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[Hyunjin's pov]

When Felix took the punch for me, I was shocked. He didn't even react to the punch. Like it meant nothing to him. Now I understood how much he'd been through.

The next thing that shocked me was the punches and kicks that he gave Woojin, while he yelled and screamed at him, letting everything out.

When Felix had hit his last punch at Woojin's wrecked face, he fell down to the floor with a soft duns. Tears where roiling down his pretty freckled cheeks. It hurt me seeing him like this.

Many people where watching the scene, which made me angry, why couldn't you have private life without having stranger watching you? Since I saw that Felix was uncomfortable, I decided to tell Chan.
"Hyung, can you tell them to leave?" I asked him. He nodded and spread my words to Felix's friends Seungmin and Jisung, Jeongin, and my friends Minho and Changbin.

They spoke up and told everyone to leave to class while I ran up to Felix, moving him away from Woojin.

The older just smirked as he looked down at me and Felix, giving me bad goosebumps over my whole body. I took the freckled boy in my arms and carefully lifted him up, wrapping his legs around my waist, his head resting on my broad shoulder.

I gave Woojin a death glare before I went out of the school building, heading to Felix's apartment.


When I arrived at his small space I took the keys from Felix's pocket, unlocked the door and went inside. Then I closed the door and put the smol (sorry I love to write it like that) boy on the couch.

"I'm gonna get cleaning things, don't fall asleep, okay." I told Felix before I went to get some supplies to clean his wounds, like sanitizer, cotton pads and ice cubes in a plastic bag.

When I came back, he had his eyes closed. He'd fallen asleep, laying comfortably there, looking like an angel.

If that was Changbin, I would probably yell at him and tell him to wake up, but since it's Felix, I couldn't do anything else than admire him.

The way his heart shaped lips where slightly parted. His berry blonde hair was kinda messy, giving away an overdose of cuteness. The light brown freckles covering his tanned skin. When I looked closer I could see a heart shaped freckle on his right over cheekbone. I cooed quietly.

When I was about to touch the heart shaped freckle, the younger opened his eyes. They widened as soon as he realized the closeness of my face in front of his.

"You have a heart shaped freckle." I suddenly spoke out loud. I was trying to keep a straight face, but damn that was hard when he started fvcking blushing.

Jebfbhebahfsbwhehe I'm whipped

Wait- what did I just say?

Ugh never mind.

I kept my face close to his on a distance at 2 inches.


I'm not okay.

Suddenly he took a grip on my shoulders and pulled us up, so we where facing each other, but in a sitting position instead. He stared at my face for a while before he made a soft hiccup sound.

"You have a mole there." He said as a took his finger and pointed it at a birthmark under my eye. Then he did something I never thought he would do.

He opened his arms and wrapped them around me. Then he snuggled his face into my sweater and sighed deeply.

He hugged me.


This is just ew. I tried making a hyunlix moment but it turned out terrible.


Bye see ya later stay!

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