Chapter 22

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I woke up the next morning and looked into the mirror. I sighed and put on the uniform I made. I grabbed Jacky's stuff for the day as we both headed to the academy. Sydney stood there. "Good morning Sydney! Good morning Sydney's friends. Lovely day today!" I said as I walked by them. "Can Ms. Atlantica please report to my office immediately." A female voice called out on a speaker. "That is deafening!" I cried out as I walked inside the school and went into the deans office. She sat behind her desk as I shut the door behind me. "Please have a seat." She said as she stirred her tea and drank some of it. "If you don't mind me asking.. why am I here?" I asked her nicely. "What is that you're wearing!" She cried out in horror. "It's the schools uniform I just made some creative changes to make it feel more like well me." I said as she looked at it. "How disrespectful! We wear our uniforms with pride. We don't not make new ones. Hideous! Disgraceful! Unacceptable!" She shouted. "I'm sorry I didn't mean any disrespect! Honestly. I let my creativity get the best of me. I'm truly sorry. It doesn't look that bad. You're acting like I put a paper bag on my body. It's personalized." I said. "Your name isn't Ms. Melody Atlantica! Is it!" She yelled. "My name is princess Melody of Atlantica. I wanted to hide my royal title because I was afraid of what people would think. I really love my art classes! The students have made excellent progress! They'll be designing and making their own clothes in no time." I said as she looked at me. "They may be enjoying it now, but as of today, since you are not a student and you've dishonored this academy by your dress choice. You will pack your things and leave immediately!" She shouted angrily. "But I." I began as she stopped me. "Go! Now! And don't think on coming back." She said as I gathered all my art stuff and carried it as it began to rain. I opened a portal and went to the lawn and fell onto my knees, I cried out as the ground shook. I held the box close. I cried and pounded my fists on the ground. Uma came to my aid. "Mel?" Uma asked me. "It's all gone, I've been banned." I said as Uma held me close. "Melody.. I'm so sorry." Uma said as I cried. She took my box inside as Jacky and I sat on my bed. "The Dean called me into her office she insulted my redesign of the academy uniform! She called it unacceptable and hideous... she yelled at me and screamed at me. She made me pack my stuff and leave the academy and to never come back." I said as Drew ran into the room. "I heard Melody yell.." Drew said as I ran to him and hugged him as I cried. "It happened! The visions came true! The Dean screamed and yelled at me insulted my improved academy uniform. She made me pack my stuff and told me never to return." I said as I cried. "Are you serious?! She yelled at you. Screamed at you. Made you leave! Banned you!" Drew cried. "Don't worry my princess." Drew said as Uma came over to me. "I'm sorry you had to be yelled and screamed at.. that's not okay. Nobody should be yelling at you. Or screaming. You're shaking.. I'll get Audrey to make you some cookies. Jacky.. poor Jacky. I'm sorry you had to see that.. you must be just as scared as mama. Don't worry auntie Uma won't let anyone else hurt you and mama like that. That witch is gonna get hers one day.. I know it. We need to get you a towel and some new clothes Mel. You're soaking wet." Uma said. "Drew will fix this. I have faith in him, I can't believe I just said that.. but I did." Uma said. "I just wanted a new place! The isle is great but being stuck on it for a long time.. gets boring so when I learnt about the academy in Drew's kingdom, I went and visited myself. It had a different vibe and style.. and the flowers! Tons of flowers! And that's when I found it the perfect room. I shouldn't have lied about my name.. and I changed their normal boring uniform into something more stylish. Maybe she's right, maybe I don't belong at that academy student or no student." I said as I cried. "Oh Mel..." Uma said as she held me close. "It's gonna be your kingdom too some day. I have confidence that Drew will resolve this issue. Trust him. He trusts you." Uma said as I dried off with a towel and changed my clothes. I sat and as Audrey brought me the cookies I wanted and began to talk about her day and all I could do is cry. I felt horrible. She was concerned about me and I told her everything. I told them all. Even Ben. "Look into the glass orb and see if Sydney is smiling." I said as Uma did and she set it down. "Uma.." I said as she sat down. "I'll never get that evil grin out my head. You're suffering and she's won! No! You're gonna be the winner in the end!" Uma said. Suddenly Drew came out of a portal mumbling angrily to himself. "Uh oh, this doesn't look good." I said as Drew blushed. "I'm so sorry this happened to you my love! The Dean will make an official apology statement tomorrow. We shall attend and so help me god if Sydney pulls anything, I'll yank her out of cheerleading! That smirk on her face! The nerve!" Drew cried out. He took a pillow and screamed into it as grandma Athena looked shocked. "Good she should apologize for yelling at Mel and making her leave like that. She's a part of your kingdom now. She should be treated with kindness and respect.. I don't know what the Dean was thinking.. all Melody wanted to do was escape to some place