Chapter 24

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Tonight was the night! My friends each received their custom dresses and suits. Harry looked handsome in his red tux with a black tie. He stood by the double doors, the same ones Uma and I stood at.. that past time. I put on my dress and shoes, my grandma helped me with my hair as I kissed her cheek and walked to the doors as Harry looked at me. "That dress is beautiful, the right shade of orange." Harry said as he kissed my cheek. I felt little hands and feet crawl up my leg and I smiled. "Jacky baby. Perfect timing." I said as we opened the doors as everyone clapped. "Introducing the newly mated couple Harry Hook and Princess Melody. Also their son Jacky." My grandad said as I smiled. We both sat down at the table. Uma tapped her glass with her spoon. "I'd like to make a toast to this beautiful couple. Melody finally found her happily ever after. I'm so grateful to have you both in my life. I'm sure everyone can agree, in their lives too. To Mel and Harry!" Uma said as everyone cheered. "Would you like to say anything Mel?" Uma asked me. "Let's get this celebration started!" I said happily as the music began to play. "Jacky say something!" As he took the DJs microphone. "Hey! Give that back!" The DJ cried out. "Jacky would like to say speech!" He said as the music stopped and everyone gathered around. "Jacky, is very happy to have two loving parents, I was abandoned.. neglected... all alone. I found mama and everything changed. I chose to be with her and Dad because Jacky know deep down, he loves mama and Dad. Jacky is excited to see mama and dad together again. In love. A family again. Jacky bring gift." He said as he brought over a box. "Jacky, you didn't have to get us a gift.." I said as I kissed him. "Auntie Uma Help." Jacky said as I looked at Uma. "It was his idea." Uma said. "Let's see what you got mama and dad!" I said as I opened the box and smiled. "Jacky.. you had this made for us? It's beautiful." I said happily. "Jacky made it! Uma pay for materials!" Jacky said as I smiled bigger. "You made this! My baby is a true artist! A family portrait." I said as I turnt it around as everyone clapped. "Wait.. Jacky drew that!" My mom said as she looked at it. "My god.. Jacky.. you have the gift of artwork! The mermaids blessed you with it. If he keeps drawing like this.. his paintings will be bought and maybe put into a museum! I'm so proud of you grand baby Jacky!" My mom said as she kissed his cheek. "There's my baby girl!" I said happily as Aleigha was brought to me by Drew. "We had fun today. She's got most of your traits." He said as I kissed her hand. "Yeah she does, I'm glad you enjoyed your visit. But I'm sorry.. you and your parents must leave the party." I said as the music stopped as everyone looked at me. I looked around at everyone.. I handed Aleigha to Harry as my heart raced as I stood there. "Why can't they stay?" Anna asked me. "Because they've lost my trust. They kidnapped Aleigha. They locked me in a cell. They held me as their prisoner. They've done so much to hurt me.. they can't stay. They must go." I said as I turned around as a hand touched my shoulder. "Let them stay!" Anna cried as everyone started chanting it. "Enough!" I said as the ground shook. I was on the ground. I held my locket close and cried. Everyone looked at me with confusion, anger, and empathy towards them and not me. I raised my hand as Thunder boomed in the air. "You don't understand what they've done to me! Taking their side.. this is my celebration and I decide who stays. I don't want anything to do with them anymore. I have full custody of Aleigha. Supervised visitation was granted to the three of them. Uma goes and monitors. If you could only see and feel what I feel right now. You're angry at me.. this celebration is supposed to be a happy occasion, I invited you all here to dance, smile, laugh, enjoy the food Gil made and share happy memories. To celebrate Harry and I becoming mates.. here I am crying at a celebration party.. why is everyone turning on me? Remember the balcony! They did nothing to help me.. they just stood there while I panicked and cried for help. They killed my lobster friend and laughed at the funeral. They locked me in a cell and kept me prisoner! All because I wouldn't take their son back. They didn't like me from the start.. I knew it. I just didn't want to believe it was real. Now I know it.. Cinderella had me kidnapped and put into a cage by some rough, scary guys.. thank god someone found me.. they didn't feed me. All they left me was a bucket of water. Their