbled. "Gil is one of Uma's crew members. Uma, She doesn't have time for boys, she's got a ship and a crew to watch." I explained as Grandma Athena appeared beside me. "Why is it so cold?" Vanessa asked as my grandma stopped walking and turnt around. "Oh! I didn't know Melody had visitors! Hi, I'm Queen Athena of Atlanica, I'm Melody's Grandmother." She said as they all curtsied. "Royals! Oh how wonderful! You and Melody are gonna be perfect friends! I saw the barrel thing, good job. I'm proud of you." She said as Vanessa looked at her in realization. "OH. You've passed on." She said as Grandma Athena nodded. "Mermaid heaven sent me down to make sure Melody was behaving herself. Plus I really wanted to meet her. So they sent me here. Yes, I have passed on. I parished when Melody's mother was just a little girl. I miss being human. But I've accepted this form. I'm still me. What brings you girls to the isle?" She asked them. "We're the new cheerleading team!" Vanessa said as Grandma Athena eye began to twitch. "Are you okay your majesty?" Vanessa said as She smiled. "I'm fine, eyelash in my eye is all." She said as Vanessa stepped forward. "I know that look. Melody is our sister now. We won't do anything to harm her. We protect each other. We're not like those other girls. We like melody. And we want to be her friends forever." Vanessa said as the other girls nodded and smiled. "They're a society of mermaid lovers." I said as I smiled. "Oh! That's wonderful. I'm sure Melody can teach you everything she knows." Grandma Athena said as she winked at me. "Sure can do." I said we walked to the cafe as Audrey sat at a table as she looked up and smiled. "Hey Mel! I see Vanessa and her girls are treating you good. I knew it was meant to be. Jay came towards us as I smiled. "Mel can we talk?" Jay asked me as he cut Audrey off. "She was talking to me first, rude! Not royal etiquette." She said Jay took my hand and lead me someplace private. "We need to talk. It's important. Jacky and Abu.. disappeared." He said as my face went white. "What do you mean disappeared?!" I cried out as people looked at me. "You're his adopted Uncle! Oh god they could be anywhere!" I said as I went to the intercom. "Students and people of the isle, Jacky and Abu have disappeared from the isle. If you find them, I will reward the person with a personal branded item of their choosing. Please keep an eye out for them." I said as I went to my friend's rooms and knocked on their doors. "Meet me in the lobby." I said as they all met me. "We heard, don't worry we've got this! We will find them. We will work as a family. How far could they have run off to. Corona, Your Parent's house.. Maybe Audrey's kingdom. Audrey's parents like Jacky a lot. They visit often." Uma said. "By themselves?! Oh good lord above.. asdfghjkl.. I'll check my parents house. Uma, Jay, and Audrey will search corona. Harry, Evie, Vanessa and Friends you will search Audrey's kingdom. Let's find them and bring them home." I said as we all split up. "I went through a portal as my parents sat on their thrones. "Mom! Dad!" I said I walked up to them. "Melody! You're pale! Are you feeling okay?" She asked me as felt my forehead. "No I feel fine, Jacky and Abu disappeared from the isle. All of my
Friends are searching in different locations. Are you forgetting his grace? He loves Jacky." My mom said. "Why didn't I think about that!" I said as I made a portal and went through it as his grace gasped in excitement. "Melody!" He said happily as he got up of from his chair and walked over to me as we hugged. "It's a pleasure to have you come visit. Please sit down." He said as I sat down in one of the chairs. "Your grace have you seen Jacky and Abu as of today?" I asked him as he shook his head. "I wish I did! I love those two little angels." He said as I smiled softly. "I know this is a short visit, but it was nice to see you again your grace." I said as I curtsied and left through a portal. I stood In the center of Uma's ship as two cages were hanging on chains. "Jacky! Abu! Don't mama's here. Lightness owns the day." I said as a shadow zoomed past me as I looked up as a figure stood there. I looked completely confused. "JAY?!" I cried out in shock. "You kidnapped Abu and Jacky?! That makes no sense! It's not Jay.. nope! That's not Jay." I said to myself as the figure walked in circles around me. I opened my eyes as I was alone again. "Uma? Crew? Harry? Nope just me alone okay then. This