In which Felix is depressed because of his childhood trauma. He thought his life wasn't worth to save. But then the cold popular guy notices him and something changes. What will happen?
self harm
panic attacks
As Hyunjin walked to Felix's house with the boy in his arms with another boy power walking behind him, he suddenly stopped, which Jisung quickly noticed.
"So um... Where do we go now?" The ravenette asked as he faced the squirrel-like boy. Jisung pointed a finger at the right, showing him to head that way.
When they arrived at Felix's house, Jisung suddenly stopped. "You know.. Thank you so much for helping me get him home." He said with a careful smile on his face. Hyunjin didn't show any expression and just mumbled a quiet "you're welcome" as he opened the front door and walked inside. Jisung just stood there, speechless.
When Hyunjin was inside the house he was met by a guy that was a little shorter than himself. His hair was dark, the same with his eyes. His eyes showed worry as he ran up to the unconscious boy in Hyunjins arms. "Oh my gosh Felix!" The guy yelled as he caressed the younger's tear stained cheeks, still peacefully asleep. "Um.." Hyunjin mumbled after he cleared his throat.
The shorter boy looked up at him with a worried expression. But his expression changed as soon as he saw who it was. "What are you doing here, Hwang?" He asked with an annoyed face. Hyunjin just stood there, questioning his weird welcoming.
"What did I do to you?" He asked with an irritated expression. "Taeyong-Hyung, do you know him?!" Jisung asked as his mouth turned into an "O" shape. Taeyong just rolled his eyes. "No, but I do know his brother." He answered as he rolled his eyes, arms crossed. "And why is he holding MY brother?" He continued. Jisung just stood there. He didn't know what to say, but Hyunjin did.
"Maybe because he passed out." He said boldly. His eyes showed Taeyong a cold and scary expression. "I already knew that. His teacher called me and said that he had passed out and that some students would get him to our house." Taeyong answered with a sassy voice.
"I am the one who found him." Hyunjin then again started speaking. Now it was Taeyongs time to get quiet. (Like 70% of this chapter so far is about Taeyong and Hyunjin arguing about Felix...)
By this moment Felix's eyes started to flicker, he snuggled closer to Hyunjins chest. He looked so adorable. Taeyong and Jisung awed in adoration as Hyunjin tried to hold himself to. It ended up coming out a small whimper of Hyunjins mouth as the two other boys gave him questioning faces. Hyunjin just stared at them with his emotionless expression, yet a red face before looking down at the freckled boy laying in his arms.
His muscles ached but he didn't care. As long as Felix wasn't hurt he was fine. He walked up to the couch in the living room, trying to lay the half sleeping boy on it but ended up hovering over him as Felix's small hands still was tucking into Hyunjins grey sweater. The tallers eyes widened but Felix didn't mind the close skinship between them.
The freckled boy softly pulled Hyunjin closer to himself and said with a raspy voice. "Don't leave please..."
- Ok idk what to say about this chapter... I had no inspiration and willing to write so I just came up with something and it turned out like this. Hope you'll like it!
I still can't stop thinking about 200108 Jisung. Like he makes my heart take turns over and over.
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Anyways bye don't worry about me I am totally fine! <3