Chapter 21- Need to Possess

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A/N: NSFW! Spicy chapter. Read at your own risk. ;)

You were having a pleasant dream where you were relaxing on the front porch of a wooden house. Fields of green and the bright blue sky stretch out in front of you, seemingly endless. You were just about to take a sip from your warm cup of tea when you were rudely awakened by a tingling sensation between your legs.

You opened your eyes slightly to see an unfamiliar ceiling above you. Right. I fell asleep in Levi's room. You recalled still groggy from sleep as you felt the tingling sensation of hair tickling your inner thighs. Wait, what? Suddenly wide awake, you snapped your head up to see the top of Levi's head nestled in between your legs.

You moaned and threw your head back against the pillows once more as Levi gave your slit a long lick. Levi propped himself on his elbows with his hands on your thighs. "You're awake? Good." You hear him say from below you. Levi placed his lips on your thigh and lightly bit on it, his dark lustful gaze on your disoriented appearance.

"Why are you-" You started to ask him but was stopped by Levi slipping a finger inside you. Your lips open in a moan as he started pumping his long and lean finger inside you, his thumb rubbing circles on your clit. "Levi." You gasped his name.

He hummed. "I guess you like being woken up like this." Levi muttered, adding another finger inside you to rub against your folds. "You were having plenty of fun in your dreams though. Sighing and moaning in your sleep." Levi added as you squirmed and grabbed on to the sheets on his bed. "It was adorable at first. But then I started to get pissed thinking it was someone else you were dreaming about." He continued as he twisted and rubbed his fingers inside you making you whimper.

"I didn't-" You paused biting your lip as Levi pulled his fingers out of you. "I wasn't dreaming about anyone." You manage to breathe out watching as Levi sat up and smoothly took off his shirt. He threw the shirt on the floor and untied his pajama pants without taking his eyes off you.

"Not about anyone?" Levi asked as he pulled out his impressive erection, stroking it in his hands. You gulped seeing his cock grow harder and bigger in his hands. "Not even me?" Levi huskily asked leaning his hips against yours, rubbing himself on your folds.

You rocked your hips against Levi's, chasing the friction against your sensitive nub. "Why would I dream about you?" You hoarsely asked as Levi continued to stroke his cock on your wet slit, teasing you. "When I have you right here with me?" You added tracing a hand on the toned muscles of his chest.

Levi grabbed the hand on his chest and pinned it above your head. Both of your hands held in one of his as he centered himself on your center and swiftly sheathed himself inside you. Your back arched as Levi plunged himself fully inside you in one thrust. "It's not enough." He muttered, his lips latching onto your neck. "I want to occupy every part of you." He continued as he sucked, nipped, and kissed your skin. "Your body. Your mind. Your dreams. Your heart. I want all of it." Levi whispered against your ear.

You felt him pull out completely before ramming his hard cock inside of you roughly. He did this multiple times, thoroughly enjoying the sensation of your walls clenching on him. Your toes curled at the mind-numbing pleasure of having Levi pummeling your insides as he quickened his pace.

You moaned below Levi, lifting your hips allowing him to push himself deeper inside you. "Fuck, Y/N." He groaned in your ear. "I want to mark you mine." He huskily muttered, thrusting into you harder and faster. His hand let go of yours as he grabbed your hips to steady you as he fucked you roughly.

"I'm yours, Levi. I'm all yours." You moaned under him. Wrapping your arms on his neck, holding on as you feel your climax closing in. "I'm going to come." You lustfully whispered in his ear, licking it.

Levi suddenly pulled out of you, his hands grabbing onto your waist as he flipped you over the bed. "Lift your hips." You hear Levi command from behind you. You arched your back towards him as you held onto a pillow. Levi slapped his cock against your ass before ramming himself inside you hard.

You bit the pillow feeling Levi deep inside you. You hear Levi give a throaty groan as he thrusted himself in and out of you from behind. "Oh, fuck." Levi groaned feeling close to coming. You felt his hand on your neck, pushing your face deeper into the pillow as he rammed into you brutally.

You whimpered as you reached your climax, your walls quivering on his cock. Levi pulled out and came on your back. Groaning as he stroked his cock, spilling himself on your back. You collapsed on the bed feeling Levi's cum dripping to the side of your waist.

The bed moved as Levi got up and grabbed a towel to wipe you off. You sighed as you felt a warm wet cloth touch your back. Levi gently wiped you off and fixed your shirt. You turned your head to the side as Levi laid back shirtless. You weakly slapped a hand on his bare chest. "So you woke me up to fuck because you were jealous of a dream?" You incredulously asked him.

He chuckled, grabbing the hand that you hit him with to pull you towards him. Your head leaning on his chest. "I just got you." He whispered, twirling your hair in his finger as his chin rested on your head. "I'm jealous of everything that takes you away from me." He continued and gave a soft kiss on the top of your head. "Even your precious sleep." He added chuckling.

"I could only imagine what you would do if another person came and took me away." You muttered trailing your fingers on his bare chest, drawing shapes on his scarred skin. You felt Levi stiffen under your skin. "I'll kill them. Rip their limbs off one by one." He replied darkly. "How about you? What would you do?" He softly asked.

"Hmmm. Me?" You replied. Thinking about what your reaction would be if Levi was taken away by another person leaving you alone. You felt the vibrations of Levi's chuckle as he wrapped you in his arms in a warm embrace. "You'd probably kill the person and then kill me right after." He answered for you.

You shook your head. "No. I'd go. Somewhere far away. Where you can't reach me." You whispered against his chest, your soft breath brushing his skin. "To a place where you can't find me. I'd leave you." You glanced up at Levi to find him gazing down at you thoughtfully.

You smiled at him, giving him a soft kiss on the jaw as you moved closer into his embrace. "So don't go with another person, okay? Because if you lose me once, you'll lose me forever." You whispered, sleep once again claiming you.

Levi's arms tightened around you as he felt you relax against him. "I won't." He promised, staring at the small box carefully placed on top of his bedside table.

A/N: Next chapter update tomorrow! The contents of the small box will be revealed soon. <3

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