Chapter 12

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The plane ride and the taxi to finally get to where Gold's son lived, took a long time! Gold was on edge the entire time, anything would set him off and make him yell at you. Henry had stopped talking to him after being yelled at to chew quieter on the plane, while eating some chocolate pudding! When we got out of the cab later that day, you could see the fear in Gold's face as he started up at the building

"What's wrong? This is the right place isn't it?" Emma asked

"Yes it is" He replied

"Let me guess, he's not expecting you! Well, who doesn't love a surprise" Said Emma as she walked into the building followed by the rest of us. There was no one called Baelfire on the list of residents for apartments.

"Do any of these names mean anything to you?" Henry asked

"Well, names are what I traffic in, but sadly no" Said Gold

"Here's your boy" Said Emma pointing to an apartment number with no name

"Or it could just be vacant" Said Gold

"You might traffic in names and magic, but I traffic in finding people that don't want to be found, and those sort of folks don't advertise their whereabouts" Said Emma pressing the button for the apartment. The person in the apartment answered the buzzer to allow Emma to talk "UPS package for 407" She said. They cut her off and didn't open the gate

"Maybe you should have said FedEx" Said Henry. There was a bang outside as the guy ran down the fire escape from his apartment. We watched him as he climbed down

"That favour you owe me! This is it! Get him to talk to me, I can't run" Said Gold to Emma

"Watch them, I'll be back" Said Emma as she chased after the guy. Henry and I waited with Gold inside the entrance to the apartment block, waiting for Emma to come back.

"Don't worry. Emma's really good at catching people" Said Henry as we walked to the hot dog stand

"Well my son's been running away for a long time now" Said Gold "Now I have a feeling he's equally adept at it"

"Can you blame him for running" I mumbled under my breath getting a look from Gold

"Well, at least you found him, right?" Said Henry

"Indeed" Said Gold

"Oh and thanks for the hot dog" Said Henry

"You are quite welcome... and thank you" Said Gold to Henry

"For what?" Henry asked

"Well if it wasn't for you bringing Emma to Storybrook, none of this would have come to pass" Said Gold "You are a remarkable young man"

"You know, I forgave her. Emma, for giving me up. She thought it was the best for me then, that's why she did it. I'm sure your son will get it too" Said Henry

"Alas, the circumstances surrounding our separation were not quite so noble" Said Gold

"It's a bit more complicated than you and Emma Kid" I said

"But you're here now. And you want him back right?" Henry asked

"More than anything" Said Gold

"Then that's all that matters" Said Henry. We sat inside again waiting for Emma to come back.

"Why are you so nervous? When I found my mom, I was excited" Said Henry

"Because I have the benefit of a little bit more life experience" Said Gold "I know that things don't always happen the way we want them to"

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