Chapter 4

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Two weeks later, my eye was back to normal. I was back! I could read and write! And see! I was so happy I put on one of the dresses from home and put my bow in my hair. I opened my locket as it played its music and I spun around happily. I walked to my fathers ship as he greeted me with open arms. "My lovely daughter! Good to see your eye is back to normal. And you're wearing one of the dresses mom brought from home... that's new." My father said rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Oh Melody! You look like a true princess! I'm so happy you decided to wear one of your dresses! That's my Melody." My mother said as she spun me around and I giggled. "Look at them over there! It's amazing to see Melody so happy again.. and she's wearing a dress.. that's new." Harry said as he walked along side Jay. "Do you think she has any sisters?" Jay asked as he smiled. "I don't know Jay, I can ask but by the way they seem.. it's positive that Melody is their only child." Harry said as I rang the bell on the boat and waved to him. "My lady calls me I must go! I'm coming my love!" Harry called as he walked down the deck to my fathers ship. "There's my love! You look beautiful. I mean you're beautiful like always. The dress and the bow add extra beauty." Harry said as he pulled me close. "Can you believe this ship is my fathers! Look a ahh! Hey give that back.." I said as a little monkey screeched in my face and took my necklace, he ran off. "You little thief get back here! Give me back my necklace!"  I cried as I chased him around the ship. I heard a whistle as the monkey climbed down and up to my shoulder as he put my necklace back in my hands. "Jack! Come on! Stealing.. I thought you knew better. Especially from a lady. Come. I'm extremely sorry for Jack. He's a monkey raised by pirates. I got stuck with him because my dad got sick of him. He's a little trouble maker." Jacob said as Jack climbed onto his shoulder. "Apology accepted Captain." I said as I curtsied. "Hey I know you, you're the pirate who lost to my daughter. I never knew she had that power inside of her." My father said as he bit his lip. "Here comes the crew. Act natural." My father said. "Welcome to my fathers ship! Please no flash photography and don't touch anything. Unless my dad says it's okay. I don't want any of you getting hurt." I said as I stood by the rail and looked at the sea below. "What's on your mind Mel?" Uma asked as she joined me. "I don't know... I just miss the sea, I love it on land don't get me wrong.. but I miss exploring and stuff.." I said as a tear fell from my eyes and landed in the water as a white light grew. I backed up as everyone gasped. "Grandad." I said as he stood there with a smile. "You called? I got your message. I just want to apologize for what I did to Harry and to all of you. I shouldn't have caused.. what happened. I hope you can forgive me. I'd like to come meet your friends the proper way. I'm going to come on land." He said as he went over to the edge of the water as his fins turned into feet. "Daddy!" My mom cried happily as she hugged him, I hugged him also. "You're on land! You have legs! This is amazing!" I said happily. "Grandad, Harry, Harry, Grandad." I said as they shook hands. "You have a strong grip young man. That's a good thing." He said with a smile. His trident shinned in the light. "Uma I'm glad to meet you, on land. Thank you all for being so kind and caring towards Melody. She's a good girl." Grandad said with a smile. "Hey grandad! Look what Uma taught Max!" I said happily. "Max play dead!" I said as he rolled onto his back and stayed still. He got back up and everyone clapped. "Wow that's amazing! Good job Uma." My grandad said as he clapped holding his trident in his arm. "So show me around! I want to see everything!" My grandad said as I smiled. "Let's go to my room!" I said happily. "Sounds wonderful." He said as I walked into the school and into my room. "This is where I sleep, read and do my homework." I said happily. "Wow this room is beautiful. Your mom and dad designed it didn't they?" He asked with a smile. "Yes." I said as he walked over to my bed and saw the papers. "What are these?" Grandad asked curiously. "That's called home work, we learn stuff and they give us stuff to read and practice, and then you get what's called a test and you have to remember the answers to the questions. It's quite easy for me." I said happily. "Do you all do this too?" My grandad asked them. "Yes we do your majesty." Uma said with a small smile. "Ah! I see you've brought your collection of items with you. Have you found anything new?" He asked me with a smile.

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