Extra Chapter- The Moment They Knew

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A/N: Just a short fluff chapter. This story happened a year after Y/N joined the scouts. :)

The common hall was filled with boisterous laughter and cheer of cadets and soldiers as they celebrated the marriage of one of their own. You were sitting at a table with your friends when you noticed Captain Levi at the side with his face plastered on the table.

You turned to look for Commander Erwin but cannot find him so you stood up from your seat and approached him. You gave him a light pat on the shoulder in an attempt to wake him up but he didn't move. "Captain Levi, you shouldn't sleep here. You'll get sick." You said giving him another pat on the shoulder.

"Y/N? What are you doing?" You hear someone say from behind you. You turned around and stood up straight as you realized it was Commander Erwin and Hange. You gave them a salute before answering. "I noticed Captain Levi sleeping here and thought to wake him up before he catchers a cold."

Hange leaned her arm on Erwin's shoulder and gave you a teasing smirk. "You're quite observant when it comes to Levi, Y/N." She said wiggling her eyebrows at you. Confused, you tilted your head. "He saved me from the streets. I owe it to him to help when I can." You answered with a soft smile.

Erwin chuckled at your reply. "Alcohol doesn't affect Levi though. He must be exhausted for him to fall asleep in a place like this." He said grabbing Levi's arm and placing it over his shoulder. "Do you know where his jacket is, Y/N?" Erwin asked as he balanced Levi's lean torso on him.

You shook your head. "No, sir." You replied. "I see. Unfortunately, I left mine at the office as well." Erwin answered as Levi groaned in his sleep. Hange took off her jacket and placed it over Levi's shoulders. "Ugh. It is getting colder nowadays. Get to bed if you feel sleepy, Y/N." Hange said to you as she shivered.

You took off your jacket and offered it to Hange which she initially refused until you insisted she take it. "I'm used to the cold. I lived in the streets after all." You told her with a confident smile. Hange thanked you as she and Erwin left to bring Levi to his room.

"What did he do to get this drunk?" Hange said as they walked through the halls to get to Levi's room. Erwin furrowed his brows. "Hange, Levi feels warm." He observed as Hange pressed a palm against Levi's forehead. "Oh no, he's burning up. He's not drunk. He has a fever."

"It's the first time I saw him get sick." Hange said opening the door to Levi's room. Erwin walked in with Levi hanging on to his shoulder. Levi groaned as he was thrown on the bed by Erwin.

Levi's eyes fluttered open as Hange leaned over to cover him with a blanket. "Oh, you're awake. You have a fever so just sleep and rest-" Hange yelped as Levi grabbed her by the jacket, his eyes glaring at her darkly. "That's Y/N's jacket." Levi muttered.

A surprised look shown itself on Erwin and Hange's face. "How did you know this is Y/N's jacket?" Erwin asked. Levi pointed at Hange's shoulder. "The tear on the shoulder of the jacket." He replied in a blunt tone.

Hange clapped with both hands, amazed at Levi's deduction skills. "You two are very observant towards one anoth- Hey, wha- What are you doi- LEVI!" Hange struggled as Levi used brute force to take the jacket off of Hange. "Take it off. It's Y/N's." Levi ordered, his voice hoarse.

"Erwin! ERWIN! He's stripping me! He's stripping meeee!" Hange complained to Erwin, the latter laughing at his friends' weird antics. As soon as Levi managed to take the jacket off of Hange, he collapsed on the bed clutching the piece of clothing as he fell asleep once again. This time, with a soft smile on his face.

Hange and Erwin stood over their friend, observing as his hands held onto the jacket tightly. Erwin covered Levi with a blanket and pulled Hange to leave the room. With her hands clasped behind her back, Hange smiled mischievously. "When do you think their wedding would be?" She asked as Erwin locked the door behind him.

Erwin chuckled. "Hange, there are steps to a relationship." He said as they continued to walk through the halls to their own rooms. "I know. But when?" Hange said in a gossipy tone as Erwin smiled. Depends on how long they can keep their feelings from each other. He thought to himself as they walked further down the hall.

"I think they're perfect for one another." Hange stated as she opened the door to her room. "Though I think Levi would confess first. Want to bet?" She said turning to face Erwin before entering her room. "Deal." Erwin replied as the two realized how Levi and Y/N felt for one another.

A/N: Levi does not remember anything when he woke up but decided to keep Y/N's jacket anyway. ;)  

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