Chapter 17- Unaware

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A/N: God, I love fluff content

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A/N: God, I love fluff content.

You just finished wiping yourself when Levi emerged from the rest room connected to his office wearing a new set of shirt and pants. You had your back to him, facing a mirror when he approached you and hugged you from behind. "Your hair is a mess." Levi said, smirking at you through the mirror.

         You elbowed him on the ribs, frowning. "Whose fucking fault do you think that is?" You replied, trying to comb through your hair with your fingers. They're too tangled up. You cursed Levi's habit of grabbing your hair and pulling at it when he feels good.

         Levi chuckled at your feeble attempt to fix your hair. "Leave it. It looks fine." He commented. You glared at him. Settling for tieing your hair up instead. "Screw you." You replied. Levi smirked at you and started walking towards the door, opening it. "You already did." He retorted, a smug tone in his voice.  Levi opened the door, pointing his pale hand out the door. "Ladies first."

         You sighed, walking towards the door that Levi propped open. The two of you bickering as you made your way to the common hall to grab a quick breakfast. After inhaling your meal, you and Levi left the Scout Regiment Base to visit Erwin at the hospital.


         "Damn it, Levi! Let go of me!" You yelled at Levi, repeatedly hitting his shoulders with your fist as he carried you in his arms. Levi tightened his hold on your waist and thighs as you struggled. "Keep doing that and you'll rip the stitches on your arm next." Levi scolded you. While you and Levi were walking towards the hospital where Erwin and the other severely injured soldiers were being treated, the stitches on your leg ripped open when you tripped on an uneven pavement.

         You sighed, giving up, and crossed your arms across your chest. "You didn't have to carry me like a freaking child. I can walk." You complained. Levi chuckled. "I know. But I don't care." You hear him reply as he kicked the doors of the hospital open.

         Every personnel and patient inside turned their head your way. You covered your face with your hands as you felt embarrassment sink in. A blush creeping up all over your neck and face. Levi strolled inside not caring that people were staring at the two of you.

         "Leader! What happened?!" You hear a familiar voice scream from across the room. You peeked throughs the gap in your fingers and saw Seth limping towards you and Levi, a crutch by his side.

         Levi slowly and gently placed you on a vacant bed and called over a medic to treat you. Seth reached you, saluting Levi.  "Where were you, Leader?" Seth asked turning towards you, leaning on his crutch. "We were wondering where you went when we got back." He continued.

         You hear Levi click his tongue. "You sound awfully concerned for your leader." Levi said, an accusing tone in his voice. "Don't you think you have to worry about yourself first?" He added, tilting his head to Seth's injured leg that was wrapped up in layers bandages.

         Seth waved his hands in a carefree manner. "Oh, not at all. I'm fine! Leader did an amazing job at patching me up. Even the senior medics praised her stitches." Seth recalled, a large grin on his face. You hear Levi give a short laugh. "Hah." Levi turned towards you, a smile on his face that didn't reach his eyes. "You must have done your best on that stitch. You always complain when you have to do my stitches." Levi said, his tone cold.

         You winced. Remembering how you would scold Levi while patching up his injuries. You weakly smiled at Levi. "Really? Leader is usually gentle when she treats her patients. She was gentle while treating my injuries as well." Seth commented completely unaware of Levi's souring mood. Won't this idiot just shut up?! Doesn't he know he's digging my grave here?! You internally screamed at Seth.

         "Seth." You called out to him. "Why don't you got back to bed and rest? You're a patient too." You suggested, hoping Seth gets the message. You hoped for too much when Seth shook his head in refusal. "I'll stay with you, Leader. You used to stay by my bedside when I got injured. It's my time to return the favor." He sincerely said, missing your hint at him to get the fuck out before Levi snaps.

         Holy mother of titans. You mentally cussed. Feeling Levi's heavy stare on you. "Seth, go and rest. I'll be fine since Levi's here." You ordered your apprentice. Levi sat on the side of your bed and crossed his arms across his chest. A cold glare on his face directed at Seth.

         "Ah. Right, I see! I thought Captain Levi is here to visit Commander Erwin." Seth explained, chuckling, as he saluted a farewell to the both of you and limped back to his own bed.  Levi turned his head towards you, a scrutinizing gaze in his eyes. "You're gentle towards others except for me?" He asked.

         You flinched. "Well, you kept acting like a jerk towards me." You reasoned out. Levi flicked a finger at your forehead. You placed a hand on your head, massaging the place he hit. "You can't hit the patient, mister. Even if she is your lover." You hear someone scold from behind Levi. You glanced at the owner of the voice to see an elderly woman wearing medic clothes holding a basin with supplies.

         The senior medic placed the basin on the counter beside your bed. "I'll start treating your wounds now. Your lover can stay if you want him too." The old lady said, a smile on her wrinkled lips as she turned to you and Levi. "He's not my-" You started to say out of instinct after years of denying the rumors of you and Levi being together.

         Levi's head whipped towards you and you immediately shut your mouth. "He's my boyfriend," You corrected yourself. Your eye twitched. It felt awkward to call Levi your boyfriend. "But he won't be staying." You told the kind old lady, a respectful smile on your face. You turned to Levi and placed a palm on top of his. "Why don't you visit Erwin first? I'll be there as soon as I'm patched up." You told Levi.

         He stared at you momentarily before he leaned his face towards you, tapping his cheek. Your brow furrowed at his action, confused. You turned to the senior medic to see if she knows what to do. The kind woman gave a gentle chuckle. "I think your lover wants you to give him a kiss on the cheek." She told you with a smile and twinkle in her eyes.

         Your jaw dropped, flabbergasted. You turned to Levi. "Levi, there are other people here." You said through gritted teeth. Pinching his hand. Levi did not show any action to leave. "It's okay. I don't mind." The woman said preparing the needles and thread that will be used to suture your wounds.

         Levi glanced at you, not moving an inch. His cheek still facing towards you. "She says she doesn't mind." He said, smirking at you. You closed your eyes and sighed. Resigning yourself to your fate. You leaned towards Levi and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

         Levi gently smiled at you and stood up to leave. You heard the old lady laugh. "It's nice to see young couples in love." She commented. You avoided the senior medics eyes as she treated your wounds. Your face red as a tomato. Hoping she can also treat the fast pounding of your heart and the fluttering you feel in your stomach at Levi's gentle smile.

A/N: Might post another chapter later if I finish early. <3

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