is getting boring. The kidnapping and the strange culprits.. the constant routine is getting old. Release Jacky and Abu or I'll put you somewhere." I said as I heard a noise. "Hello?" I asked as a figure popped out from behind a barrel. "Gil!" I cried out happily. He put his finger to his lips. He snuck over and unlocked the cages as Uma was behind him. "What do you think you're doing?" She asked him. The anger on her face was strong, I could almost feel it. "Letting Mel's Sons go free?" He said with a gulp. "Mel.. OH." Uma said as came over to me. "Don't harm me! I just wanted my kids back! Have mercy! Wait you're not my cousin Uma. I'm in a different timeline! Not again! Where is your Mel?" I asked her. "Oh you mean fish freak, she's with her man. I don't know what Harry sees in her. Mermaids are disgusting." She said as I bit my lip. "I'm gonna take my kids and go! bye!" I said as jumped through the portal as Jacky and Abu ran through I shut the portal and locked it. "You found them! You smell like me." Uma said as I blushed. "It was you.. I mean a different you one who obviously hates me. She called me fish freak, I'm still with Harry though! Stupid alternate time lines." I complained as I sat down. "I'm home! And so are Jacky and Abu!" I cried happily as they hugged. "Awwwh." Uma said. Jay came onto the ship with a look of very deep worry on his face. "M-Mel please come with me." He said as I looked at him and walked over to him. "Jay what's wrong? I see the worry on your face." I said as he took my hand and brought me to my room as I looked confused. "You brought me to my room? Okay. OH." I said as a figure stood looking out the window. It was my dad. He came over to me and took my hands in his and looked into my eyes. "Your mom is severally sick Melody. She looks close to death. You have to come help her." He pleaded as I opened a portal and ran to my parent's room as I saw my mom laying in bed, her hair usually a bright red, was drained into a dark crimson. Her eyes were bloodshot, her arms had markings on them. "Dad? Were these here before you left?" I asked him as I examined them. Shock came over my face. "I'll be back!" I said as I jumped through the portal and grabbed Uma's hand as she went along with it and came through the portal also. "Oh you brought Uma to visit! Hi Uma." My dad softly. "Hi your majesty." She said with a smile. She looked down and then at me. "This is ancient pirate mumbo jumbo.. let's see if I can translate it." She said as looked at each marking. She turnt white in horror. "Uma? What does it say?" I asked her as I reached out to take her hand. "Where did your father get his ship?" She asked me. "He didn't get it, he built it himself. Is it a warning of some kind?" I asked her. "Oh it's warning alright.. but it has nothing to do with your father.. I thought it meant ship.. the symbol before it means relation. "A ship relationship?" I asked confused. "No Mel, Just Relationship." She said as she took my hands in hers.. this warning is for us. It's a curse.. put on us. It says it ends in betrayal and violence. The weaker one will suffer an unimaginable amount of emotional torture. The weak one will see visions of their loved ones turning their backs on them one by one. I will not be able to control my anger and VK powers. I will be your downfall." She said as I shook my head. "No! It's just a stupid warning! It won't happen!" I cried as she held me close. "What if it does! You know what to do.." she said as she left the room. I gave my dad mermaid tears as he recovered. I rushed to the isle and found Harry with Vanessa. "Harry! There's a warning saying Uma is gonna go super VK mode and destroy me!" I cried out. "Woah! wait what? That sounds more a prophecy than a warning. It's half each way, 50 times
Likely to happen and 50 times unlikely to happen. If it worries you, I'll have the crew keep her close to them. Vanessa and I were just talking-" Harry said as I looked at them. I stood there and sighed. "Continue your conversation.
