Chapter 44

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TimeSkip: 2 Weeks Later
Iwaizumi's Pov:

"Hey, breakfast is ready."

"Okay... thank you Me-chan." He kissed my cheek as he walked past me. His mood as been down for the past week or two. Which was completely understandable, but I just want him to feel better. And since our parents were coming over today, we had to tell them today. He sat down and played with his food. When he was "finished" he threw away the leftovers contents and washed his plate. Then he went back to the room. I sighed and sat on the couch. 

When I heard a knock on the door, I looked out the peephole. Yep, our parents. I opened the door and our mothers sat on the couch. My father died in war while my mother was pregnant, Tooru's father on the other hand would come every blue moon. He was very verbally abusive. And he was here. I gulped as he glared at me before sitting down beside Tooru's mom. 

"Where's Tooru."

"Uh h-he's sleeping."

"Didn't you tell him we were coming over, why would he go to sleep?" His dad was one to talk, Tooru was scared of him. Like hell I would let him come out that room.

"Yes, but he's very tired, so I wanted him to get some rest." I said glaring back at the old man. I cleared my throat and took a deep breath.

"I actually have something to tell you." 

"Oooo I think I know what is it~" My mother said smirking. Welp time to let her down. 

"Tooru and I- we're thinking about adopting." I said looking to side. Which was a lie, it just came to my head. 

"Oh? Adopting?" His mom said looking confused.

"Yes, um we're not able to have children..." Tooru mom gasped and got up. She started walking to Tooru's room. My mom sighed and hugged me. 

"So who's?"

"Um Tooru is." 

"Of course he is." His dad said standing up, he started walking down the hallway and I blocked him. My mom stepped out the way and cleared her throat. 

"Move boy, I need to go talk to my son."

"No, you're not allowed down this hallway."

"Excuse me?" 

"I'm sorry sir, but this is my house, and you're not allowed to be down here."

He tried to push me but I growled at him. 

"Look Mikasa is talking to him already, just go sit down." My mother said. His father walked out the house and my mother sighed.

"God I hate him."

"Me too."

"So how is Tooru, is he alright?"

"To be honest, no, he's been in a bad mood lately and I don't know how to cheer him up."

"When'd you guys find out?"

"Maybe like two or three weeks ago."

"Well, I'ma go check on him." 

She went into the room and I followed her. Tooru was crying in mother's arms. She closed the door in front of me and I pouted. Jeez, he was my husband but whatever. I sat on the couch waiting for them to come back out. When they came out the bathroom they both rubbed my back.

"He went back to sleep."

"Alright thank you guys for coming over."

"I hope you guys sort this out soon."


"Alright bye." Tooru's mom said, 


"Bye stinky butt." My mom said ruffling my hair.

"I'm a grown man~!" 

"Sure you are." 

They both left and I got up. Tooru was in one of my hoodies. He was sleeping and I smiled. I sat beside and ran fingers through his hair. I kissed his cheek and smiled. 

"You're adorable, Tooru."

"I hope you get better soon." 

"I love you."

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