Chapter 3

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Things had finally calmed down! Henry was going to school, even though he didn't like it. David was working as the sheriff and trying to find a way to get Emma and Mary-Margret back. And I was back at the diner with Ruby. It was strange now, everyone had different names and people they were back in the other world. Leroy, was actually kind of... happy, well happier than before anyway! And Ruby was telling me all about these adventures she had which just sounded so cool!

"Are you ok?" Ruby asked one customer "That's your third iced tea this morning. Wont want to call you a cab" She joked

"No, I've never had it iced before. It Its delicious" Said the customer

"I haven't seen you in here before" Ruby said waving me over

"Hey" I said smiling at them both

"Well, I, uh I've been a kept woman until recently" Said the customer

"Let me guess – bad breakup?" Ruby asked

"I think I may be headed there" Said the customer

"Do you have a place to stay? Any family here?" I asked

"I Im not sure. Im still looking. But I Im on my own for now" The customer replied

"I can ask Granny about a room here" Suggested Ruby

"Really? Thanks. Uh" Said the customer asking our names

"Ruby" She told her

"Hope" I said

"Belle. What I really need, though, is Is a life. A job" Belle replied

"Well, uh, what do you like to do?" Ruby asked

"I I do love books" Belle told us

"Me too! The library. Its been closed forever, but, uh, things are changing now. Maybe they need a librarian?" I suggested

Belle left shortly after and Ruby and I spoke to Granny about a job for her. She seemed like she needed some good girl friends! However, not long after she had left, David and Gold came in looking for her

"Has anyone come in here called Belle?" David asked

"Belle? Oh, Gold must be the beast in Beauty and the Beast" I said as it finally clicked

"Belle, huh? Sorry, doesnt ring a bell" Said Ruby before I could help David

"Ruby, listen to me. If youve come across her, youve got to tell me. Ill make sure nothing bad happens" Said David

"Yeah, but what about him?" Ruby asked motioning towards Gold

"Ive got him. Trust me" Said David

"She was in earlier. She was looking for a job" Said Ruby

"I pointed her in the direction of the library" I told him

"Well, you think she went there?" Gold asked

"Dont know. But, when you find her, give her this. She left it in her booth" Ruby said putting Belle's sweater on the counter

"Well, thats mine. She didnt have anything for the cold" Said Gold

"You sure youll watch out for her?" Ruby asked giving me a weird side look

"Yes. Why?" David asked

"I think I think I can find her. Lately, since things changed, Ive been, uh, a little more sensitive to odours" She said giving me a strange look from the side of her eye

"Well, you can smell her?" Gold asked

"I guess its cause of the wolf thing" Ruby replied

"Great! Lets go!" I said taking my apron off and following the others outside. We tracked her for a while down the street but Ruby lost her scent when we came to flower shop. Turns out it was Belle's father's shop. He wouldn't tell us where she was, just that she was going to make her forget about Gold!

"He's sending her over the town line!" David said "Where are you sending Belle across? You know we have patrols on the town line to make sure no one crosses accidentally. So, how are you planning to pull it off?" David had the man pressed up against his van. His hands were covered in mine dust!

"The tunnels! They lead out of town!" I said figuring it out. We all ran as fast as we could to the mines to save her! Once we were at the entrance, we could hear Belle yelling. Gold used his magic and pulled the cart backwards till she was back with us. We helped her out the cart

"Belle, are you alright?" Gold asked her

"Yeah. I, uh I think so" She replied

"You remember who I am?" Gold asked

"I do, Rumpelstiltskin. I I remember" She said as Gold went to hug her, but she pushed him off

"Belle, whats wrong?" He asked

"Thank you for what you just did, but that doesnt change that youre too cowardly to be honest with me" She said

"Well, Belle, thats just-" Gold stuttered

"I tried to tell them that, Belle. Come with me, darling" Said Her dad

"After what you just tried to do to me? Youre no better, Father. You dont get to decide what I do or how I feel. I do. If either of you cared about me, you wouldve listened. I dont want to see either of you again. Ever!" She said looping arms with me and Ruby, the three of us walked out the mines and back to Granny's where a room had been sorted for her. Once she had been settled in, Ruby and I left her to relax after the stressful day

"We need to talk" I said

"About what?" Ruby asked not making eye contact with me

"You haven't looked at me since David came in and asked for help" I said

"That's not true" She said

"You're still not looking at me!" I said putting a hand on her shoulder causing her to stop whipping down the counter

"Happy now?" She asked as she turned to look at me

"What's wrong? You've been acting weird ever since you started tracking Belle" I said

"I don't want you looking at me differently" She finally admitted

"What? What are you talking about?" I asked

"I've told you stories about me changing and yeah you're cool with them, but I didn't want you thinking I'm some kind of beast when I actually used some of my wolf powers" She said

"Ruby, I've known you're a wolf since like the second week I arrived, I don't care! You could be the dark one, you could turn into a rat, and I wouldn't care! I love you and that includes the wolf inside you" I told her

"I love you too, shorty" She said smiling and kissing me

"Thanks Wolfie" I said laughing

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