Chapter 1

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Emma and I helped Henry get dressed and we ran outside to the middle of town to try and fid someone who knew what was going on. Lots of people had gathered outside Granny's. Ruby hugged and kissed me non stop for about 10 minutes before we broke apart and watched as Emma hugged David and Mary-Margret, otherwise known as Snow and Charming!

"What was that smoke?" Asked one of the dwarves

"Magic. Its here. I can feel it" Said Mother Superior as she joined everyone else

"Magic? In Storybrook? You're the Blue Fairy. Do something magical" Said Henry

"Its not quite that simple, Henry. No wand, no fairy dust Matters are complicated, now" Said Mother superior

"Lets go to the person responsible for bringing it – the Queen" Said Leroy

"No, wait. It wasn't Regina" Said Emma

"It was Gold" I said as everyone started walking towards Gold's shop

"Is there anything that you want to ask us? You must have questions" Said Mary-Margret to Emma as we all walked

"The only questions I have are for Mr. Gold. Why did he double-cross me, and what did he do to this town?" Said Emma

"Uh Shouldnt we talk about it first?" Mary-Margret asked

"What?" Emma asked

"Us, your life, everything?" Mary-Margret said

"Can we do everything maybe later? Like, with a glass of wine. Or several bottles" Emma asked

"I know its a lot to take in – for all of us" Said David

"And we dont want to push, but weve waited for this moment for so long-" Said Mary-Margret before she was cut off by Emma as she stopped in the middle of the street

"Yeah, so have I. Ive thought about this moment my entire life. Ive imagined who you might be. But, of all the scenarios that I concocted, my parents being I-I just need a little time. Thats Thats all" Said Emma.

"I think we need to talk" Ruby said to me

"Why?" I asked concerned

"Well, apart from you, I've only ever been in one other relationship... and I may have ate him" She said

"Your a werewolf, you couldn't control it back then because you didn't know about it. I am a time traveling kid who was abandoned and now has a really screwed up relationship with my mom, who has no idea she is my mom" I said

"Wow... we need to come back to that!" Ruby said as a mob of people walked past us

"There you are. Come with me. I need your help. Dr. Whales whipped everyone into a frenzy. Theyre going to Reginas house. Theyre going to kill her!" Said Archie

"Great, lets watch!" Said Leroy

"No. No, we cannot stoop to her level. No matter who she is or what shes done, killing her is wrong" Archie said

"Hes right. Please. Shes still my mom" Said Henry

"You've got to stop them! She's our mom!" I said to Emma, David and Mary-Margret

"If the Blue Fairy is right and magic is here, Regina could have her powers back. Theyll be marching into a slaughter" Said David. We all ran to Regina's house to stop the mob

"You wanted to see your Queen? Well, my dears. Here She Is" Regina said as she went to do some Magic, however, she couldn't, she tried again, but nothing happened

"Shes powerless! Get her!" Yelled people from the crowd

"Now Where were we?" Said Whale as he pinned Regina up against the wall

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