In which Felix is depressed because of his childhood trauma. He thought his life wasn't worth to save. But then the cold popular guy notices him and something changes. What will happen?
self harm
panic attacks
Felix woke up the next day by a sudden aching in his head, it felt like it was going to explode. When he opened his eyes, they met with a familiar room that didn't belong to himself. It was Hyunjin's room.
He sat up and realized that he wasn't wearing the same shirt as yesterday. This one was way bigger than his size. It smelled familiar too. The shirt belonged to Hyunjin. (Act surprised okay)
The sound of cursing and metal slamming against each other was heard from the kitchen. Oh no. Hyunjin was making breakfast.
Felix quickly went out of the bed and opened the bedroom door before he ran into the kitchen were his eyes met with Hyunjin's widened and innocent ones. "What are you doing?" Felix asked with a concerned voice, his hands resting on his hips.
Hyunjin looked at him as his cheeks turned red. He nervously laughed as he tried scraping of the burned eggs from the frying pan. "Uhm making breakfast?" He said with a not so confident voice as he continued to scrape of the burnt mess. Felix rolled his eyes. "Not again, let me help you." The younger sighed as he took the frying pan out of the elders grip, their hands touching in the process.
Felix continued with the eggs, even though his cheeks were redder than tomatoes and felt like he was going to blow up.
When the breakfast was done and the both boys had eaten up, they decided to go to the mall since they needed a break from all the school projects and homework that mentally killed them.
But since Felix were at Hyunjin's house, he didn't have any clothes except from those he wore yesterday that had already gotten dirty from the cheesy snacks and spilled drinks. "Uhm Hyunjin?.." He carefully said. "Yeah?" "Do you mind if I uh.. Borrow some of your clothes?" The younger said before his cheeks turned peony red. Hyunjin lifted on his eyebrow before he went into his room and opened the wardrobe.
"Sure, what do you want?" He then said, still looking into the wardrobe filled with everything from expensive brands to basic H&M clothes.
Felix didn't really know how to answer that question. "Well, clothes to wear I guess?" He suggested.
Hyunjin let out a quick laugh, sounding more like a dying witch. Felix chuckled at his stupid answer plus Hyunjin's weird squeal.
The elder continued looking for clothes while Felix walked across the big room. Gray walls with pictures of Hyunjin hanging out with Changbin, Chan and Minho, Hyunjin in Paris and a picture of a dog? A black and white fluffy chihuahua.
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Since there were plenty of pictures of the dog, he assumed that it was a dog close to Hyunjin. "Who is that?" He asked the elder as he pointed at the picture.
Hyunjin turned around from the wardrobe and looked at where Felix was pointing. "Oh that Kkami, my dog, isn't he cute?" He squealed again, sounding way too whipped for the fluffy dog. Felix rolled his eyes joyfully. "Yeah."
"Where does he live now?" The younger continued. "Well. He is practically my dog, but since I have so much school work, he lives with my parents, which means we share the ownership of him. I have him on breaks and sometimes weekends while they have him the other days." He explained sounding really happy at the thought of his dog. It made Felix smile softly which made Hyunjin melt even more.
"Uhm anyways, I found clothes!" Hyunjin said to end the quietness. Felix nodded before the black haired boy handed him the outfit.
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(They wore this cuz I love these pics omg)
"Thanks Hyunjin!" Felix thanked his (soon to be boy)friend and went into the bathroom to change. When he came back from changing, Hyunjin was also done. The younger's eyes glistered in admiration as he looked up and down on the elder.
Hyunjin immediately got shy and as the dumb person he is (I love you Hyunjin), he stumped his toe in one of the legs of his desk, causing the him to dramatically fall down on the floor and whine.
Felix giggled a little before he bent down to Hyunjins face and stroke his tiny hand across his cheek. "You alright Hyun?" He asked softly. Hyunjin couldn't handle this. The way Felix's baby soft hand stroke his flushed cheeks and his pretty freckled face so close so his own. It made the ravenettes heart beat faster and faster. "Mm I-I'm okay." He struggled out as he sat up. Before he could react, Felix took his hand and dragged him up to stand. "Then let's go to the mall!" He yelled before he ran out of the house, not forgetting to turn all the lights of and locking the door.
"Come one the bus comes in 5 minutes!" Felix yelled as he ran with Hyunjin's hand tightly wrapped around his own, not letting go. Hyunjin just giggled and followed after. He really is crazy in this boy. In Lee Felix.
- Yah. I'm not that sick anymore yey My nose is still blocked but let's not think about that yeah?
I miss Hyunjin. Bring him home Jay Why Pee before I kick your flat ass. ☺️ Okay I shouldn't be so rough lol.
If you still haven't ended school yet, keep going and remember that summer break is coming! Yeeey! <3