Chapter 13

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TimeSkip: 9 days later
Oikawa's Pov:

My mother drove me back to Iwa's house. He called me this morning and he sounded so tired and weak. I unlocked the door and the house looked find. Iwa's mom waved and I waved back. All the windows were open and I went past the bathroom. The bathroom was a complete mess. The toilet was broke, and the shower curtain was ripped. It was just all messed up. I walked to the back room and I saw Iwa sleeping.

Not to be cliché but Iwa really looks so peaceful when he sleeps. I put my bag down and took my shoes off. I got into the bed with him and he yawned.

"Hm... oh Oikawa... hi"

"Hiiiiii I missed you~ I barely talked to you in 2 weeks."


"Aww Iwa how do you feel."

"Bad, I'm tired, I have a headache, and I basically messed up the bathroom."

"I saw, wonder what you do when you're in rut."

"I don't wanna talk about it."

"Hey why do you have a doctor's bracelet on? You went to the hospital?"

"Yeah this morning, according to my mom it's best to get tested after every rut."

"Tested for what."

"Like STD's and stuff,"


"Yeah, you have to ask my mom."

"Right. But was it p-positive?"

"Tch. No."


He sat up and looked like he hasn't slept in 2 years. I hugged onto him and I started purring. Iwa hugged onto me then moved me into his lap. I blushed and he laid his head on my back. I purred louder and I heard him snoring softly. I grabbed my phone from my pocket. I started watching YouTube videos and like 30 minutes later Iwa's mom came in. 

"Oh... hey"

"I didn't expect him to fall asleep that quickly."

"Yeah haha... um why did Iwa have to get tested."

"Ruts are basically unpleasable, without any omega he found his sexual pleasure through the items in the bathroom. And so I just decided to get him tested."

"Oh. Is that was everything bathroom is messed up?"


"Alright... is- is he going to be okay?"

"Yeah he's going to be alright, but I'll have to be on my way."

"Aww okay goodbye trusted adult."

"Goodbye human child."

She walked out the room and I sighed. I kept watching YouTube. By the time Iwa woke up his mom was gone. My back was hurting and Iwa let go off me. I stretched and heard my back crack. Iwa got up and I followed him.

"Well good morning Iwa."

"It's 6 pm at night. Did you really sit like that for 4 hours just so I could sleep."

"Of course. I wanted you to be well rested,"

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry... I was being rude. I wasn't trying to really."

"I know~ It's okay."

"My mother cooked so if you're hungry some leftovers are in the fridge."

"Alright. Iwa... I want to be here next time you go into rut."

"Eh- Are you sure?"

"I think I'll be ready at that time."

"My next rut could be tomorrow for all you know."

"My Iwa~chan is so pessimistic."


"Is your headache gone?"

"A little if I just drink some water, I'll be fine."


He slowly walked to the kitchen and I made sure he was alright following him. I warmed the food on the stove to be careful not to burn it. I made him a plate and put it on the coffee table. He sat down with a water bottle in his hand. He started eating and I made my plate. I really wanted to know what his mother talked to him about. 

Iwaizumi's Pov: 

I felt better directly after eating and drinking something. I was cuddling with Oikawa since we haven't really touched each other at all in 2 weeks. We watched Greg's Anatomy and I felt Oikawa start to fall asleep. 

"Iwa-chan... what- what did your mom talk to you about."


"Iwa I'm sleepy don't yell~"

"How did you know?"

"My mother told me..."

"Oh. Well she basically just brought me to my senses, I mean she told me something I figured out like when we were 19."

"Just get to the point."

"Right, we're both- we're both not really ready to sleep together yet... I guess that's my fault."

"Your fault?"

"Yeah... I mean I wasn't really confident about my instincts and I guess your scared that I wasn't really confident about my instincts."

"My Iwa-chan is super smart then. But you said you wasn't are you confident now?"

"I have hope... I mean I know my boundary line now that I've been in rut."

"Now what do you have to do?"

"Get confident enough to go over my comfort zone."

"What do I have worry about?"

"Do I really have to tell you that?"

"Not really just wanted to hear you say it."

"You pretty idiot!!!"

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