Chapter 16

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I'd been spending as much time as I could with Regina. Emma and the rest of that lot didn't know about it because I knew they wouldn't approve. I hadn't had much time to hang out with Ruby though. Granny was keen on us being alone when I was over at her place and mine was crowded at the moment. We had gone out a few times, but the social life in Storybrook was limited and there was only like 2 restaurants. After nearly a year of dating, we had ate pretty much everything on the menu's. I thought since things were beginning to go back to normal, I could get everyone to leave us alone for a night, but Mary-Margret was still moping around and staying in bed most of the time.

I had been having a pretty chilled morning till I got a text from Emma asking me to come to Granny's to meet someone. So I did as I was told and headed over, the others were all in the bed and breakfast sitting room area having breakfast when I walked in.

"Hey" I said sitting down, noticing the new addition

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Henry asked

"I was told we have a visitor, I wanted to meet her" I said to Henry before turning to the woman sitting by Neal "Hey, I'm Hope, Henry's sister"

"Tamara, it's nice to meet you" She said "So are you Neal's kid too?"

"No!" Me and Neal said at the same time

"God no! I'm Emma's kid, I was before Emma and Neal met" I said feeling awkward

"So how did you guys meet?" Henry asked taking the pressure off me

"Um, well I was super late for work, rushing like crazy, guzzling my giant coffee, when this guy crashed into me! My coffee soaked my blouse, there was no time to change, so Neal gave me his scarf to hide the stains. And he said I could keep it or call him, if I wanted to return it. I decided to call and well we've been together ever since" Said Tamara

"Sounds like fate" Said Emma "I've got to drop Henry off with his grandpa, thanks for the bagel"

"It was nice meeting you Tamara" Said Henry

"Here you go little man" Said Neal handing Henry his book

"Why don't you hold on to that" He said as he walked out with Emma

"Henry seems like a really great kid" Said Tamara

"He is, I can tell he likes you" I said checking the time. I had a shift soon "Sorry, I have to go too. I like you as well by the way. See you later" I said as I grabbed my stuff

"Bye" Said Neal and Tamara as I walked through to the diner to have my shift. Ruby was gorgeous like usual and was flirting non-stop. I mean you can't blame her, I'm beautiful! During my shift I noticed Mom talking to our... unexpected guest, the guy who crashed his car! After she spoke to him she stopped by the counter to talk to me. I made sure we were away from Emma at the other end of the counter, I did not need her over hearing our conversation and getting all judgey on me!

"Hey, when are you next coming over? I bought those chicken things you like" She said

"I'm not sure, everything is kinda chaotic right now. Henry's birth dad is in town and now he has brought his fiancé here too. Plus I haven't had some quality time with Ruby in ages" I said to her

"Why don't you bring Ruby over? We can get pizza and watch a movie, I can disappear when you want me to" She suggested

"Actually that's not the worst idea you've had. I'll need to talk to Ruby about it first. Thanks Mom" I said as she headed out. As she got to the door, she bumped into Mary-Margret, for a moment I thought she was going to yell at her, but instead she said some snarky comment I couldn't hear and walked out. Tamara came over to me as well wanting a cup of coffee

"Hey" She said

"Hi, can I get you anything?" I asked

"Two coffee's to go please" She said. I went to the counter behind me to get those ready and handed them over "So you and Neal seem really close"

"Yeah, but don't worry, I'm not into older guys! Plus I have a girlfriend" I said making us both laugh

"I meant, you guys seem like really good friends" She said

"Yeah, I thinks it's mostly because he's Henry's dad. I would literally do anything for Henry, so anyone in his life is also in mine" I said

"Yeah I get that. Anyway, I should be going" She said handing me some money before leaving. I was suddenly taken by surprise when Ruby grabbed me by my waist to turn me round

"Hey, I heard you talking about me earlier" She said

"Yeah, I was trying to sort out a date night for us" I said

"A date night? Wow! We haven't been on one of those in ages" Said Ruby

"Believe me, I know! I was thinking pizza, chilled kind of night at Regina's" I said

"Really? I mean would your parents like you being there? Also a date night with your mom?" She asked

"My mom won't be there if we don't want her, it's just a change from the two restaurants here" I said

"Well in that case, I'm in" She replied

"Yay" I said kissing her quickly before Granny saw or told us off. I texted Emma telling her I was going out with Ruby tonight and then texted Mom asking if tonight was good for her. She replied with an enthusiastic message saying it was perfect and she couldn't wait to see me.

Ruby came over and the three of us all ate pizza and chicken strippers that night before me and Ruby went to the living room without Mom and watched a movie while we talked. It was nice having time away from everyone and everything and just relax. I caught Ruby up on all the drama that was happening with Henry and Neal, it was funny talking about it and cracking jokes the whole time.

Later that night when I got home, Emma wanted to talk to me

"Hey, we need to talk about us, our family" She said

"Now? Ok" I said surprised

"I'm sorry I lied to Henry and I hurt him, but family is the most important thing and I don't want Henry or you pushing me away" She said

"I agree that family is the most important thing, that's why I want to see my Mom" I said

"I'm not sure that's such a great idea" She replied

"I know your worried that she might hurt me or something, but I know her better than you. She would never do anything like that. I know your scared, but she's my Mom. I'm also not a kid, Henry, I understand, I get you may not want him going to see her, I completely get that... but I need to. I have to see her. I don't want to push you away but the more you try and stop me, the more I'm going to want to see her. We can do this however you want, but I need this... Please" I said

"Fine. But we do this my way! You can have dinners out in public if I am there or your grandparents, for now. Then we can discus home visits later, Ok? Is that fair?" She asked

"It's a start, but I'll take it" I said hugging her

"I'm sorry I lied to Henry" She said

"Has he forgiven you yet" I asked

"Yeah he has" She replied

"Then I forgive you" I said as I went upstairs to bed

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