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[Felix's pov]

I started questioning the letter as I slowly started walking to the rooftop of the building. Through different corridors and walking up stairs.

When I arrived, Chris stood there, fiddling with his hands inside his worm jeans pockets. When he heard my footsteps he moved his gaze forward to meet my eyes. The moment they met, his brown orbs were filled with worry. I gave him a confused look.
"Why did you ask me to come here?" I asked. He stopped fiddling with his pockets and put his heavy hand on my left shoulder.
"Your ex has started school here." The older Aussie said with a serious face. My eyes widened.

How could he know that I've had a boyfriend when he already moved away before we even met?

"Why do you know about my ex?" I asked him. Now his eyes widened instead as his cheeks turned red. He looked down.
"I sort of... Stalked your Instagram when I moved away..."

He started fiddling with his fingers. I let out a sigh. I tried to look calm on the outside but on the inside... I was boiling.

He fucking stalked my Instagram but didn't want to text me?!

I didn't say anything though, we already fought yesterday and I didn't want to ruin the small friendship we slowly started to build up again. Plus:

We had worse problems than that.

If you don't understand why, I'll explain. My ex was abusing me, both physically and mentally. At first, our relationship was steady and strong. He helped me go through my depression when Chris left. But then he started to become more possessive, he didn't let me hang out with my guy friends and he didn't let me go to parties or other social events without him being around, controlling me, like a bodyguard.

One day I decided to sneak out to my friend Eric's birthday party. But I got caught. He yelled at me. That's when the abuse started.

He hit me and slammed me around rooms and doors.

Why didn't I call the police?

Because I couldn't.

He took all of my electric supplies, my phone, my computer, my tv, all of it. I couldn't contact anyone. My life became a mess again. I'm traumatized for life because of him. All he did to me. I got way too bad trust issues. I couldn't trust anyone, not my dad, not Chris, not him. Only Taeyong. He made me heal. He made me forget. But he wasn't there, so he couldn't help me.

I didn't realize that I was crying until now. Chris walked up to me and took me in his arms.
"Hey, don't cry okay." He said as he stroke my hair. He's always been a  comfort zone for me, even though I couldn't fully trust him.

When me and Chris let go of the hug, the rooftop door flew open. Behind it revealed a worried Seungmin.

"LIX ARE YOU OKAY?!!" He yelled. I blushed a little and hid my face in my hands. He ran up to me and gave me a big and tight hug. I almost started coughing. When he realized that he quickly let go and cupped my cheeks. Our Hyung just stood there quietly. (we love sim Chan)

I just nodded slightly and looked down. At this moment Chris was even more confused. He didn't even know who Seungmin was.
"Excuse me, who are you?" The Aussie asked. Seungmin looked at Chris and gave him a confusing look.
"Kim Seungmin. Felix's best friend." He answered shortly with a straight face.
"Uhmm..." Chris started before I interrupted him.
"Don't fight, okay, I know you're jealous but I need to hurry to class without Woojin noticing me." I quickly said as I dragged them both with be by grabbing their arms. The boys groaned in pain by my strong but small fingers gripping into their poor skin. We walked down the stairs until we arrived at our floor.

I kept low profile between the taller boy and the other more muscular boy. My head was directed downwards. Soon we arrived at a big circle of students who was... cheering?

Were people fighting?

I felt the anxiety flushing through my body as I saw closer up on the two persons who fought.

It was Woojin and Hyunjin.

Damn that was ugh.

I don't say that I support or like Woojin bc I don't. But that doesn't mean that I have the right to hate on him and his fandom.

Okay this got way too serious bruh. But nvm. See ya soon, byee!

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