Chapter 11

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The next day when I woke up, there was a note on the bench from Emma saying to call Mary-Margret when I wake up, but not near Henry. He was still asleep so I did what the note told me to do. I called Mary-Margret

"Hello?" Said Mary-Margret when she picked up

"Hello? Hey I read the note what's going on?" I asked

"Hi, there was an accident next to the town line. Hook shot Belle which pushed her over the line, but there was an outsider in a car who crashed into Hook. He's in a bad shape so we don't know what's happened, Hook has broken ribs and Belle is fine but she lost her memories and Gold healed her with magic so now she's all freaked out" She told me down the phone

"What am I supposed to tell Henry when he wakes up?" I asked

"Tell him there was an accident at the town line and everyone is fine but you have no actual details yet ok? And just try keep him busy ok?" Mary-Margret asked

"Sure. Keep me updated though" I said before hanging up. I then waited for Henry to wake up before driving to Granny's to get breakfast and going to the park.

"Where was everyone else? They were all gone when I woke up" Said Henry

"Oh there was a thing at the town line that they went to, I don't really know what happened sorry kid" I said as I continued driving. When we arrived at the park, Henry ran off to play while I watched him drinking my coffee. After half an hour, I got a text from Mary-Margret

Gold said the man in the car saw him use magic and someone keeps ringing him trying to get in touch

Oh crap! He saw Magic!

"Boo!" Said Henry scaring me by sneaking up behind me "Hey what was that about Magic?" He asked

"It was just a text from Mary-Margret... Hook made Belle go over the town line somehow and Gold used Magic on her to try help but because she forgot everything, the magic freaked her out" I told him

"Can you use magic? I know a while ago you said it hurt to use it, but it would still be cool if you could" He said

"Actually I used some a while ago... when I was told that Mom had killed Archie, I kind of freaked out and some stuff happened" I said

"Cool! Can you do anything now?" He asked

"I don't want to right now. I mean we're with a bunch of kids and it's unreliable" I said

"Wanna play with me?" He asked

"Why don't we go to the stables, take the horses out?" I asked

"My teacher is off today, he wont be able to give me a lesson" Said Henry

"I'll do it then, or we can just practice what you already know" I suggested. Henry liked that idea and nodded as I gathered our stuff up and headed back to the car. Henry and I saddled the horses and rode them around the paddock for a while, Henry was getting good at trotting and he was great at mucking out the stables every day. I got another text from Mary-Margret while we were riding.

Dr Whale left the hospital but we found him and now the man will live. He has some recuperating to do but he'll live

I was glad he was ok, but it was risky having him here in town. It was starting to get late, so I took Henry home and made him some of my famous cheesy pasta for his dinner. He didn't seem to mind that the others were all gone, which I was glad about. I couldn't handle Henry and all his questions!

Early the next morning, Emma, David and Mary-Margret all came home as we both woke up. They started raiding the cupboards for food and ate breakfast quickly so that they could head to bed as soon as possible.

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