Chapter 5- Ride to die

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It is the day of the mission and you were up at dawn, loading the boxes and crates you packed into carriages

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It is the day of the mission and you were up at dawn, loading the boxes and crates you packed into carriages. You were humming a tune while marking a list of materials packed up and ready to go. You felt a light smack on the head and a disgruntled voice saying, "Are you getting ready for a vacation? Why are you humming like an excited brat?" Levi said giving you a smirk.

You hmphed and turned your attention back to the list. "Who said I'm excited? I hum to keep myself focused." You replied. Its too damn early for this, you asshole. You kept to yourself. Marking a check on the list. You heard him give a low chuckle. You hear some shuffling then felt a sudden gripping sensation on your thighs as Levi tightened your harness. "What the fuck?!" You complained lightly hitting his hand with the inventory list.

"Its too loose. Do you want to slip out and fall to your death?" He asked grumpily, one knee on the ground still adjusting the straps of your harness. You shivered when his hands adjusted the straps near your inner thigh. You moved away, practically red as a tomato. "I can do it myself." You murmured turning away as Levi straightened up. "And besides, I'll be riding inside the carriage anyway. I'm not using the ODM gear yet." You added, finally calming yourself down.

"Who said you'll be riding the carriage?" Levi asked. Obviously up to something. You turned to him, confused. "What do you mean?" You asked. Levi smirked at you. "You'll be riding a horse. Just like everyone else." He replied.

No. You thought. You hate riding on horseback. Not because you're scared of the horse itself. Its just you don't like placing your faith in something which could throw you off its back out of instinct. You stared at Levi, hoping he gets the message. When he didn't retract his statement, you tried to appeal your dilemma. "Levi." You called out to him. "I would really like to ride the carriage instead." You said.

He dusted off the dirt on his pants before giving you an answer. "And I would really like for you to stay here. I guess we both can't have what we want." He smirked at you, patting you on the shoulder then left you to continue your job. You sighed in defeat, accepting your fate. The horse this time better not throw me off its back. You thought, recalling the time you were thrown off the back of a horse.


The sun has fully risen and the ground is littered with people who will be joining the mission. You approached a group of people who consisted of Levi, Hange, Eren, and a couple of senior scouts. They will be your team for this mission. "Why the grumpy face, (y/n)?" Hange asked as you walked closer to them, a glum look on your face.

"She'll be riding a horse." Levi answered for you, almost smug at your obvious distaste of the mammal. Hange laughed out loud at your misery. "Oh, come one (y/n). I promise the horse this time won't throw you off. I chose it specifically for you." She comforted you, giving you a pat on the head.

You sighed and turned to the horses aligned near your group. "So, which one is the carrier of doom?" You grumpily asked. "The doom being you?" You heard Levi comment earning him a hate-filled glare from you. Hange pointed to a lean black horse with the glossiest mane you have ever seen. "Its pretty. Pretty can be deceiving." You commented.

"It's a horse, (y/n). Not a boy. It won't break your heart." Hange replied rolling her eyes at you with a teasing grin. You huffed. A horn blared signaling the start of the mission which means you have to get on your horse of death.

You approached the stallion cautiously. Whispering for it not to bite your head off with its huge ass teeth. You hooked a boot on a stirrup and swiftly swung yourself to ride on the horse's back. Still got it. You secretly gave yourself a pat on the back. Thanking muscle memory. Its been a while since you rode a horse.

You gave a relieved sigh but the breath got caught in your throat as the horse made a loud neigh and stood on its two limbs. You immediately grabbed its neck to prevent yourself from falling back. As the horse settled back on the ground, softly neighing, you still refused to let go.

You felt someone jump on the horse behind you wrapping strong lean arms on your waist, gently pulling you to sit back up. "Let go of the horse, (y/n). You're going to agitate it more." You hear Levi's husky command in your ear. You gave a whimper and allowed him to rest your back on his chest. "This is why I don't want to ride a horse." You weakly said, trying to calm your pounding heart. The fear of being thrown off distracted you from the fact that Levi still had an arm around your waist, the other holding the reigns.

"You can't ride the carriage. In case of a titan horde, it will be difficult to get you out." Levi replied. "If you want, you can ride with me." He added, a smug teasing tone in his voice. You blushed. Realizing you were still leaning on his chest, his breath brushing your ear.

"Or you can ride him." Hange commented as she passed by you on her horse. Hange laughed as you struggled to get away from Levi's hold. "I can ride on my own. Thanks." You managed to reply. Your entire face blazing. Levi gave a low chuckle and hopped down.

"Don't leave my sight." You heard him say as he got up on his own horse and followed Hange. You fanned your face. That damned Hange. Having such dirty thoughts. You tried to calm yourself, urging yourself to forget the feel of Levi's strong chest and his arms around you.

A/N: "Pretty can be deceiving."  Levi is pretty. Levi is sus.

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