Chapter 2

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Henry and I sat at the table trying to explain to David everything about me so he would understand how I have dreams that are more like memories of the past, present and future

"Ok, explain it to me again" He said

"Which part?" I asked

"All of it" He replied. I too a deep breath

"I am Emma's daughter, from the future. I was kidnapped when I was 3 and left to die, however, I wandered to a park bench and someone found me and took me to the police station, where I was then put into the foster system and lived there till Regina adopted me. Because I was brought back to a place with limited magic, I started remembering little things which triggered these weird dreams. They feel more like memories, but because I'm from the future, they're kind of like a side effect and they allow me to see things that have actually happened. I dreamt about yours and Snow's wedding, both. You know the big ceremony and the one in front of your mom. I can't always control them, but usually if I focus before going to bed, I can dream about a person. So hopefully when I go to sleep tonight, I will be able to dream about Emma and Mary-Margret and hopefully be able to see the future" I told him

"Ok, so you're also my grandkid?" He asked

"Yeah she is" Henry replied

"So your dreams, you don't actually have to be there to be able to dream about them?" He asked

"No, I thought I did when I first got here because I dreamt of my life back in the enchanted forest, but once I started dreaming about things like your wedding, when I wasn't even born yet, I realized that I don't" I replied

"That's a lot to take in" He replied

"Yeah tell me about it!" I chuckled

"So do you think you could go to sleep now?" He asked

"Yeah, I mean it's 9:30 but yeah" I said

"Ok, you take the upstairs bed, Henry can have the downstairs one and I'll take the sofa" He said

"No, me and Henry can share the downstairs one... He'll probably end up in there with me anyway" I said

"What do you mean?" David asked. I checked Henry was out of earshot before explaining, I know he can be a bit embarrassed about it sometimes

"Back home, if Henry ever had a bad day, or someone had been mean to him, he would always crawl into my bed and sleep in my bed. After what happened today, he will definitely be crawling in after a couple hours of not sleeping in his own. So you may as well have a bed instead of the couch" I told him. Everyone got ready for bed and within 10 minutes, I was lying in bed focusing on Emma and Mary-Margret.

The next morning I woke up with Henry already awake reading his book at the table, and David making breakfast

"Morning!" David said the second I started moving. Henry came running over to me

"Well?" He asked

"Hey, give her some space! She's barely awake yet!" He said as I climbed out of bed and sat down at the counter

"David said I couldn't wake you!" Henry told me

"Well thanks! I appreciate that!" I said as he put a plate in front of me

"I thought you would! What do you want?" He asked

"Coffee and a tiny bit of scrambled egg" I said

"Picky eater?" David asked

"You could say that" I replied. I'd forgotten that I had a much bigger family now and I'd have to explain all my... issues to them now!

"What did you dream of?!" Henry asked

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