Chapter 3- Instinct and Impulse

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Worried that Levi might be trying his damn best to change Erwin's mind, you pace back and forth inside the infirmary

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Worried that Levi might be trying his damn best to change Erwin's mind, you pace back and forth inside the infirmary. There was only a couple of patients, so it was a quiet morning. "Leader, sit down. You're making me dizzy." You heard your junior say from behind the consultation table. You stopped on your tracks and moved to sit on an empty bed. "Sorry about that." You absentmindedly replied.

You were so distracted by what Levi could be saying to Erwin that you didn't notice the man himself walk in until he stopped in front of you. You looked up at him, surprised that he was here at all. You were just about to ask him for the reason but he dragged you up and out of the infirmary. After several attempts to stop him from manhandling you, you gave up and just let him lead you. He finally stopped in front of a room usually used for meeting and discussion. He roughly pushed you inside and locked the doors behind him.

The sound of the lock clicking made your pulse race. You were facing Levi as he took step after step towards you. Sensing that you are in some kind of danger, you took several steps back instinctively until you hit the table at the center of the room and almost fell backwards. Levi was quick to act and grabbed your waist to pull you towards his chest. You felt his warmth for a quick moment before it was gone. He released you just as quick.

The atmosphere was so tense with him being so close to you, you can feel his breath on your face. You can feel the heat emanating from his body. You can sense that Levi was staring down at you but you were too afraid to look up. Afraid to see what emotions lie inside those dark eyes of his.

"Do you really have to go to Wall Maria?" Levi asked. His voice barely above a whisper. You jumped. You didn't notice he leaned closer to you. You can feel his breath brush your ear when he asked you a question. "Yes." You impulsively replied. It almost sounded like a gasp. You winced.

Levi hummed in reply. Tracing a finger up you arm. You shivered. You felt him lower his head down a bit more. "You won't change your mind?" He asked you again. This time, you felt his breath graze your neck down to the exposed area of your collarbone. Goosebumps started to show up on your skin. "No." You managed to breathe out as a reply.

You felt Levi nuzzle his nose towards your neck, breathing you in. You glanced at him sideways and saw he had his eyes closed as he move from your neck to your ear and back down. Leaning his forehead on your shoulder. He gave a shaky breath and muttered a low, "Fuck."

"Levi?" You nervously called to him. Now worried. He didn't move a single muscle. Seconds passed and he still didn't move or say anything. You moved to touch him, placing a petite hand on his shoulder. "Levi, are you okay-" You didn't get to finish asking him before he grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him. He crushed your body to his while his hand roughly grabbed the back of your head bringing your lips to his. He kissed you fiercely, nipping and biting at you to let him in. You hesitated. He pushed your body back and you felt the edge of the table digging into your hips. You gasped from the pain, Levi took this as a chance to slide his tongue in and explore your mouth. The hand at the back of your head suddenly moved to grab your hair and you felt a hard tug on it making your head fall back as Levi ravaged your mouth. His other hand found its way to your waist, digging his fingers into it. The sensation made you moan into Levi's mouth. His lips parted away from yours but moved it to kiss your jaw. "Fuck, (y/n). Don't you see what you do to me?" Levi hoarsely murmured against your jaw. He nipped at it earning another moan from you. His hands moved down towards your thighs and lifted you up on the table. He positioned himself between your legs and you could feel his bulge on your inner thighs.

"Levi, I-" You started to say but Levi was having none of it, shutting you up by covering your mouth with his. The kiss this time was slower but just as passionate. Full of emotions you couldn't comprehend. His hands on your waist were holding you so tight you winced in pain. You threw you arms around Levi's neck scratching your nails on his skin to get him to stop. He groaned in your mouth and you felt vibrations down to your very core. He move himself closer and you could feel him getting harder and harder. He left your lips and leaned his forehead on yours. Breathing heavily with his eyes still closed. "(Y/N), please. I beg you. Stay here. Stay safe here." Levi huskily said. Leaving light kisses on your neck and collarbone. "I need you to be safe."

You tried to catch your breath while collecting your thoughts. You had no idea what just happened. It felt good, it still feels good. You ran a hand through Levi's hair as he sucked on your neck. Your nails scratched his scalp when he nibbled on the sweet spot on your neck. He gave a throaty groan to the feel of your fingers on his scalp. "I- I can't, Levi." You breathily replied. Levi stilled. Ah, this is it. It's over. You thought to yourself.

"Fine." He spat out. Levi suddenly bit down on your neck. Hard. Almost drawing blood. You gave a loud moan from the pain. You were just about to hit him when he turned and walked away. Leaving you inside the room panting hard at what just happened.

You straightened your clothes and fixed your hair. Wincing at the bite mark Levi just left. What the fuck just happened? You thought to yourself while walking back towards the infirmary to grab some healing ointment and bandage.

A/N: An almost lemon. A lime. Lmfao.

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