Don't mind me! I need cake." I said as I walked off and got myself a slice of cake at the cafe. I closed my eyes as images of full VK captain Uma appeared in my mind, she taunted me. "Mel? Melody? Mel!" Audrey said as I opened my eyes. "Huh? What? Oh hey Audrey. I wasn't sleeping. Oh you brought me something. It's a.. my god!" I cried as I rushed off to Audrey's kingdom as I saw it. "Who said you could shut down my store?! I paid for it. Who gave you the orders! What's this paper all about? People signed it. Leave it be or I'll charge you with vandalism." I said as the girls from the new cheering squad stood there. "Do you girls know who did this?" I asked them as they shook their heads. "Well it looks like I'm paying a visit to Audrey's parents." I said as Marched into the room and curtsied. "Your majesties, we have a problem." I said as I handed the paper to the guard as he brought to them. "My god! Who would order your shop to be torn down! We will look into this Mel. How is your father doing?" Audrey's dad asked me. "He's recovering a great pace! He should be out of bed in no time." I said as I curtsied. I said my goodbyes as I went through a portal as I froze. "Where am I?" I asked as I looked around. "Your highness." Everyone said as I passed by them. I grabbed a girls arm gently. "Your highness! How can I help you?" The girl said with a smile. "Can you tell me where I am." I said as she laughed a little and then her face went serious. "Your highness, you're on the isle of the lost. Are you feeling okay?" She asked me. It was all the same, but something just didn't feel right. I made my way to find my friends. "Uma? Crew? Jay? Audrey? Mal? Ben? Fredrick? Harry? Vanessa? Evie? Anybody here?" I asked as I went to the intercom. "Princess Melody here, will my friends please join me in my room." I said as I went to my room. I sat for what felt like forever. They didn't show up. Something was really wrong. I made my way to Ben's parents office. I knocked on the door as Ben's mom opened the door. "Your majesty! Oh thank god you're okay! I must speak to you and King Adam." I said as I bit my lip as I began pacing back and forth. "Melody, here sit. Take a deep breath. Adam!" Belle called out as he came out and looked at me. "Oh god. This isn't good if she's coming to see us." He said as they both sat across from. "I know this is gonna sound completely crazy.. all of my friends and Uma's crew have disappeared! Vanished! Poof! Gone.. I-I didn't know what to do, so I rushed here. I looked everywhere. They're not here. Oh god.. what if the prophecy had more to it.." I said they both had shock on their faces when I said prophecy. "Prophecy? What Prophecy?" King Adam asked me. I played the audio recording of Uma saying the prophecy. "That doesn't explain the disappearances. Did you find Jacky and Abu? And are your other babies safe?" He asked me. "What other babies?" I said in complete confusion. "You have three other babies, three daughters. Ariella, Athella, and Aleigha. Do you not remember them? I'll bring you to them." King Adam said as He walked out of the office and to my room, he then opened the door to my bedroom. "See three baby girls." He said as he looked at the room in disbelief. "You have three daughters! Remember Mel! Close your eyes and remember." He said as I closed my eyes, a force hit my stomach as I went down to the ground. "Melody?" He asked me in concern as he helped me up. "I remember." I said. "Remember what?" He asked me. "I remember how terrible of a mother I was. They were probably taken away from me. I'm a horrible parent. They deserve better. My little girls." I said as I looked at him. "My little girls!" I said in realization. "I'm sorry.. I need to sit down. My head is spinning. I need to find a way to contact.. my shellphone!" I said as I grabbed it and dialed Uma's number as it rang. "Come on Uma! Answer your phone! Pick up, Pick up, PICK UP!" I cried as it finally stopped as I spoke. "Uma! Oh thank god! Where are you? Are you safe? Are the others safe too?" I asked frantically. "Uma can't come to the phone right now." A menacing voice said as they laughed. "Tell me where they are! What do you want? Gold? Magic? Clothes? Jewelry? Name your price! Just don't hurt them." I said the male voice laughed. "I want you. 5PM, your studio building, bring no one else or weapons. Then we'll negotiate." The male voice said as he hung up. "That sounded like a voice scrambler.. it sounded changed, to hide the identity. So it could be female too.. that's a possibility." King Adam said as I packed some stuff. "Fruit? Water? Snacks?" He said as I piled it all into my backpack. "I will see you later." I said as I went through a portal as I sat at my studio desk and waited. The phone rang at 5pm. "Where are you?" The voice asked me. "In my studio." I said as I got up. "Come outside." The voice said. "You wanted to negotiate. I'm coming outside, don't try