Chapter 25

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TimeSkip: 2 Days Later
Iwaizumi's Pov:

I drove us home from eating out with our parents. They obviously commented on Oikawa's hickey since he showed it off. He was blasting Kiss Me More in the car. At a stop light he turned the music down and I looked at him confused.

"What's wrong?"

"I had a question."

"Oh lord... what is it Kawa?"

"... When we do sleep together what's one thing you don't want me to do?"

I hummed and the light turned green. I drove without answering the question. I didn't really know how to answer it. When the next red light came, it clicked. 

"I don't want you to fake moan, like you usually do when were intimate."

His face turned red. He stuttered and the light turned green. When we got to the house he stayed in the car for a bit. I just turned off the car and took my seat belt off. 

"How... how did?"

"Your usually quiet when your by yourself... so I just guessed you fake moan when your around me."

"Oh... I-I'm sorry Iwa. I just thought you didn't like it when I was quiet... I'll stop."

"I'm not mad at you so stop stuttering. Now I'll ask you... when we do sleep together what's one thing you don't want me to do?"

"Right- I don't want to do anything where I can't see you."

"Makes sense. Now can we go inside-"

"I'm to embarrassed."


"When you figured out I was fake moaning... were you sad?"

"Kind of... I don't know who or what made you think that but if you do it again, I'll be very upset."


I got out the car and then opened his door. He stepped out looking down and I grabbed his waist. He had tears in his eyes and I hugged him. 

"I know you were trying to help Kawa, but don't do that again." 


I gave him a peck and he blushed. We walked inside and he went into the bathroom. I heard the toilet flush and I sighed. I made us something to eat and he changed in one of my hoodies. He was also wearing thigh high socks and I bit my lip. 

TimeSkip: The Next Day
Oikawa's Pov:

When I woke up Iwa was gone for work. Today was the day, I was fully ready and focused on having sex with Iwa. I put on some pants and went to the nearest drug store. I bought condoms and lube, and some chocolate. I made sure not to get caught by any fans. I put the condoms and lube in the nightstand. I took off my pants and blushed as I took off my underwear. 

I ate the chocolate, and made myself a couple of sandwiches. I did my research and I waited for Iwa. I just watched T.V until Iwa got home. When Iwa got home he had brought home some ramen. I ran up to him and smiled. 

"Hey Iwa-chan~"

"Hey Kawa, did you eat anything?"

"Just some sandwiches."

"Well, I got some ramen."

"Thank you~"

I took my ramen and ate it. When we finished eating, I was laying on his lap. I sat in his lap. He blushed and I giggled.

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