Chapter 5

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I had noticed that Henry was constantly having nightmares lately and he would always wake up in a sweaty panic! But every time he woke up, I was right there next to him, ready to comfort him! But when he described them to me, they sounded awful, dark, not the kind of nightmares a kid would usually have! He should be having nightmares about the child catcher from chitty chitty bang bang, or other movie villains, not about flaming red rooms with no windows or doors!

Friday evening David got a call from the dwarves telling him to go to the mines right away, they had some good news

"Come on, get your coats, we need to check this out" He said getting his jacket on. He drove us to the mines and when we saw Leroy had fallen down a hole, I started to panic! Turns out he was ok, but he had found fairy dust! Everyone went to Granny's to celebrate!

While there, I spotted Ruby in a bit of trouble, being hit on by some guy at the duke box

"No. I meant me. I was a mouse. My name was Gus. I lived in Cinderella's pantry, I ate cheese, I gnawed on wood, but I preferred the cheese" I over heard him say to her

"And, why are you telling me this?" Ruby asked

"Uh, we haven't had a chance to talk since things changed. I just wanted you to know who I was Back home" He replied

"Uh, can I, um, still call you Billy?" She asked

"You can call me whatever you want, as long as you let me buy you a drink after your shift. I already know Ruby. I want the chance to meet Red" He said as I came walking over

"Um, tonights actually not great. Because-" Ruby started, but she was interrupted by belle

"Uh, we, uh We have, uh, plans" Said Belle

"Thats right, um Its girls night. Im bringing the cheese. Which has nothing to do with you being a mouse. It has to do with the wine" Said Ruby

"Okay. Um Maybe next time" Said Billy leaving

"Thank you" Said Ruby

"I can spot a girl in trouble. He He seems really nice" Said Belle

"Its Its complicated" Ruby replied before walking off

"Wait... are you two?" Belle asked

"Yeah, but it's a bit more than just that" I said following Ruby to the back

"Almost done. Lets finish clearing out those perishables" Said Granny turning the blowtorch off and helping me and Ruby move her frozen lasagnes

"What the hell is this?" David asked walking into the kitchen

"Were making a cage. Know anybody who might want thirty-eight frozen lasagnes?" Ruby asked

"Im sorry, what?" David asked

"I know. Nobody would believe it if you told them my lasagne was frozen" Said Granny

"No. Why are you building a cage?" David asked

"Tonights the first full moon since the curse broke. Its the first night of Wolfstime" Said Ruby

"I thought you figured out how to control the wolf in you ages ago?" David asked

"Yeah. But, thanks to the curse, I havent turned in twenty-eight years. I might be rusty. I cant let what happened last time – what happened to Peter – happen to anyone else" Said Ruby

"What about your red hood? That could keep you from turning" Said David

"If I had it. Ive looked everywhere. I even went to Gold. Its not in town. I dont think it came over with the curse" Said Ruby

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