Chapter 28- Threats

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A/N: NSFW! Read at your own risk

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A/N: NSFW! Read at your own risk.

I'm pretty sure I went to bed alone last night. You groggily thought as you stared at the ceiling of your room wondering why Levi is lying beside you with his arms wrapped around your waist. Turning your head, you watched as Levi softly snored, the fringe of his hair carelessly strewn across his forehead.

You turned to face him and reached a hand to fix his hair away from his face. He's way too pretty to be soldier. You thought admiring his delicate features as you caressed his cheek. He stirred from his sleep as he pulled you closer to him. "Sleep some more." He murmured against your hair, still half-asleep.

You chuckled against his chest. "I would sleep but a stranger somehow ended up in my bed uninvited." You teased as you gave the arm on your waist a pinch. Levi groaned. "I can't sleep in my room." He explained with his eyes closed, burying his nose into your hair. "Why?" You asked as you tried to wiggle away from his embrace. It was starting to feel stuffy and you needed to go to the bathroom.

"It doesn't have you in it." Levi groggily replied, yawning. "We should just live together." He added with a sly smirk on his face. You froze. "Whoa. Hold your horses there, mister. We just got engaged." You muttered finally freeing yourself from his arms. You stood up and pulled the blanket off from Levi. "Now, get up. Get out. Get to work."

Levi groaned as he sat up and scratched his head. "What do you have to do today?" You hear Levi ask as you entered the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth. "I have to talk to Erwin about the allocation of medical supplies for the mission." You replied as you opened the tap and let the water run.

You hear the rustling of clothes outside the bathroom as Levi got ready to leave your room. Grabbing a towel, you dried your face and jumped when the bathroom door opened to reveal a fully clothed Levi. He leaned on the doorframe as he watched you. You squinted your eyes at him, playfully throwing the towel at your fiancé. "What are you looking at?" You asked him.

He smirked at you, effortlessly catching the towel in one hand. "Let's get married after the mission." He murmured as his eyes gazed at the ring on your finger. You smiled as you walked past him to exit the bathroom. "We can have a wedding when we can actually enjoy the married life in peace." You replied as you pointed to the door. "Now leave, lover. I'll see you later." You said as Levi approached you to give you a kiss on the cheek.

"I'll see you later." Levi murmured and paused to give your hand a gentle squeeze before walking out of the room. You sighed and closed the door behind you. Opening the dresser you plucked out a clean set of uniform and changed into it to start your day.

"Like I said, isn't it weird for the two of you to wait until after the mission to get married?" Hange said as she lazed around in the infirmary, lying down on an empty cot while you were doing inventory on the medical supplies needed for the mission. "What if one you dies?" She continued.

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