Chapter 32- To Love and Lose You

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A/N: Are y'all listening to Taylor Swift's Fearless Album Re-release or is it just me? Just me? O-okay

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A/N: Are y'all listening to Taylor Swift's Fearless Album Re-release or is it just me? Just me? O-okay. LMAO.

          Levi leaned against the wall facing the infirmary doors as he sat on the ground with Hange. Erwin paced in front of the doors, waiting for any update of your status. Several people came in and out the infirmary but no one brought news of how you're doing. Levi rested his elbows on his knees as he covered his face with his palms. "What the fuck is going on inside?" He muttered frustratedly.

         Hange sighed beside him and gave him a comforting pat on the shoulder. "Calm down." She said as Levi moved away from her hand. "Stop telling me to calm down! My wife is in there and for all I know she could be dying. Don't fucking tell me to calm down!"

         Hange frowned. Levi always had a terrible temper but it becomes volatile when it comes to matters concerning you. "Don't yell at me! And she's not your wife! Yet." Hange yelled as well. "She might be your fiancé but she's our friend too. We're just as concerned about her as you are so don't scream at us!"

         Levi scoffed and stood up to glare down at Hange. "I can yell at whoever the fuck I want." He darkly muttered as Hange stood up as well to face him head on. "Oh, you want another punch in the face, Levi?" She asked in a taunting tone. "Enough." Erwin said in a firm voice. "Stop fighting."

         The infirmary doors opened as Seth walked out with bloody hands and an exhausted pale complexion. Levi immediately ran inside ignoring the medic and his friends. Hange and Erwin sighed as they followed Levi, listening to Seth as he gave them a report.

         Levi stood still at the foot of your bed watching for any signs of life. He gave a sigh of relief as you groaned in pain as you slept. "She's alive.... She's okay." He weakly whispered as he grabbed your feet over the blankets that covered you. "She barely made it. Y/N lost a lot of blood so she's still unstable but she pulled through." Seth explained with a sigh.

         "Thank you." Levi sincerely said as he continued to gaze at your face, wishing you'd open your eyes. Seth nodded as Erwin and Hange thanked him as well for his hard work. "I'll give you guys some privacy. But you know, only for a moment." Seth said as he started to pull the curtains around your bed. "We still have to monitor her condition closely."

         Once the curtains were closed, Erwin pulled a chair and placed it beside your bed. "Levi, sit down. You look like you'd collapse at any moment." Erwin said with a touch of concern. Levi shook his head, the fringe of his hair brushing across his forehead. "I'm fine." He replied.

         "Oh, stop beating yourself up and sit the fuck down." Hange complained as he pushed Levi onto the seat. "Now stop acting like a gloomy bastard and get back to being your arrogant self before I slap it right back into you." Erwin chuckled as he tousled Hange's hair. "You're crying, Hange."

         Hange's lips trembled before she burst into a loud cry. Trying hard to wipe the tears away with the sleeves of her jacket. "I should've gone with Y/N when she said she'll go to the dungeons." Hange said as her glasses fogged up from crying and snot dripped down her nostrils. "I'm glad she's okay."

         Hange continued to bawl her eyes out despite Erwin trying to calm her down. Levi sat down beside you and held your hand gently. As if he was afraid to add more injuries to your body. "Y/N." He whispered as he reached out a hand to stroke your cheek. "Can I be selfish and ask you to live for me? Please."

         Erwin lightly pulled Hange out of the curtains to give you and Levi some space. Levi frowned when no response came from you "Y/N, love. I won't ask for anything else..." He tenderly whispered as he grabbed your hand and placed your palm on his cheek. ".....I need you. Only you. You have to come back, okay? Come back to me." He said with a hoarse voice, kissing your palm.

         "I love you..." Levi whispered as the tears he fought so hard to keep from falling trailed down his cheeks. "I love you, Y/N." He dropped his forehead on the bed as he quietly sobbed beside you, holding on to your hand tightly, as if he feared you might slip away from him if he lets go.

         Days passed since Lizbeth Rosewood escaped. The investigations against her family pushed through leading to some troubling findings. The people who were married into the family for 'breeding' purposes were enslaved, killed, or experimented on once their purpose has been served. The Rosewoods were able to cover up their crimes with the help of local police and politicians who were also apprehended.

         The entirety of the Rosewood possessions were seized and given to a legal successor who wasn't involve with the crimes. "So basically, you're rich." Hange said as she walked along the halls on the way to infirmary to visit you. Levi grunted in response. "Did they think dumping those bastards' dirty money on me makes everything easier?" He replied as he fixed the flowers he held in his hands.

         "Well, no one ever had problems from having too much money." Hange replied, opening the doors to the infirmary. They immediately approached the bed you were lying in only to see that you were still unconscious. Levi sighed softly as he placed the flowers he brought in a vase by your bedside table. "She'll wake up." Hange said patting Levi on the shoulder.

         Levi sat at the side of your bed, reaching out a hand to fix your hair. "I know. I just... I miss her. I miss her so damn much." He tiredly said as he gazed at your serene face. Hange weakly smiled, patting your hair as she went out the curtains to talk to Seth.

         Levi leaned down to kiss your forehead softly. "I brought you flowers. The old florist said they're called Salvias or something." He said as he grabbed a wet towel placed on your bedside table and started to wipe your arms and hands. "It's blue and red. He said it means thinking of you and forever yours. You'd like them, they're beautiful." Levi brought up your hand to his lips as he gave it a soft kiss. "Just like you."

         A shaky breath came from his lips as you remained still and unconscious on the bed. Hange peeked in from between the curtains that surrounded your bed. "Levi, we have to go to the meeting." She said and slid back out. Placing the towel back in the basin, Levi stood up and leaned down to kiss your cheek.

         "I'll be back, Y/N." He whispered, tucking your hair behind your ear. "I love you." Levi stood up straight and turned around to leave. His steps stopped when he heard the voice he wanted to hear all these days.  "I...." You weakly said as you started to come out of your consciousness.

         "Y/N?" Levi shakily called out to you, running back to your side. Hoping and praying it wasn't just his desperate imagination playing tricks on him "Y/N? Come on love, come back to me, please." He said, grabbing your hand into his trembling ones.

         "" You whispered in a scratchy voice as your eyes fluttered open. Squinting against the bright light of the infirmary. You watched as tears filled Levi's eyes and slowly dripped down his cheeks. You weakly smiled at him and squeezed his hand back. "I love you too, dummy."

A/N: Next chapter update tomorrow! You guys are amazing. Thank you for the votes and comments. ILYSM. <3

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