Chapter 13

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The next few days was full of Henry and Neal, he prefers Neal to bae, hanging out and getting to know each other. It was nice seeing them bond, I was sort of jealous of them hanging out, I wished my dad wasn't so... himself, so that we could hang out together. But Henry was happy, and that's all I care about. We were walking down the street, Neal and Henry were ahead talking non stop when they paused at a Pizza place

"Hope you want some Pizza?" Neal asked

"Yeah sure" I said catching up with them

"Let me guess, your gunna tell me that the best pizza is in New York and I have got to try it right?" henry asked

"Actually, it's in the kingdom of Damarian on the north shore of the dragon fields of Zorn" Neal replied

"Zorn huh?" I asked amused

"Nah it's in New York" He said as the three of us walked into the pizza place. We stood in line waiting to grab some slices "So... your not my kid as well are you?" He asked

"Aha, no! But Emma is my mom... it's kind of complicated" I said

"She must have been really young when she had you" Said Neal

"Hope is from the future! She was born over there like you and sent through a portal back here. She ended up in the foster system and lived all over America till Regina adopted her. Technically she hasn't been born yet! Ooh, and she has dreams about key events that affect her that are more like memories" Henry said enthusiastically. He's always loved my back story!

"Wow that is complicated!" Said Neal

"You have no idea! I have to admit, of all the places I've lived, New York does have the best Pizza" I said

"You lived here before?" He asked

"Yeah not far from the museum" I said

"Hey, that's a good idea, why don't we go there" He replied as we got our Pizza and headed outside "What are we talking about?" He asked Emma and Gold

"Emma, Neal wanted to show me the museum. Do you think we can go back to the apartment and grab my camera?" Henry asked

"Kids like culture right?" Neal asked Emma

"Sure yeah that's fine. You like the New York Pizza?" Emma asked

"Yeah, it's delicious, cheesy and doesn't lie" Said Henry making Emma feel guilty again. On our way back to the apartment, Neal asked me more questions about how I ended up in Storybrook while Henry walked with Gold and bugged him with more questions

"So your from there! How exactly did you end up here?" Neal asked

"Since I was quite young, and it's in the future, I'm not 100% sure, but I have the odd memory about it. I was taken from Emma and my dad and sent through a time portal, I was then left and ended up in the foster system. When I was 16, Regina adopted me and took me back to Storybrook, where I started having these crazy vivid dreams. I told Henry about them and he said that it was from a story in his book" I explained

"Wait but why did Regina adopt you?" He asked

"There was a prophecy that she learnt about 18 years before Emma arrived, and she started searching for me. She knew more than me and told me about what happened, so now I just have these crazy dreams about big events, like I dreamt of Snow and Charming's wedding and you and Henry meeting for the first time" I said

"Really? Why was that a key event?" He asked

"Probably because your important to Henry which means your important to me. I love that kid more than anything, so if your in his life, your in mine too unfortunately" I said

"Why the wedding? You can't have been there" He said

"I know, I mean it's important anyway, but I don't always dream of thing's I was there for. I just see it because it's important" I explained

"So if your not my kid, who's your dad" He asked

"That is even more complicated. I haven't told anyone just because I'm outside of my timeline, I don't know what would happen if I told someone. Like if Emma found out, she could then be thinking about it when she meets him and force a relationship which could end badly and then mess everything up so that I am not born" I told him

"Fair enough" Neal said back as we reached the apartment. went upstairs with Henry and Neal to grab some things for the Museum, but when we came back down, Gold was on the floor with a stab wound and Hook was lying on the floor unconscious

"What the hell is going on?" Neal asked running towards his dad. I saw what was going on and grabbed Henry so he wouldn't be able to see anything, I didn't know how bad it was

"Henry, go back inside the apartment" I said "Do you need help carrying him?" I asked

"No, go look after Henry" Emma yelled up at me. The dragged him up to the apartment and Henry stayed in the next room, unsure if it was ok to come out. "I found a storage room and locked our stab-happy pirate in there. He shouldn't be causing anyone else problems. And get this, he had a map on him. It looks like he sailed his ship here!"

"How'd you get a pirate ship into New York!" Said Neal

"It's cloaked" I replied

"Is Mr Gold going to be ok?" Henry asked Emma

"Henry, he's going to be fine" Said Neal. He searched the apartment for something to help Gold "We gotta get him to an ER fast"

"No, it's pointless" Said Gold

"What the hell is that?" Emma asked looking at Gold's stab wound

"Poison. It's one of Hook's own making. There's no antidote in this world. It's not from here" Said Gold

"Hey there's gotta be some way we can save you" Said Neal

"Storybrook. There's magic there now" Said Emma

"I'll call a car" Said Neal

"No! We need something faster. The Captain's ship. It's the fastest vessel in all the Realms" Said Gold

"That's great, but who's going to Captain it? Seeing as the only person able wants you dead" Said Emma

"I can do it" Said Neal

"You know how to sail a ship?" Emma asked

"Yeah. I do" He replied. Neal organised to get a car to take us to the ship while me and Henry packed all our stuff up

"Emma! You need to read this text from David and Mary-Margret now!" Henry said bringing Emma her phone that was charging

"Bad news Gold" Said Emma

"What? Worse than incurable poison?" He asked

"I don't know, you tell me. You got a dagger hidden in Storybrook that is the source of all your power?" Emma asked

"Get to your point" Said Gold

"Cora's after it. The only way to stop her is to have David and Mary-Margret get to it first" Said Emma. She spent the next few moments trying to convince him to tell her so she can pass on the message. Henry and I continued to get everyone's stuff together. Emma called David and Mary-Margret and told them where it was before going to get the car to take us to the ship. When they got back, Emma seemed a bit off

"What's wrong?" I asked when we were alone

"Nothing" She replied before I gave her a look that made her cave "I just met Neal's fiancé" She replied

"What?" I asked

"Come on, we've got to go" She said zipping up her bag and leaving the room

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