Chapter 6

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Henry was still having nightmares and would wake up in the middle of the night, although he was able to control them more so he wouldn't get hurt, the room was still scary for him. Once night he woke up and was shaking he was so scared! Regina wanted me to call every time it happened, and then in the morning she would come by and sit by his bed. We made sure he slept in as long as possible so he got a good enough amount of sleep. One morning he woke up and started yelling

"Theyre Theyre alive. Theyre alive!" He yelled

"Who? Whos alive?" David asked

"My mom and Snow" Said Henry, it was the first time he had woken up happy!

"I told you, kid. I told you!" David celebrated

"Was Was it that woman you saw? Did she tell you this?" Regina asked

"Her names Aurora. She said they have a way home, but theres someone in their way – someone they need us to help them stop. Someone only Mr. Gold knows how to defeat" Said Henry

"Who?" Regina asked

"Your mother" Henry told her. Mom went to talk to Gold to ask for his help, while she was doing that, David and I talked to Henry about going back to sleep to talk to this Aurora girl. We had to get a message across to them about how to stop Cora so they can come home. Once Regina had convinced Gold, we all headed to his shop.

"I brought your blanketfrom your bedroom back home" Said Mom as Henry lay down on the little bed Gold had in his back room

"Thanks. So, Cora Shes pretty powerful?" Henry asked

"Yes, but, uh, not as powerful as I am" Said Gold

"Debatable" Scoffed Regina

"Actually, no, its not" Said Gold

"You sure youre okay to do this, kid?" David asked

"I was born to do this. Im done reading about heroes. I want to be one" Said Henry

"Well, sometimes being one is knowing when not to run into the fire" Said David

"Ill be okay" Said Henry more to me than anyone else

"Look, whatever he faces in there, will be far less dangerous than what hell face if we fail" Said Gold

"I can do this" Henry insisted

"Get on with it. Fast" Said David

"Alright, Henry. Just relax. And soon, youre going to drift off" Said Gold

"What do I tell them?" Henry asked

"Just listen to my bedtime story, and all will be clear. Once upon a time, Snow White and Prince Charming needed to stun a very powerful magician, long enough to lock him up in a dark dungeon" Said Gold

"That was you. They used Cinderella to trap you with a magic quill" Said Henry

"Yes, indeed a quill. And yet, it wasnt the quill itself, but the ink that captured the Dark One, harvested from the rarest species of squid, from the bottom of a bottomless ocean. Impossible to find, unless, youre a mermaid... or me. I happen to have a private supply. In my jail cell. That is where they will find it" Said Gold as Henry drifted off to sleep. We waited while Henry slept. I paced back and forth in the room trying to stay calm, while the others just sat there.

After a long time of waiting, Henry suddenly woke up all panicked

"Henry. Are you alright?" David asked

"Did you see her? Did you tell her?" Gold asked

"No. I I didnt get the chance. Something Something happened. She She got sucked out of there" Said Henry clutching his hand and crying out in pain

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