Chapter 28

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I went back to Corona as the celebration commenced. All my friends and I danced and had fun. I was presented gifts of thanks from everyone in Corona and Audrey's Kingdom. Fredrick sat my side as we held hands. One person brought me a goat. "What is that?" I asked Fredrick. "It's a goat, an animal." He explained. "OH. I love animals! Thank you!" I said as the goat walked up the stairs and sat behind us. "Smart goat." Fredrick said with an impressed look on his face. More fabrics. More dresses. Flower crowns. A nice song sang by the orphans after they were done I stood up and clapped. "That was beautiful you all sounded like angels. Fredrick and I have been searching far and wide, and we found candidates to be parents to these lovely orphans. No more orphanage. A real and true home." I said as everyone cheered. "You did that.." Fredrick said. "Yeah, You don't remember? You signed the paperwork." I said as he blushed. "That's why you're my princess. The perfect princess for Corona. My parents agree and my grandparents agree. I have something for you." He said as he whistled. A large marble statue sat in the middle of the garden. "3! 2! 1!" Everyone cheered. The man pulled the sheet off. I gasped with a smile. It was a portrait of me and Fredrick when I released my first balloon into the sky. I turnt and kissed him. "I remember that day. It was fun." I said he held my hand in his. "Corona! I present to you our princess! Princess Melody Of Corona!" He said as everyone cheered. I saw Red standing in the crowd. I waved and smiled. She waved and smiled back. "Thank you everyone for putting your love and time into making this celebration happen. You are the best of the best. A special thanks to Princess Rapunzel, Prince Eugene, King Fredic, Queen Ariana, King Philip, Queen Aurora, His Grace, My family and friends. My prince Fredrick. All of you wonderful people! Thank you. Thank you for this goat! He will receive all the love I can provide. I have a surprise for everyone here." I said as they gasped happily. People carried out wrapped gifts and handed them out. Red looked stunned when she got one. She opened it and gasped as a red leather jacket was on her with her signature broke hearts on it. She put it on and smiled. Everyone else opened their gifts. "STOP RIGHT THERE!" A person boomed. Everyone looked at who said that as I looked shocked. "STOP THAT PRINCESS!" He yelled. "SHE'S NOT FIT TO BE CORONAS PRINCESS!!" The man shouted. Everyone gasped. I hid behind Fredrick. "I won't have you speaking Ill of my princess. How do you know if she's fit or not? Do you have proof?" Fredrick said. He held up a bloody golden placard. "She destroyed Princess Audrey's parent's statue." He said as I gasped. "I would never do that!" I cried out in horror. "It was her! I saw it!" Another person cried out in anger. Everyone started yelling as my heart rate increased as I opened up a portal by pure emotion and walked backwards through it as I gasped. "My room. Max!" I said happily as I hugged him and cried. "Max do I look like a criminal to you?" I asked him as he shook his head. "Everyone thinks I'm one. Oh Max!" I cried as I searched through my closet and waved my hand as a blue dress was on me. I took down my hair and looked into the mirror. As a different version of myself stared back at me.

Look at you, sitting here combing  your hair with a dinglehopper, crying because everyone thinks you're a criminal! Max I'm no criminal. I'm far from it. It wasn't me who did it. Why is everything always my fault? Why am I always the target for blame? Max, I don't understand! Why am I always the bad guy? Or is it girl? I couldn't handle the pressure, I had to run and escape it all.. my friends, they'll wonder where I've gone to. Fredrick must be so disappointed in me! What kind of a princess runs from her kingdom! I'm a joke!"

I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut max's hair so he could see into my eyes.

I'm not meant for this.. I never was. Should I just give up in defeat? Should I hold my head high and stand tall and mighty.. I'm a fool. Max, I'm a coward. The biggest of them all. Forget the dresses! The crowns! The etiquette! The balls! I'm so done with being a princess! If this what it means to be a royal, to have my name dragged through the mud.. then I don't want it! I want to be me! I want to never look back. Max! Don't you get it? Maybe? No! Oh come on Max! I'm done being blamed. Having fingers pointed at me. People calling me names and yelling. I just want it to stop.. but think of Fredrick.. and your future, think of how he devastated he would be, if I gave up my royalty. I don't know what to don't know what to do! My mind says be a royal it's your destiny and my heart is telling me there's more than just a title. Princess.. I don't deserve it. I'm not worth it. So let them see me as a criminal! A villain! If that's how they see me! Max, you see the real me.. might as well put myself in a cell. Shackles on my wrists and ankles.. that where they say I belong.. Fredrick will choose another girl.. I'm weak! I'm a coward! I run when I should fight. Why am I like this? Who am I anymore? Little mermaid, once upon a time I was a shy princess who fought desperately to get her happily ever after. I finally got my prince.. and I bailed on him. He must be angry. He must want me to leave him. Maybe I'm losing my mind.. Max! You're the one person who knows me better than anyone else has.

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