Chapter 4

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David thought it would be a good idea to start seeing Dr. Hopper again. Annoying as it was, I kind of agree. Although Henry's problems were more to do about a kid believing in a book, mine are more, this world problems.

"Hey can we talk?" David asked

"Sure, what's up?" I asked him

"I wanted to ask you why you went to therapy before... Henry said I should ask you and not anyone else cause you'd get mad at me and probably throw a chair at my head. His words! Not mine" He said chuckling

"Well I'm glad you listened to him! When I first came here, Regina read my file and signed me up for therapy, we had a little argument because I wanted her to talk to me rather than go behind my back" I told him

"Did you throw a chair at her head?" He asked jokingly

"No, not that time!" I said joking "I went to therapy because my mental health isn't great" I said

"Can I ask what is wrong with it?" David asked seriously. I could tell he clearly cared about me, which was weird since I barely know him except for what I've read about

"I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety when I was 13. I was then sent to a mental health hospital because I was dangerously under weight and I was diagnosed with Anorexia. Although I'm no longer under weight, I still have issues with food and I'm more bulimic then anorexic... I'm also on the mild end of the autism spectrum" I told him, feeling very awkward the entire time

"Oh wow... I'm so sorry" He said

"It's fine, I've got like coping mechanisms and stuff like that, I'm all good!" I said brushing it off

"Do you want to go back and talk to Archie?" He asked

"It wouldn't hurt, so I don't see why not" I said

"Great, how about a session later today?" He asked

"Sure" I replied trying to leave the table so I no longer had to deal with the sympathetic looks I was getting from him! Later on, I headed to Archie's and had my session. It was nice just to talk to him, and the session felt more like two friends catching up after not seeing each other for a while. He asked me about my past life and I asked about his. It was more of a catch up session than anything else. On my way out, I thanked Archie and gave Pongo some cuddles, but I ran into Regina

"Mom!" I said surprised

"Hope!" She said just as surprised as me

"I'll call you later today" I said hugging her and leaving her to talk with Archie. As I was walking out, I over heard a little bit of their conversation

"Ive been trying to keep my promise to Henry, but its been difficult" She said

"To not use magic" He asked

"Its been two days" She said

"Thats an excellent start. Come on in" He told her. I was so proud of her! She's doing what Henry wanted, changing for Henry! Once I got back to the apartment, David and Henry were getting ready to go out somewhere

"Hey, come on, I've got a surprise for you both" He said. We all got into his truck and headed away from the centre of town

"Come on. Whats with the yawn? This isnt school. It should be fun" David said as Henry yawned. The three of us headed towards some stables

"I couldnt sleep" Said Henry

"Hey. I know. I miss em, too. Now, just think how happy Emma and Snow will be when they come home to find that youve become a proper knight. Say hello to your steed" Said David as he showed Henry the row of stalls with horses in them

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