kingdom shunned Aleigha for being a mermaid. They fainted, vomited, and threw insults at her.. since then I haven't felt accepted in their kingdom. Aleigha will never be if the kingdoms people have anything to say about it. So yes! I don't want them here! If you don't want to believe me.. that's your decision.. DJ turn the music back on. Goodbye your majesty's and Drew." I said as I they left. People started to leave. "Wait! Don't leave this party! If you leave, you're hurting Melody and Harry. And also Jacky. You came to celebrate their mateing and now you're gonna leave because Melody told someone they couldn't stay at her party. She's right it is her decision. Harry agrees with Melody in her decision and you should all respect her decision and support her for this amazing milestone in her life. Remember how you all signed that petition.. yeah I remember. Everything Mel just said is the truth. Surely you can all put yourself in Melody's shoes. I care about Melody and Harry. I'm not gonna let Mel's decision ruin the fact that this is a celebration party! Turn the music back on. I'm hitting the dance floor." His Grace said as my jaw dropped. Everyone looked at each other. "I believe Mel." Sadie said. "Me too!" Bella said. "Me also!" Lyrica said. "All her friends do. Please stay and party! Mel would be so hurt if all of her guests left now.. she'd feel unsupported, just like when drew didn't show up. Uma had to take his place. She'd stay at your party and have a great time! She'd respect your decisions. Why can't you all do the same for Melody? She'd do it for all of you." Sadie said. "Sadie?! You're actually standing up for Melody! Wow! Did not expect that." Audrey said happily. Everyone looked at me. "I would do the same for all of you! Since when have I not joined any of all your birthday celebrations and had a blast! You're my guests. I invited you for a reason, to help me celebrate this wonderful moment in my life. Are you leaving or are you staying? Because I'd stay. But that's just the kind hearted person I am." I said as a tear fell down my cheek. "This is supposed to be a happy time! We should be dancing and smiling! Not debating to ditch Mel or stay here. Mel throws amazing parties! It's your loss if you wanna leave and miss out. She invited you here to this party. Because she likes all of you. Every single one of you holds a special place in Mel's heart. Just remember that." Harry said as he stood there. "True!" Jacky said. "Get her!" Sydney cried as I hid behind Harry as Uma took out her sword. "Don't you dare harm Melody! All she ever does is help you all out. For gods sake she saved this isle twice from two sea monsters. She's done so much for all of you! Sydney, do me a favor.. stop talking." Uma said as Sydney rolled her eyes. "Let them tear me to shreds.." I said as Uma looked at me. "No one is gonna hurt you. This is civilized party! Get ahold of yourselves! You're here to support Melody! Now I'm questioning why she invited all of you! You're acting like.. an angry mob. Violence is never the answer. Especially here at this party.. this celebration. You're letting Melody down. You're ruining this happy time for Mel and Harry! If you're not gonna show your support for them, then you don't deserve those invites! She invited everyone because she cares! She likes all of you!" Uma protested. "Take a second and look at each other. See the expression on the other persons face.. yep that's the same face you made! You should be ashamed of yourselves for ruining this celebration! Don't listen to Sydney.. she's a trouble maker. Stop this nonsense! Take a moment to collect yourselves and change your attitudes to happy! She wanted you here, so you're here! Now go and apologize." Uma said. They all looked at me as I peeked my head out at the crowd. I took Harry's hand in mine as we stood together. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I opened my eyes and everything changed. I fell over as Harry caught me. "Mel? Melody? You were staring into space. I tried to snap you out of it." Harry said concerned. "Did the whole angry group thing happen.. did Uma give her speeches?" I asked Harry. "Yes but it's over now. See everyone is happy! When you stared at something and didn't pay attention, everyone thought you'd frozen again. They felt bad and they all decided to change their attitudes. For us." Harry said. "For us! Oh god I blanked out! Not again.. I do that sometimes. It happened with Uma." I said as harry looked at me. "Now let's go dance my princess!" Harry said as he took my hand in his as we danced. "I love you." Harry said as I smiled. "I love