thanks to 100k <3

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[10 months later]

It was early morning. The sky was in a lavender color, thin clouds floating around, creating a pretty pattern. The glass doors leading to the balcony stood ajar, the linen curtains fluttering slightly by a weak wind blow.

In a messy bed with soft silk sheets laid two boys cuddling. The taller one had his arms around the other's slim waist while said boy had a loose grip on the tall ones black locks.

The smaller one stirred awake slowly. Eyes blurry for a moment before turning back to its normal vision. His hands left the others hair to rub his own eyes to create an even clearer vision, which didn't end up as he thought.

Just as he lifted his arm, the other boy stirred awake too. While Hyunjin turned his head to look at his lover the younger one accidentally hit him in the face with his elbow.

The older one groaned in pain as Felix stared at him, scared that he'd might hurt his lover.
"Hyun, are you okay?" He asked carefully. Hyunjin nodded, even though Felix could see that he clearly didn't enjoy being hit on the face the first thing in the morning.

"Let me see." Felix grabbed Hyunjins hand that was covering the left side of his face.
"I'm fine love." The black haired boy said as he removed his hand from his face.
"But I wouldn't complain if you kissed the pain away..." Hyunjin whispered as he  took a lock of hair that had fallen into the younger's face and put it behind his ear.

Felix became flustered as he tried to break the eye contact with Hyunjin, but ended up staring anyway. The elder looked at Felix loverly, like he was his whole world, he was actually though.

The freckled boy leaned in and placed a light kiss on Hyunjins chin which the elder smiled at. Felix was even more flustered than before and hid his poppy-red face in Hyunjins chest. The black haired boy just chuckled lightly before lifting Felix's head up again, making eye contact once again, this time with nothing but love and adoration.

"I love you Lix."

"I love you more."

"No you don't, I love you most."

"No I love you most most."

"No I lo-"

"What's up lovebirds!"

The door had swooned open revealing a squishy boy with an annoying grin plastered on his face. Hyunjin groaned as he buried his face in Felix's soft hair, not wanting to deal with their annoying friends.

"Get out please!" Hyunjin groaned while Felix just laughed at his whiny boyfriend.
"Naur." Jisung answered, mocking Chan's and Felix's Australian accent. Now it was Felix's turn to get angry.

"Stop mocking the Australian accent!" He whined, Hyunjin laughed as he patted Felix's head.
"I think we'll stay in bed today, go watch a movie or something." Hyunjin said as he looked up at his friend.
"But me and the members planned on having a trip somewhere, you can't just skip that!?" Jisung whined annoyingly.

"Watch us." The couple answered in unison before they snuggled back into each other's warmth, falling asleep, safe in each other's arms. Inlove.

"I swear to god these mfs..." The squirrel boy sighed with a smile on his lips before closing the door quietly.


safe in your arms - hyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now