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[hyunjins pov]

"Bro we gotta go get lunch, I'm starving." Changbin said in a whiny and annoying voice as he started shaking my shoulder with a grin on his face. I sighed in annoyance.
"I need to go to the bathroom, go eat with Chan-hyung or someone." I told him with an annoyed voice as I shook him off me.

I went down the hallway and was about head inside the restrooms but suddenly I heard a loud thud coming from the inside of the restrooms. I carefully opened the door and there a freckled boy, in detail, Felix laid. His uniform was untidy and was covered in red spots. Under his left arm, a pool of what I assumed was blood started to form. In his right hand he held a loose grip on a pocket knife, covered in the same red liquid.

The sink was no longer white, it was red. His eyes were closed and his chest slowly went up and down, meaning that he was still conscious. But I was still worried since he could loose to much blood.

"Felix!" I yelled as I started shaking his body, hovering over him. His eyes flickered open. They were glossy. Tears started running down his temples, soon reaching his blonde scalp.

His small hand took a messy grip onto my uniform and pulled me closer.
"Make them go away." He said in a raspy voice. My eyes widened.
"Who?" I asked as a whisper.

"The voices."

"Make them go away, please I'm begging you."

His words kept repeating inside my head. Suddenly he let out a weak whimper. My eyes widened. I remembered that he'd a big cut on his wrist so I looked at it and now the whole arm was covered in blood. I quickly opened my backpack to grab my first aid kit.

I started cleaning his cuts carefully with napkins and sanitizer. He whined and started jolting. I held his uninjured hand to atleast try to calm him down.

When I was done cleaning his wrist the boy had fallen asleep. He looked like an angel that needed to be protected. I sighed to myself before I picked him up bridal style and went out of the restroom.

I ran down the hallway to head to the nurse (Why didn't he go there first?) but it turned out she wasn't there. (Always👹)

Oh god what should I do now? I don't even know where he lives...

I decided to go to our teacher to tell her that I was taking him to my house.

While I was walking down the hallways I got met by many eyes, looking at me in both shock and disgust. I just gave them a cold glare and continued walking until I reached our classroom.

When I went inside the classroom I was met by that dude who yelled Felix's name before. The look on his face showed that he was worried.
"Oh gosh you found him! Where was he?" He asked, his eyes shiny with worry. He started stroking the freckled boy's right cheek until he saw the bandage that was wrapped around his left arm. His tapioca eyes widened as they turned glossy.
"W-what happened?" He asked with a shaky voice.

I didn't know what to answer. It felt like his friends didn't know about this. So I decided to lie.
"He got a deep paper cut." I answered. That was the worst lie I've ever told anyone. I mentally slapped myself. But the dude was dumb enough to believe it.
"Anyways, thank you for bringing him here, I can take care of him from now." The guy said suddenly.
"No problem, what's your name by the way?" I asked, wanting to know Felix's friends name.
"It's Han Jisung, but you can call me Ji or Han if you want to." He answered with a smile. I gave over the sleeping boy to him but he sort of let out a groan as he tried holding the freckled boy in his arms. His knees started to shake aggressively before giving up on him, letting him fall to the floor with a sleeping Felix in his arms.
"You need any help?" I asked.
"Um.. Yea sure, heh." He answered, scratching the back of his head.
I decided to help him and carry Felix to his house.

We had a test today and even tho I wrote like way to much on the two last assignments it still feels like I'm going to get a low grade but we'll see! Hopefully it will go alright. Cya! <3

safe in your arms - hyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now