you too my pirate Harry." I said as I kissed him. "Jacky love too!" Jacky said we both smiled. "We love you too Jacky baby." I said as we kissed him. I went over to see Sadie, Bella, and Lyrica. "Thank you for standing up for me tonight. It meant a lot. I'm so glad you came!" I said as I hugged them all. They looked at me with surprise and then a smile. "Group hug!" Sadie said as they all hugged me together. Uma blinked her eyes in shock. "Oh hi Uma! Wanna join in?" Sadie asked. "No thanks, I'd like to borrow Melody for a quick moment, here hang out with Jacky." Uma said as Jacky sat on the table. Uma brought me to a quiet place. "Uma.. what's.. is there something wrong?" I asked her as she took my hand in hers. "I never noticed how beautiful you are in the moonlight.." Uma said as I stood up. "Hahahaha.. Harry if Uma catches you like this she's  gonna flip!" I said Harry held my hand. "What the heck?! Uma and Melody are holding hands! What's going on?" Audrey asked us. "Calm down! It's Harry he did the Uma switching trick. I was freaked out at first also. "OH MY GOD!" Uma cried out. "Imposter!" Uma said as she stormed up to Harry. "Uma! Calm down! It's Hook!" I said as she grabbed him. "Change back.. god! It's okay when Mel does it but nobody else can. Don't freak out people! It's Harry!" I said as I waved my hand as he turnt back into himself. "You jerk! You had me fooled!" Uma said as she hit Harry playfully. I made my way to the beach as Harry followed. "Mel? Mel!" Harry said as I walked into the ocean. "I know you're here! I'm not afraid of you." I said as Uma's mom appeared. "Angel fish! Congratulations on the mateing! So happy for you! Very special moment. I brought a gift." Ursula said as she placed a box in my hands and left. "Melody.. step away from the box.. I'll open it." Uma said as I did. She opened it and looked utterly confused. "It's a jewelry box!" Uma said as she opened it as a purple smoke came out as I coughed as everyone gasped. "Oh no.. this can't be good. Show me." I said as Uma used the mirror. "A dress? Did your mom bump her head on something? Has she finally gone crazy.. this is not Ursula... Uma you have to agree that this isn't your mothers normal behavior, she's being nice." I said as Uma turned pale. She shut the box as she handed it to me. "I agree.. it's out of her character as a villain.. villains aren't good. They're not meant to give good gifts. Not like this. This is very disturbing.. who was that?!" Uma cried out as I looked at her. "That was your mom, maybe she had a change of heart." Harry said as we both laughed. "A change of heart! Villains can't change their hearts! They're rotten to the core.. all their lives. They don't suddenly become good hearted! You're hilarious Hook!" Uma said as she wiped her tears away. "Yeah, when pigs fly." I said as we both laughed. "That's scientifically impossible." Dizzy said. "Dizzy. Oh! Hi! I didn't realize you were standing there. Are you enjoying the party?" I asked her as she smiled. "Very much. The girls took Jacky and walked off with him. He was calm and comfortable about it." Dizzy said. "Jacky.. went willing with three girls he swore he didn't trust. I'm gonna go find them." I said as I grabbed the crystal orb. "Show me Jacky." I said as Jacky showed up as he was with the three girls as they watched him eat fruit. I walked into the kitchen as Jacky had blueberry stains all over his mouth. "Mama!" Jacky said as he walked over to me. "Hello girls! I see you've gotten Jacky a snack. Thank you. He loves fruit." I said as they smiled. "No problem! He's so cute! I could watch him eat fruit for hours." Sadie said. "I took a video and sent it to everyone here on the isle." Bella said with a smile. "You did, well that's nice of you. I'm sure it will bring smiles to everyone's faces. Jacky do you wanna stay or come with Mama?" I asked him. "Stay!" Jacky said as the girls giggled. "Okay little Jacky baby. Be a good boy." I said as I kissed him. "You're all sticky." I said as he smiled. "Fruit good!" Jacky said. "Don't eat too much you'll get a tummy ache." I said as I walked back to the party. "My cake!" I cried out. "Who ruined my cake? Did anyone see anything? Noo.. my beautiful cake.." I said as I looked at it and cried. "Oh my god.. the cake!" Uma said. "Is that my sword?! Who took my sword? Did you see who did this ?" Uma asked everyone. "I did see who it was." Anna said. "Anna, who was it?" Uma asked her. She began to cry. "I tried to stop her! I tried soo hard!" She cried. "Who did this?" I asked her. "It's a female.. interesting!" I said as Uma groaned out. "Who cares about