Chapter 83

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TimeSkip: 2 Weeks Later
Mieko's Pov:

I was at my parent's house. I wanted to update them on Yukio's pregnancy. He was 38-ish turning 39 weeks today. On my way home I went to the store and grabbed him some sunflower seeds. While I was at the store I got a call from him. 



"Shit. Okay calm down, did you call the mistress."

"N-no... MIEKO I-IT HURTS." 

"I'm on my way lovely, just stay calm, if you freak out the baby will too. And um change into your bathing suit for me." 


I put the sunflower seeds back and ran out the store. He hung up and I cursed. I drove home quickly, parked and opened the door. I saw him in the bedroom room. I held him and he bent down. 

"Do you feel her head?" 

"N-no..." I helped him put his bathing suit on and the mistress came. She prepped Yukio for the birth. Everything was calm for a second. 



"Can you get in with me?"

"Umm, I don't think so." 

"P-please, I-I'm scared Mieko." I sighed and went to go put on some bathing shorts. When I came back I sat in the water. He got in my lap and I chuckled. He held my hand and squeezed the blood out of it. His other hand was clawing into my thigh. I winced quietly and he laid back. 

"Yuki, lovely, can you let go of my thigh." He slowly did and I looked at the damage. I positioned my leg so his claws wasn't in the same spot. The mistress checked him out and said he was ready for birth. His hand gripped mine hard, it was when he started screaming then I hugged him a bit. 

"I- I can't- I can't do it." He said gasping for air. 

"Breathe Yuki breathe. You got this just breathe okay." He nodded and took a deep breath. He grabbed my other hand and put it down at his entrance. 

"Woah wait a minute." 

"C-catch her, when she comes out."



"Yeah, alright sure." He started pushing again. I kissed his neck a few times to get him to calm down. We tried again for maybe an hour or two. Out of nowhere, I felt a slimy substance touch my fingers. I didn't even realize Yukio was pushing. 

"Good job lovely, keep going I feel her hair." He nodded and kept pushing I guess. The mistress got down and helped us. Sooner or later I felt a small head. I heard crying and almost cried my damn self. 

"Just one more push. Then we'll be parents." 

I felt more of her body come out and used my other hand to grab her. I quickly brought our new alien- I mean baby out the water. I gave her to Yukio and he looked up at me. 

"M-mieko look at her..." 

"She looks like me." 

"She does..." 

Yukio held her to his chest. I pulled off his top and he started feeding her. He leaned back on me and I smiled. I used the water to wash her off a little bit. 

"Well Mieko. What's her name?"


"Haha I like it." 

"I knew you would." 

He kissed her forehead and the mistress cut her umbilical cord then took her. I watched her give our daughter a bath and weigh her all. Yukio held onto my hand and laid back. 

"Did I hurt it too much?"

"No, tore up my thigh though."

"You don't need your thigh you'll be fine." 

"Mhm. You're technically sitting on my thigh right now."

"Shut up and ask her if I can take a nap."

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