anything. You're forgetting the lengths I'll go to save the ones I love. I brought a backpack, it has fruit, water, and snacks." I said as I hung up and placed the backpack on the ground. I saw everyone they weren't gagged but they were tied up. I brought the bag over to them. "I'm here! Alone and Unarmed, Unless you count my magic but we both know you can't disarm it am I right! Hahahaha. Sorry. You wanted to negotiate. Well then come on out. I don't bite. Unless you want me too! Hahahaha. Sorry I'm super nervous right now. Please show yourself. You made this whole thing happen to get my attention well I'm here! and you've certainly got my attention." I said as the figure stepped out with a cloak on. "Oh come on! Coward." I said as I waved my hand as the cloak was gone. I looked at the person standing before me as I gasped. "The prophecy!" I said as Uma stood there full VK mode engaged. Her clothes were upgraded too. "But I don't understand.. I thought you were taken like the others.. you tricked me! At least everyone is okay. Let's talk this out, cousin to cousin." I said as she stood there and folded her arms across her chest. "We've done enough talking!" She growled as she pushed me with her powers as I was slammed against the ground. "Stop it Uma! You're better than this!" Harry said. "Why should I stop this is fun!" She said as she laughed. "Stop this! She's your family! Your cousin! You're part royalty!" Audrey said. "What?!" Uma said in shock. "Yeah your uncle is king triton and melody is your cousin so you're a certain percentage of royalty." She said as I clenched my fists. "It's my turn!" I said as I got up and waved my hand as my sword appeared in my hand. "I challenge you captain Uma.. to a-" I said I felt a sharp pain in my back. I fell to the side and was motionless. "She killed Mel! MEL!" Harry said as he sobbed. He ran over to me as I cried and looked into his eyes. "My pirate Harry. I'm gonna get to see mermaid heaven." I said as I coughed. The sword turnt to dust as the handle was the only thing left as it fell to the ground. I was motionless. I began to move and opened my eyes. "This isn't mermaid heaven... but.. the sword! It went into me! How am I alive?" I asked puzzled. "Simple, I switched Uma's sword with a fake magic one that if it went into you, you wouldn't be harmed and it would turn to ash like it did." Gil said as everyone looked at him. Everyone didn't know what to say. "How did you get the magic to do that?" I asked him. "Two very concerned grandparents. They told me Uma would turn evil, I did this knowing she'd use her sword. It's her go to weapon of choice." Gil said as I smiled and stood up. "Good going Gil! High five dude! Yeah! You totally saved Mel's life." Jay said as Jacky screeched happily and jumped up and down. "Jacky?! No baby Jacky! You have to go back inside! Auntie Uma isn't herself.. she's dangerous. It's not safe for you!" I cried as he looked at Uma. "Jacky no scared of Uma." He said as he ran up to her. She grabbed by his back leg and hung him upside down as Jacky smiled in her face. "Hi! Jacky love!" He said as Uma looked at him. "You love me.. disgusting. I could never love you, I never did love you. You're a baby.. ha! You're Just a pathetic, weak, helpless, attention seeking, annoying little primate." She said as Jacky eye's filled with tears. "Uma that's enough!" I barked as I waved my hand as rope wrapped around her body. "You just love to bring people down verbally. You're forgetting one thing captain.. your heart! I'm gonna end this curse!" I said as I closed my eyes and cried out in pain as my body jerked around on the sand. "What's happening to Mel? She's in pain." Audrey said. I went over to Uma as I used wet sand to trace a symbol on her chest. "Mel.. what does that symbol mean?" Audrey asked me. "Uma. Repeat after me. Evil within me, banish yourself from my body, for my bond to the light side is stronger than you think, I command you to leave my body, my body is mine and mine alone. Evil be gone." I said as she laughed as the rope broke off of her. "Fool! Darkness owns the night and day. Has being pirate Mel not changed anything! Audrey.. come here." Uma said as Audrey walked over in a daze. "Oh no don't you dare make her the queen of mean again! She's done with that. Audrey, it's Mel.. come to my side! Don't listen to that corrupt pirate!" I said as Audrey came to my side. "Corrupt! Oh you've really done it now! You're the one who corrupted me! You