Chapter 20

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Emma, David and Mary-Margret went to find Granny and Henry to break the news to him. I stayed to look after Mom. I needed to make sure she was ok, I could talk to Henry later. Although it'll be tough for him, I needed to make sure Mom was going to be ok first.

"I'm sorry" She said as I made her a cup of coffee

"What for?" I asked

"I didn't know how much I had hurt you when I... you know" She said

"When you tortured me? It's fine. I'm over it" I told her

"Still, I'm sorry" She said as I sat down on the bed

"It's weird, that was when you adopted me" I said thinking back

"Not the best motivation to adopt a kid, but it was so worth it!" She said

"Did you ever regret it? Adopting me I mean?" I asked

"No, I mean of course there were times you were mad at me and I was mad at you, but I love you. Your my daughter, no matter what!... did you ever regret letting me adopt you?" She asked

"Regret is a strong word. Back then I thought you were evil and I didn't like you, like at all! But I never regretted it. At first I said yes because I wanted to protect Henry but then we started bonding and I realized you were the best Mom ever! So no, I guess not" I replied

"I'm the best Mom ever? What about Emma?" Mom scoffed

"I love Emma, and yes she is also my mom, but she feels she needs to protect Henry more, and I agree, so she seems more like a mom to him than me... She seems more like... the fun aunt than a mom, but were bonding so I guess that's good, your still my number 1 Mom though" I said

"I love you Hope" She replied

"I love you too" I said before going to do the dishes to allow Mom to get dressed. It wasn't long before the others came back with Henry

"Mom!" He said running over to her and giving her a hug. Suddenly the ground started shaking and things fell off shelves and the table and broke on the ground

"Regina, was that..." Emma asked Regina

"Yes. the diamond was activated" She replied

"So we're all gunna die" Said Henry

"You were born here, so you'll live" Said Mom

"But I'll be alone" He said

"I'm so sorry Henry" Said Mom

"It's not gunna happen, I'm not gunna let it. You did this. now make it stop" Emma said to Regina

"I can't! There's no way" Said Regina

"Well figure it out! It's your fault" Said Emma harshly

"Stop!" Henry said " I already lost my dad, I don't want to lose anyone else"

"We have to work together" I said

"From the mouths of babes. I'd say the lad and lass have a point" Said Hook walking in. David turned to him and punched him straight in the mouth

"That's for the last time we met" He said

"Bloody hell" Hook said as David pulled his gun out

"Tell us why your here before I use something else other than my fist" David said

"Put it away, we all know you wouldn't shoot him in front of me and Henry" I said

"I think threatening to kill me is a bit redundant when we're all about to die anyway" Said Hook

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