Chapter 17

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"Hey what are you doing right now?" Ruby asked me down the phone

"Nothing, just reading. Why?" I asked

"I was going to go visit Belle, I know she's lonely in hospital and I want to cheer her up" Said Ruby

"Sure, I'll come with you" I replied

Ruby told me all about what happened the last time she was there. She said about how Belle was agitated the whole time and how she needed to be heavily sedated the majority of the time. She warned me not to talk about magic or anything like that, obviously I wouldn't, I'm not stupid, I know it would mess her up if I did!

"Hey" Ruby said knocking on Belle's door. She had brought a basket full of sweet treats to give to Belle when we arrived

"Ruby right?" Belle asked

"Yes, and this is Hope" She replied

"You probably don't remember me. I was one of your best friends aside from Ruby" I said sitting in the arm chair next to her bed

"I'm sorry I don't remember" She said

"Well, we both love reading. We would talk about our favourite books and give each other recommendations. You came over to my place and we barely spoke the whole time you were there because we were both so engrossed in our books" I said laughing

"Wow, I had no idea" She said. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Gold was standing in the door way "Your alive" She said startled

"We should probably let you two talk in private" I said standing up

"It was nice meeting you, or seeing you" Said Belle

"You too" I replied as me and Ruby left. I walked home wanting some fresh air while Ruby drove back. On the way home, however, David pulled the truck over and told me to get in

"What's going on?" I asked

"We have a surprise!" Said David as he drove off

"I have no idea either kid" Emma said next to me. Mary-Margret was also with us in the truck and eventually we stopped in the middle of nowhere!

"Why are we in the middle of nowhere?" Emma asked "What aren't you guys telling us? Why the secrecy?"

"Because you need to see it" Said Mary-Margret

"Great! That always goes well for me" Said Emma as we walked into an empty field. We had passed through some sort of barrier and suddenly the field was full of crops and stuff

"What is all this stuff?" I asked

"Beans? These are magic beans!" Said Emma as Anton the small giant came over to Emma

"Hey Emma, are you here to help? It's not quite harvest time" He said

"Stop lollygagging and come help" Said Leroy making Anton go back to work

"You want to make a portal, to go back to the enchanted forest, that's the real reason you didn't tell me" Said Emma "What about Ogres and destruction and danger?"

"We can fix all that. We did it before we can do it again" Said David

"We can start all over" Said Mary-Margret

"So you changed your mind too?" Emma asked

"Not my mind, my heart. After what I did to Cora, I think restoring our land is the best way to mend it. It'll be good for us, the whole family" Said Mary-Margret. We didn't stay much longer, Emma wanted to go home and think about going back, what life would be like if we went back. But the only thing on my mind was what would happen to my Mom? Would she come too? I needed to see her. I couldn't tell her anything in case she did something stupid, but I wanted to see her now that I may have limited time with her. I knew she wouldn't be at home this time of day so I headed to her office to see if she was there. Luckily she was, and so was Gold. I overheard part of their conversation as I approached her office

"Good luck Gold. Oh and give my best to Lacy" Mom said. Gold came walking round the corner and nearly crashed into me and giving me a dirty look as he passed

"Hey" I said walking into the office

"Hey what are you doing here?" She asked

"I wanted to know if you had plans for lunch. Also who's Lacy?" I asked

"I would love lunch! And Lacy is Belle's cursed self. She got her cursed memories back so she is unfortunately stuck as Lacy I'm afraid" She said

"Did you have anything to do with this?" I asked

"What? No!" She protested

"Aw, that's a shame, it would have been funny if you had gotten her cursed memories back just to piss off Gold" I said

"I may have pushed her in the right direction" She said looking up at me as I laughed "Let me finish this quickly and we can go" She said signing a few documents before we headed out for Lunch. Because Mom still wanted an adult with me, David came and sat at the counter while me and Mom ate Lunch. Half way through, she headed to the bathroom, and I was lucky enough to hear part of Gold and David's conversation

"When Regina cursed Mary-Margaret and me, there was still a sliver of snow and charming, the real us inside" David said

"So how do I bring back the real Belle?" Gold asked

"Remind her of the man she fell in love with" David told him before he left. After Lunch, I had a shift at the diner and Mom had to get back to work as Mayor. I had a long shift, and there was very little entertainment these days. Henry was off with Neal instead of sitting in a booth ready to talk to me whenever I got a break like he used to do. However, it started to get fun when Gold and Belle (Or Lacy, now) came in for a date! Gold was clearly nervous, which I liked! He always tried to intimidate people, so watching him squirm was very amusing! Granny took their order and came back very confused about Belle

"Can you deal with them tonight? It's really strange seeing her like that! Plus I may have insulted her and I don't want to see 'Lacy' angry!" She said handing me the notepad with their order on it. I gave it to the kitchen guys who quickly made their food. I took their drinks over to them while I waited for their food.

"Here you go" I said putting the glasses down

"Thank you" Lacy said looking bored. he did not look impressed with Gold! The best moment was when Gold knocked over the wine glass and spilt it all over Lacy who then had to go clean herself up. Once their food was ready, I delivered it to the table, but Lacy still wasn't there. Gold went looking for her in the back. They didn't come back. Gold came to pay and that was it, the date must have been worse than I thought!

On my way home, I heard some weird sounds coming from round the corner, I ran towards the noise to find Gold beating Keith (Sherriff of Nottingham) and Lacy was standing there watching him beat the poor guy up.

"Need something dearie?" Gold asked. I shook my head hoping I can keep walking, but Gold had other plans. He used magic to teleport me and Lacy to his basement, where that electric table Regina used on me was kept

"NO! Don't! Please don't" I begged

"Want to see something dark?" Gold asked Lacy before he turned it on, sending painful bolts of electricity all over my body.

After a good hour or so of this, he let me go. I teleported myself back to the apartment and searched the cupboards and fridge for food that would make me feel better! After a can of soda, I had started to get my energy back. I needed to some rest though, I needed to sleep! I dragged myself to bed and tried to slip in without waking Henry, trying with all my might to not cry out in pain. I had forgotten how the table had long lasting effects!

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