Chapter 15

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Mom disappeared for a while. She was grieving her loss which was completely understandable, but I didn't want her to be alone. She would just push me away if I tried to help though and tough love wasn't going to help her right now. I had to give her a little bit of time.

"Anything?" Emma asked as David walked away from Mary-Margret with a plate still full of food

"She won't eat a bite" He said

"What's wrong with her?" Henry asked

"Nothing. She's just a little... sick" Said Emma giving David a look

"You guys are lying to me aren't you?" Said Henry. He was still very sensitive when it came to people telling him the truth, I didn't blame him, Emma lied to him and so did Regina.

"No one's lying" Said Emma

"You are! Just like you did about my dad" Said Henry

"He's right, no more lying" Said Emma. David went to protest, but Emma interrupted him before he could "He deserves to know. Here's the thing, Henry. Cora's death... Mary-Margret was partially responsible for it, that's why she's so upset" Said Emma

"I thought you were going to tell him the truth" I said

"I did, that's the truth" Said Emma

"No, if you were honest, you'd tell him that she was responsible, not partially. She was the one who was responsible for Cora's death no matter how harsh it sounds, that's the truth" I said

"No, no, no! She couldn't" Said Henry

"She was trying to protect us" Said Emma

"But she's snow white. She wouldn't hurt anybody" Said Henry. There was a knock at the door and Gold was on the other side when David opened the door. He told us that Regina was planning to strike back on Mary-Margret. Gold and David went to find Regina to stop her while the rest of stayed home

"Why did you go and tell Henry that?" Emma said

"He asked for the truth, why sugar coat something that then makes it not true? He asked for the truth so I told him" I said. Shortly after our conversation, Gold and David came back to tell us about the curse Regina was making for Mary-Margret. It was the curse of the empty hearted. It made you think that you loved someone.

"So she wants to use it on us?" I asked

"It's the only way she can get what she wants, you two" Said Gold

"Wait, but-" Henry began before he was cut off by Gold

"Your mother is a complicated woman. She wants both of your love, but she also wants vengeance on Mary-Margret" Said Gold

"How does the curse do both?" David asked

"The last ingredient to ignite the curse is the heart of the person she hates the most" Said Gold. David then made Gold watch over Mary-Margret to protect her from Regina till she would stop trying to hurt her. I headed to the diner to get away from everyone and see Ruby, and by see her, I meant kiss her during her break! When she had to go back to work, Mom was at the counter getting some coffee

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"Henry and Neal are talking about going to New York for a while so Regina can't cast that curse on him. I want you to go too" Said Emma

"Are you kidding?" I asked

"No I think it would be good to get away for a while" She said

"You want me to go away to New York with my brother and his dad? Away from my family? My girlfriend? No way, I'm not doing that!" I said

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