Chapter 6- Camping and Tents

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You've been on horseback for several hours now

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You've been on horseback for several hours now. You're still a couple of hours away from Wall Maria but your hips are aching, your legs are sore, and your back hurts from Levi's heavy stare. That damn guy won't keep his eyes off you. You sighed trying to stretch your back by arching it a bit. You didn't notice Levi's gaze darken, his eyes following the outline of your spine. He sped up his horse to stride beside you. He reached a calloused hand to your lower back, massaging it. You gave a slight jump.

"Wh- what are you doing?" You asked, turning towards him. His outstretched hand immediately grabbed the top of your head to turn your face forward. "Face upfront. Watch where you're going." He commanded. His hand slipping to the back of your neck giving it a gentle rub. You stifled a moan.

A snicker from behind you pulled you back from the sensation of Levi's skillful fingers on your neck. You swatted his hand away and urged the horse to move forward. "Screw you." You heard Levi say from somewhere behind you. You heard Hange laugh before replying, "I know you want to screw someone else but let's leave it at that."

You blushed. You feel as if you were just about to combust spontaneously. Why can't he keep his hands to himself?! You screamed internally. He's been very touchy today. You don't know why. You appreciate that he dropped the gloomy short-tempered attitude he's been showcasing lately. But this new character is testing you in a whole new way.

You faced forward trying to focus on the horizon. You could see the outline of Wall Maria. You breathed a sigh of relief. You heard the sound of a horn signaling that you were an hour away from the camping destination.

The plan was to build a station just outside the border of Wall Maria where injured scouts can be treated in case of an attack. You'll be staying there together with a couple of other scout medics and the other two will be on the field to treat those who can't retreat to the safe station. You had a short fight with Levi over who will go on the field and who will stay. You lost with Erwin and Hange siding with Levi. "We need you here to treat the majority of the wounded soldiers." Erwin reasoned out patting you on the shoulder.

You can see the first group already setting up tents just a few yards away. You give the horse a gentle nudge to urge it to move faster. You wanted to feel the ground beneath your feet already. You got off the horse and handed the reigns to cadet who were tending to them. You patted the horse, thanking it for not throwing you off.

You approached the construction group to ask where you could start setting up some medical supplies. "That large green tent over there will be the treatment area. Some of your supply boxes are already there." He said, pointing to the direction where the tent is located. You entered it, noticing that several boxes are placed to one side.

You dropped you satchel on top of a stool placed near the entrance and went straight to the boxes to start unloading the materials. You were halfway through the 3rd box when you felt a finger glide down your exposed neck. You yelped and stumbled back falling on your butt.

You threw your head back to see Levi standing above you smirking. "You might want to stand up. Your position right now is... provocative." He said in a dark tone, his eyes giving a strange shine. You immediately stood up but stumbled forward due to the blood suddenly rushing down from your head. Levi managed to catch you before your fell. You started to straighten yourself to thank Levi but didn't get to because he grasped your wrist and dragged you behind the stack of boxed and pinned you against them.

Levi crashed his lips against yours roughly. Almost desperately. Hange's words from a while ago ringing in your head. Levi bit your lip asking for permission. You pulled away from him. "Stop." You managed to gasp out. "Levi, what are you doing?" You asked him grabbing his face in your hands preventing him from kissing you again.

Levi brought up a hand and held one of your hands and kissed your palm. He nestled his cheek on it and stared at you through lidded eye. "I told you. You're very provocative." He huskily replied. Placing your finger in his mouth. You shivered as you felt his tongue caressing your finger.

"Levi. Stop it." You moaned weakly. You didn't know how to deal with this kind of Levi. You're conflicted between feeling good and maintaining the long-standing platonic friendship you had with him. Your weak moans seemed to urge him continue what he was doing despite your pleas.

Levi move closer to you, your bodies almost molding to each other. You gasped, feeling Levi's growing erection against your stomach. Levi slid a hand behind your neck, once again bringing your lips to his. He bit your lip hard and you gasped from the pain. He plunged his tongue and ravaged your mouth. Making sure he has licked every single spot. You felt his other hand creeping up your chest. You bit his tongue, making it bleed. Levi pulled away, his tongue darting out to lick the blood dripping from his lips. He smirked.

He lunged towards you grabbing the back of your thighs and wrapping them around his waist. Levi roughly shoved you against the stack of boxes and kissed you hard his tongue moving more erratically than before. You threw your arms around his neck to keep your balance.

"Give in, (y/n)." Levi whispered huskily against your lips. "You know you enjoy this." He added sucking on your ear and lightly nipping at it. You moaned from the sensation, making Levi grind his hips on yours hard, his erection palpable through his pants.

Your hands travelled to his scalp and you scratched at it as he sucked on a sweet spot on your neck. You heard Levi groan against your skin. "Fuck. I want you, (y/n). I need you." He darkly whispered grinding his hard cock against your core. He bit at your neck before going back to plundering your mouth with this tongue. You heard the tent's curtain open and pushed Levi away, his back hitting the wall. Your legs fell from his waist but managed to balance yourself by leaning on the stack of boxes hiding the two of you from plain view.

You glanced at Levi to stop him from making any sudden noise. It would be hard to explain why the squad captain and head medic suddenly appeared from behind a stack of boxes. And it would be even harder to explain Levi's tent in his pants and your obvious disheveled appearance.

Levi was casually leaning against the wall, a satisfied smirk on his lips. This motherfucker will be the death of me, I swear. You thought as you promised yourself not be alone with Levi in any room, anywhere.

A/N: I like provoked Levi.  

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