just had to add me to your family. Then haha! We're cousins! And Now I'm part royalty! A pirate royal!" She said as she came closer. "Yeah and I'm happy we're family! Because to be honest your birth mom doesn't care for you and your aunt doesn't care either! So yeah! This family we have cares for you! Supports you! Loves you! Mal is a Royal and well.. bad example. I'm a pirate and a royal! And look how I turnt out! No wonder you were so stubborn to wear ball gowns. Uma think about our journey together, our friendship, seas sisters forever. You need to come back to us. Uma, I love you. The prophecy is garbage! Uma this will bring you back. Take me to Uma's ship and do as I say, okay Gil?" I said as he nodded. We went onto Uma's ship as I walked onto the plank as everyone screamed in panic. "You can't swim in your dress!" Audrey cried out. "Don't jump! Have you lost your mind!" Jay cried. "Gil. Push me off." I said as my friend's faces filled with horror. He came forward and pulled his hands back as he stopped. "Gil.. do as I say. Uma will come back. This will bring her back. I love you all." I said as Gil pushed me off the plank as I went into the water. "Gil?!" Harry cried. "It's part of Mel's plan." Gil whispered. As expected Uma snapped out of it. "S-She jumped?! Why?!" Uma cried as she cried. "To wake you up! You were in a trance! And evil and violent trance. You stabbed Mel with a sword." Harry cried as she ran and dived into the water as she brought me back to shore as I coughed and spit out water. "Uma? UMA!" I said happily as I hugged her and held onto her. "You're back! You kinda.. hurt Jacky, but that wasn't really you so.. apologize anyways." I said as she looked at me. "What did not me say?" She asked me. "They called him pathetic, attention seeking, weak, helpless, they said him loving you was disgusting. They said you could never or ever did love him. And they also called him a little annoying primate." I said as Uma fell to her knees. "How.. Jacky? Where's Jacky?" She asked me as he shook behind Harry's leg. "Jacky." Uma said she went up to him. "Auntie Uma, Wasn't Auntie Uma. I love you with all my heart. I would never say such horrible things to you." Uma said Jacky ran to her. "Jacky Forgive." He said he hugged her leg. "Awwwh." I said as a portal opened as two royal guards appeared. I gulped. "Princess Melody?" One of the guards said. I looked at their armor and smiled in surprise. "If the king and queen wanted me to visit.. they didn't have to send-" I said as they grabbed my arms and pulled me as my friends began fighting the guards. "Leave her alone! She did nothing wrong! She's innocent! So they just send guards now! Treat her better! Dragging her off is not gonna be very pleasing to the king and queen of what kingdom.. blue slipper. Oh God." I said as they pulled me through the portal as they dragged me not into the throne room, but into a bedroom. I looked around as they shut and locked the door. "What the- Hey let me out of here! Do you know who I am! I'm Princess Melody of Atlantica! My granddad is King Triton king of the seas! Let me out!" I cried as I looked at the stuff.. "You sent guards to lock me in your room.. this is technically kidnapping, since you just took me and now I'm locked up in your room.. you better have a reason why Chad Charming or so help me god I will tell your grandfather what you did!" I cried out as He came up to me and looked into my eyes. "I forgot how cute you were when you got angry, it been a while. I heard you twins with Hook. Not surprised. Are they mermaids? How have you been?" Chad asked me as I folded my arms across my chest. "Enough with the small talk Chad. Why am I here?!" I cried upset. "I heard you wanted to participate in this year's croquet tournament, you've been called out by Drew's new Princess. She vowed to beat you and win back the.." He said as I spoke. "The love I'd drained from his heart.. blah, blah, blah. What's this new princess like?" I asked him as he looked at me. "Well let's just say she's the queen of mean permanently." He said as I sighed. "Another stick of evil great. Challenge accepted. She has no idea who I am. Or that the whole kingdom loves me. Even though you and Drew both ruined my heart. I hold no grudge against the kingdom or his grace. You, your brother, your cousin, and your parents. That's a different story. What's her name?" I asked Chad. "Anastasia." He said as he looked at me. "Next time don't guards! Or have