the gender.. name!" Uma said. "It was.. Sydney. I tried to stop her!" Anna said as I sighed. "See why I don't want Drew's family here! Sydney ruined my cake. Gil worked very hard on this cake. I'm sure Jaq and Gus helped also... they ruin everything that brings me joy." I said as I cried. "Melody.." my grandad said. "Why didn't you stop her? The guards! Jay could've taken Sydney down. It's 50 against one. Only Anna defended the cake." I said. "Melody, calm down.. it was only cake." Audrey said. "Only cake?!" I cried out. "That was a eatable artistic masterpiece! Gil.. I'm so sorry." I said as he came up to me. "I knew it meant a lot to you so I made a back up, same design. Can't you just fix it with your powers." Gil said. "Yeah I can!" I said as I waved my hand as nothing happened, suddenly the dress began to spark up as I went up in smoke. "Mel!" Harry cried. I crawled towards him as my tail grew.. I coughed as I collapsed on the grass. The dress was gone. "Melody! Oh god! I knew that gift was bad!" Uma said as she grunted. "I should've never have opened that stupid jewelry box! God, this is all my fault. I opened it  and Melody lost her magic. And the dress is gone." Uma said as Jay carried me to the party as he layed me down on the floor as everyone looked and gasped. "Grand Dad." I said weakly. "All of her powers have been drained, if we don't fix this.. Mel will never be able to stay on land ever again. Who did this." My grandad said. "My mother." Uma said as kneeled at my side and held my hand. "I'm so sorry Mel." Uma said as I looked at her. "It's not your fault. You didn't know what would happen.. I need to rest my eyes." I said as I closed them. "Your mother! She's out of her cell! How is that possible! I need to hire new guards. Uma you're not to blame. Just stay here with Melody while I figure out how to get Melody's magic back." Grandad said. Anna knelt down beside me as she closed her eyes as she began to speak in mermaid language as my grand dad turnt around and looked surprised. "The ancient language of our people.." my grandad said as he stood beside Anna. Anna spoke for two minutes and then stopped and collapsed for exhaustion. "Anna! What did you say?" My grandad asked. "I begged our ancestors to help Melody regain her powers by fighting the evil against her.. using their powers. To save Melody. I begged them to hear my pleas of sorrow." She said as I opened my eyes. "Mel!" Uma said as I looked at her. "You've summoned us to bring Melody's gifts back to her body. She was changed by magic with the gift of both humanity and mermaid lives. Her magic from the isle is still active... she's weak, her body is tired. We shall grant your pleas princess Anna of Atlantica. For now we make our way to the source of the evil." Males and females said as their voice were mashed together so it sounded funny. I closed my mouth. "Yay! Melody is getting help!" Sadie said happily as the three girls hugged each other. "Bella, Sadie, and Lyrica please step forward." I said weakly. "You three will be tasked with helping me.. I'll be very weak.. and I need you three to make sure I'm not stuck in bed all day. That means pushing me around in my wheelchair, wherever I want to go. Harry can take care of Aleigha and Jacky. He's strong. You three after todays actions have shown me a little bit of trust in you. Just a little. Keep working at it... now I must rest." I said as I closed my eyes again. "Take her to her room. Be careful her tail is slippery." My mom said as Jay carried me to my room as he placed me in bed. I was still fast asleep. "Mel.. we're here for you.. all of us.. let's pray for Mel." Audrey said as the others complained. "Hey show some respect our friend needs all the help she can get to heal.. she'd do the same for you." Audrey said. Oh brother here it comes.. god take me now! I said to myself in my head. "Lord of the sea! Grant Melody her powers back, give her back her strength, bring her back to us." Audrey said as everyone mumbled something. Close enough. "You weren't even saying the words! God you guys are not helping! You're not taking this seriously. We could lose Mel! Forever! She may never return back to land! You have to be serious with the prayers and say them correctly or it won't put faith into Melody's healing! Am I the only one taking this seriously?! Y'all are just mumbling I don't know what.. it was disrespectful to the sea lord and to Melody." Audrey said. Oh brother Audrey.. stop with the ranting! I said as everyone heard me. "We can hear your thoughts! Wow! That's new." Harry said. "Audrey is right. As much as I hate her rants she