new. Share her love of fashion with others. Explore the academy and read books. She wasn't harming anyone or bullying anyone.. she's innocent. She's quiet. She's not a trouble maker. She added her own touch to the academy uniform. She's expressing herself. That's not a crime." Grandma Athena said as I heard a knock on my door. "Come in." I said as I took a pillow and screamed into it. "Woah, woah, little mermaid! What's got you so angry?" Jay asked as he came to my side. Drew explained the situation to Jay as he looked shocked and empathetic, also sympathetic. "Wow Mel, that's horrible. They should be ashamed of themselves." Jay said. Suddenly Evie walked in. "Is this a bad time?" She asked me. "Come in Evie you're always welcome here." Grandma Athena said. "Drew you have a visitor." Evie said as Cinderella walked into the room. "Your majesty." We all said as we did our royal bows and curtsies. "Melody and friends that is not necessary. I came to make an announcement. The statue has been fixed and looks brand new. It's as it should be. I heard about the incident from the towns people. Such an awful way to be treating their princess! I'm glad she's apologizing. What she did was cruel. And unacceptable. And-" Cinderella stopped as a familiar figure ran into the room. "ABU!" I cried happily as he ran into my arms. "I've missed you so much! I'm so glad you came to visit!" I said as he climbed up onto my shoulder. "As I was saying. I will be at that academy tomorrow. And so will my husband and hopefully your friends. Also your grandma Athena. She better give you your art room back! It was making the students very happy.. you should feel welcomed in our kingdom, nobody should treat you poorly." Cinderella said as she hugged me. I heard happy screeching as Jacky saw Abu. Abu climbed down as they hugged and ran together. "Best friends reunited. But who sent you?" I asked Abu. "Alexa." Abu said. "We're you examining her homework again?" I asked him. "Yes." Abu said. "He's just curious, I don't know why she makes a big deal about it. I let Jacky examine my homework and books all the time. Poor little guy. Well I'm glad she sent you to me! It's good to see you and Jacky finally back together." I said as Cinderella smiled. "Hello Jacky." Cinderella said as he sat beside her and smiled. "Hi Cinderella." He said as he looked into her eyes. "Climb?" Jacky asked. "Huh? Oh!" She said as she nodded and Jacky climbed up onto her shoulder. "Shiny!" Jacky said as he examined her necklace. "Yes it is very shiny." She said. "Crown!" Jacky said as I smiled. "That's right Jacky that is a crown, what does it represent?" I asked him. "Royalty!" Jacky said with a smile. "Yes very good." I said as he climbed down and came to me. "I go see dad?" Jacky asked as Uma nodded. "He should be in his room. Let's go see Harry." Uma said as they followed her. "They're adorable." Cinderella said. "I didn't know there was two of them on the isle." Cinderella said as she smiled. "Yes. Abu is Alexa and Alex's friend." I said as she sat down. Drew took my hand as he lead me to my study. "There's something I need to tell you before tomorrow. It's very important." Drew said. "What is it?" I asked him. "Don't mention Sydney. Okay?" Drew asked me. "Are you kidding me! Drew.. she did this! She ratted me out to the Dean.. how can I not bring her to justice.." I said as Drew sighed. "Melody, it's very important you don't snitch on Sydney." Drew said. "And why not?!" I cried out. "Because she's my cousin!" Drew snapped as Uma stood behind him. "I think Melody should tell the truth. It's what's right. I don't appreciate your tone of voice towards Melody. I think you owe her an apology. So what if she's your cousin! Melody is your mate! Who matters more? She told on Melody which ruined her art classes and got her kicked out of that academy.. this is Sydney's fault and by god, she deserved to be called out in front of everyone. She hurt Mel. Badly might I add. What I wouldn't give to wipe that evil smirk off of her face. What she did was wrong! Melody has every right to do so.. and if you don't like it, too bad! Melody has been run over by so many people she doesn't deserve this! What happened there.." Uma said. "Who's side do you choose? Your princess or your cousin?" Uma asked him. I stood up as Uma helped me. "I think it's best for Mel to sit." Uma said as she sat me down on a chair. "Think of how heartbroken and upset your mate is... if you don't stand by her side than all of us will. Sydney has no excuse for what she did. She's mean to Melody. All Melody has ever done is be nice and polite to Sydney. It's only right if you take Melody's side. She needs your support. Your cousin needs to be held accountable.. sure Mel lied about her name and changed the uniform to her style.. that doesn't give Sydney the right to have the Dean punish Melody in front of everyone. I was there! I saw her! Crying as she took her box and left. I found her crying in the rain. Holding her box close. It ruined her. All she ever wanted was to feel welcomed and accepted by the students. She meant no harm." Uma said as she turnt around. "If you turn and defend Sydney, Melody will probably never forgive you. She's counting on you to be by her side!" Uma cried as Drew. "Butt out pirate, it's none of your business! Go back to commanding your crew. Family comes first." Drew said as she clenched her fists. "Melody is my best friend! It's my business If you're being