them lock me up in here! I'd rather be in the dungeon." I said his graces voice boomed outside the door. "You let her out this instant! Chad! You're in a lot of trouble! Give me the key." He said as He unlocked the door as I walked over to him. "Did you hurt you?" His grace asked me. "No your grace, he was telling me about my challenger in this years croquet tournament! I heard she's a real evil Audrey! Fun! Drew's gonna be there.. maybe I'll invite Harry! The guards.. was a lot just to talk to me, and why lock me in? At least I didn't break any laws." I said as his Grace laughed a little. "Imagine you committing a crime!" He said as I laughed a little. "You'll always be welcomed with open arms here! Would you like to meet Anastasia before the tournament?" His grace asked me. "Do you like her?" I asked him. "Absolutely not! She's not you! She's horrible. I don't know what Drew sees in her. As I was saying.." he said as he paused. "Would I like to meet her? No! Absolutely not. Nope. I'm good. Don't want to run into Drew. I must get back to the isle before they start a search party. It was nice to see you again your grace." I said as I curtsied as I walked through a portal that appeared in front of me as it closed behind me. "Mel!" Uma said as she hugged me. "Are you okay?" She asked me. "Oh yeah I'm great." I said as I sighed. "Who sent for you? What did they want?" Harry asked me. "It was Chad. He told me that Drew's new princess called me out as a challenger for this year's croquet tournament. She's the new queen of mean. His grace doesn't like her. Her name is Anastasia." I said as they looked at me. "Challenging you! Ha! That's hilarious." Evie said with a smile. "That's my mom's name!" Dizzy said as I jumped a little. "Dizzy! Hi! I didn't notice you standing here." I said as she looked at me. "I'm sorry I scared you." She said as I smiled. "I forgive you." I said happily. "If she does anything to those orphans or the orphanage.. I'll-" I said as I stopped myself and bit my lip. "I don't think she's that evil. I mean give her a chance. Maybe she's just cranky." Uma said. "I should go visit them. Can you watch over Jacky and Abu? My mom and Dad chose to watch aleigha and the twins. I'll be back." I said as a portal opened as I stepped through and walked to the orphanage. "It's Mel!" A little girl cried happily as the orphans came over and gave me a group hug. "Hello little ducklings." I said as they walked with me. "Have you met princess Anastasia yet?" I asked them. They shook their heads. I looked at the orphanage as a sign was posted on the door. I took it off as I scanned the text. I gasped and stood on a box as I called out. "Townsfolk! I've made a startling discovery!" I cried out as they all gathered around me. "This Paper, States that this orphanage is to be torn down and built into a dress store! What an outrage! They need this building! I won't let this happen! I love this kingdom! If this princess wants it torn down she's gonna have to go through me! You hear that princess! It's on!" I called as the townspeople cheered. "Leave these children alone! I'm their protector! I built this building with my money. You don't have my permission as the building is named after me. Thank you for calling me out as your challenger for this year's tournament! I'm honored truly!" I said as I smiled. "What's she yelling about?" Prince charming asked as he went to the balcony. "Hey Mel! What's all the racket about?" Prince charming said as I smiled. "Just letting everyone know that I'll be returning for the second annual croquet tournament.. also you might want to see this." I said as I waved my hand, the paper was momentarily in his hands as he read it. "What?! DREW!" Prince charming screamed as he came into the room. "Yes father?" He asked nervously. "Do you know what your princess just decided to do? She wants to tear down the orphanage for a shop! The orphanage! That's not gonna happen. Melody as care taker of the orphanage and its orphans, this request is denied." He said as he tore the paper into two as everyone cheered. Including the orphans who danced in a circle around me as I smiled. "I look forward to watching you play this year! As does my father he won't stop talking about it." Prince charming said. "It's kind of funny because Drew's princess challenged me!" I said as he laughed also. "Good luck Drew.. Mel's the reigning champ. My bet is on her." Prince charming said. I went back to the isle as I ran into someone with a cake. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I can fix this!" I said as I waved my hand as it was back to normal again. I looked up to see Audrey with a smile on her face. "Thank you for fixing it. It's yours actually. For when you win! Everyone is on your side, she won't know what hit her." Audrey said as a throat cleared as she turnt around. "Umm.. Hello! I'm Audrey and this is-" she said as the girl stopped her with her hand. "Oh my god! That is so not Royal etiquette I demand you apologize for that rude gesture." I said as the girl scanned me with her eyes. "So you're Princess Melody. My competition." She said as I gasped and curtsied politely. "It's a pleasure to meet you Princess Anastasia! I look forward to the competition! Never knew I was good at it until I surprisingly won last year's tournament.. not knowing it was a tournament. I thought it was a game for fun and practice. These must be your friends." I said with a smile. She grabbed my hair and pulled me close to her as Audrey gasped in horror. "Let go of her!" Audrey snapped. "Listen here little mermaid, those orphans.. are finished. Nobody cares about them, nobody loves them, and nobody wants them around. So I want you to go to prince charming and convince him to do what I want.. I will have you locked away. No food. No water.. and You'll be forgotten once I erase you from your friend's minds. Don't test me!" She growled as I forced her to let go as I looked into her eyes. "You're WRONG. I care about them, and love them, and they are wanted in that kingdom. I will never stoop to your level you witch! How dare you threaten me! I don't follow your orders! I follow my own. You want to hurt them! Ruin their lives! You're gonna have to deal with me! And then his grace! You're playing with fire girl. You think you can scare me into submission? That I'll tremble at your feet. I've met worse girls than you. But you are the cherry on top of the ice cream sundae! What you proposed is sickening. Those children, are citizens of your kingdom! They have a home and a family! That building you cant tear down ever! It's in my name which means I have control over it. If you try to tear it down, I'll make your parents pay me for the damages. You really hate children that much? God you're not fit to be a royal. You have the bloodline but the guidelines.. you're the worst of the worst. No wonder his grace doesn't like you! Neither do I. You want to lock me away and erase my friends memories from their minds! Who are you? Who do you think you are! You're out of your mind girl! But try to have me put into a cell.. his grace will only hate you more. As for the memory wipes.. it won't work without magic. Do you know magic like that? Spells?" I asked her. "Yes." She said. "I have the feeling that you don't have the guts to do something like that but I proved wrong! After the orphanage thing, my view of you turnt sour. You know they wanted me to rule by myself. They wanted me to have the throne. I kindly refused because I already have a kingdom to rule. One day I'll rule it. I dare you! Put the cuffs on me and bring me to the prison cells. Try all you will, but it won't last long. My necklace alerts my friends to my location. And if that doesn't work my grandma Athena will have to deal with you. She follows me everywhere. Feel that coldness. That's her." I said as they looked at each other as Anastasia dragged me off through a portal and tossed me into one of the cells. I waved my hand as I had a nice bed with books, extra clothes and blankets. "A sleep over! Fun!" I said happily. She took my necklace off of my neck and flushed it down the toilet as a tear fell down my cheek. "You don't know what you've done.. you've upset my ancestors. God only knows what they're gonna do to you. You better pray girl. Pray hard." I said as I began to read a book. "I'll see you put to death!" She screamed. "Worst. Princess. Ever. That's you! Congratulations!" I said as she screamed again. It echoed as Cinderella and Prince Charming came rushing. "Anastasia! What's wrong? Why did you scream? And.. Melody? Why are you in a cell? I see you made it feel more like home.. what's the reason for this arrest?" He asked Anastasia. "She holding me hostage. Without ransom. She wants me to convince you to let her tear down the orphanage. She threatened to lock me up and have my friend's memories of me erased from their minds." I said as he looked at her. "It's alright! Let