makes excellent points for things and does it with a positive attitude. You weren't taking the prayer seriously. You have to mean it! Other wise it doesn't count. Gil! Get out of my candy bag." I said as dropped the candy bar. "Sorry Mel." Gil said. "This is the only way l can communicate with all of you. My mouth may not be moving but I've got a lot to say. Harry, are you okay with taking care of our two babies.. Uma can help if you want." I said as Harry nodded. "Anything for my princess." He said. "The rest of you, keep a log of who enters and exits my room. I don't want no unexpected visitors.. I trust Jay to guard the bedroom door. Keep an eye out for the three girls. They are gonna help me get back to.. well life." I said as Jacky jumped on the bed. "My little Jacky baby!" I said as he looked around. "Don't be afraid it's mama." I said as he came close and poked my cheek. "Mama mouth no move but words come out.. Jacky confused." He said as I laughed a little. "You're too cute! Jacky I want you to be nice to your sister. Treat her with love and respect." I said as he nodded. "Keep Drew away from Aleigha unless Uma is present. Please. Harry! Does everyone know about my candy bag?! Who snitched? Now I'm gonna have to hide it again. Where's my shell bag? Bring it to me. There's something I found for each of you. Before this happened. In the sack is a jewels with your color on it. I found them by lots of searching. Put them in the center in a circle." I said as they as the colors connected to each other. "Keys? For what?" They each put theirs around their necks. "I think you know what it's for Uma. The one place that needs to be kept running and made sure no damages occur." I said as Uma looked at me and nodded. "Evie can handle watching the shop after all its right next to hers." Uma said. "Where Jacky key?" Jacky asked me. "I found you something even more special Jacky Baby, Uma.. take out the glowing object in my bag. It's Jacky's." Uma said as she took it in her hands and brought it out as it changed colors. "Woah! What is it?" Uma asked. "It's a rare, very rare, Atlantican rainbow protecting crystal. Jacky.. it can tell when you're in danger it will protect you. It works with your emotions. It will help you when you need it most. It's breakable, and my magic can't fix it." I said as Jacky put it around his neck. "Jacky keep safe." He said as he smiled. "As for my little angel Aleigha. A necklace of your own. Made from atlantican gold, Engraved into the top is your name and inside is a reminder that Atlantica isn't so far away." I said as she held it close. "What do I get?" Max asked me. "You get to lay beside me and keep me company and safe from harm." I said as Max barked and jumped onto the bed. He layed beside me. "Hello Jacky." Max said. "Hello Max." Jacky said. "Jacky no climbing on Max." I said as Max sighed. "Let him do it, he's just a baby and I've grown very fond of him." Max said as I laughed a little. "Okay." I said as I began to cry as tears fell down my cheeks. "I can only talk to you. For now. I want to be able to be me again.. but with my gifts gone.. I can't stay on land unless someone finds a way to get them back. Freddie might know. Jacky go with your dad to find Freddie and talk to her about it. I'm sure she'll find something that can help me. For now." I said as I Harry wiped my tears away. "Thank you my love." I said as he kissed my lips. "I love you. I will do everything I can to bring you back! I won't stop!" Harry said. "I know you won't stop.. and I love you too." I said as Harry held my hand. I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I said as my parents walked in. "Melody? Oh! You found your inner voice!" She said as I laughed a little. "Yes mom I did. Hello Dad. Hello Mom. I'm glad you came to see me." I said as they walked over to my body. "I know it's hard to see me like that.. but I'm still in there. I'm not leaving anytime soon." I said as the doors bursted open on my balcony. "Mel! Mel! Come Quick!" I heard Anna's voice cry out as she climbed over the guard rail and came towards me. "Anna what's wrong?" My mom asked her. "Angry.. Mob!" She said as everyone looked at each in shock. "Who are they here for? Why?" My mom asked them. "Melody.. I don't know why.. I got scared and came here straight away. Melody isn't conscious. So she can't defend herself. Oh god.. this isn't good! Drew's croquet club members came to support you. "Aubrey.." I said  as they walked into the room. "Woah! This place is big!" She said as the others walked in after her. "You're here to support me? Why? Drew and I aren't together