mean to her. She didn't choose you for you to then yell at her. Pick a side or don't! I care about Melody. I'm gonna come to her defense whenever she wants. Pirate? Really! Don't give me orders prince.. I don't take orders from you. You're out of your mind if you think you can boss me around! Oh boy, my crew does work for me but they're free to do whatever they want.. how dare you try to give me orders!" Uma cried angrily. "Would you two stop it!" I cried upset as I got up off of my chair and stood between them. "Drew stop acting like a jerk! Uma you have every right to defend me. Drew apologize. And for gods sake pick a side." I said as I transformed again. "Oh great." I said as I sighed. "Thank you Mel." Uma said. "Uma, I'm sorry." Drew Said. "Family comes first." Drew said. "Melody is family." Uma said. "Not by blood." Drew said. "She's your mate you idiot! You're supposed to stand by your mate! It's in the rule book." Uma said as she went to the book shelf. "There's a rule book?" Drew asked. "Here! Catch!" Uma said as she tossed it to him as he caught it. "Page 73. Rule #24." Uma said as he read it. "Sydney has no one to defend her." Drew said. "She doesn't need a defense Mel does! She's the victim! Your cousin is in the wrong. It clearly states that your mate comes first always." Uma said. "Dude, if you don't defend Mel I will. Move aside." Jay said as he joined me. "It's your choice.. who's it gonna be me or Sydney?" I asked him as I stood there. Soon all my friends came in and began arguing with Drew as I waved my hand. I picked up my glass orb. "Grandad?" I asked as he spoke. "Yes Melody?" He asked me. "Well you see I'm kinda in a sticky situation and it's a long story and now my friends are arguing over which side Drew should take mine or Sydney's. Sydney is Drew's cousin who ratted me out for lying about my name and changing the school uniform with my own style. The Dean yelled at me and banished me. But Drew talked to her and she's gonna apologize. Drew doesn't want me to get Sydney into trouble... but what she did was wrong. I was a visitor not a student. I taught an art class for Drew's kingdom. She told the Dean and the Dean screamed and yelled at me and now Drew is lost of who's side he should stand by." I said as I sighed. "My word Melody. That is a sticky situation. I'm glad the Dean is apologizing for such a thing. Yelling at my granddaughter.. unacceptable." Grandad said as there was a knock on my hideout door. "Come in." I said as the door opened as I laughed a little. "Jacky and Abu! What a surprise." I said as they climbed up onto my shoulders. "Triton!" Jacky said happily. "Hello my little Jacky grand baby. And Abu. It's nice to see you again as well. I thought he was under your care Melody?" Grandad asked me. "He was until Alexa and Alex took him back. I'm just glad the two of them are reunited finally." I said as my grandad spoke. "Someone else came through the door." My grandad said as I looked and almost fell out of my chair. "You're sneaky! You almost scared me out of my body." I said as Uma laughed a little. "Sorry, that wasn't my intention. Hello your majesty. Don't worry Melody is in good hands. We'll call back later, okay bye!" Uma said as she set the orb down unknowing the crystal ball never hung up. "Did he make up his mind? I couldn't take all the arguing that's why I left. The room was spinning. I didn't know who to listen to.. I think my eyes are ready to roll out of my head." I said as Uma and I sat down. "We all are very upset. I'm afraid it's not good news." Uma said as I groaned. "Don't tell me.. he chose her side?" I asked as I looked at Uma. "Even if he does you are gonna tell everyone it was Sydney who caused all of this to happen. If she would've just minded her own business.. we wouldn't be here." Uma said. "Wait he hasn't decided yet?" I asked Uma. "Maybe I should go to Drew's room." I said as my grandad cleared his throat. "Grandad! Uma he just heard everything." I said as he spoke. "He's uncertain, Uma you have to convince Drew to take Mel's side! Do whatever you can.. as long as you don't hurt him. No swords." Grandad said. "I'm on it your majesty! Come on Mel." Uma said as she took my hand as she waved hers as we stood at Drew's door. I knocked. The door opened as Drew let us in as I sat down. "What's it gonna take for you to take your mates side?! She's your princess! You need to stand up for her! She's the victim, Sydney is not a victim she's a nosey tattle tail.. Sydney will have to face the music. Look into Melody's eyes. She needs you to be there for her tomorrow. You got this whole apology thing set up for her! You know choosing Mel's side is the right choice. In your heart." Uma said. "So you're implying it's bad if I chose my cousins side." Drew said. "I'm saying that Melody wants you to choose her side. Think of how bad it would look if the prince of his kingdom chose to stand by his cousin rather his princess. It would cause a big problem.. for Mel." Uma said as I looked at Drew and held his hands in mine. "Drew, I hope you make the right call. Go with you heart. I will see you later." I said as I walked out of the room. "Pick a side." Uma said as she followed after me as I looked at my triton. "Please make the right decision Drew." I said as I sighed and looked at Uma. "Good night Uma." I said as I hugged her. "Good night Mel." Uma said as she left as I went to bed.

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