her have her moment. Besides It's pretty comfortable in here, you should do this to all the cells! Criminals wont want to leave! Which means they cant commit anymore crimes! About the executioner.. I don't know." I said as I heard Grandma Athena calling my name. "I'm in here!" I called as she came through the wall. "You're in a dungeon cell! What did you do? Were you searching for shells illegally? I'm sorry you're majesty." Grandma Athena said as Prince Charming laughed. "She's not in any legal trouble. Princess Anastasia put her in here, as an act of cruelty I might add." He said. "Then why is she in here? Young Lady explain yourself." My grandma said as princess Anastasia was caught off guard. "She won't let me go until I give her access to the orphanage so she can tear it down and destroy the hearts of those little angels. It ain't happening girl. I will not let you do it! She threatened to have my friend's memories of me be erased! She got the cage. Now will you please tell this evil, cold hearted, unkind, heartless, snake that she will have to surrender. Or I'll file charges for unlawful imprisonment. I so look forward to our match. Uh oh, here comes Uma. "Uma!" I said happily. "Mel! Oh thank god you're.. did you move into this dungeon cell! Good one. Release her!" Uma said. "No she stays! I want that building! Who cares about kids! Especially poor ones. I don't care if they lose their home! That building will be mine." She said Uma held up her Shell phone and ran to the microphone. She held the recording up to the mic as it played what she said. "This is your princess! This is who she truly is!" Uma said as everyone booed. I unlocked the door myself waved my hand as my stuff was removed from the cell. "Where do you think you're going?" Anastasia said as she tackled me on the ground as the crowd gasped. I got her off of me. "Drew you really know how to pick them.. after me it just went downhill! I mean come on! She's not fit to be called a princess. She has no heart! You heard what she said. Those orphans mean nothing to her. I was falsely imprisoned by your "princess" as she threw a tantrum because I wouldn't give her the orphanage. I love this kingdom." I said as he looked at me and helped Anastasia up. "She's crazy! I had to lock her away! She was gonna ruin my dream of having my own dress shop." She said as she fake cried real tears. "Haha! You dummy! Mel's shop is right there. You can get all the dresses you want there! Mel makes them herself." Uma said as I bit my lip. "Apologize Uma." I said. "I'm sorry I called you a dummy. And no you can't have that building either. You're lucky Mel isn't pressing charges." Uma said. "How's Aleigha?" Drew asked me as I narrowed my eyes. "She's doing great! Harry is doing wonderful as her step father. She's learning new things every day! She's a smart cookie!" I said. "So the pirate is raising my daughter! I'm not surprised, I'm just repulsed by the idea. I mean he has a hook for a hand. Is he teaching her how to sword fight! She's my daughter. I should be the one raising her." Drew cried out. "You lost that privilege when you kidnapped her. See you at the tournament your majesties." I said as I curtsied and left through a portal. I fell asleep as a couple of hours later the swung open and in rushed Audrey.. she took my hand as a portal opened. I fell to my knees at the sight before me. "NO!" I cried out in horror. I sobbed as Audrey held me close. The townsfolk joined in support. "It's burnt to the ground! NO!" I said as I stood up and waved my hand. The building began building itself back to its normal state. Everyone gasped in surprise as they clapped. "You fixed it?!" Anastasia cried out in anger. "Yeah Magic. Duh." I said as she narrowed her eyes. "I've got magic too!" She said as she pulled something from pocket, a powder. She blew it into my face. "What did you do?!" Audrey cried angrily. "Good luck winning the tournament, you won't remember how to play and I'll win!" She said as I coughed. "It's gonna take more than a little powder to bring me down. Once i win the tournament, I'm the winning money to the orphans in both this kingdom, Audrey's kingdom, and yes corona too. I should have dad build me another trophy case! May the best player win. Don't be surprised if Drew leaves you if you lose. He's a total jerk. May the best princess win! Which is me." I said as we went back to the isle as I fell asleep.

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