anymore." I said as Aubrey looked at the ceiling. "Why? Because we're your friends. Even thought we never hang out. You'll always be a part of the croquet club. We have to stop this mob!" She said. "Everyone on this isle supports me and you're all here so it's Drew's kingdom that wants to hunt me down. I don't understand.. I was so good to those people! I gave them a brand new orphanage and saved their children from the burning one. Why.. turn against me?" I asked them as a laugh filled the room. "Why? Oh Melody. You look so peaceful! And the croquet club is here for you.. awwwh. How sweet. The whole kingdom is outraged when I told them you're not taking the throne as queen... and that banned us from seeing Aleigha unless Uma was present." Sydney said. "You witch! How dare cause a mob to come after my big sister! LET ME AT HER!" Anna cried angrily. "Where you are? Come face me! I dare you! Unless you're chicken." Anna said as Sydney came into the room. "I'm here whatcha gonna do about it, you little orphan." Sydney said as Anna narrowed her eyes. She placed her hand out as Sydney began to change shape. "W-What have you done to me! You little brat! I'll end you!" Sydney cried. "You're gonna stay like this until you cooperate and get that mob to leave. So help me god if anything happens to anyone on this isle.. I'll send you back home in this form. Not very tough are you now?" Anna said as she put the crab into a jar and shut the lid. "Anna.. you turning Sydney into a crab isn't gonna help things. Let her out and I'll deal with her." I said as Anna released the crab and waved her hand as she became human again. "Sydney! Don't hurt Anna. Listen to me. Your kingdom needs to understand why I'm not ruling their kingdom and so I shall show them. A projector was In front of the mob as it began to play my memories.. they looked at each other. "So it was Prince Drew who drove Melody away from us! Let's get him!" The leader said as they turnt around. I sighed. "Crowd. Stop. Listen. It's me. Princess Melody, I may not be your ruler but that'll never stop my love of your kingdom, I will protect it and keep it safe. Keep all of you safe. As long as you agree to apologize to my daughter. She may be different but she's still my daughter. Our daughter." I said as I sighed. "They're under supervised visitation because they kidnapped Aleigha and held me prisoner until I agreed to remarry their son! I promise I'll visit as much as I can. Anything I can do to help your kingdom, I will do. Just don't use violence. Put the fires out and your pitch forks down. It's senseless. You'll all end up in cells. Now you've seen and know why I did what I did. Sydney, wasn't clear on it. She probably told you lies. About me. Just please do as I ask. It's not worth it.." I said as they put out their torches and dropped their pitchforks. "Thank you. Now please peacefully, go back to your homes." I said as they left. "Wow Mel! That was very impressive! You spoke like a true princess." My mom said as I sighed. "Sydney, for starting an angry mob towards me.. which could've ended badly.. Ben will decide your punishment. Guards take her to Ben." I said as they dragged Sydney out as I went quiet. "Melody?" Harry asked me. I didn't respond. "She's sleeping. It's best if we let her rest all of you are free to go. We've got this." My mom said as they left the room, everyone except two little creatures. "Jaq? Gus? What are you doing here?" My mom asked curiously. "We heard about what happened to Ms. Melody! We came to offer our assistance!" Jaq said as gus nodded in agreement. "That's very kind of you both. There is something you can help me with, a very simple task. I need you to give this to Cinderella and Prince Charming." My mom said as she handed them an envelope with a stamp on it. "You've got it! Jaq and Gus on the job!" Jaq said as they took off. "They're cute." My mom said. "Yes dear they are." My dad said. They both sat by my side as an hour went by Harry and Jacky came into the room with Freddie as she walked up to my body. "Poor Mel.. don't worry I'm here to help." Freddie said as set my grandmas book on the bed and read it. "What does it say?" My mom asked. "Let me see the jewelry box.. something doesn't add up." Freddie said as Harry handed it to her. "You're saying Uma's mom gave Melody this jewelry box.. it doesn't belong to her.. it was stolen from Atlantica. It belongs to one of your aunts Melody. It was a trap. Okay it says.. tip it upside down and open the hatch at the bottom." Freddie said. "Dump the powder onto Melody's body. And then rub it on her skin." Freddie said. "Is that dust!" My mom said as she coughed. "Not just any dust! Mermaid dust! Royal mermaid dust." Freddie said as my parents looked at each other. My grand father cleared his throat as he spoke. I could hear my aunt Aquata complaining and crying about the box. "Has anyone seen Aquata's jewelry box? It's missing." Grandad said as Freddie smiled. "It was stolen.. but look it's right here! In safe hands! Say can mermaid dust bring people back their gifts? Like say for instance Melody and her powers." Freddie said as my grandad thought about it. "I'm not sure what it's capable of or if it has any magical value. Dust is everywhere in Atlantica and it hasn't done anything before. Is that's what's all over Melody's body?" My grandad asked. "Yes." Freddie said. "Oh.. is that one of my wife's record books? Does it say what else could work?" My grandad said. "No but I can do more research. We'll find a solution! Melody will be back to herself soon. My shop could have something.. I'll go check." Freddie said as she left the room. "Can Melody hear me?" My grandad asked. "Yes she can hear you." My mom said. "Aquata, Melody has found your jewelry box. Who stole it?" My grandad asked. "Ursula.. gave it to her as a gift." My mom said. "She knows not to trust Ursula.. why would she take it.. Melody!" My grandad said. "My mom was acting very kindly towards Mel." Uma said as I sighed. "I'm trying to sleep... grandad.. Uma.." I said. "Melody. How many times must we go over this.. don't take stuff from Ursula! She's bad news. No offense Uma." My grandad said. "I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have taken it! Uma was the one who opened it and unleashed whatever was inside that thing." I said as Uma sighed. "It's true." Uma said. "Uma, bring me some peanut butter cookies, please." I said as she sighed. "I'll go get Audrey, she'd be delighted to make you a batch.. but you can't eat.." Uma said. "I can smell." I said as she laughed. "Okay fine." She said as she left. "This on?" A voice said. "Abu? Abu! It's so good to hear your voice. How did you get into Uma's room?" I asked him. "Open window." He said as I laughed a little. "You shouldn't be sneaking into people rooms when they're not there you little cutie." I said as I heard Alexa's voice. "You're not supposed to be in here." She scolded him. "Alexa, so good to hear your voice again. "You can talk?! But.." she said confused. "You're hearing my thoughts. Basically reading my mind. Out loud. To keep me sane." I said as she laughed. "Insane Melody.. I wonder what she'd look like.." Alexa said as she came to my room and dropped off Abu. "I stay?" Abu asked me. "Yes you can stay." I said as he sat on the bed. "You talk, but your lips aren't moving.. Abu has get well soon gift!" He said as he placed a small box on the bed. "Thank you Abu, how very kind of you." My mom said as she took the box. "Hi Ariel. Hi Eric." Abu said. "Jacky not here." He said as he looked around. He lifted up a pot and looked under it. "Jacky!" He called as we laughed a little. "He's with Harry." I said as he came back on the bed. "Okay. Abu wait." He said as he smiled. "Hook Guy." Abu said. "Yes, his name is Harry." My mom said. "Harry." Abu repeated. "Yes that's right! Good job Abu." My mom said. "Oh Look who we have here! Jacky look it's Abu!" Harry said as Jacky climbed down off of Harry as Abu and Jacky hugged each other and ran around together. "Cute." Harry said as Uma brought it the batch of cookies. "Cookie!" Harry said as Uma looked at him. "These are for Melody." Uma said. "But she can't eat them.." Harry complained. "I can smell them.. who knows they might wake me out of this coma. I'd do anything for those cookies. Any peanut butter cookies." I said as I disappeared. "Mel! MEL! Someone get Grandma Athena!" Uma cried out. "I heard my name.. oh my god! Who took Mel's body!" My grandma freaked out as Uma grabbed the glass orb. "Show me Sydney!" Uma said angrily. "She has Melody. I knew it! But she's in Mel's mind?!" Uma freaked out. "Whoa, I don't recall a room full of armed guards being apart of my brain. Someone must be angry with me and with their anger came this image. A throne appeared as Sydney sat on it. She got up and the guards disappeared. "You aren't afraid of fire are you?" Sydney said as circle of flames was around us. "Well my mom did rescue my dad from a burning ship! So no! Is it hot in here or is just me?" I asked playfully. "You do realize I have fire powers right?" I asked her as she laughed. "You're getting on my last nerve mermaid." Sydney said as she stepped forward.

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